I am the Lord that maketh all things, that stretched forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth the earth by myself. That frustrateth the tokens of the liars, and maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise man backward and maketh their knowledge foolish” - Is 44:24-25
In 1980 I was invited to publish my article At the sources of the Copernican astronomy in a Polish magazine of the Friends of Astronomy (Urania 1/1981/LII), by a Polish astronomer who studied in Moscow. The man, in order to survive, is now teaching ecology i.e. the science of worshiping the Copernican goddess Gaia (i.e. Jupiter's wife) whom pope John Paul II hugged on his every pilgrimage.
The Favoured Race of Kings
King James lectured Parliament on Divine right of Kingship Basilikon Doron (“Kingly Gift”) as follows:
“Kings are justly called gods, for that they exercise a manner or resemblance of divine power upon earth: for if you will consider the attributes to God, you shall see how they agree in the person of a king. God hath power to create or destroy make or unmake at his pleasure, to give life or send death, to judge all and to be judged nor accountable to none; to raise low things and to make high things low at his pleasure, and to God are both souls and body due. And the like power have kings: they make and unmake their subjects, they have power of raising and casting down, of life and of death, judges over all their subjects and in all causes and yet accountable to none but God only. . “
Let's explore the sources of his lecture. The Hindu term “Deva” God, is derived from the root div, to shine, and accordingly the term jamad-agni denotes a sage who knows the identity of God and fire (or sun). There are a number of depictions of Gautama as a “pillar of fire” from as early as the third century B.C.E. This close relation of the Buddha figure to fire has induced such discriminating authors as the Indian religious studies scholar, Ananda Coomaraswamy, to see in Shakyamuni an incarnation of Agni, the Indian god of fire (Coomaraswamy, 1979, p. 65), or, in the language of Myth; his mother was impregnated by a sun-beam.
In order to describe in general terms the Buddhocratic form of lamaist state, a term was introduced which became widespread in the relevant literature: “galactic politics” or “mandala politics”. As in a solar system, the chief monasteries of the Land of Snows orbit like planets around the highest incarnation of Tibet, the god-king and world ruler (chakravartin, lit. wheel turner, cp. Aristotle's Prime Mover) from Lhasa, and form with him a 'living' mandala. Geometrically speaking, a mandala is a square within a circle.
Obviously, the Fifth Dalai Lama ordered the construction of his residence on the “Red (i.e. Fiery) Mountain” (Potala). The Potala was also known as the “residence of gods” (exactly like the Greek Olympus was believed to be. In the heliosystem all stars and planets are being sired by the sun god (Shivaling) and they are his “family.” (Copernicus, the Revolutions, I, 10)
The Great Fifth shone out at the same period as Louis XIV (1638-1715), the French sun king, and the two monarchs have often been compared to one another. Both lived from the same “divine energy”, the all-powerful sun. The Sassanian kings, as the Pharaohs before them, proclaimed themselves “brothers of the sun and the moon”; and the Caesars were almost similarly regarded in Asia as the successive Avatars of Helios. Nevertheless, the conception that the Sun had the emperor under his protection and that supernatural effluvia descended from the one to the other, gradually led to the notion of their consubstantiality. This dogma, in case of British monarchy is confirmed by the shining face of Queen Elizabeth I.
The Buddhist concept of kingship has developed into its fully autocratic form which is referred to by historians as “Caesaropapism.” In King Kanishka (2nd century E.E.) the attributes of a worldly king and those of a Buddha were completely fused with one another. Even the “coming” Buddha, Maitreya and the reigning king formed a unit. The ruler had become a savior. The Dalai Lama does not represent Buddha on earth, nor is he an intermediary, nor a reflection – he is the complete deity himself. He is a Kundun, that is, he is he is the presence of Buddha, he is a “living Buddha.”
The icons of Lord Shiva which the slain Vedic priest and his Vedic predecessors used to worship are still in display in the Vaticans Etruscan museum. The fancied European word Papa (spelled as Pope only in English) is the Sanskrit term "Papa-ha", i.e., Absolver from Sin. The word Vatican is Sanskrit Vatica meaning a Hermitage. (P.N. Oak, Unknown History of Christian and Muslim World)
The sun god Surya of Syria is supposed frequently to have descended upon earth, in a human shape, and to have left a race on earth, equally renowned in Indian story with the Heliades of Greece. He is often styled King of the Stars and Planets, which inspired Copernicus's vision of the royal throne of his sun god. "My Sun" is eventually used as an address to royalty.
Shakespeare immediately embraced the Renaissance heliocentrism and used it to proclaim the glory of the English monarchy: “The glorious planet Sol / In noble eminence enthroned and spher’d / Amidst the other…” The sun not only is the King of the sky / But he is like the King / And the King is like sun. “The correspondence between God, the Sun and the King is confirmed by the “healing power of the English King” derived from the “med’cinable eye of the Sol.” Polish kings were addressed as “Brightest Lords” and in old Polish chronicler are even called Christs.
In A Christian Familiar Comfort John Norder compares the state to the heavens and Queen Elizabeth and her Council to the primum mobile (i.e. Aristotle's Prime Mover) or controlling sphere, within whose compass any other motion that of Ireland in particular must be contained. Le Roi Soleil is, indeed, one of the most persistent of all Elizabethan commonplaces and was immortalized in her portrait showing her shining face. In Johnson’s Irish Masque the presence of the king is made to transform the apparent wild Irishmen into civilized courtiers: “As the Sun dissolves the chains of winter, and fosters the spring; it is but standing in his eye, you’ll feel yourselves changed by and by, and come forth new-born creatures all. “ (Cp. “born-again Christians”)
In Thomas Digges’ English translation of The revolutions the sun is “like the king in the middest of al who reigned and geeveth lawes of motion to ye rest.” As a solar symbol, the swastika is properly thought of as spinning and thus setting in motion the wheel of law. The Indian Nazis considered Hitler an incarnation of Vishnu, as expression of the force preserving cosmic order. No wonder that the publication of Copernicus’s “The Revolutions” had an immediate political consequence; it strengthened the claims of all monarchs of Europe, including the Pope, to absolute power.
F.R. Johnson in his Astronomical Thought in Renaissance England (Baltimore 1937) had shown that the educated Elizabethan had plenty of textbooks in the vernacular instructing him in the Copernican astronomy. But his Elizabethan vogue of the Copernican “sorcery” met with smart resistance in Ireland. Sir John Davies, poet and author of a prose work on the Irish question remained steadfast in the wisdom he has inherited:
Only the earth doth stand for ever still,
(Although some wits enricht with learning’s skill
Say heaven’s stands firm and the earth doth fleet
And swiftly turneth underneath their feet):
Yet, though the earth is ever steadfast seen,
On her broad breast hath dancing ever been.
Moses vs Arya Dharma
The Bible follows Israel’s 12 memorial stones from the temporarily dry bed of the Jordan (Josh 4:19) to a place called Gilgal and then loses track of them forever. The word ‘gilgal’ means ‘a circle of stone’, (Ibn Ezra in his 12th c. work The Book of the Number calls zero galgal, meaning wheel or circle) and throughout Europe and the Mideast, “circles of large stones have been found dating back a quarter million years or more, to homo erectus times.” The most famous stone circle is Stonehenge. Stonehenge well corresponds to Diodorus’s description of a “magnificent temple of Apollo” which he locates “in the center of Britain.” What did these circles stand for?
Large phallic pillars in India represented the lingam of Shiva, in much the same way like Egyptian obelisk represented the penis of Geb. Around each large lingam for a radius of 100 cubits stretched the sacred Kingdom of Shiva where miracles and remissions of sins could occur, (Mahanirvanatantra 335). Arab Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu.
The expression “pillar of fire” had the same phallic meaning. A Nepalese text refers to the ADI BUDDHA as a “linga-shaped [phallic] flame” which rises from a lotus.
The opulent sun symbolism which is so closely linked to the figure of this Buddha has led several western oriented scholars to describe Buddhism in total as a solar cult. For example, the tantra researcher, Shashibhusan Dasgupta, even sees an identity between the historical Buddha (the incarnation of Amitabha), the Dharma (the Buddhist doctrine) and the Indian solar deity (Surya) (Dasgupta, 1946, p. 337). The Dharma (the teachings) are also often referred to as the “sun” in traditional Buddhist writings, since the words of Buddha “radiate like sunshine”. Sometimes even the principle of “emptiness” is identified with the sun: “Dharma is Shunya [emptiness] and Shunya has the form of a zero”, writes Dasgupta, “Therefore Dharma is of the shape of a zero; and as the sun is also of the shape of a zero, Dharma is identified with the sun. Moreover, Dharma moves in the void, and void is the sky, and the sun moves in the sky and hence the sun is Dharma” (Dasgupta, 1946, p. 337).
Sar (circle) is the Babylonian god of the sky. He is also Assaros or Asshur (the son of Shem), and Zero -- Zero-ana, the chakkra, or wheel, boundless time. The god Aten, or the Egyptian counterpart of the Nordic Odin (Wotan) had originally represented merely the physical sun, but Amenhotep stripped that body of all the gross theological conceptions which had been linked with it ever since the Pyramid Age endowed it with a new esoteric meaning. The ancient symbols of Ra – the pyramid, the falcon, the lion and cat- he replaced by a simple CIRCLE representing the sun’s disk. Since then, as Plato observed, god was always geometrizing, writing for Galileo the Book of Nature. (“Philosophy is written in that very large book that is continually opened before our eyes (I mean the universe), but which is not understood unless first one studies the language and knows the characters in which it is written. The language of that book is mathematical and the characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures.” Galileo Galilei: Pensieri, motti e sentenze; Florence, 1949) The Hindu Vishnu holds a disc or a rounded piece of gold in his hand. The Egyptian Ra wears a disc as a crown. Archimedes divided the area of a circle into an infinite number of triangles. (to find the area of it)
The name of Persian sun god Sure (a variant of the Syrian Surya) is cognate with Chaldean zuhr (“to shine”), zuhro (“the Shiner” cp. Zorro) and, of course zuro (“the seed”) because a beam of light was also an impregnating seed. The name Pyrisoporus, as aplied to Bacchus, means Ignigena, or the “Seed of Fire”, and Ala-sporos, the “Seed of God”, is just a similar expression formed in the same way. Like the Buddha, he was a 'child of light'.
Biblical Democracy vs Aryan Tyranny
The outstanding name of the 9th c. is that of King Alfred the Great. He appended to his laws a free translation of the Ten Commandments and an abridgment of the enactments of Exodus 21-23. These actually constitute the earliest surviving examples of a portion of the OT in Anglo-Saxon prose.
The Bible is for the government of the people, by the people, and for the people. (Wycliffe, Preface to first English tr of the Bible, 1384)
William Tyndale translated considerable parts of the Bible into the Early Modern English of his day. Tyndale's was the first English translation to draw directly from Hebrew and Greek texts, In 1535, Tyndale was arrested, tried for heresy and burned at the stake.
T. More persecuted Tyndale. King James put his imprimatur on the move to replace Geneva Bible. King James panels were given what was called Bishops’ Bible which was a rival to Geneva. Blaze of publicity still goes on King James. KJV as an offspring of the Bishops' Bible aka the Leda Bible sanctions bestiality now promoted by R. Dawkins.
Tyndale’s goal was for the “boy who drives a plough” to be able to read the Bible in his own language, and ultimately to know the Bible better than the clergy of the day. Accordingly, his translation was written in the terminology of the common man. He purposely avoided using ecclesiastical terms such as “charity” “penance”, “church” and “priest, since these terms had been co-opted by the Catholic church to relate specifically to actions and practices of the Church. Instead, Tyndale translated these words into the common man’s English, using the words “love”, “repentance”, “congregation” and “elder”.
The Oxford Dictionary of the English Language shows that the root of the word church is circe. The authors claim to be unable to tie the Old English word circe to ancient languages. But Dr. E. L. Bullinger, in Appendix 186 of his Companion Bible, adds this meaning to the word circe: “Compare Hebrew kikkar (a circle), a circuit or disc.” Undoubtedly the relationship he sought to establish was that the word circe in Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, Greek, and Hebrew, pointed toward ancient pagan sun worship. Consequently, it is obvious that the Lord meant the sun and that “the Lord’s house” (church) was the location where the sun was worshiped. Here is the relevant passage from Copernicus's book:
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.”
The English word church has no etymological relationship to the Greek ekklesia. The word ekklesia does not refer to a building; rather, it specifies a group of called out believers. It was used to translate the Hebrew word qahal in the Old Testament. The word qahal means a group of called out believers.
In Dt 23, the Hebrew term Qahal Yahweh (assembly of Yahweh) is found six times. It is translated congregation by Tyndale. The Greek Septuagint translated it ekklesia. We must conclude that the True Worshipers, who composed the ancient congregation of Israel, bore the name Assembly of Yahweh. Israel was the people of the True Mighty One. They were the assembly in the wilderness, Acts 7:38. They were called by his name – Yahweh (2 Chr 7:14). Congregation translates “We People”.
According to the Law of Manu the king was created from eternal and essential particles of the eight devas (gods) who are believed to protect the eight main points of the universe, marked by eight lines like the solar cross on the Union Jack. A further development of these ideas is found in the Buddhist concept of cakravartin or “wheel King.” This is a legendary, universal ruler with conspicuous features of a solar hero.
This idea of the Oriental monarchy with its divine rights was coded in the octagonal architecture of the Al Aqsa mosque and that explains the British mania of establishing independent Palestinian state. The divine rights of the British monarchy like the 007's diamonds are forever. Palestine is the bridgehead of the god Shiva or rather his lingam's, and Jesus as a Palestinian is Justin Martyr's”an erect phallus”, or another Roman Priapus, running the international porno industry.
When the people offer to make Gideon king, he refuses insisting that God should rule over Israel (Judges 8:23). Similarly, when the people urge Samuel to appoint a king, he considers their request a rejection of God, arguing that a monarch would only deprive them of their wealth and violate their rights (I Sam 8) A king, first and foremost, must know and express the word of God. God doesn’t bestow a divine right on Israelite kings; Israelite kings must teach the divine law to their people.
The passage in Dt 17:14-20 sees the institution as foreign to Israel’s true nature; it is something that Israel, not God, initiates, an imitation of the Gentiles (v.14). In fact, the Law of the King places limits upon the royal office which no king worthy of the name could ever embrace. He may have only a few horses (v.16), in other words, a small cavalry, and his ability to seal alliances through marriage is impeded by the prohibition upon his having many wives. This prohibition upon his acquiring vast amounts of gold and silver (v 17) limits his ability to centralize wealth in his own hands. Finally, only one positive action is prescribed for whom, the copying of the Deuteronomic law at the dictation of, or at least in the presence of the priesthood. He is subordinate to them (v. 18) His kingship seems to be conditional upon his observance of the stipulations of covenant (vv 19-20)
Here is a relevant passage from the Declaration of Independence:
“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people...”
America Disposes of her Biblical Heritage
Interestingly in his pamphlet Common Sense, published in 1776 Thomas Paine reminded Samuel's arguments against monarchy and concluded that “a man hath good reason to believe that there is as much of kingcraft as priestcraft in withholding the scripture from the public in popish countries. For monarchy in every instance is the popery of government.” The repressive rule of Edward’s successor, Mary (the bloody Mary), a Roman Catholic, put an end to the printing of Bibles in England for many years. In the papal empire reading of the Bible was punishable by death.
Obviously, loyalists vigorously attacked Common Sense; one attack, titled Plain Truth (1776), by Marylander James Chalmers, said Paine was a political quack and warned that without monarchy, the government would "degenerate into democracy"
In his The Age of Reason T. Paine conveniently forgot the help of the Bible for the cause of American people and blasphemed the God of the Bible and defamed His people as ““…a nation of ruffians and cutthroats as the ancient Jews were; a people who, corrupted by and copying after such monsters and impostors as Moses and Aaron, Joshua, Samuel (!) and David, had distinguished themselves above all others on the face of the known earth for barbarity and wickedness.” Recall, the alleged “war crimes' committed by IDF during the Gaza war which have their source in such a mindset. Now, you see better whom the hearts of these accusers belong to.
Here is Dawkins's character assassination of not only of the God who created the Heaven and the Earth, but also of His people who still refuse to abandon their God who liberated them from slavery:
“The god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desentisized to their horror.” This book is on the shelves of every public library in this country.
The spiritual transformation evidenced by The Age of Reason and The God Delusion which depends on it for its atheistic venom reminds strongly similar attitude of a certain Justin Martyr who proclaimed that “the true Christianity is antithetical to Judaism.” And in his “Dialogue with Jew Trypho” (c. AD 140) Justin argued, Christianity was something quite different from Judaism. Jesus had come to restore true religion and to denounce the hypocrisy of the religion of the Hebrews. For that crime Jesus had been crucified. Justin had taught that Christians should avoid Jews and view themselves as a religion built on different ideas and premises from Judaism. Justin’s religion is “wholly distinct from Judaism” So how distinct is it from Judaism? It is as distinct as the religion whose vestiges were destroyed by Joshua's conquering army was distinct from Moses's teaching.
