In Nietzsche’s book “The Gay Science” (1882) death of God was announced by a madman entering a marketplace, carrying a lantern in the morning light and yelling, God is dead, we killed him with our Science.
Throughout the 18th century, as the tenets of Christianity grew harder to maintain, contemporary Germans had begun to practice their own new religion of Greek art and myth. New gods meant new human ideals to be worshipped. The residents of Olympus had initially been revived and reinvigorated by a Prussian cobbler’s son, J. Winckelmann, who had taught himself to pray in Homeric quotations and founded the discipline of classical art history (In 1764 Winckelmann was appointed Commissioner for Roman Antiquities). It was from the realm of imaginative desire that Winckelmann drew the ideals of sunny health and nakedly uninhibited joyousness which “ancient Greeks” held out for generations of German thinkers oppressed by bourgeois (i.e. Christian) morality, and heavy clothing. Thus the Germans came to view the Hebrew Bible as the primitive book of a still primitive faith that evolved only after centuries into the true religion: High German Christianity. Die Germanische Glaubensgemeinschaft as pictured in Dem Deutschen Buch (Verlag: Kraft und Schoenheit) shows two adult men on heir knees joining the outstretched hands under radiating swastika (the symbol of the sun god Apollo). Nothing expresses better the ideal of the Platonic, gay “pure” love. This poster was inspired by Hans Waldau’s anthology “Aus der Freundschaft sonnigsten Tagen” (1906).In Bread and Wine (1801) the deranged Hoelderlin interpreted Dionysus and Christ as one, the last god on earth, the sunset radiance of the gods. The expression “orgasms of light” meant “gay intercourse”
Alessandro Albani has never been a priest but was made a cardinal by special dispensation from his uncle the Pope. It was he who funded much of the excavation of Pompei by Johann Joachim Winckelman, who scientifically studied and reported the proliferation of images of the phallus found everywhere in Pompei, used in the same manner as the crucifix. Winckelmann also lived with cardinal Albani for a time, and wrote extensively about the Cardinal's collection of Antinous statues, and is rumored that they, together with other known homsexual artists and writers, formed the first cult devoted to antinous and Priapus since ancient times. Cardinal Albani united in one person, the Church of Rome and the cult of Antinous. (
The Hadrian Holocaust
Antinous was a “Ganymede” od Emperor-god Hadrian, who was so fond of learning Greek literature that he was nicknamed Graeculus ("Greekling"). Hadrian is remembered as a cruel oppressor of the Jews who put down their rebellion in 135 after exterminating 580,000 Jews and razing to the ground 50 fortified towns and 985 villages. He decided to root out Judaism which he saw as the cause of continuous rebellions, prohibited the Torah, the Hebrew calendar and executed Judaic scholars. The sacred scroll was ceremonially burned on the Temple Mount, and in an attempt to erase the memory of Judea, he renamed the province Syria palestina (after Philistines, who were Greeks). In the same year, 135, Hadrian founded in Rome the school of philosophy, oratory and literature which he called Athenaeum, and which conducted the true psychological war against the Jews and their Holy Scriptures. You will grasp better the perennial policy of Rome vis-a-vis Israel when you recall that the goddess Athena was usually portrayed with her dress adorned with swastikas. Interestingly, the earliest Christians in Roman catacombs are portrayed similarly. Centuries later, ”L’Osservatore Romano” proclaimed: “True anti-Semitism is and can be in substance nothing other than Christianity, completed and perfected in Catholicism.”
In the encyclical “Mysticis Corporis Christi,” issued in June 1943, as the roundup of Jews was peaking, Pius XII proclaimed his own version of Hadrian's burning of the Torah scroll. He declared, “…but on the gibbet of his death Jesus made void the Law with its decrees, and fastened the handwriting of the Old Testament to the Cross, establishing the New Testament in His blood…On the cross then the Old Law died, soon to be buried and to be a bearer of death.” In other words the Jews are “bearers of death”! It was the vision of Greco-Roman culture as the precursor and prefigurement of Christianity spread for centuries by the Vatican Museum which inspired Pius XII’s encyclical “Mystici Corporis Christ,” and John Paul II’s raising of the cross at Auschwitz which exposed his tragic ambivalence. Pope Pius XII crucified the Old Law with the help of Stalin’s agent a certain prof. V..I. Ivanov who in his lectures at the Papal Oriental Institute proclaimed that the Hellenic religion and not the Hebrew Torah was the precursor of Christianity. John Paul II echoes this “perestroyka” in his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope (p. 46):
“The Church enriched her teaching as she progressively entered into Greek culture and more clearly realized the need for ways of presenting her doctrine which would be adequate and convincing in that cultural context”. The Church of John Paul II entered so deep into Greek culture that, as Thomas Fox, the editor of “The National Catholic Reporter”, concluded from his own interviews and his paper’s coverage of the Catholic culture, “In some cases there have been reports of predominantly gay seminaries and homosexual climates within them that became so pronounced that heterosexual seminarians felt uneasy and ultimately left.”
