Swastikas and Big Bang:
The Mythological Roots of Big Bang’s Rhythm
Monsignor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître 17 July 1894 – 20 June 1966) was a Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Louvain He sometimes used the title Abbé or Monseigneur. Lemaître proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe which he called his 'hypothesis of the primeval atom. (In the beginning tehre was an atom...” In 1936, he was elected member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences He took an active role there, becoming its president in March 1960 and remaining so until his death. This man, like Paul, proclaimed, the Torah is dead, we nailed to the cross. Because the common Roman Catholic belief is that “judaism is a corrupt and dying religion.” His theory, which later came to be known as Big Bang was symbolized on Roman tombstones by two kalpa swastikas expressing the Aryan belief in resurrection; they had the same meaning as the solar phoenix. Click to see a Roman tombstone from Spain with this perennial symbol of resurrection.
(The picture was taken from Prudence Jones and Nigel Pennick, A History of Pagan Europe. London and New York, p. 55)
According to the oldest symbolism, the circle enclosing a dot represented the primal womb containing the spark of creation, like the bindu within the Yoni Yantra of Hindu tradition. (Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects, 1986, P. 15). The central dot is the sun with the planets circling around it as the circumference. Plotinus (204-270 A.D.) alludes to this symbol in describing the Real Sun in The Enneads I.7.1: "Existing beyond and above Being, It must be beyond and above Act, Mind, or Intellection. That only can be named the Good to which all is bound and Itself to none. It must be unmoved while all circles around It, as a circumference around a centre from which all the radii proceed. Another example would be the sun, central to the light which streams from it and is yet linked to it; try as you will to separate the sun from its light, for ever the light is connected with the sun." This sigil for the sun may also represent the eye. Emerson opens his essay on "Circles" (1841) with: "The eye is the first circle; the horizon which it forms is the second; and throughout nature this primary figure is repeated without end. It is the highest emblem in the cipher of the world. St. Augustine described the nature of God as a circle whose centre was everywhere and its circumference nowhere." And Emerson says in "The Over-Soul" (1841): "The soul circumscribes all things." Emily Dickinson understood this well when writing to Thomas W. Higginson (Letter #268, July 2, 1862): "Perhaps you smile at me. I could not stop for that— My Business is Circumference." Herman Melville's Moby-Dick (1851), Ch. 26: "The great God absolute! The centre and circumference of all democracy! His omnipresence, our divine equality!"
According to Rufolf Koch's the Book of Signs. (Dover Publications. 1955, p. 18): “The swastika or Fylfot Cross is derived from the Sun wheel by breaking the circumference of the circle.. Among early Christians, this, as well as many other of the symbols was used as a disguised Cross during the persecution of the Christians. Hence its name Crux dissimulata. It was also called crux gammata, from the fact of its being made of four Greek gammas. The double cross consisting of the Greek “X” and the Cross, which stood for the sun god in the Babylonian temple of the god Shamash (Sun) became a very early Chrisytian symbol. The cross strokes at the end of the rays which represented the octagonal vault of the Heavens became the Gnostic Sun monogram. It was a Gnostic variant of the Hindu Shivaling i.e. the lingam (Siva's penis) inside the yoni (vagina). It was the symbol of the solar divinity worshiped in the pre-Islamic Kaaba. It comes as no surprise then, that this shivaling present at the center of every Hindu temple became the architectural design for the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Regardless of the swastika’s configuration, i.e. right-angled (embraced by the Nazis) or left-angled (as on the chest of Buddha statue in Hong Kong), the symbol’s significance does not suffer; it merely indicates two opposing principles, evolution and dissolution.
