“The only wise men in the world are philosophers”
“Nothing is known better by knowing theology.”
academic proposition proclaimed at the Paris University and condemned by the Church in 1277
According to Pierre Duhem, a 19th-century French historian, this condemnation forced philosophers to free themselves from the fondness for Aristotle's theses and to consioder alternatives. For him, the date 1277 thus marked the beginning of modern (i.e. non- or anti-Aristotelian), i.e. Heliocentric science.
In mid-fortheenth century Paris, Jean Buridan prepared the philosophical deism by his hypothese of impetus explaining rationally the unceasing rotation of starry sphere; in the absence of resistance, God's initial impetus at creation is preserved and requires no further intervention. His younger contemporary Nicole Oresme (later a bishop) offerd a list of arguments for the possible rotation of the earth; he concluded that no available empirical or rational evidence could determine whether ot not it moved, a dogma which later shaped Galileo's reasoning. Well, according to the Bible stopping the sun in its course, or the earth in its spinning would make the daylight last longer. Like his predecessor, a certain Aristarchus, he apodeiknum i i.e. dogmatically declared the earth moves. Cicero called all statements of speculative philosophy: dogmata.
Incidentally, Buridan's idea of impetus resonates in Darwin's belief that “a world populated by natural law” was “far grander” than one in which the Creator constantly interferes. The most influential Arab philosopher Abu Hamid al-Ghazali argued... against very idea of laws of nature, on the ground that any such laws would put God's hands in chains.
Jean Buridan's impetus hypothese anticipated what came to be known as a “clockwork universe” (bearing the “clockwork oranges”) i.e. a perfect machine, with its gears governed by the laws of physics. And usually , those who, like Thomas H. Greer, in his A Brief History of the Western World proclaim that “the hand of God, which once kept the heavenluy bodies in their orbits, was replaced by universal gravitation” seem to ignore that Newton flatly refused to speak of the world as a clockwork that runs on its own, without any need for ongoing divine governance. It was the French philosophes of the 18th century, who following in the footsteps of Voltaire created their own view of Newton as the apotheosis of the kind of secular reason that they advanced to replace Christianity not knowing or intentionally ignoring that Newton in his paper De Aere et Aethere identified gravity with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ.
Cyrano de Bergerac (1619-1655) associated pre-Copernican geocentrism with “the insupportable arrogance of Mankinde, which fancies that Nature was only created to serve it.”. The science popularizer Bernard le Bouvier de Fontenelle's Discourse if the Plurality of Worlds (1686) complimented Copernicus – who takes the earth and throws it out of the center of the World – for his “design was to abate the vanity of men who had thrust themselves into the chief place of the Universe.” This interpretation became the standard and apparently unquestioned version of the Enlightenment
For Darwin, It was “more humble” to have apes in our family tree, to believe that savages and civilized people alike were “created from animals.” Adam Sedgwick had written to Darwin lamenting that he had “deserted ...the true method of induction, and started machinery as wild as...Bishop Wilkin's locomotive that was to sail with us to the moon.”
Preparing the Rehabilitation of Galileo
On 12 May 1981 Card. Casaroli, in his capacity as Secretary of State sent a highly congratulatory message to Archbishop of Paris, Paul Poupard, lauding the work and thought of Father Teilhard de Chardin whose centenary the Institute of Paris was celebrating. Stato’s message praised “the amazing echo of his research, joined with the radiance of his thought,” all of which “has left a durable mark on his age.”