“Once a philosopher, twice a sodomite”
The “Greek ideal” was a culture of pederastic male supremacy. Male homosexuality, especially between men and boys was considered a virtue in Hellenic society. In several of his dialogues, Plato serves as an apologist for pederasty, and apparently considered man/boy sex to be superior to heterosexual relations. Only “pederastic courtship” reflected the “heavenly” form of love. Homosexual boys and lads are the best of their generation, because they are the most manly. Socrates fell in love with a schoolboy, Cydias, proclaiming “I caught fire, and could possess myself no longer.”
A key to understanding the cause of the Church social collapse is found in the conflict of Hellenic and Hebrew (Judeo-Christian) value systems. This war of philosophies, as old as Western civilization itself, pits the hpomoeroticism of the Greeks against the marriage-and-family-centered heterosexuality of the Jews. At the heart of the “sodomy delusion” lies the Judaic rejection of Hellenism and paiderasteia, one of the distinctive features of the culture brought by the Greek conquerors of Asia Minor. It is a fundamental, ineluctable clash of values within what was destined to become Western civilization. Only in the Maccabean era did the opposition to Hellenization and everything Hellenic lead to the intense, virtually paranoid hatred and condemnation of male homosexuality, a hatred that Judaism bequeathed to the nascent Christian church.. Catholic scholar Patrick G.D. Riley identifies homosexuality as the focal point of conflict between Jews and the Greeks. (The Pink Swastika)
Facing the Challenge of Christianity
The story of Hadrian and Antinous, seen by some as a real life version of the myth of Zeus and Ganymede was lasted for eight years, ending the period only with his death. He was surrounded by sculptures of Antinous as a god and dedicated numerous temples to the new deity throughout the Empire as well as the Antinous's largest monument, the Nile city of Antinoopolis. A new star was discovered promptly after Antinous's death and given his name in the theory that it was his soul shining down on Earth. A certain bright red flower was quickly renamed Antinoeios, wreaths of which would be given to winners in the competitions held in Antinous's name. A poet named Pancrates wrote a Homeric epic about the last lion hunt Antinous participated in, during which Hadrian had to intercede to save the boy's life. Pancrates was immediately granted a life membership into the Museion by the Emperor.
The Jewish holy city of Jerusalem was re-founded by Hadrian as a Roman colony with Greek settlers.Well, the Palestinians proclaim themselves to be descendants of Philistines and this explains political pressure on Israelites to keep away from Jerusalem. In further disregard for Jewish beliefs, Hadrian built a temple to Jupiter on the very spot where a great Temple of the Jews, a center stone of Jewish religion, had stood. In time it was replaced by the phallic structure of Al Aqsa mosque, modeled on the phallic sanctauries of Palmyra.
Throughout the Empire, Antinous's divinity took on several forms. Most popularly in Greece, he was frequently seen as the divine ephebe who personified the beauty and spirit of youth. On many coins, he is seen as a divine hero, a man who gained immortality and deity through value, virtue, and deed. Another aspect of Antinous is of a lesser god, an aspect of a major god. As an aspect, Antinous was generally connected with Hermes, Dionysos, Iachos, or Osiris, but could also be seen in Apollo, Pan, or various local deities.
That Antinous was particularly popular at home in Asia Minor is of no mystery. He was openly exalted in twenty odd cities in the area, including the large metropolis of Nikomedia and his now holy place of birth, Bithynion. Perhaps with less zeal, Antinous was also recognized in ten Italian cities as well as Hadrian's Villa, which turned into as much a shrine to Antinous as a home to the Emperor. That relics of Antinous have been found as far away as the Danube, Holland, Portugal, Gaul, Malta, Lebanon, and the shores of the Black Sea.