In Phaedo Plato makes his teacher Socrates, prior to his death, state; "I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, and that the living spring from the dead. Kata Upanishad's verse (1,8) Like corn decays the mortal, like corn is he born again, as follows. Plutarch wrote that in Egypt wooden boxes in the shape of Osiris were filled with earth and planted with seed of corn. The boxes were placed in tombs. The sprouting corn in this funerary context represented new life. Apuleius writes about his initiation into the mysteries of Isis, that he dare not betray what must be concealed, and can only say this: he had reached the borders of the realm of death, had crossed the threshold of Proserpina and had returned from the thence “reborn in all elements”. Those initiated into the cult of Mithra were also called in aeternum renati, for ever regenerate (And yet, to use the words of I. Kant, “they died of sheer improvement,” like all of us “improved apes” have to die! Jesus’ words: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be borne again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God’ (Jn. 3:3) are borrowed from the same mysteries.
The Hindus believe that the universe periodically dissolves (Cp. Big Bang’s contraction) and is then “re-created” (cp. Big Bang’s expansion). The period between dissolution and “re-creation” is known as “Pralaya”, a time of rest between creative periods. A period of creativity is called “Manvantara” and both periods constitute a Kalpa or a cycle of “creation.” The dissolutionary process has been labeled by Western cosmologists as “the big crunch”. The entire creative process is again more descriptively labeled by the Hindus as “the breathing out of Brahma” while the dissolutionary process is seen as “the breathing in of Brahma”. This cyclic process of cosmic, periodic, involution, evolution and dissolution is symbolized by the forward and backward movement of the cross (gammata).
Resurrection as a result of the Churning of the Milky Ocean
An expansion of the divine essence, from within outwardly, occurs in obedience to eternal and immutable law, and the phenomenal or visible universe is the ultimate result of the long chain of cosmical forces thus progressively set in motion. In like manner, when the passive condition is resumed, a contraction of the Divine essence takes place, and the previous work of creation is gradually and progressively undone. The visible universe becomes disintegrated, its material dispersed; and "darkness," solitary and alone, broods once more over the face of the "deep." To use a metaphor which will convey the idea still more clearly, an outbreathing of the "unknown essence" produces the world; and an inhalation causes it to disappear. This process has been going on from all eternity, and our present universe is but one of an infinite series which had no beginning and will have no end.
The ancient Vedic seers described the original cosmic creative process as “the churning of the milky ocean” whereby fields of subtle substance become condensed into gross matter; a view that is now widely accepted today in energy-field physics research. The Brownian movement is also a miniature replica of “the churning of the milky ocean.” This “churning” is represented geometrically in Tantric ritual as a four armed cross within a circle and the cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards as in a churning motion. The forward movement marked by right-angled break of the arms of the cross is towards evolution while the left-angled break marks movement towards dissolution. The circle represents the universe in its potential un-manifested state prior to creation and is called in Hinduism “Brahmanda”. See, Churning the Milky Ocean
Perhaps the earliest use of the name "Jesus Christ" was in pre-historic Ireland were the high Magi (Druids) venerated their Sun-King Iesa Crios, (or Essa Crios). Another major derivation of the term "Christ" is the Egyptian word Krist which means “the anointed.” In ancient times there was a process or ritual known as Horasis. During this rite the male's entire body was considered a phallus and was anointed accordingly. This originated from the rites of the Egyptian earth god Geb, and from the Hindu god Shiva. Geb's symbol, in Egypt, and still today, was the phallic obelisk reaching up from earth toward the sky, to the Goddess consort Nuith. Shiva's symbol was the Lingam stone, which was, and still is, ritually anointed with white milk representing the semen. The very word Messiah comes from messeh, which means "anointed." It referred specifically to the oil that was processed from the fat of the Nile crocodiles, sacred to the Egyptian god Sobek. The architecture of the Al Aqsa mosque is phallic; it mimics lingam (phallus) inside yoni (vagina).
When Roman soldiers laid siege to a city they used a technique they called loaves anf fishes. They would bake bread with fecal matter mixed into it and amputate the penises of captured citizens of the city and throw the loaves and fishes over the besieged city's walls. It is well known that Roman slang for the word 'penis' was 'fish'.. It is no coincidence that 'fish' became the symbol of early Christians.
