The French Catholic surgeon Maurice Bucaille follows in the footsteps of his famous compatriot St. Thomas Aquinas who embraced Averroes's hostility to the Hebrew Bible and anticipated the time when the Biblical geocentrism will be replaced by an astronomy in which houris materialized from the Ocean of Ether will be waiting for juvenile suicide bombers declared martyrs by Y. Arafat. Monsieur M. Bucaille proclaims that the Noble Qur'an prophecies the Big Bang theory, space travel and other contemporary breakthroughs, and that “there are more than 1200 verses which can be interpreted as the inspiration for modern science. Similar thinking induced the well-known French author and communist propagandist, a close friend of the late cardinal J.M. Lustiger's to convert to Islam and to organize an international Holocaust-denial conference in Damascus (Daily News, may 28, 2001)
Let me remind here that Napoleon Bonaparte, following his victory at Abukir, informed the disappointed sheiks that he was a “true Muslim”, that he hated Christians, even more than St. Thomas Aquinas and that he abjured his former faith. The propaganda about the Scientific Miracles of the Quran matches similar propaganda about the Scientific Miracles allegedly contained in Virgil's Georgics.
In WikiIslam you can find the article titles NATVRAE MIRABILIS ORIGINISQVE DIVINAE GEORGICAE VERGILII ‘On the Miraculous Nature and the Divine Origin of Virgil’s Georgics’ . But the attached note warns you that “this article is written as part satire, and in part to demonstrate how ludicrously easy it is to prove that any ancient poetry can be reinterpreted to reveal 'scientitic miracles'. Neither Bob nor Spinoza have converted to Greco-Roman Polytheism... Yet.
Virgil himself in the GEORGICA writes of Ceres, the goddess of grain and agriculture, Aristaeus, the planter of groves, Bacchus the god of wine, the goddess Minerva ‘the bringer of the olive’, Pan ‘guardian of the flocks’ and Jupiter (Zeus, ζευζ ) the supreme ruler of the universe. So, logically, Virgil heliocentrism would suggest that that these ancient deities were the transmitters of knowledge that science would only confirm many centuries later. Virgil's source of inspiration were the Sibylline books which, according to tradition emanated from a Sibyl or trance-medium at Cumae, near Naples (Cp. “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit in the shape of tongues of fire).
The frontispiece of the book The Migration of Symbols by Count Goblet d’Alviella is a representation of Apollo, from a vase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna; on the middle of Apollo’s breast there is a large and prominent swastika. The statue of Apollo at Pompeii demonstrated in his left hand the heliocentrically tilted globe of the earth according to the doctrine of Pythagoras. An important question must be answered in this context. Does the commonly accepted helliocentric hypothese suggest that we also should respect the Nazi symbol as revealed by the omniscient god and honor it as such?
John Walker in his On-line article for Fourmilab wrote: “In Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, gravity arises from space-time being curved. Today, 90 years after Einstein developed the theory’s equations, physicists are still uncovering new surprises in them. For example, in a curved space, a body can seemingly defy basic physics and “swim” through a vacuum without needing to push on anything or be pushed by anything.”
No doubt this new surprise discovered in the Einstein theory should be read in the context of the Quran's verse:
"It is He who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, all (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion (21:33)"
People who write about the leading dogmas of Modern Science allegedly revealed by Mar Alah to Muhammad suffer from what is commonly known as “confirmation bias” which induces them to interpret information to confirm their preconceptions and to avoid information and interpretation which contradict prior beliefs.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented on the above Quranic verse as follows: “...the metaphor of swimming implied in the original words how beautiful is to contemplate the heavenly bodies swimming through space (or ether) in their rounded courses before our gaze.
Anton Mesmer, a doctor took many of his ideas from the Jesuit priest Maximillian Hell. Mesmer’s dissertation was titled Dissertatio Physico-Medica de Planetarum Influxu. In later years he referred to his dissertation as “The Influence of the Planets on the Human Body”. Mesmer uses the phrase “Universal Fluid” as the cause of gravitation and claims that it also explains magnetism, electricity, light and heat. All things are immersed in this fluid as in a cosmic sea (Newton’s divine sensorium). In their attraction and repulsion, magnets set up an ebb and flow that could be interpreted as one version of the general tidal effect of which the gravitation of the heavenly bodies was another version.