In paper after paper, Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit paleontologist worked out his ideas, mourning his Church’s unwillingness to incorporate what Science had discovered into its understanding of the world, criticizing the “geocentricity” to which she clung psychologically for four hundred years after she had ceased to support it astronomically, and rebuking those religious thinkers who recognized nothing new under the sun since “instantaneous creation”. Keeping in mind that I. Newton referred to heliocentrism as “Gentile Theology” de Chardin wrote: “Christianity’s only chance to grow lay in her being born again among the Gentiles because only the Gentiles had retained their pagan taste for the earth.Christianity must break out of the closed world of Israel into the pagan world” (This postulate inspired K. Wojtyla “The Renaissance Psalter”). Having approved of Newton’s occult dogma that all matter is capable of evolving toward spirit Chardin has sown the seeds for a “religion of the future” which materialized in the so-called New Age of which he was recognized as one of the Founding Fathers. Let us peep deeper into de Chardin’s mind. The geologist E. Suess had added the concept of a “biosphere” or earth-skin made up of living things, to the older description of the planet as one made of a hard mineral “lithosphere”, wrapped around a denser and ultimately fluid “barysphere.” De Chardin posited above Suess’s biosphere the existence of an even more significant covering of the earth – its “thinking skin”, the “noosphere”. Accordingly, ine one of K. Wojtyla's poems we read about a “thought deep, knotted in the wrinkles of the brow.” (Karol Wojtyla, Easter Vigil & Other Poems. Random House. 1979, p. 27). As archbishop of Cracow K. Wojtyla had a French church in shape of sickle and hammer designed by a communist architect Le Corbusier copied in his diocene. Well, we speak about brain child, but so far we don't speak abou skin child.Do we?
De Chardin’s “ Earth's goddes was Hesiod’s Materia Matrix or the “Mother Earth” (Gaia) he never ceased to love. He was delirious when he learned that a study of religious observance in France compiled in 1943 by Abbes Godin and Daniel, proved that 84% of the people were “paganized”. All the French bishops and cardinals collaborated with the pagan Nazis.
Gaia Becomes the Goddess of the 21st Century
The Apollo astronaut Russel Schweikart (See, Gaia, Evolution and the Significance of Space Exploration, JS Journal, published by International Synergy (December 1987; 2:2, p. 29) expressed his belief that Gaia may be nearing some sort of threshold analogous to giving birth. We may conclude that a new member will soon be added to Copernicus’s astrorum familia. Let me quote the relevant passage from Copernicus's book as translated by Charles H. Kahn in his book Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans. Hackett Publishing. Indianapolis 2001:
“ In the middle of all sits the sun enthroned. In this most beautiful temple could we place this luminary in any better position from which he can illuminate the whole at once? He is rightly called the Lamp, the Mind, the Ruler of the Universe; Hermes Trismegistus, names him the Visible God. So the Sun sits as upon a royal throne ruling his children, the planets which circle round him.” This passage is rarely if ever quoted by historians of science so the people of common sense have no idea what religion Copernicus professed and immortalized in his epoch-making book, which was sponsored the highest echelons of the Vatican Curia.
The idea of the living Earth today exercises a profound intellectual enchantment. The notion of our planet as an infinitely integrated super organism has compelled world leaders from Mikhail Gorbachev to Pope John Paul II, R. Reagan to Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar to Norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Bruntland to write on the theme of global interdependence in the Gaia Peace Atlas, published simultaneously by Gaia Books (London) and Doubleday (New York) 1988, which concludes by thanking Lovelock, a former NASA employee “for his continuing inspiration.”
In addition to the major living Earth/Goddess festivals that have been held in New York, San Francisco, Toronto, Amhest, Boulder, and various locations in England and on the Continent, innumerable smaller seminars, discussion groups, and get-togethers, have been organized around Gaian themes. The Gaia Institute at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City has been offering lectures, discussion groups, and entertainment for almost a decade.
The Jewish neo-pagan Jonathan Kirsch, a prolific author and an attorney specializing in publishing law wrote a book entitled God Against the Gods in which he attacked the Jewish monotheism, and like the famous British philosopher D. Hume argued that polytheism is much better idea than monotheism.