Like Justin Martyr, John Paul II proclaimed, in his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, that the true Christianity is antithetical to Judaism. In his “Dialogue with Jew Trypho” (c. AD 140) Justin argued, Christianity was something quite different from Judaism. Jesus had come to restore true religion and to denounce the hypocrisy of the religion of the Hebrews. For that crime Jesus had been crucified. Justin had taught that Christians should avoid Jews and view themselves as a religion built on different ideas and premises from Judaism. Justin’s religion is “wholly distinct from Judaism” Justin claims that “a fire was kindled in the Jordan” when Jesus stepped into the water to be baptized by John (Dialogue 88). There is no biblical account of such an event. Each of the three higher castes among the iranians corresponded to a specific celestial “fire.”
“I shall give you another testimony my friends,” said I, “from the Scriptures, that God begat before all creatures a Beginning, a certain rational power from Himself, who is called by the Holy Spirit, now the Glory of the Lord, now the Son, again Wisdom again an Angel, then God then Lord and Logos” Justin Martyr (Dialogues with Trypho, LXI -Wisdom begotten of the father, as fire from fire.”). Justin who envisaged Jesus as an ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason”, believed that the good God was an erect phallus like Shiva (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7:21-22) . Copernicus's expression “family of stars” belongs to the teachings of the Aryan cosmogony. The Jesuit father G. Coyne who was the director of the Papal Observatory during John Paul II's pontificate called stars “semen of God”.
Shivaling in the Revelation
The fountain of the water of life.
Revelation 22:1-2: "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, [was there] the tree of life, which bare twelve [manner of] fruits, [and] yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree [were] for the healing of the nations."You need to visualize what is being described. The water of life proceeds out of the throne of God. Just where on the throne does it proceed from? Could it be from the penis of the throne's occupant? Is it a coincidence that the water of life (sperm) is fertilizing the female tree of life? Doesn't this suggest even more strongly that the water of life is indeed sperm? http://www.fargonasphere.com/piso/index.html#ReturnFromSynopsis. That's what St. Augustine called Eternal generation of God's Son.
Buddha, Logos are all “children of Arya”. The transfigured Jesus who is logos become flesh matches Buddha called puer aeternus “generated from ten million rays” which make his body completely white (See Elizabeth I's shining. white face). According to Aquinas the active part of the semen (the animal spirit) remains until the generative process is completed. This part also obtains heat from the sun, confirming the claim of Atistotle, that “man is generated by man and the sun” Justin's “seed sowing Reason.” Incidentally, Copernicus calls his sun god Reason of the World.(mens)
According to the Nicene Creed Jesus Christ is “God of God, light of light (or fire of fire; Fire, was considered the purest of elements and the irreducible cosmic substance. This fire, for the Stoics, was a “craftsmanly fire” (pur tekhnikoni dentified with Zeus and of a different nature than the material fire that was one of the four elements), consubstantial to the Father. The term consubstantial canonized by the Catholic Church in 325 at the council of Nicea was a Latin rendition of the the Greek adjective "homoousios" of the same being (from 'ousia', 'substantia') as “consubstantiualis”" Unlike the Greek words, which are etymologically related to the Greek verb "to be" and connote one's own personal inherent character, "substantia," connotes matter as much as it connotes being. The only difference between Spirit and Matter in the Hindu solar theology is the degree of condensation, depending on the distance from the Source of Being. We are such stuff as the dreams are made of” (Shakespeare)
The Hindū word AUM represented the three Powers combined in their Deity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva; or the Creating, Pre-serving, and Destroying Powers: A, the first; U or Ŏ-Ŏ, the second; and M, the third. This word could not be pronounced, except by the letters: for its pronunciation as one word was said to make Earth tremble, and even the Angels of Heaven to quake for fear. The word AUM, says the Ramayana, represents "The Being (ousia) of Beings, One Substance in three forms; without mode, without quality, without passion: Immense, Incomprehensible, Infinite, Indivisible, Immutable, Incorporeal, Irresistible."