Anaximander says that earth float and rides on air; in the same way the sun and the moon & the other heavenly bodies, which are all fiery, ride the air, because of their flatness. The heavenly bodies have come into being from earth, because mist arose from the earth & was rarefied and produced fire (ether) and the heavenly bodies are composed of this fire when it is afloat. There are also some earthly substances in the region of the heavenly bodies which orbit with them.
The Earth is mentioned 420 times in the Quran's 6200+ verses. Not even once is Earth hinted to be anything but flat. Well, the Latin term orbis from the papal blessing Urbi et orbi denotes a flat disc (German Kreisscheibe) and not a globe. Obviously, popes don't want to contradict the teaching of the New Testament. Some, probably misled by the Quran, may confuse geocentricism with the the idea that the Earth is flat. This is not the case, even though St. Augustine did not believe in antipodes. Islam is a syncretistic religion.
Q 21:33 is a typical example of what is well-known as hanifism, a “left-over” of the pagan past of Arabia. The pagan religious traditions of Arabia show great diversity. The Southern Arabia had ‘Athar, the god of thunderstorms and rain. "Two others, the Rig and Athar teach us fraternity, Sheltering under their lustre dispels darkness till eternity" (This poem was written by Labi-Bin-E- Akhtab-Bin-E-Turfa who lived in Arabia around 1850 B.C.). This Athar was the Arab counterpart of the Greco-Roman Ether which Virgil identified with Jupiter:
Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribus Aether
coniugis in gremium laetae descendit, – (Virgil, Georgics II)
Then Aether, sire omnipotent, leaps down
With quickening showers to his glad wife's embrace,
All the ancient nations deified AEther in its imponderable aspect and potency. Virgil calls Jupiter, Pater omnipotens AEther, "the great AEther."The Hindus have also placed it among their deities; under the name of Akasa (the synthesis of AEther). And the author of the Homoiomerian System of philosophy, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, firmly believed that the spiritual prototypes of all things, including houris, were to be found in the boundless Ether where they were generated, whence they evolved, and whither they returned. This correspondence between Virgil and the Qur'an anticipated the religious ecumenism between St. Thomas Aquinas and Averrors centuries later. The following lines from Virgil's Aeneid (Bk VI) will reverberate in speculations of the philosophers who tried to identify the natural cause of the planets' movements:
Anchises then, in order, thus begun
To clear those wonders to his godlike son:
"Know, first, that heav'n, and earth's compacted frame,
And flowing waters, and the starry flame,
And both the radiant lights, one common soul
Inspires and feeds, and animates the whole.
This active mind, infus'd thro' all the space,
Unites and mingles with the mighty mass.
Hence men and beasts the breath of life obtain,
And birds of air, and monsters of the main.
Th' ethereal vigor is in all the same,
And every soul is fill'd with equal flame;
As much as earthy limbs, and gross allay
Of mortal members, subject to decay,
Blunt not the beams of heav'n and edge of day.
From this coarse mixture of terrestrial parts,
Desire and fear by turns possess their hearts,
And grief, and joy; nor can the groveling mind,
Newton in his Principia based all his speculations upon the "soul of the world," the great universal, magnetic agent, which he called the divine sensorium: "Here the question is of a very subtile spirit which penetrates through all (“infus'd thro' all the space”-Virgil), even the hardest bodies, and which is concealed in their substance. Through the strength and activity of this spirit, bodies attract each other, and adhere together when brought into contact. Through it, electrical bodies operate at the remotest distance, as well as near at hand, attracting and repelling; through this spirit the light also flows, and is refracted and reflected, and warms bodies. All senses are excited by this spirit, and through it the animals move their limbs. But these things cannot be explained in few words, and we have not yet sufficient experience to determine fully the laws by which this universal spirit operates." In the final analysis all motion in the universe is dependent on the activity of a World Soul.”