He said in an interview (See, The Jewish Week, May 14, 2004) that all of his books start with the same question of where the Bible came from, who wrote it and what they were trying to achieve. “Once you embrace the idea that everything we think we know about God begins with words uttered or written by human beings like ourselves, it cannot fail to change your ideas about God.” Kirsch’s book shows the dark side of monotheism and the bright side of paganism. It was monotheism that brought on holy wars, crusades, martyrdom and Inquisition, while the central value of classical paganism was the same kind of religious diversity and tolerance that is claimed as the core of Western civilization today. I doubt if any of Biblical authors was like Jonathan Kirsch. He eagerly excused the atheist Soviet Union for its prologned wars in Europe (Hungary) and Asia (Afghanistan)
Jonathan Kirsch doesn’t know that he became but a epigone of the Syrian Seleucides who in in the year 145” – in the reckoning of the Seleucid dynasty (that is, in the late Dec. of 167 B.C) – set the “Abomination of Desolation on the altar of holocausts”, according to the horrified chronicler of I Maccabees. This things was a statue of Olympian Zeus, king of the Greek gods (also known in Asia Minor as Baal, for the Greeks were happy to have their gods take local names), now given pride of place in the Temple of the Living God and defiling both the Temple and the Jewish people with unimaginable sacrilege. Whoever objected, whoever persisted in the old, exclusive ways, whoever had her children circumcised, whoever refused to perform his civic duty and make sacrifices in the customary manner to the pantheon of gods, was put to the sword – mothers with their circumcised infants “hung round their necks.” The new order was publicized as the triumph of reason over backwardness and superstition.
Teilhard de Chardin's God of Evolution
A manuscrpt litany found at Father Teilhard's death, written on both sides of a picture of the radiant heart of Christ. The picture stood on his desk. The litany appears to belong to the same period as 'The God of Evolution'. This incoherent poem is too long to be quoted in full, so I have excerpted a few passages reflecting the general idea to which I provide my comments:
The God of Evolution
The Christic, the Trans-Christ
Heart of the world
Jesus Essence { of evolution
The motor of evolution
The heart of evolution
The heart of matter
The centre of Jesus
The heart of the of God
The cosmic curve
The heart of God
The issue of cosmogenesis
The tide of cosmic
The god of evolution
T U. Jesus
The focus of all reflection
of the cosmic vortex
Axis and the issue (acme)
Hart of the world's heart
Focus of ultimate and
universal energy
Centre of the cosmic
sphere of cosmogenesis
Heart of Jesus, heart of
evolution, unite me to
Two major hypotheses considered to be the “pillars” of modern science inform this “poem” without a shred of poetry, namely: heliocentrism and evolutionism. Let me decode its scientific” hieroglyphs. They are scarce, because this poem is like Ravel's bolero which repeats the same musical motif in different tonalities. Let me start with the “God of Evolution, the Christic Trans-Christ.” His identity is revealed in in his definition as “the heart of the world”
The Babylonian astrologers were describing the sun as the fiery heart of the world, which vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence (thinking matter, like thinking skin-rp); it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…
Theon of Smyrna, a contemporary of Ptolemy. After expressing his opinion that mercury and Venus may, after all, be revolving round the sun, he goes on to say that the sun should be called the heart of the universe, which is both “a world and an animal.” (...) the mathematical center of the universe is where the earth is, cold and immovable, but the center of the world as animal is in the sun, which is, so to say, the heart of the universe.
G.J. Von Leuchen aka Rheticus was the only pupil of N. Copernicus. A short passage in his Narratio Prima (p. 465,12; 462,22,35) is the best key unlocking the astrological taproot of De revolutionibus. In this passage he refers to the sun not only as God’s steward of nature and king of all distinguished with divine Majesty, but also explains that the sun, like the heart in a body, guides the stars: like a ruler who does not need to go to various towns in order to execute his official duty, so the heart does not have to go to head, to feet, or to other part of the body in order to sustain life. This was a perennial mantra of all heliocentric astrologers throughout the ages. So, de Charind's Trans-Christ who is “the heart of the world” is the mythological, pagan sun god embraced also by Copernicus in his book which became the “bible” of the Renaissance revival of calssical paganism turned into a shield against the Biblical roots of Reformation.
De Chardin's transformation of Jesus Christ into a pagan sun god was not his invention but was a logical consequence of the well-known cult of the sacred Heart of Jesus developed and institutionalized in the Catholic iconography.