The Children of Light vs. the Children of Darkness
In all rationalistic and materialistic philosophies Heaven becomes impersonal (like impersonal Brahma which became Aristotle's energeia (interchangeable with matter as in Einstein's famous equation), the substance of God, which inspired the substance of the Nicene Creed) – it is nature and natural process and accordingly the heliocentrism replaces creation with emanation; light as the emanation from the sun becomes the primary form of corporeal matter, which by multiplying itself outward from the center of radiation produces the physical world. In this sense Heraclitus spoke of “all things as an exchange for fire and fire for all things” Similarly Galileo regarded wine as mixture of light and moisture, and the Sages of the Lagado Academy in Guliver's Travels tried to extract light from cucumbers. In one of the early Greek hymns the sun “transforms water into human beings” and only against this philosophical background one could properly understand the “Children of Light” in the Gospel of John “as children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of sun God” (Heb. (like (Melkizedek – Heb. 7:3;). In the Russian prose epic 'Slovo o pulku Igoreve” of the 12th century, Vladimir and the Russians called themselves the grandchildren of Dazhbog, the god of sun and fire” Dazhbog played a significant part till long after Christianization because of his connection with the fire and the Slavs' worship of the hearth as a sacred place in the house. The Polish name Kupala (a phallic deity) later used in folk ritual in connection with the fire worship, stands for the same idea.
Because the universe is seen as evolving from the central Sun, the point (puru), the ever-congealed germ. The lotus flower, represented as growing out of Vishnu’s navel is the most graphic allegory of this process ever made. In chapter LXXXI of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, called “Transformation into the Lotus,” a head emerging from this flower, the god exclaims: “I am the pure lotus, emerging from the Luminous one…I carry the messages of Horus. I am the pure lotus which comes from the Solar Fields…”
The frontispiece of the book The Migration of Symbols by Count Goblet d’Alviella is a representation of Apollo, from a vase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna; on the middle of Apollo’s breast there is a large and prominent swastika. In other words, the Greeks, like the Brahmins, regarded their sun god Helios, or Apollo as a chakravartin, the sun god as supreme ruler who ruled the four quarters of the world. According to quite a few websites this god failed NASA miserably; he never landed on the moon. Rather he was faking the whole show in a secret military base in the Nevada desert, the so-called area 51. On the chest of a giant Buddha Statue in Hong Kong a left-angled swastika is displayed proclaiming that the world is in the process of dissolution…
The Sun Impels them Forward, then Draws them Back
Broken apart and Reassembled -- The Two Swastikas of Kalpa
“From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world, it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence (therefore Copernicus called the Sun, Reason of the World – rp); it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This coherent and magnificent theology, founded upon the discoveries of ancient astronomy in its zenith, gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.” (Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans).
From the Nicene Creed to the Holocaust
“What was started at the Church Council at Nicea in 325 CE was duly completed in the concentration camps and crematories of Christian Germany where six million Jews perished.”(Shmuel Golding, (Anti-Semitism in the New Testament)
The British Legion of St. George to exterminate the Jews
In the encyclical Mysticis Corporis Christi, issued in June 1943, as the roundup of Jews was peaking, Pius XII proclaimed his own version of Nietzsche’s death of God. He declared, “…but on the gibbet of his death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees, and fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross, establishing the New Testament in His blood…On the cross then the Old Law died, soon to be buried and to be a bearer of death.” (&32-33) In other words the Jews are “bearers of death”! The British Free Corps, originally called the British Legion of St George, was created by the Nazis in 1943. The British Free Corps had no military value in World War Two but its founder, John Amery, was hanged for treason in 1945.
At the beginning of World War Two, John Amery, the son of Leo Amery, Winston Churchill's Minister for India, drifted around Europe with seemingly little direction in his life. He called himself a socialist. However, Amery also believed that the world faced a Jewish/Soviet plot to overthrow western civilisation. His views became known in Berlin. Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, realised the importance Amery could play in the propaganda battle with Britain - a government minister's son supporting the cause of Nazi Germany. Amery received an invite to visit Berlin.