In Egypt he was most popular as a daemon. A daemon referred to a spirit who was thought to reside in a temple and to inspire prophecies, heal illness and work other miracles as well as serve as a mediator between the gods and mortals. Daemons where generally benevolent and protective, but would fight in defense of a follower and where known to occasionally take on a task of vengeance. The acts of vengeance and the warnings that under the control of a powerful necromancer a daemon could be lethal where to eventually lead in the Christian concept of the demon.
Possibly this facts explains two enigmatic verses in the New Testament, namely 1 Cor. 2:6-8 in which Paul states that demons (archontes) killed Jesus:
6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8 None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
And Rev. 11:8: “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord (some maniscripts read “their” instead of our) was crucified.
Temples of Antinous have been found in almost every corner of the Roman Empire. Recently, in the fall of 2002, the second most important Temple was discovered at Hadrian's villa in Tivoli, outside of Rome. This was Hadrian's private residence, and the newly discovered temple was his private chapel. Towards the end of Hadrian's life, the villa at Tivoli, also known as Tibur, was the administrative center of the Empire. It was, so to say, Hadrian's Vatican.
The obelisk that Hadrian constructed for Antinous states that after his death Antinous was "raised again to life" to become a god, much like another deity then rising in popularity, Jesus Christ. One insight which comes from reading the glyphs is the realization that the text begins on the East Face (the Rising Sun) and proceeds clockwise right-to-left around the obelisk. Starting with the East Face, we see references to Ra-Herakhte, the Rising Sun. Next comes the South Face, which is the direction of the Source of the Nile, the source of all life, and the inscription discusses the tomb and the establishment on this Earth of the Sacred City of Antinoopolis.
Then comes the West Face, which is the direction of the setting sun and the Underworld. The inscription speaks of the deeper Mystery Teachings of the religion and how the guardians of the Gates of the Underworld permit Antinous to pass through unheeded.
Finally, we come to the North Face, which is directed to the Circumpolar Stars which the Egyptians called "The Imperishables". These stars and constellations around the Pole Star Polaris never set below the horizon , they never die. The Egyptians believed those "Imperishables" were in fact the gods and pharaohs. Accordingly, the inscription speaks of the miracles which Antinous performs by virtue of the fact that he is indeed one of these "Shining Ones" and by virtue of the fact that the magical force of creation ("the semen of the First God") truly is in his body. Have four faces of the obelisk anything to do with Four Gospels? Another possible explanation is that these four faces and four gospels have their common source in the notion of Indian cakravartin, the sun god as supreme ruler who ruled the four quarters of the world.
In the Hindu mythology, the God Shiva was identified with the male organ of generation and called Linga, and it was this idea which inspired the Pompeian sculptor to portray “Savior of the World” as an erect penis. Interestingly the Christian heretic Justin who envisaged Jesus as ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason” (Logos) believed that the good God was an erect phallus (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.21-22). It is also called Spiritual Sun and accordingly Rig Veda says; praja arya jyotiragrah ... (Children of Arya are led by light) Rig Veda, VII. 33.17
Copernicus's “family of stars” belongs to the teachings of the Aryan cosmogony. A few years ago, Father George Coyne, head of the Vatican Observatory Research Group suggested that we might view stars as God's sperm, which is the basic teaching of the Aryan cosmogony. In the Hindu Myth when the desire arose in it (i.e. in the sun god in the shape of linga (phallus) “the creation” or rather emanation or emission (ejaculation) of semen followed.
Who is Hadrian's First God? In Hellenistic cosmology, the First cause was envisioned as transcending human understanding. In the Republic Plato suggested that it was even “beyond Being,” a notion which was to have considerable influence for over a millennium. The Pythagoras portrayed the first principle as the Monad, indicating that it is both a primeval Unity and apart (monas) from all other things, transcending time, space, and the multiplicity of the phenomenal world. While all things have a relation to it, this primeval Source (arche) was never envisioned as a “personal God”, or as a thinking and planning divinity like Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament, who consciously decided to create the universe. For the Greeks, the Supreme Principle is utterly simple, and superior to conscious thought and decision-making, even though it is symbolically identified with the power of Cosmic Mind in some writings.
