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Behind the Children’s Crusade of Hamas
Disappointed when the Jews did not acknowledge his leadership, Mohammed turned against them and invoked Hanifism, the supposedly uncorrupted religion of Abraham, against them (According to one tradition, in this “uncorrupted religion” Abraham went through with the sacrifice of his son). He also ascribed to Abraham many of the elements of Arab paganism that he took over into Islam. From this time on, Mohammed no longer regarded Islam as a form of revelation ranking with Judaism and Christianity; he proclaimed it to be the one and only true religion.
We have to consider the dialogue between God and Abraham within the context of the ancient Near East. Abraham lived in a world of idolatrous child offerings, where fathers demonstrated fealty to Molech by placing their children on the blood-thirsty sun god Molech’s fiery altar (Tragically, this cruel form of idolatry has returned with a vengeance to the present-day Middle East, with Palestinian parents, teachers and preachers encouraging children to blow themselves up, along with innocent Israeli mothers and babies).
From the Babylonian sun god Shamash to Allah
Franz Cumont in his Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans wrote: “From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world, it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence; it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This coherent and magnificent theology, founded upon the discoveries of ancient astronomy in its zenith, gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.”
Excerpts from Harun Yahya's The Only True Religion Debate:
Have we not made the earth kifaata? {Al-Quran 77:25}
Allah says in the Holy Quran that Allah made the earth kifaata. The motion of the earth is hidden beyond this word. Lets see the wideness of the word kifaata & how beautifully Allah is describing us the motion of the earth.
When the word kifaata, use with birds, the meaning will be"a bird, with contracting its furs, flying fastly." (lughat-ul-Quran).The similar word when use with horse, the meaning will be "the horse become uncontrolled and the traveler can't able to control it. (Lughat-ul-Quran).
And when this word "kifaata" used with earth then it will meant that the earth is fastly moving (flying) keeping all creatures and its movement is not controllable by traveler (all creatures). Now let us read this verse again with this translation.
The verse is usually translated: “Have we not made the earth (as a place) to draw together the living and the dead?” (the Holy Qur'an. Amana Publications, Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A. 11th edition 2004
The Moon orbit described in Harun Yahya's Qur'an belongs to Heliocentrism!
Copernicus embraced the Moon theory worked out by Al-Shattir of Damascus
Moon’s S-shaped orbit around earth is shaped like a branch of a date tree, mentioned in the Noble Quran and confirmed by Science!
THE MOON’S ORBIT:And We have decreed set phases for the moon, until it ends up looking like an old date branch. It is not for the sun to overtake the moon nor for the night to outstrip the day; each one is swimming in a sphere. (Qur’an, 36:39-40)
The Moon does not follow a regular orbit like the satellites of other planets. As it orbits the Earth, it sometimes moves behind it and sometimes in front. As it also moves with the Earth around the Sun, it actually follows a constant pattern resembling the letter “S” in space. This route, traced by the Moon in space, is described in the Qur’an as resembling an old date branch and does indeed resemble the twisted form of the date tree branch. Indeed, the word “urjoon” employed in the Qur’an refers to a thin and twisted date branch and is used to describe that part left after the fruit has been picked. The way that this branch is described as “old” is also most appropriate since old date branches are thinner and more twisted.
Allah Almighty’s description of the “phases/stages” of the moon’s orbit as an “old (qadeem)” and dried out “branch of a date tree,” and the scientists’ description of the orbit as S-shaped only prove that the Noble Quran is indeed a Divine Revelation from Allah Almighty (which simply means that all heliocentrists were divinely inspired, but were they?-rp). And as we clearly see below, all of the English translations of Noble Verse 36:39 accurately translated كالعرجون القديم as old dried out branch of a date tree.
The verse quoted by Harun Yahya 36:39 is not about the shape of the Moon's orbit but about the shape of the moon itself: “And the Moon – We have measured for it Mansions (to traverse) Till it returns Like the old (and withered) lower part of a date stalk.” Urjun... when it becomes old, it becomes yellow, dry, and withered, and curves like a sickle. Hence the comparison with the sickle-like appearance of the new moon.”
