Gov. Blagojevich Reads Copernicus:
‘Will Fight This Heliocentrism Thing’
CHICAGO—It was announced today that the recently disgraced governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich recently picked up a copy of On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres, Nicolaus Copernicus’ watershed tome on the heliocentric nature of our solar system, and declared he “will fight this heliocentrism thing.”
Despite overwhelming evidence in support of Copernicus’ theory that the earth does in fact revolve around the sun, Blagojevich is insisting that it is the other way around.
“I’m not going to quit believing in an earth-centric universe because of modern science’s say-so.”
When asked by state Attorney General Lisa Madigan whether or not his conviction in the ancient view of the universe deemed him unfit to serve, the Illinois Supreme Court put aside the black tar heroin they were main-lining and said simply, “Nah.”
Among the allegations the governor is denying are the Earth’s tilt, the whole of celestial mechanics, and that stars are not angels doing the waltz in the night sky.
It remains to be seen whether he will step down in light of these accusations.
Unlike Galileo, Gov. Blagojevich had the courage to stand for his convictions.
Rome's Slogan:
“Judaism is a corrupted and dying Religion”
The story of temptation of Christ on an “exeedingly High Mountian” (Mt 4:8) is a typical example of smuggling the perennial Roman heliocentrism into Christian lore. In Plutarch’s De Iside and Osiride we find a story that Akhenaten in his childhood had a dream: a god resembling the sun god Ra took him by his hand and from an exceeding high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and then said to him: All these things will I give to you, if you restore my rule. And Akhenaten, in a bloody revolution, did restore the rule of the sun god (heliocentrism). He built for his new god and for himself a new capital Akhetaton (presently known as El Amarna) and proclaimed the new divine rule Aton – a god of “social justice.” Jesus rejected the Devil's offer: “Go away devil, Thou must worship YHWH your God.”,01-Temptation_and_freedom_Tentation_et_%20liberte/17%20RUBENS%20TEMPTATION%20OF%20CHRIST%20BB.jpg
In the Roman mythology we find also striking parallel to the story of temptation: Jupiter was led by Pan (the Devil) to the top of a mountain called the Pillar of Heaven whence he could see the countries of the world. Keep in mind that the Latin term orbis, actually means what Germans call Kreisscheibe i.e. a circle, a disk. (Urbi et Orbi). See Pan tempting Jupiter
Cicero writes: “ In the starry belt that the Greeks call the Zodiac, there is a certain force of such a nature that every part of that belt affects and changes the heavens in a different way, according to the stars that are in this or an adjoining locality at a given time.” These signs of the Zodiac, “Houses of the Sun”, were the 12 Constellations to which the most potent influence over destiny was ascribed. They are linked by artists not only with Time, Mother Earth, and the Seasons, but also with the traditional Olympian gods, by their appearance as a circular ring with Jupiter, Lord of All in their midst. On large bronze commemorative medallions of 2nd century emperors from Hadrian onwards, we see them as children disposed around Cicero globe beside Mother Earth, sometimes with the signs of the Zodiac displayed above; on the medallions of Commodus – under which such ideas especially flourished – they emerge from a circular frame held by Jupiter. In this sort of representation Jupiter is synonymous with Time, just as time is actually identified with a number of other gods such as the sun, and Serapis.
Jupiter was the god of Virgil's heliocentric system presented in his Georgica:
Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas, ulmisque vitis conveniat
(Virgil Georgica, 1-2;1-4)
Religion in the garb of Science
The Key Passage from Copernicus's Book (1,10)
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.”
In Egypt, the sun was called pouro which signifies at once 'the fire' (Greek pyr) and 'the king'. And that explains why Copernicus's sun god is seated on the royal throne. The name of the sun god Baal means 'Lord' and 'King'. Now take a look at the Pope with the symbol of “Baal” at the forefront of his mitre, which also symbolizes the Dagon god that had a temple at Gaza (Judges 16:21-30) and Ashdod (1 Samuel 5:3-7; 1 Chronicles 10:10). Now you know who is behind all these flotillas trying to break the blockade of Gaza.
The Roman Jupiter was worshiped by the Slavs under the name Jessa and in Hungarian it became a term isten denoting God.
The Aryan Religion of Copernicus (Heliocentrism)
In the mythological lore, Ruler of the system is sun, the giver of life. Its influence is vitalising, hot, dry and constructive. It governs the heart, vitality, blood and brain. The right eye in a male and the left eye in a female. Sun causes physical disorders and those arising from cold. The Babylonian astrologers called the sun, the fiery heart of the world.