Newton's idea was to explain the force of gravity by the gradually varying degrees of density of the ethereal medium “Is not this medium much rarer within the dense bodies of the sun, stars and planets and comets than in the empty celestial sphere between them? And in passing from them to great distances, doth it not grow denser and denser perpetually and thereby cause the gravity of those great bodies towards one another, and of their parts towards the bodies; every body endeavoring to go from the denser parts of the medium towards the rarer? Newton was a Gnostic. In all Gnostic theologies evil is removed as far as possible down the ladder and evil, to the Gnostic was mostly described as a mixing with Matter which in turn was able to interfere with man's clearness or pureness of vision. In the gospel of Marcion the Son of the Father did not actually take sinful flesh but only appeared to do so.
Newton's speculations about the ether are strongly reminiscent of Anaximenes's element which he substituted for ether: aer. When “most evenly distributed,” aer is the common, invisible air of the atmosphere. By condensation it becomes visible, first as mist or cloud, then as water, and finally as solid matter such as earth or stones. If further rarefied, it turns to fire. Thus hotness and dryness typify rarity, whereas coldness and wetness are related to denser matter.
Anaximenes’ assumption that aer is everlastingly in motion suggests that he thought it also possessed life. Because it was eternally alive, aer took on qualities of the divine and became the cause of other gods as well as of all matter. The same motion accounts for the shift from one physical state of the aer to another. There is evidence that he made the common analogy between the divine air that sustains the universe and the human “air,” or soul, that animates people. Such a comparison between a macrocosm and a microcosm would also permit him to maintain a unity behind diversity as well as to reinforce the view of his contemporaries that there is an overarching principle regulating all life and behaviour.
Plato represented the planets as moved by an intrinsic Rector, one with his dwelling, like “a boatman in his boat.” (Cp. Galileo's speculation about the earth as a barge and the tides caused by its movements) Aristotle called those rulers “immaterial substances;” though he rejected the gods as Entities. But this did not prevent him from recognizing the fact that the stars and planets “were not inanimate masses but acting and living bodies indeed…” As if “sidereal spirits were the divine portion of their phenomena, (ta theoitera pon phaneron)” (De Caelo. I. 9). Kepler “baptized” Plato's Rector and called him angelus rector conducting each planet. In his third letter to Bentley Newton mentioned “agent, material or immaterial” as the cause of gravity and later identified gravity with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ. Josephus (Antiquities XIII) tells us that the Essenes held souls to be immortal; according to them souls descended into bodies, in aerial (aetheral)form from the highest region of the air; they are carried back there by a violent attraction (of the spiritual body of Jesus Christ).
The problem with the identification of spiritual body of Jesus Christ with gravity is obvious:all of the Gospels refer to the eventual reunion of the essence of Jesus (that is, his spirit) with the material body of Jesus in the Resurrection event (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:36-46; John 20:1-27)
Kepler in his Harmonics, Book IV, last chapter, discussed an additional reason for the ebb and flow of the tide: “But the one I treat here is sufficient for the present purpose. For if the daemons live nowhere else except in the cone of shadow, but are conceived as hurrying the body upward toward the apex of the cone, unless the moon is present at the same time in its passage through the cone, surely they will be alone, without any help from anything, toiling, sweating, and, naturally, exhausted. But if they undertake their work when the moon is favorable, its presence in the shadow will aid their efforts with the magnetic pull of a kindred body. “
In the Hindu philosophy, it was the primordial prima materia, divine and intelligent, the direct emanation of the Universal Mind -- the Daiviprakriti (the divine light emanating from the Logos- Fohat) - which formed the nuclei of all the "self-moving" orbs in Kosmos. It is the informing, ever-present moving-power and life-principle, the vital soul of the suns, moons, planets, and even of our Earth. The former latent: the last one active - the invisible Ruler and guide of the gross body attached to, and connected with, its Soul (Kepler wrote about anima telluris i.e. soul of the earth), which is the spiritual emanation, after all, of these respective planetary Spirits. From this Kantian mind and soul of the Suns and Stars to the MAHAT (mind) and Prakriti of the Puranas, there is but a step. After all, the admission of this by Science would be only the admission of a natural cause, whether it would or would not stretch its belief to such metaphysical heights. But then Mahat, the MIND, is a "God," and physiology admits "mind" only as a temporary function of the material brain, and no more. (H. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