In 1957, the year of Sputnik, (a satellite) the name Trabant, which means satellite in German was chosen in an internal contest for the car IFA F9 which was developed and made by Sachsenring from 1949-1953. The Trabant hood emblem exposes the swastika as interwined “S” shapes symbolizing “Socialism”. Well it was former SS-Major W. von Braun who became the “Father” of the American space program. One of the GDR Posters promoting an independent Palestinian state depicted a red sun in the middle with rifles-like rays reminiscent of Galileo's famous saying: “Strength causes love.” It became the fascist slogan.
In 1989, someone in Neureuppin must have somehow wanted to make a statement about some nostalgic things and put the DDR-car up a pole, with a roof rack. A couple of storks got the message, build a huge nest and started a family. Click on the picture to see them upclose. The Trabant could be up there for a while since the body is made of plastic called Duropal: a duroplast mixture from phenolraisin with cottonfibres.
Ecumenism in Heliocentrism: T. Aquinas embraces Averroes
Heliocentric astronomy of Copernicus did not succeed the geocentered astronomy of Ptolemy because Copernicus’s system corresponded to experience and Ptolemy’s didn’t. With sufficient epicycles Ptolemy’s system could be made to correspond to our observations. The Copernican heliocentrism had won for political reasons. The fight against the religious heritage of the Hebrew Bible was what united the Roman Catholics and the Muslims. Very early we observe the growing alienation of the Roman Church from the Old Testament and Hebrew roots because of the Hellenization and universalization of the Christian message. On the other side, for the millions of Muslims Abraham was neither Jew nor Christian, but the first Muslim. He was believed to have founded the Kaaba in Mecca as the central sanctuary of the one God, and in this way he became the ancestor of the Arabs. On this political premise, the Arab philosopher Averroës (1126-1198) based his criticism of the Ptolemaic system and of the Biblical geocentrism for that matter: “Therefore new research work is necessary in order to find the “true” astronomy, which can be derived from the true principles of physics. As a matter of fact, today there is no astronomy at all, and what we call astronomy is in agreement with our computations but not with the physical reality.” Popular myth saw Averroës as a vile atheist.
Thomas Aquinas’s judgment of the Ptolemaic system sounds as a paraphrase of Averroës’s criticism: “The assumptions made by the astronomers are not necessarily true. Although these hypotheses seem to be in agreement with the observed phenomena we must not claim that they are true. Perhaps one could explain the observed motion of the celestial bodies in a different way which has not been discovered up to this time.” Copernicus’s only motive in his research was his conviction that there was no established doctrine and, not a spirit of opposition against the established doctrine. That explains the fact that he joined to his book the letter he had received from Cardinal Schőnberg some years before and that he dedicated his work to Pope Paul III. Card. Schőnberg urged him to publish his book: “Thus, learned Sir, I hope that I will not be deemed a nuisance when I urgently request you to communicate your discovery to the learned world.”
The Incoherence of Heliocentrists:
What is the shape of the orbit of the Moon around the sun?
What was the shape of the orbit of the Apollo rocket carrying the astronauts to the Moon?
Viewed from polaris (the pole star) the moon orbits the sun always moving around counterclockwise it never turns around to go the other way. The moon's orbit is concave to the sun, always. More concave outside the earth's orbit, less concave inside. The moons orbits snakes around inside the earth behind the earth outside the earth and in front of the earth. :
The orbit of the Moon is distinctly elliptical with an average eccentricity of 0.0549. The non-circular form of the lunar orbit causes variations in the Moon's angular speed and apparent size as it moves towards and away from an observer on Earth. The mean angular daily movement relative to an imaginary observer at the barycenter is 13.176358° to the east. The orientation of the orbit is not fixed in space, but precesses over time. (Wapedia)
Some one else might post a link or draw for you a picture of the moons path around the sun, but not me. I'm going to tell you to see it, in your mind...Try and see, this. From above, The moons path around the earth is all most a circle*, the slight elipsis not important for this sort of imaging. It orbits once in 28 days. and not above the equator,. it is more of the random path. slightly off center. The earth as you now rambles around the sun in 365.25 days. If you divide 365.25 by 28 you can sort of see that the moons actual path around the sun is a wobbly line . at some points it is between us and the sun and some times its not.