Justin envisaged Jesus as ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason” and believed that the good God was an erect phallus, like Shiva (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.21-22). Indeed the name Lingam appears as a name of Shiva in the Shiva Sahasranama where it is translated by Ram Karan Sharma as "(Identifiable as) a symbol of the origin of the Universe. Copernicus's expression “family of stars” was inspired by Justin's identification of Logos with the Shivaling. A few years ago, Father George Coyne, head of the Vatican Observatory Research Group suggested that we might view stars as God's sperm, which is the basic teaching of the Arya Dharma. This religion describes creation of the world as 'churning of the Milky Ocean.”
The Egyptian god Atum creates the world by masturbating. The texts say that the god ejaculated (BANG) to his mouth and simultaneously spat creatively. We have here combination of phallus and mouth that points to the logos spermatikos of the Stoic philosophy. (M. Eliade, Encyclopedia of Religions, entry phallus). The final phase of T. Paine's scientific revolution envisaged in his The Age of Reason came when the Sex and Drugs Revolution imposed its epicurean rule on America. It was like a renewed Declaration of Dependence: “We Monkeys...” Aldous Huxley in his book Ends and Means, 1946, p. 70 explains enthusiastic reception of evolutionism as follows: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning...The liberation we desired was.;..from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom (or rather lasciviousness; Latin 'lascivus' means 'playful', so we have Playboy and Playgirl).” Instead of 'homo sapiens' we have 'homo ludens', or never maturing kids.
G.R Furlong in his book Rivers of Life (London 1883) coined the term “phalo-solar worshipers” denoting the inhabitants of the Anglo-Indian areas. The Shivaling inside the Kaaba was destroyed but it returned in the phallic architecture of the Al Aqsa Mosque which is modeled on this perennial symbol of the Aryan cosmogony.
Many scholars such as Kant and Herder, began to draw analogies between the myths and philosophies of ancient India and the West. In their attempt to separate Western culture from its Judaic heritage, many scholars were convinced that the origin of Western culture was to be found in India rather than in the ancient Near East.” In the opinion of the American social Darwinist and a New Ager John Fiske the political genius of Aryan peoples was the hope of the world.
Most Freemasons who were inclined towards occultism were deeply involved in the Theosophical Society, or at least in the teachings that it propagated; they absorbed from it the notion of the great antiquity of Eastern religions and the superiority of Eastern philosophy over Western thought.
One Lingam in the new Holy Trinity of: Shiva=Allah=Jesus Christ
The present generation of ecumenical theologians speculates how people can believe in Christ and Shiva (or Shivalinga for that matter). Here is the convoluted sophistry by which Christianity is transformed into Hindu categories: "If somebody asks (or I ask myself): how can you believe in Christ and Shiva at the same time? My answer will be a further question: who is Christ? Who is Shiva? And, who am I? Shiva is not a name or any mythological personality, he is the "gracious one", the great Lord (Parameshvara), the ultimate Reality (anuttara), the most intimate I-consciousness of every conscious being. Christ is not merely the historical personality, otherwise I would not have cared to follow him. He is "the Way, the Life and the Truth" – but not in an exclusive sense; on the contrary. Even beyond that he is essentially the "I am": "Then you will know that ‘I am’." How can one limit the "I am" to only one person? Here I learn from Kashmir Shaivism or Ramana Maharshi that the ultimate "I" of every conscious being is the divine "I". The ultimate realization is not of some "objective" truth: "This is He", but the personal discovery: "I am He". In this way every spiritual practice in the inter-religious context leads to a kind of purification from mere conceptions (Hindu- Christian Diaalogue.
Obviously, we have also Muslim-Christian Ecumenical Dialogue, on the “scientific basis” of heliocentrism:
The picture of the sun on the wall of the Mosque in Springfield, Mass. inspired by the Babylonian relief from the Temple of the sun god Shamash, has visibly marked cross by the four longer rays in the four cardinal directions. The Arab text on the face of the sun reads ‘Allahu Akbar’. Seal, circa 1600. from Ignatius Loyola’s room in Rome shows the sun with Jesus’ monogram HIS in the middle. Islamo-Christian ecumenism in heliocentrism seems to proclaim Allah=Jesus Christ, or the other way around. They are Al Shariati’s disciples and, like Hitler, they call for “hate, hate, hate, and again hate!” The picture of this mosque was published a few years ago by the New York Times.
The geographical sections of the Puranas (Ancient Chronicles of India) mentions Mecca among the holy places, under the name of Makheshvara, together with its black stone as an emblem of the god Shiva.
The Shiv Ling at The Kaba.was broken in seven places and now is held together by a silver band. The Black Stone which is the Shiv Emblem (also known as Sange Aswad which is a corrupted form of the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta--meaning non-white stone) still survives in the Kaba as the central object of Islamic veneration In fact the names of the holiest of Muslim cities Mecca and Medina come from the Sanskrit words Makha-Medini which means the land of Fire-Worship (i.e. the sun worship). The Encyclopedia Islamia admits as much when it says: "Muhammed's grandfather and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaba temple which housed 360 idols!"
The Solar cross (on the Temple Mount) is probably the oldest religious symbol in the world, appearing in Asian, American, European, and Indian religious art from the dawn of history. Composed of a equal armed cross within a circle, it represents the solar calendar- the movements of the earth, marked by the solstices. Sometimes the equinoxes are marked as well, giving an eight armed wheel, like that on the British flag.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
What would change everything?
In 1980 I was invited to publish my article At the sources of the Copernican astronomy in a Polish magazine of the Friends of Astronomy (Urania 1/1981/LII), by a Polish astronomer who studied in Moscow. The man, in order to survive, is now teaching ecology i.e. the science of worshiping the Copernican goddess Gaia whom pope John Paul II hugged on his every pilgrimage.
In 1981 I found at the Yale University Library an abstract of a 1975 lecture by Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's who, in 1975, the year when the UN approved of the resolution equating zionism with racism, introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern science...as the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11)
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:
” The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.” (525)
“The Big Bang” in the Desert
The Vedic god Surya was a solar bull. According to the Assyrians, the bull was born of the sun (like Aristotle's frogs). So, Moses took the calf, which they had made, and burnt it with fire, and ground it to powder, and scattered it upon the water, and made the people of Israel drink it. (Ex. 32:20). Then Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do unto thee, that you hast brought a great sin upon them?”
Moses posed a direct question to the high priest, who led the people astray in their wickedness. It is written: thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil (Ex. 23:2). Here, Aaron has immediately done exactly that. Note Aaron’s response:
“And Aaron said, 'Let not the anger of my lord burn hot; you know the people, that they are set on evil. 23 For they said to me, `Make us gods, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.' 24 And I said to them, `Let any who have gold take it off'; so they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and there came out this calf (=spontaneous creation", see below)." (RSV Exodus 32:22-24 22) Why gold? Well, Egypt was rich in gold, which was valued for its beauty and because it was believed to be of the flesh of the sun god. So this calf came out of the fire exactly like Daniel's Bar Elahin came out of the fiery furnace, because m=E/c². Apollo was called Eleleus because he orbited in a collected mass of fire. The first principle alternately creates the world from itself and again itself from the world, and all things, Heraclitus says, are an exchange for fire, and fire for all things, as goods are for gold and gold for goods.” (Plutarch, On the E at Delphi 388DE). Christianity regards Daniel as a saint and as prophet. Judaism considers the Book of Daniel a part of its canon, but does not regard Daniel as a prophet.
And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord,
That thou shalt call me Ishi,
And shalt call me no more Baali. (Hosea 2:18)
Deva, God, is derived from the root div, to shine.
"To know fire, the sun, the moon, and lightning, is three-fourths of the science of God.”
"The first germ of life was developed by water and heat" (Manu, book I, sloka 8). (Cp. The “little warm pond”)
"Water ascends toward the sky in vapors; from the sun it descends in rain, from the rain are born the plants, and from the plants, animals" (book III, sloka 76).
"Each being acquires the qualities of the one which immediately precedes it, in such a manner that the farther a being gets away from the primal atom of its series, the more he is possessed of qualities and perfections" (book I, sloka 20).
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"These are the transformations declared, from the plant up to Brahma, which have to take place in his world" (Ibid.).
"All things are the progeny of one fire” (i.e. the sun, personified as the sun god Baal)
Thus the fundamental doctrine of the ancient religion of India and Persia was at first nothing more than a simple veneration of nature, its pure elements and its primary energies, the sacred fire, and above all, Light, the air, not the lower atmospheric air, but the purer and brighter air of Heaven, the breath that animates and pervades the breath of mortal life. This pure and simple veneration of nature is perhaps the most ancient, and was by far the most generally prevalent in the primitive and patriarchal world. It was not originally a deification of nature, or a denial of the sovereignty of God. Those pure elements and primitive essences of created nature offered to the first men, still in a close communication
The Mythical Sources of Evolutionism
The ancient Hindu version of Darwin's Origin of Species was titled Ramayana -- the Sanskrit epic poem of India, with its 25,000 verses describing the exploits of the god Rama, and the son of the King of Oudh. Hanuman, the monkey-god is over three feet tall, and black as a coal. The story of the birth of Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the gods, had an attendant called Punjikashtala. She was cursed to assume the form of a female monkey – a curse that could only be nullified if she would give birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her the boon that would cure her of the curse.
When Agni, the god of fire gave Dasharath, the king of Ayodha, a bowl of sacred sweet food to share among his wives so that they may have divine children, an eagle snatched a part of the pudding and dropped it where Anjana was meditating, and Pavana, the god of wind delivered the drop to her outstretched hands. After she took the divine dessert, she gave birth to Hanuman. Thus Lord Shiva incarnated as a monkey.
Hanuman selected Surya, the sun god as his preceptor, and approached him with the request to teach the scriptures. Surya agreed and Hanuman became his disciple and as such he was wiser a metaphysician than philosopher Locke.
This same Hanuman became the progenitor of the Europeans; a tradition which, being strictly Darwinian has to be accepted as scientific. The legend states that for services rendered, Rama, the hero and demi-god, gave in marriage to the monkey-warriors of Hanuman the daughters of the giants of Ceylon and granted them as a dowry, all western parts of the world. Their descendants are the present Europeans. Well, this myth explains why the most famous classical physician Galen was teaching human anatomy by dissecting the Barbary apes.
The geographical sections of the Puranas (Ancient Chronicles of India) mentions Mecca among the holy places, under the name of Makheshvara, together with its black stone as an emblem of the god Shiva.
The Shiv Ling at The Kaba. It was broken in seven places and now is held together by a silver band. The Black Stone which is the Shiv Emblem (also known as Sange Aswad which is a corrupted form of the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta--meaning non-white stone) still survives in the Kaba as the central object of Islamic veneration The word, Ibrahim is actually a corruption of the word, Brahma. In fact the names of the holiest of Muslim cities Mecca and Medina come from the Sanskrit words Makha-Medini which means the land of Fire-Worship (i.e. the sun worship). The Encyclopedia Islamia admits as much when it says: "Muhammed's grandfather and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaba temple which housed 360 idols!"
The ancient Vedic scripture Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu's footprints are consecrated in Mecca. An important clue to this fact is that Muslims call this holy precint Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu. Large phallic pillars in India represented the lingam of Shiva, in much the same way like Egyptian obelisk represented the penis of Geb. Around each large lingam for a radius of 100 cubits stretched the sacred Kingdom of Shiva where miracles and remissions of sins could occur. Temple Mount (Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת, Har haBáyit), also known as Mount Moriah and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary (Arabic: الحرم القدسي الشريف, al-haram al-qudsī ash-sharīf), is a religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem.
The phallic architecture of the Noble sanctuary expresses the basic teaching of the Indian cosmology.
The coming forth of the Eternal Being to the work of creation was represented as a marriage, The Brahmins of India expressed the same cosmogonic idea by a statue, representative of the Universe, uniting in itself both sexes. The male sex offered an image of the sun, centre of the active principle, and the female sex that of the moon, at the sphere whereof, proceeding downward, the passive portion of nature begins. The Lingam, unto the present day revered in the Indian temples, being but the conjunction of the organs of generation of the two sexes, was an emblem of the same. The Hindūs have ever had the greatest veneration for this symbol of ever-reproductive nature. The Greeks consecrated the same symbols of universal fruitfulness in their Mysteries; and they were exhibited in the sanctuaries of Eleusis. They appear among the sculptured ornaments of all the Indian temples. Tertullian accuses the Valentinians of having adopted the custom of venerating them; a custom, he says, introduced by Melampus from Egypt into Greece. The Egyptians consecrated the Phallus in the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis.
The sun was worshipped at Emesa, Syria, under the name of Elagabalus, and under the form of a black conical stone (the Syrian Kaba!), which, as it was believed, had fallen from heaven on that sacred place. To this sun god, Antoninus (218-222 AD) ascribed his elevation to the imperial throne. The triumph of the god of Emesa over all the religions of the earth, as the display of his superstitious gratitude, became the great object of his zeal; and the appellation of Elagabalus (for as a pontiff he adopted the name of his deity) was dearer to him than the title of Imperial greatness (Cf. Le Roi Soleil). In a solemn procession through the streets of Rome, the black stone was placed on a chariot drawn by six white horses. Emperor held the reins and moved slowly backward; thus imitating the movement of the moon in the heliocentric scheme (Copernicus plagiarized his theory of the moon from Syrian heliocentric astronomy). In a magnificent temple raised on the Palatine Mount, the sacrifices of the sun god Elagabalus were celebrated with solemnity. Around the altar a chorus of Syrian damsels performed their lascivious dances to the sound of barbarian music (they were the Syrian Khlysty!)
Suetonius writes that Atia, the mother of Augustus was impregnated during a solemn sacrifice to Apollo at midnight and therefore when Augustus was brought into the world, he was taken as a son of Apollo. Decree of calendrical change on marble stelae in the Asian temples dedicated to the Roman Empire and Augustus proclaims: “…the birthday of our God signaled the beginning the Good News for the world…therefore…the Greeks in Asia decreed that the New Year begins for all the cities on September 23…the birthday of Caesar.” On Sept. 23, on the fall of equinox, the shadow of the sacred obelisk of Heliopolis which was shipped to Rome to act as gnomon for Augustus’s sundial entered the Ara Pacis, or the temple of Peace built at the eastern end of the equinoctial line. Augustus did all he could to make men feel that the god Apollo had left Greece for Rome and had brought with him the spiritual and cultural leadership of the world.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion.( Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18) refers to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple. In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “(Cp. The myth of Zeus-swan and Leda). Incidentally, Zeus had intercourse with his own daughter, who became pregnant by him.
Cathy O’Brien, in her astonishing book, Trance Formation Of America, written with Mark Phillips writes of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens from a far off, deep space place.” Bush then claimed to be an ‘alien’ himself and appeared, before her eyes, to transform ‘like a chameleon’ into a reptile. Cathy believed that some kind of hologram had been activated to achieve this in this way...
“In the early 1920's “ape-man” Hesperopithecus (which consisted of a single tooth) was pictured in the London Illustrated News complete with the tooth's wife, children, domestic animals, and cave! This tooth, known as “Nebraska man” was still used by evolutionists as compelling evidence for human evolution during the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, but in 1927 parts of the skeleton were found and Nebraska man was downgraded to an extinct pig! ( David N. Menton, Ph.D. Http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro19html)
In the mid-1920s, the culture wars were dominated – as they are today with “intelligent design” – by the debate between creationism and evolutionary thinking. In 1925, John T. Scopes had been found guilty of teaching that mankind arose from something other than divine creation. But the US was not the only country about the issue. The young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, a Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.
Ivanov set off for a French research station in West Africa. There he inseminated three female chimpanzee with human sperm. Not his own, for he shared the colonial-ear belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than he was. He stayed long enough to learn that his experiment had failed.
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzee might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as ‘G.’
At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman – he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit – and went to the newspaper with Ivanov’s proposal. The New York Times thundered, “Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution.”
The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov’s experiment, calling it “abominable to the Creator.” Abreu withdrew her consent.
Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin’s purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.
Twelve months later the first King Kong movie opened in New York. Though The New Yorker regretted “the need for a plot and love interest,” other moviegoers clearly did not agree and the film grossed $89,931 in its first weekend. (Clive D.L. Wynne, Kissing Cousins, NYT, Dec. 12, 2005)
In a response to Edge.org's annual New Year challenge to the world's leading thinkers, Prof Richard Dawkins has submitted his entry. Edge.org asked scientists, philosophers, artists and journalists “What will change everything?”