De Chardin's “trans-Christ” as “the Activant of Christianity” is a logical conclusion from his postulate that “Christianity must break out of the closed world of Israel into the pagan world”. It is a historical fact that the name Christianity was coined in Syria in an attempt to separate the new religion from its Biblical roots which is also evidenced in Marcion's teaching that Jesus was not a son of God and a Jewish mother but an alien who appeared in this world during the reign of emperor Tiberius. The crucial difference between the canonical Greek gospels and its Syrian version known as Peshitta is the rejection of classical heliocentrism by the canonical Gospels and its embrace by the Peshitta in its Gospel of Luke which puts into the mouth of the twelve-year old Jesus a lecture on heliocentrism elaborated by the Syrian astrologer Seleucus. (Seleucos prins opinion d’affermer la terre veritablement autour des poles se mouuoir non le ciel – Rabelais, Pantagruel, Book V, ch. 25 (1552).Keep in mind the the name of the country Syria is derived from the name of Aryan sun god Suria (In Arabic Syria is called Suria).
The U. Jesus, or the U(niversal) Jesus, called by de Chardin “the focus of all reflection” is also “Axis of the cosmic vortex.” The Persian poet Omar Khayyam passed on the perennial Aryan heliocentrism in this quatrain from his Rubaiyat:
Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show
Played in a box whose Candle is the Sun,
Round which we Phantom Figures come and go.
The poetic figure of the Candle-sun stood for the Expanding Centre (Cp. Big bang's expanding universe) exemplified in the Shri-Yantra mandala, which was composed around a central point – the metaphysical and irradiating point of primordial energy of “Big Bang”. The earliest state of disorganized creation was impelled towards the creation of a New Order (Dharma, Tao, Logos, New Testament, Modernism, New Age) whose heavenly nature holds from the center and spins all else around it because “Monarchy is necessary to the world for its well-being” (Dante). The swastika signifies the action of the origin (the mystic centre i.e. the spiritual sun) upon the universe, which is Whirl or, Descartes’ vortex.
Mme Blavatsky, the Russian-born foundress of Theosophy taught the philosophy behind Pan’s seven-piped flute as follows: “Force enough may actually be generated to create an electrical vortex, sufficiently powerful to produce many a strange phenomenon. With this hint, the whirling of the dervishes, and the wild dances, swayings, gesticulations, music, and shouts of devotees will be understood as all having a common object in view -- namely, the creation of such astral conditions as favor psychological and physical phenomena. The rationale of religious revivals will also be better understood if this principle is borne in mind.”A certain Andrew Crosse created an electrical vortex in his bathtube out of wich his acari were born. (Rupert T. Gould Crosse's Acari in his book Oddities. A Book of Unexplained facts. 1965)
Carl L. Becker in his The Heavenly City of the 18th-century Philosophers observed: “If we wished to reduce eight centuries of intellectual history to an epigram, we could not do better than to borrow the words of Aristophanes, “Whirl (Vortex) is king, having deposed Zeus.”
In the Cartesian system, vortex is a collection of particles of matter forming an ether or fluid endowed with a rapid rotary motion around an axis. By means of these vortices, Descartes attempted to account for the formation of the universe. Investigations of the motion of vortices, more particularly the theorems relating to vortex-filaments rotating round a central axis in a frictionless or perfect fluid, have suggested the possibility of founding on them a new form of atomic theory. And this explains de Charin's vsion of his Trans-Christ as “heart of matter”
The word 'Brahman' in Sanskrit is a neuter word and means simply 'energy'. The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten raised the energy to the rank of a god and valled it One. Obviously a sun god is a material god as 'proved' by the Einstein equivalence of energy and matter.
In 1905 Einstein published four articles that shook physics to its foundations, including one on relativity theory. One of the less well-remembered articles presented a set of equations that could be used to prove the existence of atoms from measurements of how particles zigged and zagged during Brownian motion. Einstein lacked the means to measure the motion accurately, but shortly afterward the equations fell into the hands of a French physical chemist, Jean Perrin, who had been trying to measure Brownian motions for ten years. His calculations proved that the particles could move only if water existed in discrete particles. Like mercury, maybe.The idea of Brownian motion was inspired by Caresian philosophy of vortices. Galileo, like K. Marx believed that there is no matter without motion.