*Plato's universe depended on perfections and in his mind only a circle can be perfect. The planets, he believed, must travel in circles with a uniform motion. Whilst there was little evidence to suggest this to be true, Plato thought it to be a beautiful theory and so true! (i.e. beauty is truth! Is a Miss of America walking truth?). Copernicus and Galileo embraced Plato's dogma, but not Kepler and Newton, who replaced Copernicus's circles with ellipses.
In the opinion of another internet author, the moon's orbit as viewed from above the sun is a scallop shape (I don't know of any site that has a diagram of it). More than that, it's always concave towards the sun, because our moon is more strongly attracted to the sun than it is to it's the Earth. It's the only moon in the system like that, which is another reason why some people say we're a double planet.
The orbit of the Moon around the Earth is elliptical. An ellipse is a flattened circle, much like an oval. The Moon takes just under a month to revolve around the Earth. Looking down on the Earth above the North Pole, the Moon revolves counterclockwise around the Earth, which is the same direction that the Earth rotates on its axis. (Wikianswers)
What does the orbit of the Moon around the Sun look like? Most people, even almost all mathematicians I've asked this question, tend to believe that it will have loops.
It is not a circle, but is close to a 12-gon with rounded corners. It is locally convex in the sense that it has no loops and the curvature never changes sign. (To be precise, it is more like a 13-gon, since we have to consider the sidereal month of 27.32 days instead of the synodic month of 29.54 days, and 365.25/27.32 = 13.37.)
In other words, Harun Yahya has chosen one particular shape of many hypothetical moon's orbits and presented it to his followers as inspired by his Allah=Baal.
In which direction is the moon's orbit around Earth?
It orbits in the same direction that the earth spins. Interestingly, the moon's orbit and the spin of the earth are in perfect sync. That's why no matter where you are on earth, you always see the same side of the moon. (Yahoo Answers).
The total eclipse of July 22, 2009 belied this dogma (see the attached picture, in my blog, which shows the moon moving in the same direction as the sun and not counterclockwise as heliocentric Science proudly proclaims. This eclipse proved beyond any doubt that only Science of the Bible is True.
OK, the Moon revolves around the Earth. Right?
The Moon revolves around the Earth but that is a bit of an over simplification. Viewed from above the plane of its orbit, the Moon moves along the dotted path with respect to the Sun, by Greg Smye-Rumbsy ( The Scientists of the British National Maritime Museum are wrong. The Moon revolves around the earth only in Biblical geocentrism, in heliocentrism it revolves around the sun together with the earth!-rp
Why does the Moon orbit the Earth? Because the Earth distorts spacetime in the vicinity of the Moon, and causes it to orbit the Earth the way it does and the balance of forces to come out the way it does.
The Bible says that the purpose of the Moon is to be a “sign for seasons, and for days and years”. And such statement is empirical, unlike the statement about the cause of its motions, which is speculative, and wrong, as heliocentrism is. -rp
YHWH vs. Allah=Baal
Who hath ascended up into heaven, and descended? Prov 30:4
Let me sketch in a few words the general idea of Biblical geocentrism. It is expressed in the first verse of the Book of Genesis: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (1:1) The English 'heavens' renders the Hebrew noun 'shamayim' which is dual, which means God created two heavens, more precisely, the northern and southern hemispheres and the earth in between. This idea is expressed in the two blue stripes of the Israeli flag and the so-called Star of David standing for earth in between them. I admire the courage of this tiny people defending their Biblical Science.
In the Book of Job you'll find another vision of the earth in the space: “He stretched out the North over the empty place and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). I challenge my scientific opponents to quote a Biblical verse in Hebrew describing the earth as 'flat'.
It was St. Augustine who defended the Aryan teaching about the 'flat' earth and at the same time attacked those who believed in the so-called antipodes. St. Augustine also rejected the Biblical creationism and proclaimed superiority of the philosophical evolutionism.
Please keep in mind that the speed of the moon orbiting the earth in geocentric system would be approximately 58.000 mph, if the the accepted distance of the moon from the earth: 225, 724 miles is true.
The movements of the moon in the heliosystem are as incomprehensible as the dogma of Holy Trinity and, indeed, since the very beginning, heliocentrism was proclaimed as a philosophical dogma inaccessible to regular human logic (See below).