It was the Hindu notion of primeval matter, Akasa, that Kant had in view, when proposing to solve Newton’s difficulty and his failure to explain, by the natural forces, the primitive impulse imparted to the planets, by the postulation of a universally pervading primordial substance. That matter - the real primordial substance, the noumenon of all the "matter" we know of, - even some of the astronomers have been led to believe in, and to despair of the possibility of ever accounting for rotation, gravitation, and the origin of any mechanical physical laws - unless these Intelligences be admitted by Science. For as Wolf remarks in chapter VIII of his book "Les hypotheses cosmogoniques. examen des theories scientifiques modernes sur l'origine des mondes, suivi de la traduction de la theorie du ciel de Kant,” if it is once admitted that the perfect harmony of the stars and planets and the coincidence of their orbital planes prove the existence of a natural cause, which would thus be the primal cause, "that cause cannot really be the matter which fills to-day the heavenly spaces." It must be that which filled space - was space - originally, whose motion in differentiated matter was the origin of the actual movements of the sidereal bodies; and which, "in condensing itself in those very bodies, thus abandoned the space that is found void to-day." In other words, it is that same matter of which are now composed the planets, comets, and the Sun himself, which, having in the origin formed itself into those bodies, has preserved its inherent quality of motion; which quality, now centered in their nuclei, directs all motion; i.e. ether-akasa.
Kant himself believed, that the matter of which the inhabitants and the animals of other planets are formed is of a lighter and more subtle nature and of a more perfect conformation in proportion to their distance from the Sun. The latter is too full of Vital Electricity, of the physical, life-giving principle. Therefore, the men on Mars are more ethereal than we are, while those of Venus are more gross, though far more intelligent, if less spiritual. (The Secret Doctrine, vol 1, bk 3, ch. 14)
Robert Hunt in his article on The Source of Heat in the Sun (in Popular Science Review, Vol. IV, p. 148 wrote: “May the pulsing of vital matter in the central Sun of our System be the source of all that life which crowds the earth, and without doubt overspreads the other planets, to which the sun is the mighty Minister.”
The origin of the Life Essence, Occultism locates in the same center as the nucleus of prima material (for they are one) in our solar system. “The Sun is the heart of the Solar World (System) and its brain is hidden behind the (visible ) Sun. From thence, sensation (divine sensorium!) is radiated into every nerve center of the great body, and the waves of the life-essence flow into each artery and vein…The planets are its limbs and pulses…”
Einstein decreed: Matter and energy tell space (and space-time) how to curve.
And since matter is nothing but condensed ether we can discern a link between Einstein's train of thought and the standard teaching of the Catholic Church as evidenced by the cooperation between Einstein and Father Lemaitre, the originator of the Big Bang theory. In the teaching of the Church the ASTRAL LIGHT or lower Ether is full of conscious and semi-conscious and unconscious entities.
The whole hierarchy of the "Fallen" angels is there; the Cosmocratores - or the "world bearers," (according to Bossuet); Mundi Tenentes -- the "world holders," as Tertullian calls them; and Mundi Domini "world dominations," or rather dominators, the Curbati, or "Curved," etc., who thus make of the stars and celestial orbs in their course -- Devils! Gnosticism holds that the world is controlled by evil archons, one of whom is the demiurge, the deity of the Old Testament who holds the human spirit captive.
For it is thus that the Church has interpreted verse 12 in the VI. Chapter to the Ephesians. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world." Further on St. Paul mentions the spiritual malices ("wickedness" in English texts) SPREAD IN THE AIR - "Spiritualia nequitiae coelestibus," the Latin texts giving various names to these "malices," the innocent "Elementals."