Buddha, Antinous and Logos are all “children of Arya”. The transfigured Jesus who is logos become flesh matches Buddha called puer aeternus “generated from ten million rays” which make his body completely white. According to Aquinas the active part of the semen (the animal spirit) remains until the generative process is completed. This part also obtains heat from the sun, confirming the claim of Aristotle, that “man is generated by man and the sun.” The modern Gnostics aka scientists, of course, share Copernicus's belief in the sun god; Carl Sagan who devoted his life to chasing aliens sired by the sperm of the First God wrote “Our ancestors worshiped the sun, and they were far from foolish. It makes good sense to revere the sun and the stars, because we are their children.” (See, Richard A. Baer, Jr. They Are Teaching Religion In The Schools,” Christianity Today, 1-17-84, p.12) Well, as early as the 5th century B.C.E Sophocles called the sun “He who engenders the gods” (i.e. stars) and “Father of All things”. In this cosmogony the ETs are a must! If you don’t believe in them, you are a heretic, not a politically correct Scientific American!
The maverick Soviet scientist, Vernadsky taught: “The biosphere is as much, or even more, the creation of the sun as it is a manifestation of Earth process. Ancient religious intuitions, which regarded terrestrial creatures, esp. human beings as ‘children of the Sun’ were much nearer the truth that those which looked upon them as a mere ephemeral creation, a blind and accidental product of matter and earth-forces. Terrestrial creatures are the fruit of a long and complicated cosmic process, and, subject to predetermined laws, form of necessity part of a harmonious cosmic mechanism in which chance does not exist.” Whoever venerates the sun god also hugs his mistress Gaia i.e. the earth goddess! Like Pope John Paul II was doing on his innumerable pilgrimages. Vernadsky's science explains why it was possible to borrow Th. Aquinas's books from the prison libraries in the Soviet Union.
Justification By Grace not By Deed
Hadrian's solar theology explains his promotion of Antinous to the rank of a god. Pederasty was no crime in in that system; just the opposite, it was the bridge connecting its practicioners with his god. The Gnostic Epiphanes, the son of Carpocrates compares the light of the sun to the love and grace of god, how it shines everywhere and is equally divided, and that it is we who have imposed divisions of right and wrong, mine and yours, clean and unclean, lawful and unlawful, upon what is undifferentiated and all-encompassing. The quite revolutionary view that all things are sacred, all are equal, that nothing is evil, impure or unnatural, by a simple extension of reason, might have led to the position of the Carpocratians on the anture of homosexuality, that like all other things, HOMOSEXUALITY WAS BLESSED BY THE PRESENCE OF GOD. THEY VIEWED ALL FORMS OF SEXUALITY AS PURE AND SACRED. Carpocratians understood that humanity was just another animal of the earth not something more than the rest of creation, a notion that Darwin would elaborate and than even now troubles the minds of Biblical adherents. ( Ethical pantheism is justifying all human action, not merely as good but as divine. Spinoza flirted with such pantheism by collapsing God into nature (deus sive natura).
Such a theology was the inevitable consequence of a prolonged process, which started with a Jesus being refashioned into an Apollo “driving horses of the sun-chariot through heavens.” In time, this pagan influence came still more pronounced; Helios’s (Apollo’s) halo was given to Jesus and to the “saints” and Gnostic hymns usually praised Christ as “True Apollo”. Apollo was an androgynous deity and so were his earthly” incarnations”, Roman emperors. I. Caesar was called, “The husband of all women and the wife of all men,” Augustus, Tiberius, Domitian, Hadrian, Trajan and many others were at least bisexual in their tastes. The love of Hadrian for Antinous, mimicking the love of Apollo for Hyacinth was perhaps the most famous homosexual idyll in Roman history. This theology was smuggled into the New Testament by the Apostle of the Gentiles, Paul, who replaced the God of the Bible and His commandments with the Platonic, Gnostic Unknown god.
Here are Paul’s words (Acts 17:23):
“For as I passed by, and beheld your devotion, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you.”
Obviously, Paul was inspired by Plato who in his “Phaedrus” (247C) contrasted Zeus’s Olympus and that “super celestial place” where dwells “true being, colorless, formless, impalpable, visible only to the intelligence, the soul’s master, and the object of true knowledge.” The Gnostics called this Platonic god UNKNOWN, or UNBEGOTTEN BEING, the MONAD, or the ABYSS. They believed it is everywhere and it is nowhere; all at once. It is the sum total of time, space, matter and energy, but it is simultaneously “everything” that our Universe is NOT.