He arrived in October 1942 and made a number of broadcasts on the 'New British Broadcasting Station'. Clearly a propaganda coup, similar to Lord Haw Haw, the Nazis planned to expand their use of Amery. He was sent to Paris to make contact with pro-Nazi Frenchmen there. A few Frenchmen had joined the so-called 'Foreign Legions' - non-Germans who fought with the SS. Amery got the idea for a British version that would be used in the fight against the Russians - a British anti-Bolshevik force. He wanted the new force to be called the British Legion of St George. The Nazis were both intrigued by the idea and supportive. Such a unit would have been a massive propaganda coup if it had ever come into being.
In April 1943 they gave Amery permission to raise a brigade of 1500 men who would all be POW's or internees. Amery started his recruiting campaign at once in Paris addressing internees there. He promised anyone who joined the Legion that they would be immediately released from their prison. The campaign was an embarrassing disaster. Invariably he was shouted down and verbally abused. In his first recruiting campaign, Amery got one volunteer - an elderly academic from Paris. Amery's efforts were so embarrassing that the Germans quietly eased him back to Berlin.
Freya Stark to Undermine the Karski's Rescue Mission:
Don't Give Palestine to the Jews
In the middle of the war, the British government sent Freya Stark (During World War II, she joined the Ministry of Information and contributed to the creation of a propaganda network Ikhwan al Hurriya ('Brotherhood of Freedom'), aimed at persuading Arabs to support the Allies or at least remain neutral), a pro-Arab archaeologist and author, on extensive lecture tour of the U.S. Her mission was to build American support for British policies, especially for those regarding Palestine. Miss Stark, a non-Jew, was impressed by the amount of anti-Semitism she ran across among well-to-do, well-educated Americans. http://www.longitudebooks.com/images/book_large/MDE28.jpg
In 1943 British officials expressed their fears to the State Department that Germany might “change over from a policy of extermination to one of extrusion and aim at embarrassing other countries by flooding them with alien immigrants.”
During WWII the people in the State Department who were most closely associated with the rescue of Jews were Assistant Secretary Breckenridge Long and several middle-level officials. They included George Brandt, Long’s executive assistant, James Dunn and Wallace Murray, departmental advisers on political relations, Ray Atherton, acting chief of the Division of European Affairs, Howard Travers, chief of the Visa Division, and a number of lesser officers, especially R. Borden Reams. These men were indifferent to the tragedy of the European Jews. Randolph Paul of the Treasury Department described them as an American “underground movement…to let the Jews be killed.” That was confirmed by an eighteen-page memorandum on State Department obstruction entitled Report to the Secretary (of Treasury) on the Acquiescence of This Government in the Murder of the Jews. Led by DuBois, the Foreign Funds Control staff prepared this searing indictment, which charged that the State Department was “guilty not only of gross procrastination and willful failure to act, but even of willful attempts to prevent action from being taken to rescue Jews from Hitler.
As Big Bang Is Expanding
Are the Dead Rising?
Amin Al-Husseini becomes prominent member of Muslim Brotherhood.
He sees the Wahhabi concept of Islamic Jihad as a key tool to rally pan-Islamic support to further his agenda of Pan-Islamic take-over. The Muslim Brotherhood now under Husseini’s influence, becomes the main vector of hatred against the West and the Jews: the Arab World, which includes Palestine, must be free of any non-Islamic faith. Therefore, Jews and Christians have no claim to any part of the Middle East or of the Arab World. Amin Al-Husseini is one of the primary founders and the inspiration of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Wahhabi vision of Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen.
After World War II, Amin Al-Husseini was visited multiple times in Beirut by Hitler’s Swiss banker, Francois Genoud. Genoud finances the ODESSA network. He sponsors Arab Nationalism with money, the Nazis extorted from the dying Jews trying to save their children. In Cairo and Tangiers, Genoud sets up import-export company called Arabo-Afrika, which is a cover to disseminate anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli propaganda. Genoud sets up Swiss bank accounts for North African liberation armies of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. In partnership with Syria, he sets up Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva. In 1962, he became Director of Arab People’s Bank in Algeria.
Husseini, still in Germany, is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League.