Einstein superimposed the Gnostic horror of matter on Descartes's space identified with matter (res extensa). Gravity identified by Newton with spiritual body of Jesus Christ contradicts the bodily resurrection of Jesus which means that Newton, like Marcion, rejected any idea of bodily resurrection. The idea of purgatory rooted in Virgil's Aeneid points in the same direction. Here are the relevant lines:
In the dark dungeon of the limbs confin'd,
Assert the native skies, or own its heav'nly kind:
Nor death itself can wholly wash their stains;
But long-contracted filth ev'n in the soul remains.
For this are various penances enjoin'd;
And some are hung to bleach upon the wind,
Some plung'd in waters, others purg'd in fires,
Till all the dregs are drain'd, and all the rust expires.
All have their manes, and those manes bear:
The few, so cleans'd, to these abodes repair,
And breathe, in ample fields, the soft Elysian air.
Then are they happy, when by length of time
The scurf is worn away of each committed crime;
No speck is left of their habitual stains,
But the pure ether of the soul remains.
It was in 1963 when the Twisted Cross Crucifix was first presented to the Catholic public by Giovanni Battista Montini as Pope Paul VI. Instead of the traditional Christian cross of Jesus. The meaning of this act was loud and clear: the Jesuits (who educated Einstein in Italy) had taken over the Vatican. The favorite emblem of John Paul II in his innumerable pilgrimages was the Curved Crucifix which stood for the curved space-time-matter of Einstein.. Piers Compton in his book, The broken Cross: Hidden Hand of the Vatican stated that the bent Crucifix is: “a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the 6th century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican II. This was a bent or broken cross, on which they displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Nark of the beast'...
Well, the last biography of Isaac Newton written by Michael White and published by Helix Books in 1998 was titled: Isaac Newton. The Last Sorcerer.
The emaciated, or should I say, the spiritual body of Jesus Christ hanging on the two bent, crossed beams of this crucifix is strongly reminiscent of the body of the Fasting Buddha which became the inspiration of all gnostically-minded Christians who inspired by Virgil's horror of the body wanted to get rid of as much flesh as they could to transform their souls into pure ether. John Paul II made his point when he placed a statue of the Buddha, the greatest atheist of all times, on the ecumenical altar in Assisi, where he used to meet Dalai Lama, Islamic imams and other crypto-atheists. The promotion of the Einstein science by John Paul II served the purpose of his radical pro-Palestinian policy demonstrated by his numerous audiences for Y. Arafat. Let me remind here a juicy fact from A. Einstein's biography which betrays adequately his Jesuit upbringing:
By December 1948, a distinguished contingent of Jewish scientists and intellectuals warned in The New York Times that those leading the effort to establish a Jewish state bear "the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party". Albert Einstein joined concerned Jews who cautioned Americans "not to support this latest manifestation of fascism. "The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party, and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism." Albert Einstein, The New York Times, 4 December 1948
Can you imagine a dial of a Einstein watch or somebody saying I will call you in 1.08×1014 centimetres” instead of “in one hour”?
Ellery Schempp in an On-Line article Warning: Gravity is “only a theory” wrote:
“Even Isaac Newton, said to be the discoverer of gravity, knew there were problems with the theory. He claims to have invented the idea early in his life, but he knew that no mathematician of his day would approve his theory, so he invented a whole new branch of mathematics, called fluxions, just to “prove” his theory. This became calculus, a deeply flawed branch having to do with so-called “infinitesimals” which have never been observed. Then when Einstein invented a new theory of gravity, he, too, used an obscure bit of mathematics called tensors. It seems that every time there is a theory of gravity, it is mixed up with “fringe” mathematics. Newton, by the way, was far from a secular scientist, and the bulk of his writings is actually on theology and Christianity. His dabbling in gravity, alchemy, and calculus was a mere sideline, perhaps an aberration best left forgotten in describing his career and faith in a Creator.”
Monday, August 2, 2010
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