When a Syrian votary of the sun god Elagabalus worshiped at Emesa became Roman Emperor Elagabalus he worshiped his god according to the pristine solar cult; he dressed like a woman, and invested one of his gay lovers with the title and authority of the Emperor’s, or, as he more properly styled himself, of the Empress’s husband.The most sacred object of this religion, was a black conical stone, which was believed to have fallen from Heaven. The archeologists found a bas-relief with a picture of a temple with sacred stone of Emesa, and this stone is, of course, in the shape of a phallus (linga) mimicking the phallus of the Al Aqsa mosque embedded in a yoni. The Syrian name Elagabal means Supreme God. But Elabagal renamed it as Deus Sol Invictus. Emperor Septimus Severus, pursuing his dream of conquering the world for Global solar religion, proposed to bring all his subjects together under the worship of Sol Invictus – the Unconquered Sun – and to subsume under that worship all the various religions and philosophies then current. All gods were to be accepted, as long as one acknowledged the Sun (Now referred to as Energy) that reigned above all.The “creation” means conversion of energy into mass according to the Einstein equation, and Big Bang theory.
Emperor Aurelian thoroughly reformed the Roman cult of Sol, elevating the sun-god to one of the premier divinities of the empire. Where previously the priests of Sol had been a sacerdos and tended to belong to lower ranks of Roman society, they were now a pontifex and member of the new college of pontifexes instituted by Aurelian. Every pontifex of Sol was a member of the senatorial elite, indicating that the priesthood of Sol was now highly prestigious. Almost all these senators held other priesthoods as well, however, and some of these other priesthoods take precedence in the inscriptions in which they are listed, suggesting that they were considered more prestigious than the priesthood of Sol. Aurelian also built a new temple for Sol, bringing the total number of temples for the god in Rome to (at least) four (the other three were in the Circus Maximus, on the Quirinal, and in Trastevere). He also instituted games in honor of the sun god, held every four years from AD 274 onwards.In a sense this was a foretaste of what was to follow under Constantine and his successors, though Christianity, in contrast, was premised on the death of all other cults. (Wiki, Aurelian).
Deep and ultimately devastating influence of neoplatonic philosophy, resulted in absorbing the Sun-god with the rest of the popular religions, and in setting Sol on the throne of the universe and making it easy to suppose that this supreme being was none other than the Almighty of the Christians. The summa divinitas, the nameless supreme deity (like the Indian cakravartin) of the Edict of Toleration of Milan, bears the stamp of the style of this philosophic deism. Even at the end of his life, Constantine had not been able to free himself from the influence of a few Neoplatonic philosophers ... who were, of course, priests and magicians rather than scholars (the last biography of Newton was titled Newton. The Last Sorcerer). This connection of solar monotheism with the Christian Almighty, and so with Christ, may have been a bond of union between them. Such muddled combinations of quite distinct forms of monotheism were all the easier, because the Church, on its side, had long been using the comparison of Christ with the Sun as an instructive symbol, naming in 'Sun of Truth', 'Sun of Resurrection,' (Clement's Phoenix) 'Sun of Salvation,' and thus admitting the influence of the cult of Sol ... Constantine could with a good conscience cross over to a toleration of Sol beside the Redeemer.” It was the practice of Christ worshippers and Serapis-worshippers to mix in their worship.
From the 4th century there is an increasing assimilation of Christ to the Sun-god, the Christos Helios (cf. Eusebius Life of Constantine 1.4.18; and the notable mosaic of Christos Helios recently uncovered in the tomb of the Julii under the Vatican). But this theme “Christ-the-True-Sun” had already been diffusely proclaimed by Clement of Alexandria (ca. 150-215) in many of his writings. Origen followed in the footsteps of Clement, his teacher, and proclaimed our Saviour to be “the Sun”, “The True Sun”. Because of this, Bishop Zeno of Verona elaborated at great length on Christ-the-Sun as the True Sun, as the Eternal Sun. Some might say that Helios also means the sun as the physical sun. But, all encyclopedias affirm that, in religion, Helios means the Sun-deity. “I am the light of the world, he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life – John 8:12” Like God, the sun eternally gives forth from itself without ever being diminished, thus establishing itself as the most perfect symbol of the ineffable First Cause. John's LOGOS, the Divine Substance of everlasting life. ...The Logos is God's likeness, by whom the whole cosmos was fashioned – Philo. The Pythagoras portrayed the first principle as the Monad, indicating that it is both a primeval Unity and apart (monas) from all other things, transcending time, space, and the multiplicity of the phenomenal world.