Most encyclopedias don't mention the problem of the movements of the moon orbiting the earth in heliosystem. I was lucky when I found the edition of the World Book Encyclopedia printed in 1960, that is, before the politically motivated “voyage to the moon”. Here is how they described the movements of the moon in heliosystem:
“The reception of this theory (heliocentrism) is surprisingly muted. It was certainly not accepted immediately, as there are too many problems and too few advantages.
“Every 24 hours, while the earth has turned on its axis, the moon has moved about 12 degrees eastward in its orbit. The west-to-east movement of the moon around the earth makes the moon rise an average of about 51 minutes later each day of its cycle.
“The moon revolves around the earth at an average speed of 2,300 mph. The speed is greater near the earth than at the farthest point on the moon’s orbit. The moon completes one revolution (a circle) in about 27 and 1/3 days.”
Please, keep in mind, the daily moon rises and settings are explained adequately by the earth spinning on its axis, but the difference between the twenty four hours of solar day and night and 24 hrs and 51 minutes of the lunar cycle forces the astronomers to accept the retrograde (eastward) movement of the moon of 12 degrees. So far so good, we speak about relative movements of earth and moon.
Now, the situation changes radically, when it comes to explain the movements of the earth and the moon on their simultaneous orbits around the sun. The earth rotates on its axis at about 1,037.5 miles an hour at the equator. The speed of a trip around the Sun is about 66,700 miles an hour. I won't complicate this problem any further by math of the hypothetical movements of the whole solar system around the center of the galaxy at an average velocity of about 220 kilometers a second, about 492.126 miles an hour.
The movements of the two bodies: earth and moon around the sun force us to forget the circular, monthly orbit of the moon around the earth, because it's obvious that the earth would loose its moon orbiting at 2,300 mph. So the one and only graph explaining the simultaneous movements of the earth and the moon around the sun is slalom-like or, S-shaped orbit of the moon speeding up (more than 66,700 mph) on one side and slowing down (less than 66,700 miles mph) on the other side of the earth. And, most importantly, the distance between the earth and the moon would be fluctuating which means we would see the changes of the moon size.
Now, let's give a cursory glance to the book First on the Moon. A Voyage with Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.(Little, Brown and Co. Boston. 1970):
On page 195 we find: “Seventy hours into the flight, 13,638 nautical miles from the moon, velocity up to 4,047 feet per second, over 2,700 statute mph...”
On page 204: “73 hours and twenty-five minutes into the mission... 75 hours...Only 2,241 nautical miles away from the moon, velocity back up to 5,512 feet per second, over 3,700 statute mph, forty-one minutes away from loss of signal as Apollo 11 goes behind the moon..”
On page 385: “Apollo 11 a little more than four thousand nautical miles from the moon, traveling eastward at precisely 1 statute mile per second.” Compare this speed with the speed of orbiting earth and the moon of approximately 20 miles per second.
Whoever wrote this book was sure that most people had no idea about the problems of the movements of the earth-moon system in heliocentrism. But what about the astronomers or rather mathematicins? Well, to keep their jobs they have to stay within the confines of the generally accepted paradigm. Otherwise they would be qualified as herectics or moonbats.
But let's peep deeper. In the 'theology' of the Pythagorean sect (heliomaniacs) numbers are the 'primeval stuff, from which the universe was born. So, if the primeval stuff is irrational (like for example the 'pi' number), the whole universe must be irrational. Galileo had proved it. He dropped two weights, differing as ten to one, from the leaning tower, and noted the fact that both weights reached the ground at the same time. In such a world as this, he said in effect, this is the way falling bodies behave. If that is not possible in a rational world, then the world we live in is not a rational one! He was right. The latest experiments seem to show that an electron may, for reasons best known to itself, be moving in two orbits at the same time, possibly, like the “Apollo” 11 in one orbit around the moon and in another one around the sun.
To this point Galileo's common sense method of noting the behavior of things, sticking close to the observable facts, has brought us; it has at last presented us with a fact that common sense repudiates. If you are fed up with living in the irrational world of heliomaniacs, you can cross over to the imaginary world built of the square roots of all negative numbers. Gauss' 'complex plane' introduced to accommodate all numbers containing √-1 was transformed by H. Minkowski into a real Imaginary Paradise called the Fourth Dimension of the form D= √(-(cT)²) = (-c²T²)½. The astronauts have found this Fantasy Island in the area of negative infinity of the Jaina mathematicians which starts from -1. The tickets are as cheap as the tickets to the Moon once sold by the PANAM airline.