Galileo’s own drawing of the heavens, published in his Dialogue in 1632, explains why he retained circular orbits of Copernicus and rejected Kepler's ellipses. The circle in the middle of the zodiac is not the sun; it is the orbit of the sun, which is marked by the circlet on the circumference. Galileo, viewed the sun as the mythological sun god driving his chariot in a circle. An ancient bas-relief shows Apollo driving his chariot with concentric circles around his head.
Politics Behind the Rehabilitation of Galileo
“America anti-Catholicism (and anti-Semitism-rp) was inherited from Britain, where it has been well established since the 17th century. Already in the 1640s, Galileo's misfortunes were being used in England to support “anti-papist” sentiments. Hence it was easy – and politically expedient – to create the impression that the Catholic church was, and always had been, opposed to science, technology, and progress.” (Galileo Goes to jail. Ed. By Ronald L. Numbers. 2009, p.101) The rehabilitation of Galileo which was not the first in the Vatican polititicking was to suppress the negative image of the Church produced by John William Draper's, History of Conflict between Religion and Science (1874) which inculcated to the generations of Americans the conviction that Roman Christianity and Science are recognized by their respective adherents as being absolutely incompatible; they cannot exist together... Such an image was, of course very damaging to to the Vatican global political aspirations. So, ita came as no surprise that John Paul II did exactly the same move which Pope Pius VII did by his recognition of heliocentrism as a fact, in 1822 to gain the support of the French Modernists in his internal struggle with the Italian Risorgimento:
On 31 July 1981 Pope John Paul II established a study commission to reexamine the entire Galileo case under the leadership of Card. Paul Poupard who, once, together with the French bishops insisted on placing the birthday of K. Marx on the official Church liturgical calendar to be celebrated along with the birthdays and death of the Church’s saints and martyrs.
On Oct. 31 1992 Cardinal Paul Poupard presented the Pontifical Commission’s conclusions in summary from the Pope in the Sala Regia of the Apostolic Palace. The main conclusion of the Commission is printed in italics in the English translation of the cardinal’s speech:
It is in that historical and cultural framework, far removed from our own times, that Galileo’s judges, incapable of dissociating faith from an age-old cosmology, believed, quite wrongly, that the adoption of the Copernican revolution, in fact not yet definitely proven, was such as to undermine Catholic tradition and that it was their duty to forbid its being taught. This subjective error of judgment, so clear to us today, led them to a disciplinary measure from which Galileo ‘had much to suffer’. These mistakes must be frankly recognized, as you, Holy Father, have requested.
By separating Christianity from its Jewish roots, in accordance with the postulate of Teilhard de Chardin, seduced a lot of American scientists who now forgot the hostile propaganda of John Draper and started praising the Christian inspiration for Western Civilization.
Rodney Stark, a Baylor College sociologist in his For the Glory of God (2003) glorified de Chardin's Trans-Christ as activant of Christianity as follows:
Had the followers of Jesus remained an obscure Jewish sect, most of you would not have learned to read and the rest of you would be reading from hand-copied scrolls. Without a theology committed to reason, progress and moral equality, today the entire world would be about where non-European societies were, in say, 1800: A world with many astrologers and alchemists but no scientists. A world of despots, lacking universities, banks, factories, eyeglasses, chimneys, and pianos. A world where most infants do not live to the age of five and many women die in childbirth – A world truly living in “dark ages”. It looks like, since Coperncus and Darwin, the only purpose, the scientists have is to slur the Bible and at the same time , the Jewish state as a “little, shitty country”, exactly like a French ambassador to England once did. The name freedom fries instead of French fries has longer roots than you think; it can be placed in a close proximity of a new Declaration of Independence.