In the Gospels, Jesus declared, “The Father is greater than I”. And he maintained that “the Father only” and not the Son knows the date of the Last judgment, but the Creed of Constantinople, using the Nicene language, affirmed that Jesus Christ was homoousios (consubstantial) with the Father. It was a Greek philosophical term derived from the Buddhist dogma of multiplicity which proclaimed that Buddha multiplies himself and that all Buddhas are consubstantiated (homoousios) with the essential body (God “The Father”). In harmony with the Hindu doctrine of transmigration of souls, the Platonic philosopher Porphyry had written that the souls of humans and animals were homoousios. It was this philosophical term which made it possible to portray Holy Spirit as a dove (there is no generic difference between a dove and a swan!). Let me remind here that the Celtic Talesin, like the Buddha, has visited the earth in many incarnations, not only as men and beasts, but even as “the bubbles on beer, and the drops in a shower.” (We have a Greek myth about Golden Shower impregnating a woman). The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible publ. In 1572, is called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible is better known as KJV. And that explains why the greatest atheist of all times the Buddha was introduced into the Catholic pantheon of saints as St. Josaphat, and why a staute of the Buddha was placed by pope John Paul II on an ecumenical altar at Assisi.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion”. Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18 refer to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple. In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “
The real thrust of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed was to differentiate the monolithic God worshiped by Jews. This divide et impera theology mimicked the politics of dividing the conquered territories into three parts; J. Caesar divided Galia into three parts, and Augustus divided Herod the Great’s state between three of his sons (Cp. the present attempts at dividing Israel and creating an “independent” Palestine). And Constantine divided the God of the Torah into three “persons” and raised a dove to the status of a person! All three are of the same everlasting substance of fire.
Emperor Julian “The Apostate” transformed Constantine's Trinity Dogma into the idea of the Threefold Sun; the first Sun is the transcendental Source, the good, which dispenses the principles of beauty, existence, perfection, and oneness, the second Sun is Helios-Mithras, the ruler of the intellectual gods, the visible disc of the physical sun is third (Julian, Hymn to the Helios 132B-C). Put another way, the first sun is the transcendental One, beyond Being; the second Sun, Helios is the principle and fountain of Being, “the sun of suns;” the third level is the realm of all suns, both our local sun and all the others stars in the cosmos. As Julian notes, “The Phoenicians, who were wise and learned in sacred lore declared that the rays of light everywhere diffused are the undefiled incarnation of pure mind (Nous) (Hymn to King Helios 134). The tendency toward solar monotheism is particularly well-attested in Macrobius, who notes that Sol mundi mens est: “The Sun is the Mind of the universe.” Like his little brother Hermes, Apollo the Logos was also a god of shepherds: “Apollo has been called “the God of Shepherds” ...because the sun feeds all that the earth brings forth, so that men sing of him as the feeder of not a single kind of stock but of all kinds (Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.17.43-44) According to Clemens of Alexandria: “The image of God is his word, the genuine son of Mind, (maybe, like Ahena born out of Zeus' Mind) the Divine Word, the archetypal light of light, and the image of the Word is the true man, the mind which is in man, who is therefore said to have been made “in the image and likeness of god.”
In 1503 pope Julius II placed the statue of Apollo, subsequently known as the “Apollo Belvedere” in the inner court of the Belvedere Palace of Innocent VIII (Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, p. 14). While in Rome in 1580, Montaigne was told about the wedding services held for homosexual couples in the church of San Giovanni a Porta Latina. The hero of Thomas Nashe's novel The Unfortunate Traveler of 1594 was warned by an exiled English earl he met in Rome. What is to be learned in France save 'to esteeme of pox as a pimple', in Spain save to copy 'a ruffle with short strings like the droppings of a man's nose', in Italy save 'the art of atheisme, the art of epicurising, the art of whoring, the art of poysoning, the art of sodomitry,'
In Pietro Aretino's Dialogue in which Nanna teachges her daughter Pippa to be a whore, Nanna alerts her eager pupil to the differences in behavior to be expected of her different clients, French, Spanish, German and Swedish as of more locals ones from different parts of Italy. Historians now argue, for example, that the vast syphilis plague that swept Europe from the Renaissance onward may have contributed to the Reformation and the rise of Puritanism, a development that still has echoes in our own time. Martin Luther's reform inculcated the marriage of the clergy, with a view to stamping out the vices that characterized celibacy in Grmany, and though the same injunction logically applies to soldiers, Frederick ( a gay) forced the majority of his officers to remain unmarried. In his armies he revived the vices of the Teutonic Knights and the Templars. A Polish chronicler noted that morbus gallicus (syphilis) was brought to Poland by a woman who went to Rome with pilgrimage.