Dawkins – author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion (2006) – muses on the effect of breaking down the barrier between humans and animals, perhaps by the creation of a chimera in a lab or a “successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee (i.e. Prof. Ivanov's 'humanzee).” Well, according to the Hindu epos Ramayana Rama, the hero and demi-god, gave in marriage to the monkey-warriors of Hanuman, the monkey god, three feet tall, (the Hindu counterpart of Thoth) the daughters of the giants of Ceylon and granted them as a dowry, all western parts of the world. Their descendants are the present Europeans. I don't believe that we'll see marriage licenses for this kind of unions any tie soon. The Pre-Islamic deity "Hubal" was derived from the red skinned Ba-Hubali, another name for Lord Hanuman
In Dawkins's opinion, a successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee would send shock waves through society and be salutary (!). This is why a distinguished biologist described this possibility as the most immoral scientific experiment he could imagine: it would change everything! It cannot be ruled out as impossible, but it would be surprising. His choice of the religious term 'salutary' suggests a high rank in the order of Isis priesthood (see below). See also Evolution and Stalinism by by Steven LaTulippe Richard Dawkins wrote of
evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution.
Man Eater – Frodo the Chimp
Frodo the Chimp kidnapped and ate human baby girl
From National Georgraphic
(On May 15, 2002) The trio had just crossed a dry streambed when they surprised Frodo feeding on oil-palm fronds only 12 feet (4 meters) from the path. As the spouse of a park employee, the mother probably knew that park rules bar children under 12 from visiting the park, and she almost certainly was aware of the mortal danger posed by chimps. Her shock and terror must therefore have been unimaginably extreme as she watched the 121-pound (54-kilogram) Frodo draw near, wrest the baby girl from the niece’s back, and disappear into the forest. By the time help arrived from the research team, Frodo had scrambled up a tree and was holding the limp form of the baby, which he had begun to eat. Lacking the defensive support that the larger group would have lent him, Frodo was easily scared off, and the baby girl’s dead body was recovered. – Frodo The Alpha Male Chimp
Chimp owner attacked and mauled by other chimps during visit to see his house-trained chimp in an animal sanctuary. Two other chimps escaped from their cages and chewed off his nose, mangled his testicles and foot. The chimps also bit off chunks of his buttocks and legs before the sanctuary owner shot the two animals dead. via: The Sun
Charla Nash underwent more than seven hours of surgery to repair the horrific injuries to her face and hands by four teams of surgeons in Stamford, CT. Ms. Nash’s injuries were so terrible that the hospital has begun offering counseling to staff members who treated her.
Charla Nash lost eyes, nose and jaw in chimpanzee attack
On Monday, February 16th, Travis the Chimp suddenly attacked and mauled a 55 year old woman. He chewed off both her hands, her lips, her nose and one eyelid. The Chimp’s owner, Sandra Herold, stabbed Travis with a butcher knife and struck him with a shovel in an attempt to get him off of Charla Nash. After critically injuring Charla, the chimp ran off, but then returned and was met by Policemen who shot him dead. Fifteen year old Travis the chimp was raised like a child by his human family. He had a great life dining on steak, lobster and ice cream. He could brush his teeth with a Water Pik as well as bathe and dress himself. However, jungle animals do not belong in close contact with humans. Coleen McCann, who is a primatologist at the Bronx Zoo, stated that chimpanzees are unpredictable and dangerous – even after living among humans.
The Aryan Decalogue: Thou Shall Kill
In the Kausitaki Upanishad, the Tibetan sun god Indra, incarnating the Absolute, boasts of his apparently wicked deeds and then addresses his worshippers: “Understand me as I am…with one who knows me, his world is injured by no deed whatsoever, not by the murder of his father, not by the murder of his mother, not by theft, not by the slaughter of an embryo (i.e. Abortion). Whatever evil he does, he does not blanch. We also read in the Brhadarnyaka Upanishad: “He does not become greater by good action, nor inferior by bad action.” (The Eye of Shiva, 8) Buddha taught: “I've got children,” “I've got wealth.” This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself.
“A stronger race will supplant the weaker, since the drive for life in its final form will decimate every ridiculous fetter of the so-called humaneness of individuals, in order to make place for the humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to make place for the strong.” This is what they call an evolutionary ethic. A. Hitler, Mein Kampf)
Since the start of the Iraq War
8, 917,412
American Children have died from Abortion
On why abortion is less morally significant than killing a rat: "Rats are indisputably more aware of their surroundings, and more able to respond in purposeful and complex ways to things they like or dislike, than a fetus at ten or even thirty-two weeks gestation."
On why pigs, chickens and fish have more rights to life than unborn humans: "The calf, the pig, and the much-derided chicken come out well ahead of the fetus at any stage of pregnancy, while if we make the comparison with a fetus of less than three months, a fish would show more signs of consciousness."
Bestiality: “Evolution teaches that ‘we are animals’ so that ‘sex across the species barrier ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings’.” [‘sex across the species barrier’ is a euphemism for bestiality].
Rape is “a natural, biological phenomenon that is a product of the human evolutionary heritage,” akin to “the leopard’s spots and the giraffe’s elongated neck”.
Believers are wicked: “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)”
Here are some quotations from Peter Singer from his books Rethinking Life and Death and Writings on an Ethical Life.On how mothers should be permitted to kill their offspring until the age of 28 days: "My colleague Helga Kuhse and I suggest that a period of twenty-eight days after birth might be allowed before an infant is accepted as having the same right to life as others." Brahmins also treat their own children as untouchable. Brahmin mothers dont touch their own children and brahmin mothers also dont love their children. What a horrible people these brahmins are.
"...les nouvelles connaissances conduisent a reconnaitre dans la theorie de l'evolution plus qu'une hypothese" (John Paul II)
In 1981 I found at the Yale University Library an abstract of a 1975 lecture by Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's who, in 1975, the year when the UN approved of the resolution equating zionism with racism, introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern science...as the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11)
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:
” The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.” (525)
“The Big Bang” in the Desert
The Vedic god Surya was a solar bull. According to the Assyrians, the bull was born of the sun (like Aristotle's frogs). So, Moses took the calf, which they had made, and burnt it with fire, and ground it to powder, and scattered it upon the water, and made the people of Israel drink it. (Ex. 32:20). Then Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do unto thee, that you hast brought a great sin upon them?”
Moses posed a direct question to the high priest, who led the people astray in their wickedness. It is written: thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil (Ex. 23:2). Here, Aaron has immediately done exactly that. Note Aaron’s response:
“And Aaron said, 'Let not the anger of my lord burn hot; you know the people, that they are set on evil. 23 For they said to me, `Make us gods, who shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.' 24 And I said to them, `Let any who have gold take it off'; so they gave it to me, and I threw it into the fire, and there came out this calf (=spontaneous creation", see below)." (RSV Exodus 32:22-24 22) Why gold? Well, Egypt was rich in gold, which was valued for its beauty and because it was believed to be of the flesh of the sun god. So this calf came out of the fire exactly like Daniel's Bar Elahin came out of the fiery furnace, because m=E/c². Apollo was called Eleleus because he orbited in a collected mass of fire. The first principle alternately creates the world from itself and again itself from the world, and all things, Heraclitus says, are an exchange for fire, and fire for all things, as goods are for gold and gold for goods.” (Plutarch, On the E at Delphi 388DE). Christianity regards Daniel as a saint and as prophet. Judaism considers the Book of Daniel a part of its canon, but does not regard Daniel as a prophet.
And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord,
That thou shalt call me Ishi,
And shalt call me no more Baali. (Hosea 2:18)
Deva, God, is derived from the root div, to shine.
"To know fire, the sun, the moon, and lightning, is three-fourths of the science of God.”
"The first germ of life was developed by water and heat" (Manu, book I, sloka 8). (Cp. The “little warm pond”)
"Water ascends toward the sky in vapors; from the sun it descends in rain, from the rain are born the plants, and from the plants, animals" (book III, sloka 76).
"Each being acquires the qualities of the one which immediately precedes it, in such a manner that the farther a being gets away from the primal atom of its series, the more he is possessed of qualities and perfections" (book I, sloka 20).
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"These are the transformations declared, from the plant up to Brahma, which have to take place in his world" (Ibid.).
"All things are the progeny of one fire” (i.e. the sun, personified as the sun god Baal)
Thus the fundamental doctrine of the ancient religion of India and Persia was at first nothing more than a simple veneration of nature, its pure elements and its primary energies, the sacred fire, and above all, Light, the air, not the lower atmospheric air, but the purer and brighter air of Heaven, the breath that animates and pervades the breath of mortal life. This pure and simple veneration of nature is perhaps the most ancient, and was by far the most generally prevalent in the primitive and patriarchal world. It was not originally a deification of nature, or a denial of the sovereignty of God. Those pure elements and primitive essences of created nature offered to the first men, still in a close communication
The Mythical Sources of Evolutionism
The ancient Hindu version of Darwin's Origin of Species was titled Ramayana -- the Sanskrit epic poem of India, with its 25,000 verses describing the exploits of the god Rama, and the son of the King of Oudh. Hanuman, the monkey-god is over three feet tall, and black as a coal. The story of the birth of Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the gods, had an attendant called Punjikashtala. She was cursed to assume the form of a female monkey – a curse that could only be nullified if she would give birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her the boon that would cure her of the curse.
When Agni, the god of fire gave Dasharath, the king of Ayodha, a bowl of sacred sweet food to share among his wives so that they may have divine children, an eagle snatched a part of the pudding and dropped it where Anjana was meditating, and Pavana, the god of wind delivered the drop to her outstretched hands. After she took the divine dessert, she gave birth to Hanuman. Thus Lord Shiva incarnated as a monkey.
Hanuman selected Surya, the sun god as his preceptor, and approached him with the request to teach the scriptures. Surya agreed and Hanuman became his disciple and as such he was wiser a metaphysician than philosopher Locke.
This same Hanuman became the progenitor of the Europeans; a tradition which, being strictly Darwinian has to be accepted as scientific. The legend states that for services rendered, Rama, the hero and demi-god, gave in marriage to the monkey-warriors of Hanuman the daughters of the giants of Ceylon and granted them as a dowry, all western parts of the world. Their descendants are the present Europeans. Well, this myth explains why the most famous classical physician Galen was teaching human anatomy by dissecting the Barbary apes.
The geographical sections of the Puranas (Ancient Chronicles of India) mentions Mecca among the holy places, under the name of Makheshvara, together with its black stone as an emblem of the god Shiva.
The Shiv Ling at The Kaba. It was broken in seven places and now is held together by a silver band. The Black Stone which is the Shiv Emblem (also known as Sange Aswad which is a corrupted form of the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta--meaning non-white stone) still survives in the Kaba as the central object of Islamic veneration The word, Ibrahim is actually a corruption of the word, Brahma. In fact the names of the holiest of Muslim cities Mecca and Medina come from the Sanskrit words Makha-Medini which means the land of Fire-Worship (i.e. the sun worship). The Encyclopedia Islamia admits as much when it says: "Muhammed's grandfather and uncles were hereditary priests of the Kaba temple which housed 360 idols!"
The ancient Vedic scripture Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu's footprints are consecrated in Mecca. An important clue to this fact is that Muslims call this holy precint Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu. Large phallic pillars in India represented the lingam of Shiva, in much the same way like Egyptian obelisk represented the penis of Geb. Around each large lingam for a radius of 100 cubits stretched the sacred Kingdom of Shiva where miracles and remissions of sins could occur. Temple Mount (Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת, Har haBáyit), also known as Mount Moriah and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary (Arabic: الحرم القدسي الشريف, al-haram al-qudsī ash-sharīf), is a religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem.
The phallic architecture of the Noble sanctuary expresses the basic teaching of the Indian cosmology.
The coming forth of the Eternal Being to the work of creation was represented as a marriage, The Brahmins of India expressed the same cosmogonic idea by a statue, representative of the Universe, uniting in itself both sexes. The male sex offered an image of the sun, centre of the active principle, and the female sex that of the moon, at the sphere whereof, proceeding downward, the passive portion of nature begins. The Lingam, unto the present day revered in the Indian temples, being but the conjunction of the organs of generation of the two sexes, was an emblem of the same. The Hindūs have ever had the greatest veneration for this symbol of ever-reproductive nature. The Greeks consecrated the same symbols of universal fruitfulness in their Mysteries; and they were exhibited in the sanctuaries of Eleusis. They appear among the sculptured ornaments of all the Indian temples. Tertullian accuses the Valentinians of having adopted the custom of venerating them; a custom, he says, introduced by Melampus from Egypt into Greece. The Egyptians consecrated the Phallus in the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis.
The sun was worshipped at Emesa, Syria, under the name of Elagabalus, and under the form of a black conical stone (the Syrian Kaba!), which, as it was believed, had fallen from heaven on that sacred place. To this sun god, Antoninus (218-222 AD) ascribed his elevation to the imperial throne. The triumph of the god of Emesa over all the religions of the earth, as the display of his superstitious gratitude, became the great object of his zeal; and the appellation of Elagabalus (for as a pontiff he adopted the name of his deity) was dearer to him than the title of Imperial greatness (Cf. Le Roi Soleil). In a solemn procession through the streets of Rome, the black stone was placed on a chariot drawn by six white horses. Emperor held the reins and moved slowly backward; thus imitating the movement of the moon in the heliocentric scheme (Copernicus plagiarized his theory of the moon from Syrian heliocentric astronomy). In a magnificent temple raised on the Palatine Mount, the sacrifices of the sun god Elagabalus were celebrated with solemnity. Around the altar a chorus of Syrian damsels performed their lascivious dances to the sound of barbarian music (they were the Syrian Khlysty!)
Suetonius writes that Atia, the mother of Augustus was impregnated during a solemn sacrifice to Apollo at midnight and therefore when Augustus was brought into the world, he was taken as a son of Apollo. Decree of calendrical change on marble stelae in the Asian temples dedicated to the Roman Empire and Augustus proclaims: “…the birthday of our God signaled the beginning the Good News for the world…therefore…the Greeks in Asia decreed that the New Year begins for all the cities on September 23…the birthday of Caesar.” On Sept. 23, on the fall of equinox, the shadow of the sacred obelisk of Heliopolis which was shipped to Rome to act as gnomon for Augustus’s sundial entered the Ara Pacis, or the temple of Peace built at the eastern end of the equinoctial line. Augustus did all he could to make men feel that the god Apollo had left Greece for Rome and had brought with him the spiritual and cultural leadership of the world.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion.( Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18) refers to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple. In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “(Cp. The myth of Zeus-swan and Leda). Incidentally, Zeus had intercourse with his own daughter, who became pregnant by him.
Cathy O’Brien, in her astonishing book, Trance Formation Of America, written with Mark Phillips writes of how George Bush was sitting in front of her in his office in Washington DC when he opened a book at a page depicting “lizard-like aliens from a far off, deep space place.” Bush then claimed to be an ‘alien’ himself and appeared, before her eyes, to transform ‘like a chameleon’ into a reptile. Cathy believed that some kind of hologram had been activated to achieve this in this way...
“In the early 1920's “ape-man” Hesperopithecus (which consisted of a single tooth) was pictured in the London Illustrated News complete with the tooth's wife, children, domestic animals, and cave! This tooth, known as “Nebraska man” was still used by evolutionists as compelling evidence for human evolution during the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, but in 1927 parts of the skeleton were found and Nebraska man was downgraded to an extinct pig! ( David N. Menton, Ph.D. Http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro19html)
In the mid-1920s, the culture wars were dominated – as they are today with “intelligent design” – by the debate between creationism and evolutionary thinking. In 1925, John T. Scopes had been found guilty of teaching that mankind arose from something other than divine creation. But the US was not the only country about the issue. The young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, a Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.
Ivanov set off for a French research station in West Africa. There he inseminated three female chimpanzee with human sperm. Not his own, for he shared the colonial-ear belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than he was. He stayed long enough to learn that his experiment had failed.
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzee might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as ‘G.’
At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman – he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit – and went to the newspaper with Ivanov’s proposal. The New York Times thundered, “Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution.”
The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov’s experiment, calling it “abominable to the Creator.” Abreu withdrew her consent.
Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin’s purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.
Twelve months later the first King Kong movie opened in New York. Though The New Yorker regretted “the need for a plot and love interest,” other moviegoers clearly did not agree and the film grossed $89,931 in its first weekend. (Clive D.L. Wynne, Kissing Cousins, NYT, Dec. 12, 2005)
In a response to Edge.org's annual New Year challenge to the world's leading thinkers, Prof Richard Dawkins has submitted his entry. Edge.org asked scientists, philosophers, artists and journalists “What will change everything?”
Dawkins – author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion (2006) – muses on the effect of breaking down the barrier between humans and animals, perhaps by the creation of a chimera in a lab or a “successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee (i.e. Prof. Ivanov's 'humanzee).” Well, according to the Hindu epos Ramayana Rama, the hero and demi-god, gave in marriage to the monkey-warriors of Hanuman, the monkey god, three feet tall, (the Hindu counterpart of Thoth) the daughters of the giants of Ceylon and granted them as a dowry, all western parts of the world. Their descendants are the present Europeans. I don't believe that we'll see marriage licenses for this kind of unions any tie soon. The Pre-Islamic deity "Hubal" was derived from the red skinned Ba-Hubali, another name for Lord Hanuman
In Dawkins's opinion, a successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee would send shock waves through society and be salutary (!). This is why a distinguished biologist described this possibility as the most immoral scientific experiment he could imagine: it would change everything! It cannot be ruled out as impossible, but it would be surprising. His choice of the religious term 'salutary' suggests a high rank in the order of Isis priesthood (see below). See also Evolution and Stalinism by by Steven LaTulippe Richard Dawkins wrote of
evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution.