In the Hohmann transfer which would keep the pace of the earth and moon orbiting at 20 mps, you have to loose 600 miles per second of velocity to be captured by the moon's gravity. The Apollo crewmen using a different transfer had to loose only 0.4 miles per second to get the same effect. Now, what you have to keep in mind is this: When a mathematician is tackling a physical problem, and comes across quantities which have no physical existence, he refers to them as imaginary. For instance, suppose I throw a ball into the air and fire a shot at it with a rifle. If the bullet strikes the ball I would call it a 'hit', and if it does not, a 'miss.' Mathematicians studying the situation may calculate the paths of the ball and the bullet and according to the results declare that they collided at a 'real' point (a hit) or at an 'imaginary' point (a miss) in the Fourth Dimension. The word imaginary, meaning 'existing only in human imagination' has the same meaning as Copernicus' 'imaginary circles' ('circulos fingere') which he used to explain the movements of heavenly bodies.
Similarly, Newton begins with a purely mathematical construct or imagined system – not merely a case of nature simplified but a wholly invented system of the sort that does not exist in the real world at all. Here by 'real' world is meant only the external world as revealed by experiment and observation. In this system or construct, a single mass-point moves about a center of force. In other words, a ghost orbiting another ghost.
A consequence of the mutual gravitational attraction is that all three of Kepler's laws are not strictly true in the world of physics but are true only for mathematical construct in which masses do not interact with one another, orbit either a mathematical center or a stationary attracting body. The distinction Newton draws between the realm of mathematics, in which Kepler's laws are truly laws, and the realm of physics, in which they are only “hypotheses” (or approximations), is considered one of the revolutionary features of Newtonian celestial dynamic.
A Short Treatise on the Philosophy of Heliocentrism or,
Philosophia Sensibus Demonstrata
Senses and demonstration are the best place to start when trying to discern Nature (Galileo in his Letter to the Duchess Christina of Tuscany)
Thanks to his intuition as a brilliant physicist and by relying on different arguments, Galileo, who practically invented the experimental method, understood why only the sun could function as the centre of the world, as it was then known, that is to say, as a planetary system. The error of the theologians of the time, when they maintained the centrality of the Earth, was to think that our understanding of the physical world's structure was, in some way, imposed by the literal sense of Sacred Scripture....
– Pope John Paul II, L'Osservatore Romano N. 44 (1264) - November 4, 1992
Knowledge cannot rest on our senses! (Renee Descartes) Descartes revolted at Galileo's positing of phenomena not found in experienced nature but rather isolated in controlled, technologically manipulated situations. And unlike John Paul II he was not politically motivated to indulge Galileo in his imaginary constructs.
In his Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues precisely for the survival, though not the truth value of sense perception: “But the nature here described truly teaches me to flee from things which cause the sensation of pain, and seek after things, which communicate to me the sentiment of pleasure and so forth; but I do not see that beyond this it teaches me from those diverse sense-perceptions we should ever form any conclusions regarding things outside us, without having (carefully and maturely) mentally examined them beforehand.” Rene Descartes, The philosophical Works of Descartes, trans. Elizabeth S. Haldane and G.R.T. Rose (Cambridge University Press, 1972, 1:193)
Test your senses:
Does the earth appear to you to be spinning on an axis?
Does the sun appear to be going around the earth?
-the world appears x, but it is really y.
"If we wish to be sure that we are right in all things, we should always be ready to accept this principle: I will believe that the white that I see is black, if the hierarchical Church so defines it." (Ignatius Loyola (Jesuits, response to Rationalistic worldview, -"Soldiers of Christ"). It was the Jesuits who coined the phrase about Copernicus: “He stopped the sun and moved the earth”. There is no word about proving anything. Roma locuta, causa finita. The Muslim or, secular heliocentrists are Jesuits too.
"I can still remember seeing him do his classic 'Galileo' bit in the early '90s," said fellow comedian George Carlin, referring to the pope's 1992 declaration that the church erred in condemning Galileo. "Here was this man, appearing on televisions around the world, making a proclamation that the sun does not move around the earth. I laughed until tears rolled down my cheeks." See the attached pictures of the Trabant episode in the automobile industry to better understand why G. Carlin could not stop laughing.