Torah vs. The Gay Science
In the time period of pedophile scandals rocking the Catholic Church it will be instructive to remind of a 1985 “New York Native” interview with Joseph Sonnabend (“leading AIDS doctor”). “The rectum”, Sonnabend said, “is a sexual organ, and it deserves the respect a penis gets and a vagina gets.” Anal intercourse has been the central activity for gay men and for some women for all of history. The “leading AIDS doctor” did not know that the people of Katmandu suffer from chronic intestinal parasites caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal matter. “Versatile” anal sex and new behaviors such as analingus, or rimming facilitated the spread of otherwise difficult-to-transmit microbes. Gay men created almost laboratory conditions both to amplify STDs and then to spread these diseases throughout the world. And all these facts prove that the Bible is, indeed the God inspired Book of Books.
The vagina is the healthy, self-cleansing organ which it must be to fulfill itse sexual function adequately. The risk of exposure to carcinogens and other organism associatedf with the penis must be increased by the absence of these natural defense mechanisms in the rectum.
The moral values of various peoples are very important because the microbial world, the chemical world (food and drugs), the realm of toxins and pollutants, parasites and microbes, are intimately connected to our behavior, our physical condition, our diet, all of which are intimately connected to the cultural world, the social and religious world around us. Simply put, without partner change no sexually transmitted disease can spread. Partner A may infect partner B, but things will end there. In a thoroughly monogamous population there would be no sexually transmitted diseases at all; no matter how infectious certain microbes might theoretically be. Conversely, the higher the level of partner change, the more likely that even microbes that are relatively hard to transmit will have an opportunity to spread. We hear a lot of talk about pollution of the earth but we hardy hear about unhygienic sexual behavior.
In Noman Podhoretz’s “Ex-Friends. The Civil War of the New York Intellectuals” there’s the tale of the night he met with the Beat poet Allen Ginsberg “who began trying to persuade Podhoretz to support him in his effort to undo American mores,” and ended by screaming at Podhoretz, “We will get you through your children.” Ginsberg came to believe in Foucault’s hypothesis as expressed in his History of Sexuality (Vol. 1) that sexual identity is not as essential or natural as construed by scientific discourse but as socially constructed. Like Foucault he believed that sexual identities come to be fashioned through an individual’s interaction with others. Foucault’s thesis inspired Robert Goss’s “Jesus Acted Upon. A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto” (Harper 1993) which argued that “For queer Christians, God is the justice-doer in raising Jesus to the queer Christ.” Well, pedophile practices of the Roman Catholic clergy proved that they failed to undo American mores and, the obvious conclusion must be that it is futile to refashion a Jesus into a lascivious and perverted Bacchus even if such an endeavor has the backing of one particular Pope pointing to some passages in the New Testament influenced by Greek philosophy. In this context let me remind that it wasn’t the New Testament, which shaped the Church, but rather it was the Church, which shaped the New Testament. The Christian Bible and especially the Vulgate into which the Pythagorean heliocentrism was smuggled reflects the perennial policy of the Roman Church.
The Germans under Hitler developed a “purely German i.e. de-Judaized form of Christianity;” the growing “New Heathenism” rejected Jesus entirely and substituted “either Wotan worship or a cult of nature centered on the Sun”. Nazis replaced many Christian holidays with pagan celebrations: The Day of the Summer Solstice, The Day of the Winter Solstice. Marriage ceremonies increasingly invoked: Mother earth” and “Father Sky” as the deities by whom the covenant was blessed. As part of the campaign to eliminate the star and the cross from public life, crucifixes were gradually removed from hospitals and schools. InMarch of 1935 700 Protestant priests were arrested by the Gestapo in Prussia “for issuning condemnation of neo-paganism from the pulpit” and for “violating the moral instincts of the German race' by references to Abraham, Joseph, and david in the course of their teraching.”