Man Eater – Frodo the Chimp
Frodo the Chimp kidnapped and ate human baby girl
From National Georgraphic
(On May 15, 2002) The trio had just crossed a dry streambed when they surprised Frodo feeding on oil-palm fronds only 12 feet (4 meters) from the path. As the spouse of a park employee, the mother probably knew that park rules bar children under 12 from visiting the park, and she almost certainly was aware of the mortal danger posed by chimps. Her shock and terror must therefore have been unimaginably extreme as she watched the 121-pound (54-kilogram) Frodo draw near, wrest the baby girl from the niece’s back, and disappear into the forest. By the time help arrived from the research team, Frodo had scrambled up a tree and was holding the limp form of the baby, which he had begun to eat. Lacking the defensive support that the larger group would have lent him, Frodo was easily scared off, and the baby girl’s dead body was recovered. – Frodo The Alpha Male Chimp
Chimp owner attacked and mauled by other chimps during visit to see his house-trained chimp in an animal sanctuary. Two other chimps escaped from their cages and chewed off his nose, mangled his testicles and foot. The chimps also bit off chunks of his buttocks and legs before the sanctuary owner shot the two animals dead. via: The Sun
Charla Nash underwent more than seven hours of surgery to repair the horrific injuries to her face and hands by four teams of surgeons in Stamford, CT. Ms. Nash’s injuries were so terrible that the hospital has begun offering counseling to staff members who treated her.
Charla Nash lost eyes, nose and jaw in chimpanzee attack
On Monday, February 16th, Travis the Chimp suddenly attacked and mauled a 55 year old woman. He chewed off both her hands, her lips, her nose and one eyelid. The Chimp’s owner, Sandra Herold, stabbed Travis with a butcher knife and struck him with a shovel in an attempt to get him off of Charla Nash. After critically injuring Charla, the chimp ran off, but then returned and was met by Policemen who shot him dead. Fifteen year old Travis the chimp was raised like a child by his human family. He had a great life dining on steak, lobster and ice cream. He could brush his teeth with a Water Pik as well as bathe and dress himself. However, jungle animals do not belong in close contact with humans. Coleen McCann, who is a primatologist at the Bronx Zoo, stated that chimpanzees are unpredictable and dangerous – even after living among humans.
The Aryan Decalogue: Thou Shall Kill
In the Kausitaki Upanishad, the Tibetan sun god Indra, incarnating the Absolute, boasts of his apparently wicked deeds and then addresses his worshippers: “Understand me as I am…with one who knows me, his world is injured by no deed whatsoever, not by the murder of his father, not by the murder of his mother, not by theft, not by the slaughter of an embryo (i.e. Abortion). Whatever evil he does, he does not blanch. We also read in the Brhadarnyaka Upanishad: “He does not become greater by good action, nor inferior by bad action.” (The Eye of Shiva, 8) Buddha taught: “I've got children,” “I've got wealth.” This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself.
“A stronger race will supplant the weaker, since the drive for life in its final form will decimate every ridiculous fetter of the so-called humaneness of individuals, in order to make place for the humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to make place for the strong.” This is what they call an evolutionary ethic. A. Hitler, Mein Kampf)
Since the start of the Iraq War
8, 917,412
American Children have died from Abortion
On why abortion is less morally significant than killing a rat: "Rats are indisputably more aware of their surroundings, and more able to respond in purposeful and complex ways to things they like or dislike, than a fetus at ten or even thirty-two weeks gestation."
On why pigs, chickens and fish have more rights to life than unborn humans: "The calf, the pig, and the much-derided chicken come out well ahead of the fetus at any stage of pregnancy, while if we make the comparison with a fetus of less than three months, a fish would show more signs of consciousness."
Bestiality: “Evolution teaches that ‘we are animals’ so that ‘sex across the species barrier ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings’.” [‘sex across the species barrier’ is a euphemism for bestiality].
Rape is “a natural, biological phenomenon that is a product of the human evolutionary heritage,” akin to “the leopard’s spots and the giraffe’s elongated neck”.
Believers are wicked: “It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)”
Here are some quotations from Peter Singer from his books Rethinking Life and Death and Writings on an Ethical Life.On how mothers should be permitted to kill their offspring until the age of 28 days: "My colleague Helga Kuhse and I suggest that a period of twenty-eight days after birth might be allowed before an infant is accepted as having the same right to life as others." Brahmins also treat their own children as untouchable. Brahmin mothers dont touch their own children and brahmin mothers also dont love their children. What a horrible people these brahmins are.
"...les nouvelles connaissances conduisent a reconnaitre dans la theorie de l'evolution plus qu'une hypothese" (John Paul II)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Religious Roots of Darwinism
An edition of Charles I’s reign in which Ps. 14:1 reads: “The fool hath said in his heart there is a God” (instead of ‘no God’) is known as Fool Bible. At the same time a certain Laurentius Corvinus, a professor at the Cracow University wrote in his “Cosmographia” about “the earth evolving out of chaos” and not created by God. It should be reminded here that Newton was a member of the so-called Hartlib Circle organized by Samuel Hartlib who had arrived in England from Polish Prussia in 1625. The Hartlib Circle aimed to rationalize alchemy by marrying alchemical lore with the intellectual framework of mechanical philosophy. Newton was especially impressed by Introductorium compendium in tractatum spherae materialis Magistri Johannis Sacrobusco written by John of Glogau, another professor of the Cracow University who described “the iron coffin of Muhammad hanging from the heavens where a magnet is fixed”.
Milton in “Paradise Lost” (I, 10) writes: “In the beginning how the Heavens and Earth rose out of chaos,” instead of “In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen.1:1)and Brewster in a biography of Newton (1855, II, XVI.99) writes about “the formation of the earth, and other planets out of general chaos.” In that period, the term 'chaos” was synonymous with 'prime matter'.
Ashmole became the friend and acquaintance of astrologers, mathematicians, physicians and other individuals who were advancing their knowledge into the hidden mysteries of nature and science, as Francis Bacon’s redefined Second Degree of Freemasonry required them to do. The word was out; there was an ‘invisible college,’ a society of scientists that could not be identified as a group, but whose presence was very evident.
The change back to a monarchy from a republic also brought benefit to the ‘invisible college’.
In 1662 King Charles II granted a royal warrant to it, thereby creating the Royal Society; the world’s first assembly of scientists and engineers dedicated to understanding the wonders created by the ‘Great Architect of the Universe’. Charles I paid with his life for his Polish alliance. He was charged with high treason and “other high crimes against the realm of England.” The sentence of death was read on Jan 27, 1648; his execution was ordered as a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy. The sentence was carried out on a scaffold erected outside the banqueting hall of Whitehall on the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1649.
Charles I’s mockery of the Bible emboldened the leaders of the Polish Counter-Reformation to attack the Hussite Prague in collusion with the Austrian admirers of Kepler’s heliocentrism. Emperor Rudolph II, the sponsor of the Keplerian heliocentrism “reached the stage of abandoning God entirely; he would neither hear nor speak of Him, nor suffer any sign of Him.”
From Jerome's Vuglate through Aquinas to KJV
The philosophical evolutionism smuggled into the Ciceronian Vulgate was, obviously, embraced by Thomas Aquinas together with its inherent atheism. This reception of the pagan teaching was made possible by St. Augustine who opined, "Whatever has been rightly said by the heathen, we must appropriate to our uses.” Even earlier St. Paul appropriated the evolutionary idea of Katha Upanishad, “Like corn decays the mortal, like corn is he born again (1,8) and and expressed it in his dogma of the “germination” of the spiritual body from the physical (1 Cor. 15:36-44). St. Paul's doctrine of 'natural selection' goes like that, When the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away (will be superseded) – 1 Cor 13:10
As defined by Paul Draper, naturalism is the hypothesis that the natural world is a closed system which means that nothing that is not part of a natural world affects it. Thus there is not supernatural entities, including God.
Th. Aquinas began his Summa Theologica with the question: “An Deus sit?” (Does God exist?). In his Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas mentions two arguments that might be used to prove that “God does not exist.” To quote Aquinas: “What can be accomplished by a few principles is not effected by many. But it seems that everything we see in the world can be accounted for by other principles, supposing God did not exist. For all natural things can be reduced to one principle, which is nature, and all voluntary things can be reduced to one principle, which is human reason, or will. Therefore there is no need to suppose God’s existence.” Following in the footsteps of Aquinas count Descartes strove to eliminate from science all explanations that could not be established by scientific methods, like observation, measurement and experimentation... Can you observe, or measure God, or conduct an experiment to find out His presence?”
Many of Aquinas's views were not accepted in his own time, but once the door of revelation had been opened to human reason, God became in people's minds removed further from the creation, and man was left to rely on his own intellect. Greek humanism has thus been introduced to Christian theology. Doctrines concerning theology only shift as fast as can be accepted by the cloistered ranks of clerics, and it would be another three centuries before the thought of Aquinas were officially adopted at the council of Trent and by the translators of the KJV.
The Hebrew text of Genesis 1: 20 reads:
“Let the waters swarm with swarms of
living creatures and let fowl fly above the earth…”
King James hoaxers translated this verse as follows:
“Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature,
and fowl that may fly above the earth…”
They read into this verse the evolutionist dogma of Anaximander who taught that men were first produced in fishes; when they were grown and able to help themselves, were thrown up and so lived upon the land.”
Thomas Aquinas in one of his texts described an ascending hierarchy of beings as follows :
"Prime matter is first of all in potency to the form of the element."But existing under the form of the element, it is in potency to the form of the mixed body (or of the compound), elements being the matter of the mixed body.
"And considered under the form of the mixed body, it is in potency to the vegetative soul: for it is a soul that is the act (or the substantial form) of the plant (since a plant is a living being, or a being endowed with immanent activity)."And likewise the vegetative soul is in potency to the sensitive soul, as the sensitive soul is to the intellective soul: as it appears in human generation, in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life.
In Book I (sloka 20) Manu expressed his idea of evolution as follows:
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."
St. Thomas describes human generation "in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life." The French philosopher J. Maritain felt that Thomas in a stroke of genius saw that the "evolutive movement" of the human embryo "recapitulates in itself, in the intra-uterine development the evolution of life which after centuries has attained its final end in man.
Thomas’ views on the development of the human embryo in which the spiritual soul was only infused after conception when the embryo was fit to receive it were widespread during the Middle Ages. In more recent times it has been called delayed hominization, which perhaps is not an entirely felicitous phrase since in Thomas’ mind it wasn’t delayed, but simply came at the appropriate moment. This view was gradually displaced under the influence of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and the discussions about the morality of abortion, and gave way to the theory of immediate hominization, that is, the infusion of the human soul at conception.
In the chapter, "The Evidence of the Descent of Man from Some Lower Form," Darwin writes:
Embryonic Development: Man is developed from an ovule, about the 125th of an inch in diameter, which differs in no respect from the ovules of other animals. The embryo itself at a very early period can hardly be distinguished from that of other members of the vertebrate kingdom. At this period . . . the slits on the sides of the neck [of human's embryo] still remain. . .After this, he states that his observations indicate that a human embryo closely resembles that of an ape, a dog or another vertebrate but that, in later stages of development in the womb, a differentiation occurs. In a letter to his friend, Asa Gray, Darwin considered the evidence from embryology to be "by far the strongest single class of facts in in favor of" his theory.
The scholastic philosophy culminating in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae was a bible of Constantine's universal religion formulated by the Council of Nicaea. This Christianity has nothing in common with the teaching of the Book of Revelation which was to prepare the reader that the people of Israel will overcome all hardships and finally be victorious. The trinity for the author of the Revelation is not only unknown, it is even impossible. Instead of the one Holy Ghost of later we have here the “seven spirits of God,” construed by the rabbis from Isaiah 11:2. Christ is the son of God, the first and the last, the alpha and omega, by no means God himself or equal to God, on the contrary, the beginning and the creation of God.”Babylon, the Great Whore, stands for Rome, the city of the seven hills...the beast on which she sits.
In his Oration to the Assembly of the Saints Emperor Constantine claimed that "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour, Cross" was the one pointed in a Prophetic Acrostic of the Erythrean Sibyl, because “he wanted to have nothing in common with this odious people (meaning Jews).”
The God of the Nicene Creed
In Chapter III of his Oration emperor Constantine spoke about the Father's substance which is not being diminished by generation of all things. Well, the substance was also known as the essence of the anima mundi, or soul of the world, supporting the general phenomenon of growth and the infinite potential for life.
Let me remind here that, like his famous predecessor Thomas Aquinas's, Voltaire's focus was on nature conceived of as God, exacltly like Spinoza's deus sive nature worshipped as Substance. It was believed also by Voltaire that the Roman sun god, Sol, was the visible manifestation of an invisible "Highest God" (Etre Supreme, summus deus), who was the principle behind the universe. This god was thought to be the companion (Socius) of the Roman emperors. Constantine's adherence to this faith is evident from his claim of having had a vision of the sun god in 310 while in a grove of Apollo in Gaul. Julian the Apostate praised by Voltaire as “the greatest man that ever was” and who was proclaimed Emperor in Paris at the Thermes de Cluny, standing on a shield in the Frankish manner in 360, wanted to replace the recently recognized Christianity with the religion of the solar “Highest God” also worshipped by Emperor Elagabalus (lit. “the Highest god”).
Magnus ab integro saeculorum nascitur ordo (Virgil, IV Eclogue)
The translation: „The great march of the centuries begins anew” misses the beef of the philosophical abiogenesis: ab integro...nascitur ordo” The Latin term integer denotes 'the whole thing' or 'number of whole things.'
"... all things are one, and the One is all things, seeing that all things were in the Creator before he created them all. And rightly has it been said of Him that He is all things, for all things are parts of Him. And this being so, all things are linked together, and connected one with another in a chain extending from the lowest to the highest ; so that we see that they are not many, or rather, that all are one." Asclepius I, 2a. The heliocentric pharaoh Akhenaten called the sun 'One'
Inspired by this philosophical dogma, “It came about on a certain day, while Diocletian was reigning, that the craftsmen sculpted a statue of the Sun with a quadriga from polished stone with every art; chariot, horses and all from a single stone.” It was a prefigurement of the Constantine dogma of Trinity proclaiming consubstantiality of three divine persons. All Roman emperors believed themselves to be consubstantial (homoousios) with the invisible Highest God (summus deus)
Spontaneous Generation also referred to as abiogenesis, the theory that living things arise de novo without living parents from lifeless matter. The attempt of the ancients and medievals to explain the origin of lower forms of life from natural causes, rather than attributing it directly to a supermundane or divine power, was scientifically respectable.(Aquinas). Pliny wrote: “We are so much at the mercy of Chance that Chance is our god”. Indeed, in ancient Greece, Tyche or Chance was not merely believed in but worshiped alongside the other gods and goddesses. The two greatest historians of antiquity, Thucidides and Polybius, took chance (with a small 'c') as a cardinal element for historical analysis; Plato and Aristotle, taking an ultimately theological view of the universe, equated chance with all that did not belong to the directly purposive act of god and man, that is, in effect, with physical law. St. Thomas Aquinas believed in abiogenesis.
The only difference between the "church" of England and the "church" of Rome is that it is popery without the pope!!
These “Sibyllists, like their Role model emperor Constantine were so deeply anti-Semitic that they rejected the Jewish Scriptures as the prefigurement of the Christian faith and embraced instead the “prophecy” of Erythrean Sibyl. R. Dawkins, like pope John Paul II, is a present-day sybillist. Anyway his fulminations against the God of the Bible qualify him as such:
The god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desentisized to their horror.
Evolution and Morality
Philip Johnson, leader of the Intelligent design movement, writes, “the philosophy that fueled German militarism and Hitlerism is taught as fact in every American Public school, with no disagreement allowed.”
The French politician Giraudoux wanted a "Ministry of Race," whose task would be to make the right choices."what more beautiful mission coulthere be than to hape lovingly one's own race."
In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote, “A stronger race will supplant the weaker, since the drive for life in its final form will decimate every ridiculous fetter of the so-called humaneness of individuals, in order to make place for the humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to make place for the strong.” This is what they call an evolutionary ethic.
Bestiality: “Evolution teaches that ‘we are animals’ so that ‘sex across the species barrier ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings’.” [‘sex across the species barrier’ is a euphemism for bestiality] ( Peter Singer (Princeton University), “Heavy Petting,” review of Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, by Midas Dekkers, at http://www.nerve.com/Opinions/Singer/heavyPetting/main.asp.)
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV.
How African Folklore became the inspiration for Darwin
Hurrah! For the son of the Sun!
Hurrah! For the brother of the Moon!
Throughout all the world there is none
Like Quashiboo, the only One.