G.J. Von Leuchen aka Rheticus was the only pupil of N. Copernicus. After having spent two years with Copernicus in Frauenburg (Frombork) he went to Danzig where he published his Narratio Prima or the First Report (1540) which is still considered to be the best introduction to Copernicus' De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. In 1542 Rheticus traveled to Nuernberg to supervise the printing of the Copernicus' book by Johannes Petreius.
Buddhism and Christianity reconciled in the Cult of the Solar Heart
A short passage in his Narratio (p. 465,12; 462,22,35) is the best key unlocking the astrological taproot of De revolutionibus. In this passage he refers to the sun not only as God’s steward of nature and king of all distinguished with divine Majesty, but also explains that the sun, like the heart in a body, guides the stars: like a ruler who does not need to go to various towns in order to execute his official duty, so the heart does not have to go to head, to feet, or to other part of the body in order to sustain life. This was a perennial mantra of all heliocentric astrologers throughout the ages. Aztec priests were accused by the Spaniards of performing 50,000 heart sacrifices a year to to renew the vital strength of the sun believed to be the heart of the heaven. The Swastika means so many things: life force, rebirth, divine energy, the soul or spirit, "the inner fire" The Hindus have used Swastikas in the Chakras since ancient times. Buddhists are known for using the Swastika and they have called it the 'Buddha's heart'. In the New Testament the heart is called nous, a term denoting also the sun.
There is a sentence in the Hindu Oupnek-hat, which runs thus:
"To know fire, the sun, the moon, and lightning, is three-fourths of the science of God.”
Deva, God, is derived from the root div, to shine.
Let me show you, for instance, how Michel White, the former director of scientific studies and a science lecturer at D’Overbroeck’s College, Oxford sanitized this passage: “In the midst of all dwells the sun,” Copernicus declared proudly in those clear and precise opening pages of his masterpiece. “Sitting on the royal throne, he rules the family of planets which turn around him…We thus find in this arrangement an admirable harmony of the world.”
Early man, as we find in the Assyrian Triad, had as its center the "perfect circle," representing to them God who is the center of all things. Pharaoh Akhenaten replaced all the then current symbols of the sun with one: a circle, and called it one.
"There is more RELIGION in men's SCIENCE than there is SCIENCE in their RELIGION."
- Henry David Thoreau ("A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers")
The scarab was linked to Khepri ("he who has come into being"), the god of the rising sun. The ancients believed that the dung beetle was only male in gender (like the phoenix, which became the symbol of Christian immortality), and reproduced by depositing semen into a dung ball. The supposed self-creation of the beetle resembles that of Khepri, who creates himself out of nothing (that explains why St. Th. Aquinas embraced the hypothesis of abiogenesis). Moreover, the dung ball rolled by a dung beetle resembles the sun. Plutarch wrote:
“The race of beetles has no female, but all the males eject their sperm into a round pellet of material which they roll up by pushing it from the opposite side, just as the sun seems to turn the heavens in the direction opposite to its own course, which is from west to east."
Philosophical Misogyny as the Proof of Heliocentrism
The same Aryan heliocentric logic was used by Copernicus as a religious(!) proof of his heliocentrism:
“we conceive immobility to be nobler and more divine than mutability and instability, which latter is therefore more appropriate to the earth than to universe. I add that it would seem quite absurd to attribute motion to that which contains and locates, rather than to that which is contained and located – namely the earth.”
In the "Serpent-Mantra,"* the Brahmana declares as follows: that this Mantra is that one which was seen by the Queen of the Serpents, Sarpa-rajni; because the earth (iyam) is the Queen of the Serpents, as she is the mother and queen of all that moves (sarpat). In the beginning she (the earth) was but one head (round), without hair (bald), i.e. without vegetation. She then perceived this Mantra which confers upon him who knows it, the power of assuming any form which he might desire. She "pronounced the Mantra," i.e., sacrificed to the gods; and, in consequence, immediately obtained a motley appearance; she became variegated, and able to produce any form she might like, changing one form into another. This Mantra begins with the words: "Ayam gauh pris'nir akramit" (x., 189). Cp. The Italian saying, La donna e mobile est. G. Bruno stressed that “Nature's imperfect is doubtful to no man. The reason is clear; she is only a woman.” (Darwin shared this view with G. Bruno). For scholastic philosophers woman was animal occasionatus...Mulieres non esse homines.
It might come as a stunning revelation to many that the word ‘ALLAH’ itself is Sanskrit. In Sanskrit
language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’
forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and
Mahishasurmardini. The Islamic word for God is., therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess.