On January 12, a top Iranian official, Mohammad Hassan Rahimian, declared on Al-Manar TV: “We have manufactured missiles that allow us, when necessary, to replace Israel in its entirety with a big holocaust.” And on December 29, 2009, Muhammad Hussein Yaaqub, an Islamic cleric, dashed hopes for the usefulness of interfaith discussions when he said this on Egypt’s Al-Nas TV: “The Jews are our enemies. Allah will annihilate them at our hands. This is something we know for certain. We know this for certain – not because I say so, but because Allah said so. ‘You shall find that the people strongest in enmity to the believers are the Jews and the polytheists.’” Yaaqub was quoting from the Qur’an (5:82).
As of today July 15th 2011, there have been 788 rocket launchings from Gaza aimed at the southern residents of Israel. This has to be brought home again and again so the world will know. Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Acquiescence of The U.S. Government and of
the Vatican in the Murder of the Jews
In 1943, the Pope did not beg God to show Mercy. No American Charity organization ever sent millions or billions of dollars to IRC, to help those starving children in the Warsaw Ghetto and elsewhere. Nobody dared to ask for a homeland for the Jews. Especially not 'love your neighbor' Roman Catholics. Jesus Christ sat on his Father's right hand and refused to remind to his deputy in the Vatican, who Paul realy was... One Million Jewish children died in the Holocaust and the powerful B-27bombers did not drop one bomb to prevent more Jewish children to be sent to the ovens. That's the world we are living in. The smell of Arab oil suffocated every bit of human empathy. There was no Powerful Quartet then to delineate the borders of the Jewish state, promised by the Balfour Declaration. No Freedom Flotillas. No Thousands of Letters of Support from loving Christians aboard an Audacity of Hope. No American Jews were sending letters of protest to Haj Amin in Berlin demanding to stop his genocidal propaganda...
L'Osservatore Romano wore about Israeli “aggression that's turning into extermination.”...
In Greece poverty is rising dramatically and nobody cares to sent a flotilla with food.
They are no privileged Palestinians
Bolton, had strong words for the United Nations in a broad-based foreign policy speech on the September General Assembly vote, in which the Palestinian Authority will ask the membership to approve its establishment as an independent nation. "This effort is an attack on Israel's legitimacy", said Bolton adding that it comes as no surprise because "for the last two and half years, President Obama has been negotiating on behalf of the Palestinians."
Why OBAMA will not try to prevent another holocaust
Posted by avideditor on July 25, 2008
In 1936, Laughlin purchased an English version of the movie Erbkrank (Hereditary Defective), an important sterilization propaganda film of the racial Political Office of the Nazi Party, in order to show it at the Carnegie Institution in Washington. Erbkrank, which the Nazi censor administration evaluated as “national policy valuable”, and which received “the particular acknowledgment of the Fuehrer, “was the basis of a large propaganda campaign in Germany.
Although the film propagated the notion that Jews were particularly susceptible to mental retardation and moral deviancy, Laughlin asserted in Eugenic News that the picture contained “no racial propaganda of any sort.” Draper and the Pioneer Fund undertook to finance the distribution of the Nazi movie. In cooperation with the Eugenics Research Association, the Eugenics Record Office sent a flier advertising the film to biology teachers in 3,000 high schools. The Pioneer Fund, the Eugenics Record Office, and the Eugenics Research Association anticipated a favorable response because of the attractive medium and the low cost to viewers. The movie played twenty-eight times between March 15, 1937 and December 10, 1938.
Dr. L. M. Birkhead, a Protestant clergyman and close observer of anti-Semitic trends, traveled through the Midwest in 1943. He found vicious anti-Jewish attitudes rampant not only among extremist groups, but also in the “best circles.” The respectable elements, he thought, would probably not support violence, but neither would they oppose it. It was during the war, too, that anti-Jewish hatreds that had been sown and nurtured for years ripened into some extremely bitter fruits. In the opinion of the British elites and their American admirers such as for example, Clare Booth Luce, the lower classes and the Jews were considered the mongrel i.e. weak, subhuman races of the world, and as such, should be exterminated, which, by the way became the core teaching of the present New Agers.
Friday, July 22, 2011
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