Descended from the great Baboon! Baboon,
Descended from the great Baboon!
In 1838 Darwin wrote in a letter: “Origin of man now proved...He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.” Obviously, Darwin identified this baboon with Thoth, the baboon-shaped god of Egyptians.
The latest New Age propaganda claims that Jesus was supposed to communicate to the Jews the good news that the origin of their religion was Egypt.
“I am Thoth”
In Egyptian mythology, I spoke
the words that created the
heavens and the earth and I direct
the motion of the heavenly
Ancient Egyptians regarded me as
One, self-begotten, and self-
produced, Master of both the
physical and Divine law. My power
was almost unlimited and rivaled
that of Ra and Osiris
I am considered the heart and
tongue of Ra, and I translate his
will into speech.
Without my words, even the gods
themselves would not exist.
Like Darwin, the anthropologist and pioneer of racial studies, Lord Monboddo, famous for having included the orangutan with humankind had a great admiration for the Egyptians.
Pope Alexander VI traced back his family to the Egyptian bull-god Apis, aka Baal, recognized by the famous Hamas terrorist, dr Rantisi as the God of the Palestinians.
What would change everything?
“In the early 1920's “ape-man” Hesperopithecus (which consisted of a single tooth) was pictured in the London Illustrated News complete with the tooth's wife, children, domestic animals, and cave! This tooth, known as “Nebraska man” was still used by evolutionists as compelling evidence for human evolution during the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, but in 1927 parts of the skeleton were found and Nebraska man was downgraded to an extinct pig! ( David N. Menton, Ph.D. Http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro19html)
In the mid-1920s, the culture wars were dominated – as they are today with “intelligent design” – by the debate between creationism and evolutionary thinking. In 1925, John T. Scopes had been found guilty of teaching that mankind arose from something other than divine creation. But the US was not the only country about the issue. The young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, a Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.
Ivanov set off for a French research station in West Africa. There he inseminated three female chimpanzee with human sperm. Not his own, for he shared the colonial-ear belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than he was. He stayed long enough to learn that his experiment had failed.
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzee might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as ‘G.’
At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman – he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit – and went to the newspaper with Ivanov’s proposal. The New York Times thundered, “Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution.”
The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov’s experiment, calling it “abominable to the Creator.” Abreu withdrew her consent.
Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin’s purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.
Twelve months later the first King Kong movie opened in New York. Though The New Yorker regretted “the need for a plot and love interest,” other moviegoers clearly did not agree and the film grossed $89,931 in its first weekend. (Clive D.L. Wynne, Kissing Cousins, NYT, Dec. 12, 2005)
In a response to Edge.org's annual New Year challenge to the world's leading thinkers, Prof Richard Dawkins has submitted his entry. Edge.org asked scientists, philosophers, artists and journalists “What will change everything?”
Dawkins – author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion (2006) – muses on the effect of breaking down the barrier between humans and animals, perhaps by the creation of a chimera in a lab or a “successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee (i.e. Prof. Ivanov's 'humanzee).”
In his opinion, a successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee would send shock waves through society and be salutary (!). This is why a distinguished biologist described this possibility as the most immoral scientific experiment he could imagine: it would change everything! It cannot be ruled out as impossible, but it would be surprising. His choice of the religious term 'salutary' suggests a high rank in the order of Isis priesthood (see below). See also Evolution and Stalinism by by Steven LaTulippe Richard Dawkins wrote of
evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution. Isis's Inquisition in action!
Evolution and Genocide
According to Webster's Universal Dictionary (1936) vaccine (L. vaccinus, from vacca, cow.) 1. derived from cows; the virus of cowpox, used as a preventive of smallpox.
Edward Jenner S.J. (1749 —1823) a Slick Jesuit -- was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evolution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more.
In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox.
Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book (1798) and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book. Jenner cleverly used the scientific name for smallpox, VARIOLAE, and associated it with the cow disease.
Let me remind here Dr Fewster's 1765 paper in the London Medical Society, entitled "Cow pox and its ability to prevent smallpox". Dr. Fewster saw the fundamental difference between man and animals.
Vaccination means Christening into a New Religion
Since Jenner claimed that humans and animals shared the same diseases, the next step for Erasmus Darwin (another doctor) was to promulgate the idea that they had a common ancestor.
The famous author wrote to Jenner on the 24th of February, 1802: "In a little time it may occur that the christening and vaccination of children may always be performed on the same day." One of the most insidious features of Darwin's evolutionary speculation was that it sought to erase the fundamental differences between man and animals. And that matched the fundamental dogma of the Thoth religion! An early Christian icon shows a bunch of Christians before a statue of Thoth.
There is a potent political explanation for Dr. Jenner's 'scientific' victory over Dr. Fewster. In 1877 the Russian occultist Madame Blavatsky called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis priesthood and her wish was granted when they organized themselves into such a religion around her manuscript of Isis Unveiled.Isis or Hathor— the Egyptian holy cow goddess, and her temple at Dendera was in The House of Intoxication and Enjoyments. This goddess inspired Huxley with the idea of the Sex an d Drugs Revolution. Her son Horus was worshiped as a Christ of Egyptian religion. Vaccination became sort of a holy communion in the Isis religion.
The Illuminati ceremony in Egypt during the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 was purported to have invoked the Dark Mother, known as Isis in Egypt and various goddesses also called the Black Madonna or Black Virgin. The Templar Revelation identifies Isis as the Black Madonna, on no less authority than a former head of the Priory of Sion.
For inventing a new disease, the University of Oxford awarded Jenner an honorary M.D. Degree. When Jenner invented his Variolae Vaccinae or smallpox of the cow, he planted the insidious seed that men and beasts share the same disease . . . and therefore must be related. This opened the door to vaccination or the injecting of animal diseases into humans. This new bizarre rite spread like the plague all over England. It was not confined to England however, it soon spread to Continental Europe and even crossed the ocean to America.
It is believed that by 1977, smallpox, was eradicated by the World Health Organization. However, the variola virus that led to the death of 300 million in the 20th century alone was not completely exterminated with the disease it caused.
The congeniality between the Isis 'Dreckapotheke' and that of her priest Malthus as expressed in the 16th edition of his Essay on Population should be noted in this context:
W. Durant wrote in his Our Oriental Heritage: “Treatment by excrementitious drugs: Ancient Egyptian prescriptions hovered between medicine and magic, and relief for their effectiveness in great part on the repulsiveness of the concoction. Lizard’s blood, swine’s ears and teeth, putrid meat and fat, a tortoise’s brains, and old book boiled in oil, the milk of a lying-in woman, the water of a chaste woman, the excreta of men, donkeys, dogs, lions, cats, and lice – all these are found in the prescriptions.” (P. 183)
Referring to famine as a check on population, Bishop Malthus wrote in the following incredibly sincere passage from the revised Sixth Edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population (1862):
“…We should facilitate, instead to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into houses, and count on the return of the plague. In the country, we should build villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent but much mistaken men, who taught they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disease.”
Those researches who plan to transplant the baboon marrow cells, called stem cells, that manufacture the blood cells also seem to ignore Ivanov's failed experiment and follow in the footsteps of Edward Jenner, S.J.
Milton in “Paradise Lost” (I, 10) writes: “In the beginning how the Heavens and Earth rose out of chaos,” instead of “In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen.1:1)and Brewster in a biography of Newton (1855, II, XVI.99) writes about “the formation of the earth, and other planets out of general chaos.” In that period, the term 'chaos” was synonymous with 'prime matter'.
Ashmole became the friend and acquaintance of astrologers, mathematicians, physicians and other individuals who were advancing their knowledge into the hidden mysteries of nature and science, as Francis Bacon’s redefined Second Degree of Freemasonry required them to do. The word was out; there was an ‘invisible college,’ a society of scientists that could not be identified as a group, but whose presence was very evident.
The change back to a monarchy from a republic also brought benefit to the ‘invisible college’.
In 1662 King Charles II granted a royal warrant to it, thereby creating the Royal Society; the world’s first assembly of scientists and engineers dedicated to understanding the wonders created by the ‘Great Architect of the Universe’. Charles I paid with his life for his Polish alliance. He was charged with high treason and “other high crimes against the realm of England.” The sentence of death was read on Jan 27, 1648; his execution was ordered as a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy. The sentence was carried out on a scaffold erected outside the banqueting hall of Whitehall on the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1649.
Charles I’s mockery of the Bible emboldened the leaders of the Polish Counter-Reformation to attack the Hussite Prague in collusion with the Austrian admirers of Kepler’s heliocentrism. Emperor Rudolph II, the sponsor of the Keplerian heliocentrism “reached the stage of abandoning God entirely; he would neither hear nor speak of Him, nor suffer any sign of Him.”
From Jerome's Vuglate through Aquinas to KJV
The philosophical evolutionism smuggled into the Ciceronian Vulgate was, obviously, embraced by Thomas Aquinas together with its inherent atheism. This reception of the pagan teaching was made possible by St. Augustine who opined, "Whatever has been rightly said by the heathen, we must appropriate to our uses.” Even earlier St. Paul appropriated the evolutionary idea of Katha Upanishad, “Like corn decays the mortal, like corn is he born again (1,8) and and expressed it in his dogma of the “germination” of the spiritual body from the physical (1 Cor. 15:36-44). St. Paul's doctrine of 'natural selection' goes like that, When the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away (will be superseded) – 1 Cor 13:10
As defined by Paul Draper, naturalism is the hypothesis that the natural world is a closed system which means that nothing that is not part of a natural world affects it. Thus there is not supernatural entities, including God.
Th. Aquinas began his Summa Theologica with the question: “An Deus sit?” (Does God exist?). In his Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas mentions two arguments that might be used to prove that “God does not exist.” To quote Aquinas: “What can be accomplished by a few principles is not effected by many. But it seems that everything we see in the world can be accounted for by other principles, supposing God did not exist. For all natural things can be reduced to one principle, which is nature, and all voluntary things can be reduced to one principle, which is human reason, or will. Therefore there is no need to suppose God’s existence.” Following in the footsteps of Aquinas count Descartes strove to eliminate from science all explanations that could not be established by scientific methods, like observation, measurement and experimentation... Can you observe, or measure God, or conduct an experiment to find out His presence?”
Many of Aquinas's views were not accepted in his own time, but once the door of revelation had been opened to human reason, God became in people's minds removed further from the creation, and man was left to rely on his own intellect. Greek humanism has thus been introduced to Christian theology. Doctrines concerning theology only shift as fast as can be accepted by the cloistered ranks of clerics, and it would be another three centuries before the thought of Aquinas were officially adopted at the council of Trent and by the translators of the KJV.
The Hebrew text of Genesis 1: 20 reads:
“Let the waters swarm with swarms of
living creatures and let fowl fly above the earth…”
King James hoaxers translated this verse as follows:
“Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature,
and fowl that may fly above the earth…”
They read into this verse the evolutionist dogma of Anaximander who taught that men were first produced in fishes; when they were grown and able to help themselves, were thrown up and so lived upon the land.”
Thomas Aquinas in one of his texts described an ascending hierarchy of beings as follows :
"Prime matter is first of all in potency to the form of the element."But existing under the form of the element, it is in potency to the form of the mixed body (or of the compound), elements being the matter of the mixed body.
"And considered under the form of the mixed body, it is in potency to the vegetative soul: for it is a soul that is the act (or the substantial form) of the plant (since a plant is a living being, or a being endowed with immanent activity)."And likewise the vegetative soul is in potency to the sensitive soul, as the sensitive soul is to the intellective soul: as it appears in human generation, in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life.
In Book I (sloka 20) Manu expressed his idea of evolution as follows:
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."
St. Thomas describes human generation "in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life." The French philosopher J. Maritain felt that Thomas in a stroke of genius saw that the "evolutive movement" of the human embryo "recapitulates in itself, in the intra-uterine development the evolution of life which after centuries has attained its final end in man.
Thomas’ views on the development of the human embryo in which the spiritual soul was only infused after conception when the embryo was fit to receive it were widespread during the Middle Ages. In more recent times it has been called delayed hominization, which perhaps is not an entirely felicitous phrase since in Thomas’ mind it wasn’t delayed, but simply came at the appropriate moment. This view was gradually displaced under the influence of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and the discussions about the morality of abortion, and gave way to the theory of immediate hominization, that is, the infusion of the human soul at conception.
In the chapter, "The Evidence of the Descent of Man from Some Lower Form," Darwin writes:
Embryonic Development: Man is developed from an ovule, about the 125th of an inch in diameter, which differs in no respect from the ovules of other animals. The embryo itself at a very early period can hardly be distinguished from that of other members of the vertebrate kingdom. At this period . . . the slits on the sides of the neck [of human's embryo] still remain. . .After this, he states that his observations indicate that a human embryo closely resembles that of an ape, a dog or another vertebrate but that, in later stages of development in the womb, a differentiation occurs. In a letter to his friend, Asa Gray, Darwin considered the evidence from embryology to be "by far the strongest single class of facts in in favor of" his theory.
The scholastic philosophy culminating in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae was a bible of Constantine's universal religion formulated by the Council of Nicaea. This Christianity has nothing in common with the teaching of the Book of Revelation which was to prepare the reader that the people of Israel will overcome all hardships and finally be victorious. The trinity for the author of the Revelation is not only unknown, it is even impossible. Instead of the one Holy Ghost of later we have here the “seven spirits of God,” construed by the rabbis from Isaiah 11:2. Christ is the son of God, the first and the last, the alpha and omega, by no means God himself or equal to God, on the contrary, the beginning and the creation of God.”Babylon, the Great Whore, stands for Rome, the city of the seven hills...the beast on which she sits.
In his Oration to the Assembly of the Saints Emperor Constantine claimed that "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour, Cross" was the one pointed in a Prophetic Acrostic of the Erythrean Sibyl, because “he wanted to have nothing in common with this odious people (meaning Jews).”
The God of the Nicene Creed
In Chapter III of his Oration emperor Constantine spoke about the Father's substance which is not being diminished by generation of all things. Well, the substance was also known as the essence of the anima mundi, or soul of the world, supporting the general phenomenon of growth and the infinite potential for life.
Let me remind here that, like his famous predecessor Thomas Aquinas's, Voltaire's focus was on nature conceived of as God, exacltly like Spinoza's deus sive nature worshipped as Substance. It was believed also by Voltaire that the Roman sun god, Sol, was the visible manifestation of an invisible "Highest God" (Etre Supreme, summus deus), who was the principle behind the universe. This god was thought to be the companion (Socius) of the Roman emperors. Constantine's adherence to this faith is evident from his claim of having had a vision of the sun god in 310 while in a grove of Apollo in Gaul. Julian the Apostate praised by Voltaire as “the greatest man that ever was” and who was proclaimed Emperor in Paris at the Thermes de Cluny, standing on a shield in the Frankish manner in 360, wanted to replace the recently recognized Christianity with the religion of the solar “Highest God” also worshipped by Emperor Elagabalus (lit. “the Highest god”).
Magnus ab integro saeculorum nascitur ordo (Virgil, IV Eclogue)
The translation: „The great march of the centuries begins anew” misses the beef of the philosophical abiogenesis: ab integro...nascitur ordo” The Latin term integer denotes 'the whole thing' or 'number of whole things.'
"... all things are one, and the One is all things, seeing that all things were in the Creator before he created them all. And rightly has it been said of Him that He is all things, for all things are parts of Him. And this being so, all things are linked together, and connected one with another in a chain extending from the lowest to the highest ; so that we see that they are not many, or rather, that all are one." Asclepius I, 2a. The heliocentric pharaoh Akhenaten called the sun 'One'
Inspired by this philosophical dogma, “It came about on a certain day, while Diocletian was reigning, that the craftsmen sculpted a statue of the Sun with a quadriga from polished stone with every art; chariot, horses and all from a single stone.” It was a prefigurement of the Constantine dogma of Trinity proclaiming consubstantiality of three divine persons. All Roman emperors believed themselves to be consubstantial (homoousios) with the invisible Highest God (summus deus)
Spontaneous Generation also referred to as abiogenesis, the theory that living things arise de novo without living parents from lifeless matter. The attempt of the ancients and medievals to explain the origin of lower forms of life from natural causes, rather than attributing it directly to a supermundane or divine power, was scientifically respectable.(Aquinas). Pliny wrote: “We are so much at the mercy of Chance that Chance is our god”. Indeed, in ancient Greece, Tyche or Chance was not merely believed in but worshiped alongside the other gods and goddesses. The two greatest historians of antiquity, Thucidides and Polybius, took chance (with a small 'c') as a cardinal element for historical analysis; Plato and Aristotle, taking an ultimately theological view of the universe, equated chance with all that did not belong to the directly purposive act of god and man, that is, in effect, with physical law. St. Thomas Aquinas believed in abiogenesis.
The only difference between the "church" of England and the "church" of Rome is that it is popery without the pope!!