The Geocentric Mathematics of the Space Shuttle and International Space Station.
The space shuttle orbiting the earth at a speed of 9 mps, for me, proves that we live on the stationary earth. Reinhard Furrer, West German astronaut who flew on the 22nd shuttle mission in the fall of 1985 expressed his experiences in space: “I would have wished that after my return people has asked me how it was out there. How I coped with the glistening blackness of the world and how I felt being “a star that circled the earth.” (Harry Hurt III, For All Mankind. 1988, p.326) Well, only in Biblical geocentrism the stars circle the earth. In contradistinction, the one and only Polish astronaut, Maj. M. Hermaszewski took aboard a Soviet sputnik Copernicus's The Revolutions. He was awarded the rank of a general for this deed. Now, they are building in the capital of Poland a huge Center of Science named after Copernicus which will commemorate the flight of Gen. Hermaszewski. Atheists of all countries unite! It's a Polish Variant of the Trabi car.On May 22, 2010, they reburied Copernicus wit full ecclesiastical and military honors, and obviously, they did not present to the world on this occasion his epitaph portrait showing him praying to the Jewish Savior, and not to his sun god.
A Muslim Imam: The Bible's Scientific Absurdities!
It is crystal clear that the Bible is full of man-made corruptions and alterations. Since when the Earth is flat (The Hebrew Bible doesn't teach that the earth is flat, like a Latin orbis!-rp) and can never move?! We all know that the Earth and the other planets rotate and move in space around the Sun. Since when the Sun hurries back to where it rises, like if there is some hole it rises from and another hole it sets through on Earth?!
For those Jews and Christians who would like to see where in the Noble Quran does Allah Almighty say that the planets in space rotate and move, read the following Noble Verse:
"It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion. (The Noble Quran, 21:33)"
Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented on this verse: “...the metaphor of swimming implied in the original words how beautiful is to contemplate the heavenly bodies swimming through space (or ether) in their rounded courses before our gaze.
The Biblical geocentricity is confirmed by Sura Ya Sin (36:40): “ It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: each (just) swims along in its own orbit according the the Law.” Harun Yahya, like the Turkish Fascist IHH organization which stood behind the Flotilla Invasion of Gaza is ready to bent the Qur'an according to his political, pro-Palestinian purposes which means turning Allah into Baal. Indeed, some time ago, the PA issued a stamp with Baal which caused a great controversy among the sincere Muslims, opposing Haj Amin's Islamofascism.
The Sharia and Slavery
To increase Moor control in Mauritania, Arabic was made compulsory language of instruction in schools. When Afro-Mauritanians protesting their rapid exclusion demonstrated in the capital, the army was called out and opposition forcibly suppressed. Merely discussing racial conflicts was banned. To further reduce dissent, the ruling party took control of all trade unions as well. By the early 1970s government repression had turned a sleepy French colony into a single-party police state relying on racial discrimination. The dictatorship of Jould Daddah silenced criticism and forced a program of Arabization of the country. To maintain its export market the French government actively support the Mauritanian regime, calling it the “most democratic country in Northern Africa”
The French praise the government as democratic and fund large development projects, studiously ignoring questions of slavery. The American deflect any suggestion of widespread enslavement in the country. Their 1996 “Human Rights Report for Mauritania” states: “Slavery in the form of officially sanctioned forced or involuntary servitude, is extremely rare, and a system of slavery in which Government and society join to force individuals to serve masters no longer exists.” The report makes horrific practices with bland euphemisms: “There are occasional cases of 'transfers' individuals – often children – from one employer to another, usually of the same family. Reports of sales are rare, cannot be confirmed, and are confined to past years.” (Kevin Bales, Disposable People. New Slavery in the Global Economy
University of California Press. 1999: 117)
The Earth has pillars?!
You'll find answers to this and other questions in this blog in the post about the "pillars of the earth."
Job 26:7:7 "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing." The “pillars of the earth” belong to the Biblical Geology which unmasks the intellectual poverty of the Lyell geology.
Roman Pytel, Ph.D. poles4israel
Friday, June 4, 2010
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