Darwinism is Religion of (imperfect) Goddess Mutability
"These are the transformations declared, from the plant up to Brahma, which have to take place in this world" (Book I, sloka 8). The Nordic counterpart of the Hindu Tree of Life was called Yggdrasil.
In Darwin's book “cycling of the earth according to the fixed law of gravity” is followed up by evolution of endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful...” In the Aryan solar mythology the movements of the earth are the cause of evolutionary changes.
When discomfirming evidence cannot be ignored altogether, it is countered with ad hoc hypotheses. Douglas Futuyama's textbook tells college students that “Darwin more than anyone else extended to living things...the conclusion that mutability, not stasis, is the natural order.” So he did and in consequence paleontologists overlooked the prevalence in the fossil record of statis.. Stasis could not come to public notice until it was dressed up as evidence for “punctuated equilibrium,” which sounded at first like a new theory but turned out to be a minor variant of Darwinism. Darwinists can also explain away stasis as an effect of stabilizing selection, or developmental constraints, or mosaic evolution - and so, like mutability, it is just what a darwinist would expect. (Ph. Johnson, Darwin on Trial. 1993:154)
The British scholastic philosopher Bishop R. Grosseteste, of Oxford argued, “The earth is named Cybele, from the cube, that is from solidity; because the earth is the most greatly compressed of all bodies, that is, Cybele the mother of all gods; it is possible for the lumière of any sphere you please to be drawn forth from the earth into act and operation; and so whatever god you wish will be born of the earth as if of some mother.”
Spenser in his Fairy Queen prays to the God of the Hebrew Bible do defend him against, what he calls, goddess Mutability i.e. the Aryan sarpa rajni (the queen of all that moves)
Then gin I think on that which Nature said
Of that same time when no more change shall be.
But steadfast rest of all things, firmly stay’d
Upon the pillars of eternity.
That is contrare to mutability:
For all that moveth doth in change delight:
But henceforth all shall rest eternally
With him that is God of Sabaoth high.
O, that great Sabaoth God, grant me that Sabbath’s sight.
Irrationalism of Heliocentrism
Please, keep in mind, the daily moon rises and moon settings are explained adequately by the earth spinning on its axis, but the difference between the twenty four hours of solar day and night and 24 hrs and 51 minutes of the lunar cycle forces the astronomers to accept the retrograde (eastward) movement of the moon of 12 degrees. In plain words, in heliocentrism the moon moves simultaneously forward, to keep the pace with the speeding earth and backward to stay within the time limit of its apparent revolution about the earth. Pliny, the Elder in hisThe Natural History, (Volume 2. London: George Bell and Sons, 1890) mentions a mountain in ancient India called Nullo where the people had backwards turned feet and each foot had eight toes. This myth made the ancient heliocentric hypothesis credible. Similarly the myth of Yeti is supposed to make evolution credible. Tycho Brahe, who didn't believe in heliocentric Yetis, worked out a system in which the Moon and the Sun really turn about the earth and thus the heliocentric jugglery of the moon is averted.
J. Kepler's Universe where the Clockwork Oranges are to come by
Kepler asserts these Wonders may be done
By the Magnetic Vertue of the Sun,
Which he, to gain his End, thinks fit to place
Full in the Center of that mighty Space,
Which does the Spheres, where Planets roll, include,
And leaves him with Attractive Force endu'd.
The Sun, thus seated, by Mechanic Laws,
The Earth, and every distant Planet draws;
By which Attraction all the Planets found
Within his reach, are turn'd in Ether round.
— Richard Blackmore
Creation: A Philosopical Poem in Seven Books (1712), book 2, l. 430-53, p.78-9. See Kepler's heliocentric scheme inspired by Platonic Five Solids, a concept of totally materialistic universe.
And yet he wrote (in a letter to Herwart): ‘My aim is to show that the heavenly machine is not a kind of divine, live being, but a kind of clockwork (and he who believes that a clock has a soul, attributes the maker's glory to the work), in so far as nearly all the manifold motions are caused by a most simple, magnetic, and material force, just as all motions of the clock are caused by a simple weight.’
How could there be a seventh planet, when Euclid proved that there are only five Platonic solids!