Wider segments of populace who don't understand Latin, the original language of De revolutionibus now learn that:
“The man often credited with the first major step of the Scientific Revolution, N. Copernicus (1473-1543), was not only Catholic but in Holy Orders as a cathedral canon (a cleric charged with administrative duties), And lest it be said that he was simultaneously persecuted for his astronomical work, it must be pointed out that much of his audience and support came from within the Catholic hierarchy, and especially the papal Court. His book begins with a dedication to Pope Paul III that contains an account of the various church officials who supported his work and urged its completion and publication. Galileo too, despite his celebrated and much mythologized face-off with church officials, was and remained Catholic, and there is no reason to question the sincerity of his faith.” (Galileo Goes to Jail. Ed. By Ronald L. Numbers. 2009, p. 102)
We even learn that Galileo had received the clerical tonsure (a ceremonial haircut given to men being introduced into the clergy) on April 5, 1631, in order to benefit from an ecclesiastical pension. (Ib. 78)
We have to wait a little longer to learn that Copernicus's god whom he described in Book 1, 10 of De revolutions was the pagan sun god, the same baal whose statue the above mentioned Seleucid ruler put in the Jerusalem Temple and whom the political authority of Hamas residing in Damascus has chosen as a new god of the Palestinians presented on the postage stamps of Palestine Autonomy.
There is more to the double rehabilitation of heliocentrism and evolutionism by John Paul II than meets the eye. Every pope knows that Cicero, being a Pythagorean heliocentrist, branded Jews as a “nation bor to eternal servitude” on account of their fidelity to Biblical geocentrism. Cicero was an arrogant Roman aristocrat who held in contempt the nation of former slaves. How could such a nation enrich humankind with teachings surpassing the wisdom of Greek philosophers? We find the same train of thoughts in the Church scholastic philosophy which was reminding ad nauseam the heliocentric dogmas of Pythagoras believed to be born of a virgin and the sun god Apollo and other philosophers. Copernicus epitomized the scholastic philosophy for the political use of the papacy in its prolonged conflict with the Protestants.
Destruction of the Jewish state, which defies the basic tenet of the Christian propaganda, namely that Christianity superseded the Judaism of the Bible, became the ideaological base of the Palestine-first policy proclaimed forcefully by the mainstream media in the context of accusations of of a “holocaust” committed in Lebanon and “war crimes” and other atrocities against the Hamas thugs whose Charter proclaims to the world the Nazi hate of Jewish people;
Here is a text you might care to ponder on;
For a long time, the Jews have been planning, skilfully and with precision, for the attainment of what they have attained. They took into consideration the causes affecting the current of events. They strived to amass great and substantive material wealth which they devoted to the realisation of their dream. With their money they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations and others. With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the world with the purpose of achieving their interests and reaping the fruit therein. They were behind the French Revolution...and most of the revolutions we heard about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons...and others in different parts of the world.
Do you have any idea where this is from; Barruel, or The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, perhaps? No, it is from Article 22 of the 1988 Hamas constitution. In the same year the Gaia Peace Atlas was published. Gaia's Semitic counterpart rejected by the Jews was called Ashera and her consort was Baal to whim the first-born children were sacrificed. Palestinian children with bombs strapped to their bodies are the modern version of the sacrificial ritual. Behind the conflict: Science vs Religion there looms the true conflict: Solar Religion vs YHWH's Torah, or heliocentrism vs. geocentrism.
The question why “the heavenly bodies are divine”, Pythagoras a early heliocentrist answered as follows: “because the hot predominates in them. And this is cause of life”; the kinship between gods and human beings is due to the fact that “a human being shares in the hot” (VIII.27) “All things live which share in the hot... but not all have the psyche. The psyche is a fragment (apospasma) of celestial aether...and it is immortal, because what it comes from is immortal.”
The Aryan fire god Agni, was believed to be the source of all beings, the father of strength. We find identical idea in the doctrines of the Zoroastrians, the Magians, and the mediaeval fire-philosophers. Agni is god of fire, of the Spiritual Ether, the very substance of the divine essence of the Invisible God present in every atom of His creation and called by the Rosicrucians the "Celestial Fire." If we only carefully compare the verses from this Mandala, one of which runs thus: "The Sky is your father, the Earth your mother, Soma your brother, Aditi your sister" with the inscription on the Smaragdine Tablet of Hermes, we will find the same substratum of metaphysical philosophy! And Copernicus used the wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus to “prove” his identification of sun and god.
Many plants known to everybody belie this Science.
Many temperate plants have a vernalization requirement and must experience a period of low winter temperature to initiate or accelerate the flowering process, or, as the case with many fruit tree species, to actually break dormancy, prior to flowering. Many plant species, including some ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana and winter cereals such as wheat, must go through a prolonged period of cold before flowering occurs. This ensures that reproductive development and seed production occurs at the optimum environmentally favorable time, normally following the passing of winter. The needed cold is often expressed in chill hours.