These “Sibyllists, like their Role model emperor Constantine were so deeply anti-Semitic that they rejected the Jewish Scriptures as the prefigurement of the Christian faith and embraced instead the “prophecy” of Erythrean Sibyl. R. Dawkins, like pope John Paul II, is a present-day sybillist. Anyway his fulminations against the God of the Bible qualify him as such:
The god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desentisized to their horror.
Evolution and Morality
Philip Johnson, leader of the Intelligent design movement, writes, “the philosophy that fueled German militarism and Hitlerism is taught as fact in every American Public school, with no disagreement allowed.”
The French politician Giraudoux wanted a "Ministry of Race," whose task would be to make the right choices."what more beautiful mission coulthere be than to hape lovingly one's own race."
In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote, “A stronger race will supplant the weaker, since the drive for life in its final form will decimate every ridiculous fetter of the so-called humaneness of individuals, in order to make place for the humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to make place for the strong.” This is what they call an evolutionary ethic.
Bestiality: “Evolution teaches that ‘we are animals’ so that ‘sex across the species barrier ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings’.” [‘sex across the species barrier’ is a euphemism for bestiality] ( Peter Singer (Princeton University), “Heavy Petting,” review of Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, by Midas Dekkers, at http://www.nerve.com/Opinions/Singer/heavyPetting/main.asp.)
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV.
How African Folklore became the inspiration for Darwin
Hurrah! For the son of the Sun!
Hurrah! For the brother of the Moon!
Throughout all the world there is none
Like Quashiboo, the only One.
Descended from the great Baboon! Baboon,
Descended from the great Baboon!
In 1838 Darwin wrote in a letter: “Origin of man now proved...He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.” Obviously, Darwin identified this baboon with Thoth, the baboon-shaped god of Egyptians.
The latest New Age propaganda claims that Jesus was supposed to communicate to the Jews the good news that the origin of their religion was Egypt.
“I am Thoth”
In Egyptian mythology, I spoke
the words that created the
heavens and the earth and I direct
the motion of the heavenly
Ancient Egyptians regarded me as
One, self-begotten, and self-
produced, Master of both the
physical and Divine law. My power
was almost unlimited and rivaled
that of Ra and Osiris
I am considered the heart and
tongue of Ra, and I translate his
will into speech.
Without my words, even the gods
themselves would not exist.
Like Darwin, the anthropologist and pioneer of racial studies, Lord Monboddo, famous for having included the orangutan with humankind had a great admiration for the Egyptians.
Pope Alexander VI traced back his family to the Egyptian bull-god Apis, aka Baal, recognized by the famous Hamas terrorist, dr Rantisi as the God of the Palestinians.
What would change everything?
“In the early 1920's “ape-man” Hesperopithecus (which consisted of a single tooth) was pictured in the London Illustrated News complete with the tooth's wife, children, domestic animals, and cave! This tooth, known as “Nebraska man” was still used by evolutionists as compelling evidence for human evolution during the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, but in 1927 parts of the skeleton were found and Nebraska man was downgraded to an extinct pig! ( David N. Menton, Ph.D. Http://www.gennet.org/facts/metro19html)
In the mid-1920s, the culture wars were dominated – as they are today with “intelligent design” – by the debate between creationism and evolutionary thinking. In 1925, John T. Scopes had been found guilty of teaching that mankind arose from something other than divine creation. But the US was not the only country about the issue. The young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, a Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.
Ivanov set off for a French research station in West Africa. There he inseminated three female chimpanzee with human sperm. Not his own, for he shared the colonial-ear belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than he was. He stayed long enough to learn that his experiment had failed.
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzee might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as ‘G.’
At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman – he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit – and went to the newspaper with Ivanov’s proposal. The New York Times thundered, “Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution.”
The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov’s experiment, calling it “abominable to the Creator.” Abreu withdrew her consent.
Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin’s purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.
Twelve months later the first King Kong movie opened in New York. Though The New Yorker regretted “the need for a plot and love interest,” other moviegoers clearly did not agree and the film grossed $89,931 in its first weekend. (Clive D.L. Wynne, Kissing Cousins, NYT, Dec. 12, 2005)
In a response to Edge.org's annual New Year challenge to the world's leading thinkers, Prof Richard Dawkins has submitted his entry. Edge.org asked scientists, philosophers, artists and journalists “What will change everything?”
Dawkins – author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion (2006) – muses on the effect of breaking down the barrier between humans and animals, perhaps by the creation of a chimera in a lab or a “successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee (i.e. Prof. Ivanov's 'humanzee).”
In his opinion, a successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee would send shock waves through society and be salutary (!). This is why a distinguished biologist described this possibility as the most immoral scientific experiment he could imagine: it would change everything! It cannot be ruled out as impossible, but it would be surprising. His choice of the religious term 'salutary' suggests a high rank in the order of Isis priesthood (see below). See also Evolution and Stalinism by by Steven LaTulippe Richard Dawkins wrote of
evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution. Isis's Inquisition in action!
Evolution and Genocide
According to Webster's Universal Dictionary (1936) vaccine (L. vaccinus, from vacca, cow.) 1. derived from cows; the virus of cowpox, used as a preventive of smallpox.
Edward Jenner S.J. (1749 —1823) a Slick Jesuit -- was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evolution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more.
In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox.
Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book (1798) and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book. Jenner cleverly used the scientific name for smallpox, VARIOLAE, and associated it with the cow disease.
Let me remind here Dr Fewster's 1765 paper in the London Medical Society, entitled "Cow pox and its ability to prevent smallpox". Dr. Fewster saw the fundamental difference between man and animals.
Vaccination means Christening into a New Religion
Since Jenner claimed that humans and animals shared the same diseases, the next step for Erasmus Darwin (another doctor) was to promulgate the idea that they had a common ancestor.
The famous author wrote to Jenner on the 24th of February, 1802: "In a little time it may occur that the christening and vaccination of children may always be performed on the same day." One of the most insidious features of Darwin's evolutionary speculation was that it sought to erase the fundamental differences between man and animals. And that matched the fundamental dogma of the Thoth religion! An early Christian icon shows a bunch of Christians before a statue of Thoth.
There is a potent political explanation for Dr. Jenner's 'scientific' victory over Dr. Fewster. In 1877 the Russian occultist Madame Blavatsky called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis priesthood and her wish was granted when they organized themselves into such a religion around her manuscript of Isis Unveiled.Isis or Hathor— the Egyptian holy cow goddess, and her temple at Dendera was in The House of Intoxication and Enjoyments. This goddess inspired Huxley with the idea of the Sex an d Drugs Revolution. Her son Horus was worshiped as a Christ of Egyptian religion. Vaccination became sort of a holy communion in the Isis religion.
The Illuminati ceremony in Egypt during the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 was purported to have invoked the Dark Mother, known as Isis in Egypt and various goddesses also called the Black Madonna or Black Virgin. The Templar Revelation identifies Isis as the Black Madonna, on no less authority than a former head of the Priory of Sion.
For inventing a new disease, the University of Oxford awarded Jenner an honorary M.D. Degree. When Jenner invented his Variolae Vaccinae or smallpox of the cow, he planted the insidious seed that men and beasts share the same disease . . . and therefore must be related. This opened the door to vaccination or the injecting of animal diseases into humans. This new bizarre rite spread like the plague all over England. It was not confined to England however, it soon spread to Continental Europe and even crossed the ocean to America.
It is believed that by 1977, smallpox, was eradicated by the World Health Organization. However, the variola virus that led to the death of 300 million in the 20th century alone was not completely exterminated with the disease it caused.
The congeniality between the Isis 'Dreckapotheke' and that of her priest Malthus as expressed in the 16th edition of his Essay on Population should be noted in this context:
W. Durant wrote in his Our Oriental Heritage: “Treatment by excrementitious drugs: Ancient Egyptian prescriptions hovered between medicine and magic, and relief for their effectiveness in great part on the repulsiveness of the concoction. Lizard’s blood, swine’s ears and teeth, putrid meat and fat, a tortoise’s brains, and old book boiled in oil, the milk of a lying-in woman, the water of a chaste woman, the excreta of men, donkeys, dogs, lions, cats, and lice – all these are found in the prescriptions.” (P. 183)
Referring to famine as a check on population, Bishop Malthus wrote in the following incredibly sincere passage from the revised Sixth Edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population (1862):
“…We should facilitate, instead to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into houses, and count on the return of the plague. In the country, we should build villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent but much mistaken men, who taught they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disease.”
Those researches who plan to transplant the baboon marrow cells, called stem cells, that manufacture the blood cells also seem to ignore Ivanov's failed experiment and follow in the footsteps of Edward Jenner, S.J.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
The Subverter
There was a Jesuit college in virtually every French town of note. In paper after paper, Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit paleontologist worked out his ideas, mourning his Church’s unwillingness to incorporate what Science had discovered into its understanding of the world, criticizing the “geocentricity” to which she clung psychologically for four hundred years after she had ceased to support it astronomically, and rebuking those religious thinkers who recognized nothing new under the sun since “instantaneous creation”. De Chardin wrote: “Christianity’s only chance to grow lay in her being born again among the Gentiles because only the Gentiles had retained their pagan taste for the earth.” “Christianity must break out of the closed world of Israel into the pagan world”.
De Chardin was delirious when he learned that a study of religious observance in France compiled in 1943 (when the Nazis issued the stamp bearing the likeness of Copernicus) by Abbes Godin and Danile, proved that 84% of the people were “paganized.” All the French bishops and cardinals collaborated with the Nazis. The Primate of Poland Card. Hlond was their guest of honor during WWII.
1926 : Fr. de Chardin’s Superiors in the Jesuit Order forbade hint to teach any longer.
1927 : Holy See refused the Imprimatur for his book Le Milieu Divin.
1933 : Rome ordered him to give up his post in Paris.
1939 : Rome banned his work L’Energie Humaine.
1941 : de Chardin submitted to Rome his most important work Le Phenomena Humaine.
1947 : Rome forbade him to write or teach on philosophical subjects.
1948 : de Chardin was called to Rome by the Superior General of the Jesuits who hoped to acquire permission from the Holy See for the publication of his most important work Le Phenomena Humaine. But the prohibition to publish it issued in 1944, was again renewed. Teilhard was also forbidden to take a teaching post in the College de France.
1949 : Permission to publish Le Groupe Zoologique was refused.
1955 : de Chardin forbidden by his Superiors to attend the “International Congress of Paleontology”. Fr. de Chardin died suddenly this year.
1957 : The Supreme Authority of the Holy Office in a decree dated 15th November, forbade the works of de Chardin to be retained in libraries, including those of religious institutes. His books were not to be sold in Catholic bookshops and were not to be translated in other languages.
1958 : In April of this year, all Jesuit publications in Spain (“Raton y Fe”, “Sal Terrae”, “Estudios de Deusto”) etc., carried a notice from the Spanish Provincial of the Jesuits, that de Chardin’s works had been published in Spanish without previous ecclesiastical examination and in defiance of the decrees of the Holy See.
1962 : A decree of the Holy Office dated 30th June, under the authority of Pope John XX III. warned that “. . . it is obvious that in philosophical and theological matters, the said works (de Chardin’s) are replete with ambiguities or rather with serious errors which offend Catholic doctrine. That is why ... the Rev. Fathers of the Holy Office urge all Ordinaries, Superiors, and Rectors ... to effectively protect, especially the minds of the young, against the dangers of the works of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and his followers”. (AAS, 6th August 1962).
1963 : The Vicariate of Rome (a diocese ruled in the name of Pope Paul VI by his Cardinal Vicar) in a decree dated 30th September, required that Catholic booksellers in Rome, should withdraw from circulation the works of de Chardin, together with those books which favour his erroneous doctrines. The text of this document was published in daily L’Aurore of Paris, dated 2 October 1963, and was reproduced in Nouvelles de Chretiente, l0 October 1963, p.35.
Conclusion. Popes Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, and Paul VI, endeavoured to prevent the spread of the modernistic errors of this pseudo-scholar, who, as he himself confessed in a letter to a priest friend, has apostatized but deliberately remained within the Church to more easily spread his errors. (See The Strange Faith of Teilhard de Chardin, by Henri Rambaud.)
Consider the leading poem of K. Wojtyla’s Renaissance Psalter entitled Magnifit which unites through imagery the pagan, the medieval, the renaissance, and the modern. The pagan worship of the oak tree, for instance, becomes transformed into Christian belief without leaving behind the pagan symbolism; rather, it incorporates it, somewhat in the way that those ancient bones hang in the cathedral. God was present in the ancient soil, in the rocks of the Tatra, and in the oaks but now the mystery becomes incarnate in Christ:
And in this melody You came as Christ, a vision,
Look ahead, young Slav, look, the solstice fires!
The sacred oak is still in leaf, your king has not
Withered, but become for the people a lord and priest.
The “solstice fires” refers to the pagan festival celebrating fire and water, now reborn in Christ, but as the sacred oak still thrives kings have not died but are metamorphosed through Jesus.
Cardinal K. Wojtyla restores the religion of Jupiter, Best and Greatest
During the celebration commemorating 500th anniversary of birth of Copernicus, in Fromborg (Poland), an icon of Copernivcus was displayed evoking features of Jesus Christ of the Shroud of Turin. The Polish caption is even more revealing of the intentions of the organizers of this celebration, which was also attended by the then cardinal K. Wojtyla. It read: “Truly this divine masterpiece of the Best and Greatest Being is immense”. (Zaprawde, ogromne jest to arcydzielo Istoty Najlepszej i Najwiekszej” See, Jan Pawel II, papiez z Polski. Ed Interpress. Warszawa 1979, p. 116). You can also see a picture of card. K. Wojtyla strolling with other priests beneath the banner with Copernicus).
The triangle bridging the caption and the icon of Copernicus is the Pythagorean triangle whose sum of powers has been appointed as the origin of the generation of the cosmic elements. Similar triangle was worn on God's head (cp. Napoleon's hat in the shape of a triangle) on the front page of the Vulgate published in Rome 1592
The Best and the Greatest Being mentioned on this banner is, of course the Roman god Jupiter to whom Constantine in his capacity as pontifex maximus sacrificed even after his conversion. Franz Boll (Sternglaube und Sterndeutung, p.31) recounts, as other sources do too, that Constantine also ordered a horoscope from an astrologer for himself, for this new city of his: Constantinople – many years after his “conversion” He also “sacrificed to Jupiter, Best and Greatest”, after his conversion. Even shortly before his death in 337 CE, he had a commemorative coin struck on which Constantine is represented as Jupiter, while one of his sons is represented in the guise of Bacchus.
One year after the election of Card. K. Wojtyla as pope John Paul II Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, o. 12)restored Emperor Severus's doctrine of the Limited Sovereignty: “ It was this spirit which inspired the creation of two of the most illustrious of the humanistic institutions of the Holy See: the Vatican Library and the Vatican Museums. Both were the outcome of a vision of Graeco-Roman culture as the perfect, almost timeless expression of human creativity at its highest levels - thought and art - and as the precursor, at times almost the prefigurement, of Christianity, above all in the West.”
The Vatican Museums originated in the court of Innocent VIII’s Belvedere Palace, which Julius III laid out in gardens and embellished with masterpieces of classical sculpture: The Apollo, the Venus Felix, the Laocoon, the Nile, the Tiber, and the Sleeping Ariadne…” It is the idea of the pagan Pantheon disguised as the most sacred relic of Roman Catholicism.
In the 1960s there was a lot of talk in Rome about refashioning a Jesus into a beautiful Apollo, and the US Moon Landing Program coded Apollo was the most important part of this project. Father Lemaitre's Big Bang theory imposed by the Vatican on the USA obliged America to do that.
Following the lead of Pope John Paul II, as expressed in his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, two British authors in their The Jesus Mysteries. Was the ‘Original Jesus’ a Pagan God? (1999) discovered that even Jesus’ teachings were not original, but had been anticipated by the pagan sages. They are in effect saying that Jesus was a Pagan god and that Christianity was a heretical product of paganism. In their opinion, this theory explains the similarities between the stories of Osiris-Dionysus and Jesus Christ. They argue: “Pagan civilization built vast libraries to house hundreds of thousands of works of literary and scientific genius. Its natural philosophers speculated that human beings had evolved from animals. Its astronomers knew that the earth was a sphere, which, along with the planets, revolves around the sun…”
So, indeed, one gains the impression that, as Josephus put it “God, having passed the dominion about among the nations, is now in Italy' “ and his name is not YHWH but Jupiter who in Dante's famous book became “Jove for mankind crucified.”
Mario Palmieri in The Philosophy of Fascism (Chicago 1936) argued similarly “The triumph of the Catholic Idea of salvation in Christ and through Christ and His Church saw the Empire of the Church give to mankind the life-inspiring blessing of spiritual unity. A spiritual power generated from those great Italian spirits who have been in the past the assertors of Rome’s immortal and eternal right to Empire, and the prophets of Rome’s third form of Empire (Cp. III Reich), is the leaven which has brought about that fermentation of spiritual forces called Fascism… Providence chose the Italian land for this high destiny, nourishing a spark of divine truth in it “ab antico” and molding there a race wonderfully adapted in genius and intelligence for subjecting the whole world in Christian obedience…Italy is the priestly nation among the great body of redeemed peoples…Nor did the inhabitants of this peninsula give to other peoples merely divine gifts, but also every other civil and human good, and all the great intellects of Europe, who enhanced in any measure the glory of their countries, lit their lamps at the living flame of Italian genius.”