August 16, 2006
The Heliocentric Hoax
by emptypockets
So-called "scientists" who propound the hoax of heliocentrism have been at each other's throats this week as their so-called "theory" falls apart. Heliocentrism is the idea that Earth and all other planets were formed at some point in history and circle around the Sun. How shaky is this "solar system" theory? Well, the experts don't even know how many planets there are:
In the hope of ending years of wrangling, a committee of astronomers and historians has proposed a new definition of the word “planet” that would expand at a stroke the family of planets from 9 to 12 and leave textbooks and charts in thousands of classrooms out of date.
But astronomers immediately began to wrangle about it.
“It’s a mess,” said Michael E. Brown of the California Institute of Technology.
So it was no surprise that as word of the decision leaked out yesterday, reaction from astronomers suggested that the argument was far from over.
“This will be the talk of the town in Prague,” said Alan P. Boss, a planetary theorist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, who said the new definition, with four paragraphs and four footnotes, read as if it had been written by lawyers, not scientists. “I don’t think this is the one were looking for.”
(Emphasis mine.) Even the so-called "scientists" admit their own theories are contradictory nonsense. First, their theories change from day to day -- in fact, the idea of a sun-centered solar system didn't even arise until the year 1540. Second, they can't even agree on the details of their own theory -- some say there are 8 planets, some 12, some say as many as 53! Third, their theories are formed by committee, not derived (as they would have you believe) from some absolute external truth.
Compare that with the Bible, which tells us that Earth was created on the first day, and the Sun wascreated on the fourth day. (What did Earth circle around the first three days, Professor Smartypants?) The Bible is constant and unchanging, it is a single source of truth, and it was given to us by God not by some committee vote. Here's an experiment for you four-eyes: get your nose out of the telescope and look up in the sky. Then tell me the Sun doesn't go around the Earth.
We've already been through all this once with the "theory" of evolution. That so-called "fact" is always being revised, re-written, re-thought -- some idea of truth! Every day someone discovers some new observation that expands or refines the idea of evolution. How many times do they have to re-write it before they realize they are just wrong? No wonder fewer Americans believe in evolution than people in any of 31 other developed countries do. It's just good sense.
Hopefully, at last, we can start writing the textbook stickers that say, "Heliocentrism is a theory not a fact."
Blogs 4 Brownback is another site which I have no idea whether it’s satire or just batshit insanity.
It seems clear that it may occasionally be convenient to assume that the calculations of Copernicus and Kepler were mathematically sound. However, for both moral and theological reasons, we should always bear in mind that the Earth does not move. If it moved, we would feel it moving. That’s called empiricism, the experience of the senses. Don’t take my word for it, or the evidence of your own senses, Copernicans. There’s also the Word of the Lord:
“He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.†(1 Chronicles 16:30)
“Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm …†(Psalm 93:1)
John Paul II's Apostasy
Robert Sungenis holds to the Geocentric cosmological view of the universe in accordance with the literal, infallible, and inspired Word of God which, according to Providentissimus Deus by Pope Leo XIII, is inerrant in all matters.
Evolution and Heliocentrism are neither taught in Scripture, nor are taught by the Fathers and Medieval theologians of the Catholic Church, nor are there any official teachings from the Catholic Church endorsing either of the two teachings. Furthermore, the modern scientific evidence does not in the least support Evolution, and in fact denies it completely, while the scientific evidence for Heliocentrism is at best a draw when compared to Geocentric models, and at worst a distortion of both science and Scripture.
The Kolbe Center
This modernist attitude is refuted by the progressive and degenerative moral effect produced by rejection of, first, geocentrism in the 17th century, then special creation in the 19th century, and now the very existence of human life in the womb in the 20th.
[Maximilian Kolbe was a priest had pioneered religious use of mass media before World War II, and who voluntarily took the place of a condemned prisoner at Auschwitz. He was later canonized for his heroism. To have his name associated with something like this is truly revolting, indeed, as sacrilegious as any of the evils this group attacks. Also, sorry, but I don't think abolishing slavery, granting rights to women, establishing due process, and so on, count as "degenerative."]
Polish Astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus Reburied as a Hero
The logo of the Polish church radio station named Maryja after the Virgin Mary shows Mary with Jesus in the middle of Copernicus's concentric circles, in perfect harmony with Allah-Durga-Bhavani-Chandi and, last but not the least, with Virgil's Virgin giving birth to the “boy” who was expected to introduce Saturnia Regna i.e. the era, or New Global Order of peace and communism. (See, The Manchurian President)
The bust of Copernicus was in 1807 one of the first made to be enshrined later at the Walhalla Temple.
The Walhalla temple, commissioned by Ludwig I of Bavaria in 1816 and completed in 1842 commemorates great figures from German history .
Saturday, May 28, 2011
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