We can feel privileged that it was YHWH who conquered the world and not baal. Majority of the world population would have starved by now if it worshiped baal. In the Chardin's Litany heliocentrism is interwined with evolutionism. So how this “Science”, recommended by the papal Academy of Sciences as a fact, is doing?
Syria vs. Saudi Arabia
Recent historians have made the case that the direct influence of Islamic natural philosophy on Christians continued unabated up to the start of the modern period. Pointing to the fact that renowned Christian scholars such as the Parisian Guillaume Postel (1510-1581), a friend of Rabelais' read and annotated advanced Arabic astronomic texts, they hypothesize that Copernicus himself may have borrowed his revolutionary astronomy from a famous Damascus astronomer named Ibn al-Shatir ca. 1305-1375), who had proposed a similar system generations earlier.. (Galileo Goes to Jail. 2009. p. 84) One could say, Ibn al-Shatir remained true to the historival tradition of his sun-worshiping homeland.
A partial lunar eclipse took place in the skies of Saudi Arabia in the first such event in the new Hijri year 1431 and the first day of the New Year 2010. It started at 9:23 pm (1823 GMT) and reached a peak at about 10:23 pm (1923 GMT) while ending promptly at 10:54 pm (1954 GMT).
The event was clearly seen from different regions in the Kingdom. The eclipse prayers were held across the Kingdom as recommended by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as it is a great divine phenomenon. (Al Arabiya Jan 2, 2010) (Translated from Arabic by Abeer Tayel)
Well, the Saudi dynast Faisal, in his letter of March 3, 1919, and addressed to Mr. Frankfurter as an American member of the Zionist delegation to the peace conference welcomed the idea of establishing a Jewish state on both sides of the river Jordan, while the Syrians opposed it. Now you better understand the political import of John Paul II's rehabilitation of Galileo. Saudi Arabia is not particularly happy with the idea of establishing an independent Baal-worshiping Palestine in the area known for millenia as God's Promised Land and as such mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an doesn't mention
Another great Divine phenomenon: 16/12/2009 (RIA Novosti)
What is the real cause of the global climate change? Director of the Energy Strategy Institute, Professor Vitaly Bushuyev, shares his opinion on this matter. He believes mankind is on the verge of a new global crisis, which will affect all aspects of our lives, as well as some changes humanity will have to accept and try to adapt to,because we can’t do much to prevent them from happening. During his Antarctic expedition of 1907-9 Shackleton discovered seven seams of coal, each between three and seven feet thick. In the Arctic regions warm-water coral has been discovered virtually beneath the North Pole. Canada's Axel Heiberg Island is the nearest land to the watery pole and has become well known for its frozen forewt metasequoia trees, some three feet in diameter. On neighboring Ellesmere Island were found the remains of subtropical animals including alligators, crocodiles and giant land tortoises.
Pat Buchanan in his review of Eugene E. Windchy's The End of Darwinism: And How a Flawed and Disastrous Theory Was Stolen and Sold, of June 30, 2009 observed re.The House passage of a "cap-and-trade" climate-change bill: “Depending on which scientists you believe, the dire consequences of global warming are inconvenient truths — or a fearmongering scheme to siphon off the wealth of individuals and empower bureaucrats.”
Poets will lead men's souls back to God - W. Whitman Passage to India
With its eyes turned to the Middle East Russia built in front of the Lomonosov University a Monument commemorating the great American poet Walt Whitman who rejected the Copernican heliocentrism. The monument was unveiled in the presence of Secretary of State H. Clinton on October 15, 2009. Then on November 9, 2009 on the 150th anniversary on Darwin's Origin of the Species. The Russian sedimentologist Alexander Lalamov delivered at the St. Pius V University in Rome a lecture in which he demolished the geology on which the Darwinian hypothesis is based. In contradistinction to John Paul II's opinion, Lalamov declared that recent research in geology and palentology adds powerful support to the already formidable case against teaching Darwinian macroevolution as if it were proven fact.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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