At the Sources of Copernicus's Heliocentrism
Jupiter was the god of Virgil's heliocentric system presented in his Georgica:
Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas, ulmisque vitis conveniat
(Virgil Georgica, 1-2;1-4)
And this god was identified by Virgil with Ether:
Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribus Aether coniugis in gremium laetae descendit,
Then Aether, sire omnipotent, leaps down With quickening showers to his glad wife's embrace,
(Virgil, Georgics II)
From Josephus Flavius to WikiIslman
In Wars, 5, 9. 4, he retails to us the speech which he says he made to the defenders on the walls. It is a survey of the past history, quite on the lines of the Deuteronomic historians: the nation's and Jerusalem's fate has ever depended upon the will of God according to the people's righteousness or wickedness. The present calamity has come as divine punishment, although it is not too late to recognize their sins and surrender to the Romans. But things have come to such a pass that 'I think that God has fled from the sanctuary and stands with those who fight against you'. One is reminded of a certain prophet's vision of the dramatic departure of the Glory of the Lord from His temple (Ezek. 10). In the preceding paragraph (§ 3) he pictures how invincible is the dominion of the Romans, a manifest token of the will of God and how 'fortune' (τυχη) has on all sides gone over to them, and God, having passed the dominion about among the nations, is now in Italy' (νυν επι της Ιταλιας ειναι). Josephus also reports that two Prisees – Pollion and Samais, his student, - advised the populace to open the gates of Jerusalem to Herod, when herod put the city under siege. The present-day version of this theology says that the Jewish people of today had no claim to the land of Israel because the church (or New Age) replaced Israel.
I guess that the man who hides behind the name Bob who wrote the article NATVRAE MIRABILIS ORIGINISQVE DIVINAE GEORGICAE VERGILII ‘On the Miraculous Nature and the Divine Origin of Virgil’s Georgics’ for WikiIslam is a Newager, an ardent admirer of the Roman paganism, like E. Gibbon, the author of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
True, Bob, placed a note warning that “this article is written as part satire, and in part to demonstrate how ludicrously easy it is to prove that any ancient poetry can be reinterpreted to reveal 'scientitic miracles'. Neither Bob nor Spinoza have converted to Greco-Roman Polytheism... Yet.” What does this 'yet' say?
It says; “This critical analysis of the GEORGICA by Virgil (written in so called Golden Latin in 28 BCE) will demonstrate that these ancient deities were the transmitters of knowledge that science would only confirm many centuries later.” ...”It should also not be forgotten that Virgil’s influence has never waned in Western culture - even among Christians.” How are we understand that after his caveat he writes: “Are the GEORGICA merely pastoral poetry as so many people have always thought or are they books of divine revelation? With our painstaking research we have uncovered various types of miracles in the Liber Primus of the GEORGICA concerning:
Biology (Biologia)
Mathematics (Mathematica) (which is of course numerology)
Physics (Phsycia)
Climatology (Climatologia) (Global Warming!)
Cosmology (Cosmologia)
Geology (Geologia)
Geography (Geografia)
Biochemistry (Biochemia)
Meteorology (Meteorologia)
Agronomy (Agranomia)
Economics (Economica)
Prophecy or foreknowledge of future events (Oraculum Divina)
When Rome succumbed to Jesus it did not embrace him as a Jewish teacher but as the sun god Helios (Apollo) whose halo used to symbolize divine rank of Roman emperors. For centuries, the Roman propaganda, especially Cicero’s, proclaimed that the Jews were “a nation born to servitude,” like all other conquered “barbarians”. The same author, while popularizing the Pythagorean heliocentrism in his Dream of Scipio speaks of the sun as “the Lord, chief and ruler of the other lights, the Mind and guiding principle of the universe.”
Deo optimo maximo, often abbreviated D.O.M., is a Latin phrase that originally meant "to the greatest and best god", referring to Jove, when the Romans were polytheists : IOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO (I O M). Centuries later, after the Romans had become monotheists via the adoption of Christianity, the phrase was used in reference to the Christian God, and meant "To God, most good, most great." Its use continued long after the fall of Roman civilization via Europe's retention of Latin as a scholarly and ecclesiastical language. Thus the phrase or its abbreviation can be found on many Renaissance-era churches and other buildings, especially over sarcophagi, particularly in Italy. It is also inscribed on bottles of Bénédictine liquor. (Wiki)
On 12 May 1981 Card. Casaroli, in his capacity as Secretary of State sent a highly congratulatory message to Abp. Paul Poupard, lauding the work and thought of father Teilhard de Chardin whose centenary the Institute of Paris was celebrating. Stato’s message praised “the amazing echo of his research, joined with the radiance of his thought,” all of which “has left a durable mark on his age.”
De Chardin was the only Roman Catholic author whose works were on public display with those of Marx and Lenin in Moscow’s Hall of Atheism. That’s explains why the Press Office of the Holy See and L’Osservatore Romano were forced to publish an official statement correcting Stato’s praise of de Chardin and repeating the condemnation of 1960. A few weeks later, however, on 31 July 1981 Pope John Paul II established a study commission to reexamine the entire Galileo case under the leadership of Card. Paul Poupard who, once, together with the French bishops insisted on placing the birthday of K. Marx on the official Church liturgical calendar to be celebrated along with the birthdays and death of the Church’s saints and martyrs. De Chardin shared the English Jesuit George Tyrrel’s opinion, that “the Church might have to die in order that it may live again in a greater and greater form.” The Roman Church must therefore perish like every other abortive attempt to discover a universal religion as Catholic as Science. In his writings, Jesus is diminished to pygmy size. he wrote:
“We cannot frame our minds to that of a first century Jewish carpenter,”
Consider in this context what an official Vatican publication, Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, o. 12) has to say in this matter: “ It was this spirit which inspired the creation of two of the most illustrious of the humanistic institutions of the Holy See: the Vatican Library and the Vatican Museums. Both were the outcome of a vision of Graeco-Roman culture as the perfect, almost timeless expression of human creativity at its highest levels - thought and art - and as the precursor, at times almost the prefigurement, of Christanity, above all in the West.
'Bob' omitted from his list of Virgil's 'scientific miracles' one very important subject:
Homosexuality in ancient Rome features in many literary works, poems, graffiti and comments on the sexual predilections of single emperors. Martial and Plautus describe a wide range of homosexual behaviors, in part to poke fun at them like other minor standard deviations, but without too much moralizing. The emperor Hadrian had a relationship with the younger Antinous, although this was also criticized but not significant enough to prevent him plunging the empire into mourning following Antinous' apparent death by drowning in 130.
Let me quote here a short passage from Tatian's Address to the Greeks: “The Greeks consider intercourse with a mother as unlawful, but this practice is esteemed most becoming by the Persian Magi; pederasty is condemned by the Barbarians, but by Romans, who endeavour to collect herds of boys like grazing horses, it is honoured with certain privileges.” According to the Gnostic principle “as above, so below” the deviant sexual mores were practiced by both men and their gods.
When Herod was on his death bed, Josephus says that some youths, at the instigation of their teachers Judas and Matthias, pulled down a golden eagle that Herod had erected over the great gate of the Temple as a dedicatory offering (Ant. 17.6.1-3; 151-63 = War 1.33.2-4; 649-55). The Temple gate referred to is probably the Beautiful Gate. They were prompted to their action not only by the biblical prohibition against images, but by the moral revulsion that the eagle as the symbol of Jupiter/.Zeus evoked in religious Jews.
In the classical mythology the rape of Ganymede is the story of Jupiter's abduction of the most handsome mortal, the Trojan prince Ganymede, who came to serve as cupbearer to the gods. Ganymede is usually represented as a youth, but Rembrandt shows him as a baby and shows Jupiter snatching the boy while in eagle form. The little boy is quite obviously scared. To repay his father, King Tros, eponymous founder of Troy, Jupiter gave him two immortal horses. This is but one of several stories of beauties in the tenth book, including that of Hyacinth, Adonis, and Pygmalion.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_%28mythology%29
Then we have the common problem of bestiality perpetrated by the god as exemplified by the story of Leda and the swan i.e. Zeus/Jupiter morphed as a swan.
The Bible taught: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion.( Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18) refers to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple.”
In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.”
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV.
On Aug 8, 2010 the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita published my comment on scientific justification of the Biblical prohibition of homosexual practices, which proves superiority of YHWH's medical science over Jupiter's quackery.
For the emerging gay male culture sexual freedom became synonymous with adventure and conquest. “Promiscuity”, trumpeted one prominent gay newspaper, “knits together the social fabric of the gay male community,” and as such it was to be celebrated and defended. In the communal spirit of the Summer of Love in 1967, “orgy rooms” were installed in some bathhouses to facilitate group sex. Each of these men could easily have sex with several partners per visit, so that someone who patronized the baths several times a week could easily rack up as many as a thousand partners per year. It was among this core that AIDS first appeared. By the end of the seventies, gay men accounted for 80% of the 70,000 cases of syphilis treated in San Francisco’s public health clinics per year.
The vagina is the healthy, self-cleansing organ which it must be to fulfill its sexual function adequately. The risk of exposure to carcinogens and other organism associated with the penis must be increased by the absence of these natural defense mechanisms in the rectum. The vaginas of prostitutes cannot remove the excessive seminal fluids which become the 'paradise' of microbes and viruses. The seminal fluids retained inside the rectums of gays caused the modern form of Sodom and Gomorrah i.e. the AIDS epidemic. The most important commandment relating to sex practices is hygiene not freedom bordering on anarchy.
The moral values of various peoples are very important because the microbial world, the chemical world (food and drugs), the realm of toxins and pollutants, parasites and microbes, are intimately connected to our behavior, our physical condition, our diet, all of which are intimately connected to the cultural world, the social and religious world around us. Simply put, without partner change no sexually transmitted disease can spread. Partner A may infect partner B, but things will end there. In a thoroughly monogamous population there would be no sexually transmitted diseases at all; no matter how infectious certain microbes might theoretically be. Conversely, the higher the level of partner change, the more likely that even microbes that are relatively hard to transmit will have an opportunity to spread.
The Science Revealed by Jupiter
In the time period of pedophile scandals rocking the Catholic Church it will be instructive to remind of a 1985 “New York Native” interview with Joseph Sonnabend (“leading AIDS doctor”). “The rectum”, Sonnabend said, “is a sexual organ, and it deserves the respect a penis gets and a vagina gets.” Anal intercourse has been the central activity for gay men and for some women for all of history. The “leading AIDS doctor” did not know that the people of Katmandu suffer from chronic intestinal parasites caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal matter. “Versatile” anal and oral sex and new behaviors such as analingus, or rimming facilitated the spread of otherwise difficult-to-transmit microbes. Gay men created almost laboratory conditions both to amplify STDs and then to spread these diseases throughout the world. And all these facts prove that the Bible is, indeed the God inspired Book of Books. What a shame that it is a Pope who wants to exile this Book from the memory of mankind! We already know that he will fail! Gay sex breaks every rule of decent hygiene; it is chemical and biological warfare on human societies.
YHWH's teachings on sex are as sound and scientific as His teaching on astronomy. Let me remind here that one of the moons of Jupiter is named after Ganymede, and was discovered by Galileo Galilei. Clavius, a member of the Society of Jesus, and a close friend of Galileo's was able to needle Galileo about seeing Jupiter's four moons only because Galileo drew them on the lens of his telescope. One of his many confidence tricks. No surprise here. That fact explains why gay pride parades are a very important religious ritual in the world under Copernican Science. They are still herds of boys like grazing horses, favoured with certain privileges. And now the planet Jupiter has a real army of “altar boys”.Many pacifists, feminists, birth control advocates, and homosexual rights activists were enthusiastic Darwinists and used Darwinian arguments to support their political and social agendas (See Ross Douthat, the Marriage Ideal, NYT Aug 8, 2010).
Prof. Page Smith observed in his book Killing the Spirit. Higher Education in America: “Rosenstock-Huessy had experienced the resentment and hostility of his Harvard colleagues (one of them referred to him as “that little squirt”) because he refused to genuflect to two of the reigning deities of the academic world, Marx and Freud, and occasionally spoke favorably of God. (...) Academic fundamentalism is at issue, the stubborn refusal of the academy to acknowledge any truth that does not conform to professional dogmas”.(pp.XII and 5)
Well, it was only when blog4brownback organized that I had, for the first time in my sojourn in America, the opportunity to publish the results of my researches into Biblical astronomy, geology and medicine that contradict Bob's Flavian Supersession theology. In my comment The Lethal Math of Solstices I showed the ignorance of the Fathers of heliocentrism of the mathematical/physical working of this pseudo-science.
De Chardin was delirious when he learned that a study of religious observance in France compiled in 1943 (when the Nazis issued the stamp bearing the likeness of Copernicus) by Abbes Godin and Danile, proved that 84% of the people were “paganized.” All the French bishops and cardinals collaborated with the Nazis. The Primate of Poland Card. Hlond was their guest of honor during WWII.
1926 : Fr. de Chardin’s Superiors in the Jesuit Order forbade hint to teach any longer.
1927 : Holy See refused the Imprimatur for his book Le Milieu Divin.
1933 : Rome ordered him to give up his post in Paris.
1939 : Rome banned his work L’Energie Humaine.
1941 : de Chardin submitted to Rome his most important work Le Phenomena Humaine.
1947 : Rome forbade him to write or teach on philosophical subjects.
1948 : de Chardin was called to Rome by the Superior General of the Jesuits who hoped to acquire permission from the Holy See for the publication of his most important work Le Phenomena Humaine. But the prohibition to publish it issued in 1944, was again renewed. Teilhard was also forbidden to take a teaching post in the College de France.
1949 : Permission to publish Le Groupe Zoologique was refused.
1955 : de Chardin forbidden by his Superiors to attend the “International Congress of Paleontology”. Fr. de Chardin died suddenly this year.
1957 : The Supreme Authority of the Holy Office in a decree dated 15th November, forbade the works of de Chardin to be retained in libraries, including those of religious institutes. His books were not to be sold in Catholic bookshops and were not to be translated in other languages.
1958 : In April of this year, all Jesuit publications in Spain (“Raton y Fe”, “Sal Terrae”, “Estudios de Deusto”) etc., carried a notice from the Spanish Provincial of the Jesuits, that de Chardin’s works had been published in Spanish without previous ecclesiastical examination and in defiance of the decrees of the Holy See.
1962 : A decree of the Holy Office dated 30th June, under the authority of Pope John XX III. warned that “. . . it is obvious that in philosophical and theological matters, the said works (de Chardin’s) are replete with ambiguities or rather with serious errors which offend Catholic doctrine. That is why ... the Rev. Fathers of the Holy Office urge all Ordinaries, Superiors, and Rectors ... to effectively protect, especially the minds of the young, against the dangers of the works of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin and his followers”. (AAS, 6th August 1962).
1963 : The Vicariate of Rome (a diocese ruled in the name of Pope Paul VI by his Cardinal Vicar) in a decree dated 30th September, required that Catholic booksellers in Rome, should withdraw from circulation the works of de Chardin, together with those books which favour his erroneous doctrines. The text of this document was published in daily L’Aurore of Paris, dated 2 October 1963, and was reproduced in Nouvelles de Chretiente, l0 October 1963, p.35.
Conclusion. Popes Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, and Paul VI, endeavoured to prevent the spread of the modernistic errors of this pseudo-scholar, who, as he himself confessed in a letter to a priest friend, has apostatized but deliberately remained within the Church to more easily spread his errors. (See The Strange Faith of Teilhard de Chardin, by Henri Rambaud.)
Consider the leading poem of K. Wojtyla’s Renaissance Psalter entitled Magnifit which unites through imagery the pagan, the medieval, the renaissance, and the modern. The pagan worship of the oak tree, for instance, becomes transformed into Christian belief without leaving behind the pagan symbolism; rather, it incorporates it, somewhat in the way that those ancient bones hang in the cathedral. God was present in the ancient soil, in the rocks of the Tatra, and in the oaks but now the mystery becomes incarnate in Christ:
And in this melody You came as Christ, a vision,
Look ahead, young Slav, look, the solstice fires!
The sacred oak is still in leaf, your king has not
Withered, but become for the people a lord and priest.
The “solstice fires” refers to the pagan festival celebrating fire and water, now reborn in Christ, but as the sacred oak still thrives kings have not died but are metamorphosed through Jesus.
Cardinal K. Wojtyla restores the religion of Jupiter, Best and Greatest
During the celebration commemorating 500th anniversary of birth of Copernicus, in Fromborg (Poland), an icon of Copernivcus was displayed evoking features of Jesus Christ of the Shroud of Turin. The Polish caption is even more revealing of the intentions of the organizers of this celebration, which was also attended by the then cardinal K. Wojtyla. It read: “Truly this divine masterpiece of the Best and Greatest Being is immense”. (Zaprawde, ogromne jest to arcydzielo Istoty Najlepszej i Najwiekszej” See, Jan Pawel II, papiez z Polski. Ed Interpress. Warszawa 1979, p. 116). You can also see a picture of card. K. Wojtyla strolling with other priests beneath the banner with Copernicus).