From Hadrian Youth to Hitler Youth
Karl Fischer, a homosexual teacher, began the Wandervogel (a German version of the boy Scouts) which became The HitlerYouth in 1933, under a well known pederast, Hans Blueher, who wrote of man-boy “love” (cp. NAMBLA). Gerhard Rossbach, homosexual Nazi leader of the Freikorps gave over leadership of the Schill Youth to Edmund Heines, a convicted Nazi pederast, and murderer, all under the watchful eye of Adolf Hitler. Other homosexual and bisexual leaders cited by many authors included Baldur von Schirach, Hitler Youth (aka Homo Youth) leader; Hans Frank,Hitler'sMinister of Justice; Wilhelm Bruckner, Hitler's adjutant; Hans Kahnert, who founded Germany's largest Gay rights organization (Society for Human Rights) which counted “SA Chief Ernst Roehm among its members,” Edmund Heines, a pederast sadist, Dr Karl Gunther Heimsoth, a homosexual Nazi who coined the term “homophile”, and Julius Streiher, an infamous pornographer and pederast who was very close to Hitler.
Homosexualists John Lauritsen and David Thorstad reported that in the Soviet Union, homosexuality became known as “the fascist perversion” during the 1930's. They quote the Soviet writer Maxim Gorky: “There is a slogan in Germany, 'Eradicate the homosexual and fascism will disappeasr.' Wilhelm Reich, author of The Mass Psychology of Fascism wrote that homosexuality was the breeding ground of fascism. In 1936, fellow psychiatrist Erich Fromm echoed this view and also linked homosexuality with sado-masochism. Latin root for fascism is fasces, “a bundle of rods.” A diminutive of fasces is “faggot” a common pejorative for homosexual.
As Duberman, Vicinus and Chauncey have stated in the title to their “gay studies” text, the role of homosexuals and pederasts has been Hidden from History. Where Judeo-Christian ideals decrease, volence and depravity increase (vide the USA). These men were fanatically anti-Jewish and anti-Christian because of the injunctions against homosexuality implicit in the Judeo-Christian sexual ethics. Johansson notes that Judaism has suppressed the homosexual aspects of its culture, with concomitant hypetropy (enlargement) of the family.
Terrorists' Way of Life
Arfat's homosexuality has been widely acknowledged at least in 1976, when the testimony of a former associate (also homosexual) was published in a Canadian biography, Arafat, the Man an the Myth by Thomas Kiernan:
“We went one night on a training exercise, about twenty of us. We were camped in a citrus grove near Gaza in tents. There was an emergency of some kind...Several of us ran to Abu Khalid's tent to find out what we should do. There we discovered Abu Khalid was quite open about what he did with Yasir. In fact, he encouraged all of us to participate in such activities. He said it should be a part of the guerilla way of life....It created a closer bond among us. Most of us sooner or later were doing it as a regular way of life. Some of us even gave pleasure to Abu Khalid, and him to us. But he would never let us to touch Yasir. Yasis was his special province (Kirnan: 108) Well, it was Former Major General Otto Ernst Remer, Fűhrer’s chief bodyguard, who would train Y. Arafat in his terrorist activities.
Both before and during WWII political parties that imitated the Nazis were founded in the Arab World, such as the Syrian Social Nationalist Party and Young Egypt, replete with storm troopers, torch processions and Nazi slogans. General Abdul Nasser was a member of Young Egypt and made bo secret of his earlier Nazi sympathies when he became president of Egypt. Former Nazis served in his army and secret police, and his personal bodyguard was SS General Oskar Dirlewanger (The Sowetan, Oct. 2, 2001). Interestingly the leaders of the 19 terrorists, including ringleader Mohamed Atta, who attacked WTC, have been reported to be homosexuals.
“Gay” journalist Rex Wockner quoting National Enquirer, reported that “Atta's gay lover for the past two years was his right-hand man, Abdulaziz Alomari, who was with Atta when he crashed the plane into the North Tower (Wockner Wire,, Nov. 9, 2001). But the “gay” strategist Michelangelo Signorile produced an editorial in the left-leaning Newsweek magazine which , while not denying the truth of the Enquirer claims, dismissed them as irrelevant to the behavior of the terrorists. But are they really “irrelevant”?
An Arab Christian, WND founder, *Joseph Farah, reminds repeatedly: There is no language known as Palestinian. Nobody ever saw a Palestinian-English dictionary. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There was never a festival of Palestinian culture in any country of the world. Only mad monks like those who translated KJV could have imagined that it was Palestinians who actually wrote the Bible under Goliath’s inspiration. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass...Greed. Pride. Envy. Covetousness. No matter how many land concessions the Israelis make, it will never be enough... The Gay Science Crusade goes on.Listen to orgasms of light in their tents.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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