The triangle bridging the caption and the icon of Copernicus is the Pythagorean triangle whose sum of powers has been appointed as the origin of the generation of the cosmic elements. Similar triangle was worn on God's head (cp. Napoleon's hat in the shape of a triangle) on the front page of the Vulgate published in Rome 1592
The Best and the Greatest Being mentioned on this banner is, of course the Roman god Jupiter to whom Constantine in his capacity as pontifex maximus sacrificed even after his conversion. Franz Boll (Sternglaube und Sterndeutung, p.31) recounts, as other sources do too, that Constantine also ordered a horoscope from an astrologer for himself, for this new city of his: Constantinople – many years after his “conversion” He also “sacrificed to Jupiter, Best and Greatest”, after his conversion. Even shortly before his death in 337 CE, he had a commemorative coin struck on which Constantine is represented as Jupiter, while one of his sons is represented in the guise of Bacchus.
One year after the election of Card. K. Wojtyla as pope John Paul II Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, o. 12)restored Emperor Severus's doctrine of the Limited Sovereignty: “ It was this spirit which inspired the creation of two of the most illustrious of the humanistic institutions of the Holy See: the Vatican Library and the Vatican Museums. Both were the outcome of a vision of Graeco-Roman culture as the perfect, almost timeless expression of human creativity at its highest levels - thought and art - and as the precursor, at times almost the prefigurement, of Christianity, above all in the West.”
The Vatican Museums originated in the court of Innocent VIII’s Belvedere Palace, which Julius III laid out in gardens and embellished with masterpieces of classical sculpture: The Apollo, the Venus Felix, the Laocoon, the Nile, the Tiber, and the Sleeping Ariadne…” It is the idea of the pagan Pantheon disguised as the most sacred relic of Roman Catholicism.
In the 1960s there was a lot of talk in Rome about refashioning a Jesus into a beautiful Apollo, and the US Moon Landing Program coded Apollo was the most important part of this project. Father Lemaitre's Big Bang theory imposed by the Vatican on the USA obliged America to do that.
Following the lead of Pope John Paul II, as expressed in his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, two British authors in their The Jesus Mysteries. Was the ‘Original Jesus’ a Pagan God? (1999) discovered that even Jesus’ teachings were not original, but had been anticipated by the pagan sages. They are in effect saying that Jesus was a Pagan god and that Christianity was a heretical product of paganism. In their opinion, this theory explains the similarities between the stories of Osiris-Dionysus and Jesus Christ. They argue: “Pagan civilization built vast libraries to house hundreds of thousands of works of literary and scientific genius. Its natural philosophers speculated that human beings had evolved from animals. Its astronomers knew that the earth was a sphere, which, along with the planets, revolves around the sun…”
So, indeed, one gains the impression that, as Josephus put it “God, having passed the dominion about among the nations, is now in Italy' “ and his name is not YHWH but Jupiter who in Dante's famous book became “Jove for mankind crucified.”
Mario Palmieri in The Philosophy of Fascism (Chicago 1936) argued similarly “The triumph of the Catholic Idea of salvation in Christ and through Christ and His Church saw the Empire of the Church give to mankind the life-inspiring blessing of spiritual unity. A spiritual power generated from those great Italian spirits who have been in the past the assertors of Rome’s immortal and eternal right to Empire, and the prophets of Rome’s third form of Empire (Cp. III Reich), is the leaven which has brought about that fermentation of spiritual forces called Fascism… Providence chose the Italian land for this high destiny, nourishing a spark of divine truth in it “ab antico” and molding there a race wonderfully adapted in genius and intelligence for subjecting the whole world in Christian obedience…Italy is the priestly nation among the great body of redeemed peoples…Nor did the inhabitants of this peninsula give to other peoples merely divine gifts, but also every other civil and human good, and all the great intellects of Europe, who enhanced in any measure the glory of their countries, lit their lamps at the living flame of Italian genius.”
At the Sources of Copernicus's Heliocentrism
Jupiter was the god of Virgil's heliocentric system presented in his Georgica:
Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas, ulmisque vitis conveniat
(Virgil Georgica, 1-2;1-4)
And this god was identified by Virgil with Ether:
Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribus Aether coniugis in gremium laetae descendit,
Then Aether, sire omnipotent, leaps down With quickening showers to his glad wife's embrace,
(Virgil, Georgics II)
From Josephus Flavius to WikiIslman
In Wars, 5, 9. 4, he retails to us the speech which he says he made to the defenders on the walls. It is a survey of the past history, quite on the lines of the Deuteronomic historians: the nation's and Jerusalem's fate has ever depended upon the will of God according to the people's righteousness or wickedness. The present calamity has come as divine punishment, although it is not too late to recognize their sins and surrender to the Romans. But things have come to such a pass that 'I think that God has fled from the sanctuary and stands with those who fight against you'. One is reminded of a certain prophet's vision of the dramatic departure of the Glory of the Lord from His temple (Ezek. 10). In the preceding paragraph (§ 3) he pictures how invincible is the dominion of the Romans, a manifest token of the will of God and how 'fortune' (τυχη) has on all sides gone over to them, and God, having passed the dominion about among the nations, is now in Italy' (νυν επι της Ιταλιας ειναι). Josephus also reports that two Prisees – Pollion and Samais, his student, - advised the populace to open the gates of Jerusalem to Herod, when herod put the city under siege. The present-day version of this theology says that the Jewish people of today had no claim to the land of Israel because the church (or New Age) replaced Israel.
I guess that the man who hides behind the name Bob who wrote the article NATVRAE MIRABILIS ORIGINISQVE DIVINAE GEORGICAE VERGILII ‘On the Miraculous Nature and the Divine Origin of Virgil’s Georgics’ for WikiIslam is a Newager, an ardent admirer of the Roman paganism, like E. Gibbon, the author of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
True, Bob, placed a note warning that “this article is written as part satire, and in part to demonstrate how ludicrously easy it is to prove that any ancient poetry can be reinterpreted to reveal 'scientitic miracles'. Neither Bob nor Spinoza have converted to Greco-Roman Polytheism... Yet.” What does this 'yet' say?
It says; “This critical analysis of the GEORGICA by Virgil (written in so called Golden Latin in 28 BCE) will demonstrate that these ancient deities were the transmitters of knowledge that science would only confirm many centuries later.” ...”It should also not be forgotten that Virgil’s influence has never waned in Western culture - even among Christians.” How are we understand that after his caveat he writes: “Are the GEORGICA merely pastoral poetry as so many people have always thought or are they books of divine revelation? With our painstaking research we have uncovered various types of miracles in the Liber Primus of the GEORGICA concerning:
Biology (Biologia)
Mathematics (Mathematica) (which is of course numerology)
Physics (Phsycia)
Climatology (Climatologia) (Global Warming!)
Cosmology (Cosmologia)
Geology (Geologia)
Geography (Geografia)
Biochemistry (Biochemia)
Meteorology (Meteorologia)
Agronomy (Agranomia)
Economics (Economica)
Prophecy or foreknowledge of future events (Oraculum Divina)
When Rome succumbed to Jesus it did not embrace him as a Jewish teacher but as the sun god Helios (Apollo) whose halo used to symbolize divine rank of Roman emperors. For centuries, the Roman propaganda, especially Cicero’s, proclaimed that the Jews were “a nation born to servitude,” like all other conquered “barbarians”. The same author, while popularizing the Pythagorean heliocentrism in his Dream of Scipio speaks of the sun as “the Lord, chief and ruler of the other lights, the Mind and guiding principle of the universe.”
Deo optimo maximo, often abbreviated D.O.M., is a Latin phrase that originally meant "to the greatest and best god", referring to Jove, when the Romans were polytheists : IOVI OPTIMO MAXIMO (I O M). Centuries later, after the Romans had become monotheists via the adoption of Christianity, the phrase was used in reference to the Christian God, and meant "To God, most good, most great." Its use continued long after the fall of Roman civilization via Europe's retention of Latin as a scholarly and ecclesiastical language. Thus the phrase or its abbreviation can be found on many Renaissance-era churches and other buildings, especially over sarcophagi, particularly in Italy. It is also inscribed on bottles of Bénédictine liquor. (Wiki)
On 12 May 1981 Card. Casaroli, in his capacity as Secretary of State sent a highly congratulatory message to Abp. Paul Poupard, lauding the work and thought of father Teilhard de Chardin whose centenary the Institute of Paris was celebrating. Stato’s message praised “the amazing echo of his research, joined with the radiance of his thought,” all of which “has left a durable mark on his age.”
De Chardin was the only Roman Catholic author whose works were on public display with those of Marx and Lenin in Moscow’s Hall of Atheism. That’s explains why the Press Office of the Holy See and L’Osservatore Romano were forced to publish an official statement correcting Stato’s praise of de Chardin and repeating the condemnation of 1960. A few weeks later, however, on 31 July 1981 Pope John Paul II established a study commission to reexamine the entire Galileo case under the leadership of Card. Paul Poupard who, once, together with the French bishops insisted on placing the birthday of K. Marx on the official Church liturgical calendar to be celebrated along with the birthdays and death of the Church’s saints and martyrs. De Chardin shared the English Jesuit George Tyrrel’s opinion, that “the Church might have to die in order that it may live again in a greater and greater form.” The Roman Church must therefore perish like every other abortive attempt to discover a universal religion as Catholic as Science. In his writings, Jesus is diminished to pygmy size. he wrote:
“We cannot frame our minds to that of a first century Jewish carpenter,”
Consider in this context what an official Vatican publication, Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979, o. 12) has to say in this matter: “ It was this spirit which inspired the creation of two of the most illustrious of the humanistic institutions of the Holy See: the Vatican Library and the Vatican Museums. Both were the outcome of a vision of Graeco-Roman culture as the perfect, almost timeless expression of human creativity at its highest levels - thought and art - and as the precursor, at times almost the prefigurement, of Christanity, above all in the West.
'Bob' omitted from his list of Virgil's 'scientific miracles' one very important subject:
Homosexuality in ancient Rome features in many literary works, poems, graffiti and comments on the sexual predilections of single emperors. Martial and Plautus describe a wide range of homosexual behaviors, in part to poke fun at them like other minor standard deviations, but without too much moralizing. The emperor Hadrian had a relationship with the younger Antinous, although this was also criticized but not significant enough to prevent him plunging the empire into mourning following Antinous' apparent death by drowning in 130.
Let me quote here a short passage from Tatian's Address to the Greeks: “The Greeks consider intercourse with a mother as unlawful, but this practice is esteemed most becoming by the Persian Magi; pederasty is condemned by the Barbarians, but by Romans, who endeavour to collect herds of boys like grazing horses, it is honoured with certain privileges.” According to the Gnostic principle “as above, so below” the deviant sexual mores were practiced by both men and their gods.
When Herod was on his death bed, Josephus says that some youths, at the instigation of their teachers Judas and Matthias, pulled down a golden eagle that Herod had erected over the great gate of the Temple as a dedicatory offering (Ant. 17.6.1-3; 151-63 = War 1.33.2-4; 649-55). The Temple gate referred to is probably the Beautiful Gate. They were prompted to their action not only by the biblical prohibition against images, but by the moral revulsion that the eagle as the symbol of Jupiter/.Zeus evoked in religious Jews.
In the classical mythology the rape of Ganymede is the story of Jupiter's abduction of the most handsome mortal, the Trojan prince Ganymede, who came to serve as cupbearer to the gods. Ganymede is usually represented as a youth, but Rembrandt shows him as a baby and shows Jupiter snatching the boy while in eagle form. The little boy is quite obviously scared. To repay his father, King Tros, eponymous founder of Troy, Jupiter gave him two immortal horses. This is but one of several stories of beauties in the tenth book, including that of Hyacinth, Adonis, and Pygmalion.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganymede_%28mythology%29
Then we have the common problem of bestiality perpetrated by the god as exemplified by the story of Leda and the swan i.e. Zeus/Jupiter morphed as a swan.
The Bible taught: “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion.( Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18) refers to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple.”
In the gay magazine “Advocate” (issue 710, 6/25/1996) in which the most pro-gay US President B. Clinton was interviewed, an ad showed a dog licking his master’s face and the caption promoted canine love as follows: “Dogs lick their genitals an average of four times a day”… Because, as a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.”
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV.
On Aug 8, 2010 the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita published my comment on scientific justification of the Biblical prohibition of homosexual practices, which proves superiority of YHWH's medical science over Jupiter's quackery.
For the emerging gay male culture sexual freedom became synonymous with adventure and conquest. “Promiscuity”, trumpeted one prominent gay newspaper, “knits together the social fabric of the gay male community,” and as such it was to be celebrated and defended. In the communal spirit of the Summer of Love in 1967, “orgy rooms” were installed in some bathhouses to facilitate group sex. Each of these men could easily have sex with several partners per visit, so that someone who patronized the baths several times a week could easily rack up as many as a thousand partners per year. It was among this core that AIDS first appeared. By the end of the seventies, gay men accounted for 80% of the 70,000 cases of syphilis treated in San Francisco’s public health clinics per year.
The vagina is the healthy, self-cleansing organ which it must be to fulfill its sexual function adequately. The risk of exposure to carcinogens and other organism associated with the penis must be increased by the absence of these natural defense mechanisms in the rectum. The vaginas of prostitutes cannot remove the excessive seminal fluids which become the 'paradise' of microbes and viruses. The seminal fluids retained inside the rectums of gays caused the modern form of Sodom and Gomorrah i.e. the AIDS epidemic. The most important commandment relating to sex practices is hygiene not freedom bordering on anarchy.
The moral values of various peoples are very important because the microbial world, the chemical world (food and drugs), the realm of toxins and pollutants, parasites and microbes, are intimately connected to our behavior, our physical condition, our diet, all of which are intimately connected to the cultural world, the social and religious world around us. Simply put, without partner change no sexually transmitted disease can spread. Partner A may infect partner B, but things will end there. In a thoroughly monogamous population there would be no sexually transmitted diseases at all; no matter how infectious certain microbes might theoretically be. Conversely, the higher the level of partner change, the more likely that even microbes that are relatively hard to transmit will have an opportunity to spread.
The Science Revealed by Jupiter
In the time period of pedophile scandals rocking the Catholic Church it will be instructive to remind of a 1985 “New York Native” interview with Joseph Sonnabend (“leading AIDS doctor”). “The rectum”, Sonnabend said, “is a sexual organ, and it deserves the respect a penis gets and a vagina gets.” Anal intercourse has been the central activity for gay men and for some women for all of history. The “leading AIDS doctor” did not know that the people of Katmandu suffer from chronic intestinal parasites caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal matter. “Versatile” anal and oral sex and new behaviors such as analingus, or rimming facilitated the spread of otherwise difficult-to-transmit microbes. Gay men created almost laboratory conditions both to amplify STDs and then to spread these diseases throughout the world. And all these facts prove that the Bible is, indeed the God inspired Book of Books. What a shame that it is a Pope who wants to exile this Book from the memory of mankind! We already know that he will fail! Gay sex breaks every rule of decent hygiene; it is chemical and biological warfare on human societies.
YHWH's teachings on sex are as sound and scientific as His teaching on astronomy. Let me remind here that one of the moons of Jupiter is named after Ganymede, and was discovered by Galileo Galilei. Clavius, a member of the Society of Jesus, and a close friend of Galileo's was able to needle Galileo about seeing Jupiter's four moons only because Galileo drew them on the lens of his telescope. One of his many confidence tricks. No surprise here. That fact explains why gay pride parades are a very important religious ritual in the world under Copernican Science. They are still herds of boys like grazing horses, favoured with certain privileges. And now the planet Jupiter has a real army of “altar boys”.Many pacifists, feminists, birth control advocates, and homosexual rights activists were enthusiastic Darwinists and used Darwinian arguments to support their political and social agendas (See Ross Douthat, the Marriage Ideal, NYT Aug 8, 2010).
Prof. Page Smith observed in his book Killing the Spirit. Higher Education in America: “Rosenstock-Huessy had experienced the resentment and hostility of his Harvard colleagues (one of them referred to him as “that little squirt”) because he refused to genuflect to two of the reigning deities of the academic world, Marx and Freud, and occasionally spoke favorably of God. (...) Academic fundamentalism is at issue, the stubborn refusal of the academy to acknowledge any truth that does not conform to professional dogmas”.(pp.XII and 5)
Well, it was only when blog4brownback organized that I had, for the first time in my sojourn in America, the opportunity to publish the results of my researches into Biblical astronomy, geology and medicine that contradict Bob's Flavian Supersession theology. In my comment The Lethal Math of Solstices I showed the ignorance of the Fathers of heliocentrism of the mathematical/physical working of this pseudo-science.
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