An edition of Charles I’s reign in which Ps. 14:1 reads: “The fool hath said in his heart there is a God” (instead of ‘no God’) is known as Fool Bible. At the same time a certain Laurentius Corvinus, a professor at the Cracow University wrote in his “Cosmographia” about “the earth evolving out of chaos” and not created by God. It should be reminded here that Newton was a member of the so-called Hartlib Circle organized by Samuel Hartlib who had arrived in England from Polish Prussia in 1625. The Hartlib Circle aimed to rationalize alchemy by marrying alchemical lore with the intellectual framework of mechanical philosophy. Newton was especially impressed by Introductorium compendium in tractatum spherae materialis Magistri Johannis Sacrobusco written by John of Glogau, another professor of the Cracow University who described “the iron coffin of Muhammad hanging from the heavens where a magnet is fixed”.
Milton in “Paradise Lost” (I, 10) writes: “In the beginning how the Heavens and Earth rose out of chaos,” instead of “In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen.1:1)and Brewster in a biography of Newton (1855, II, XVI.99) writes about “the formation of the earth, and other planets out of general chaos.” In that period, the term 'chaos” was synonymous with 'prime matter'.
Ashmole became the friend and acquaintance of astrologers, mathematicians, physicians and other individuals who were advancing their knowledge into the hidden mysteries of nature and science, as Francis Bacon’s redefined Second Degree of Freemasonry required them to do. The word was out; there was an ‘invisible college,’ a society of scientists that could not be identified as a group, but whose presence was very evident.
The change back to a monarchy from a republic also brought benefit to the ‘invisible college’.
In 1662 King Charles II granted a royal warrant to it, thereby creating the Royal Society; the world’s first assembly of scientists and engineers dedicated to understanding the wonders created by the ‘Great Architect of the Universe’. Charles I paid with his life for his Polish alliance. He was charged with high treason and “other high crimes against the realm of England.” The sentence of death was read on Jan 27, 1648; his execution was ordered as a tyrant, traitor, murderer, and public enemy. The sentence was carried out on a scaffold erected outside the banqueting hall of Whitehall on the morning of Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1649.
Charles I’s mockery of the Bible emboldened the leaders of the Polish Counter-Reformation to attack the Hussite Prague in collusion with the Austrian admirers of Kepler’s heliocentrism. Emperor Rudolph II, the sponsor of the Keplerian heliocentrism “reached the stage of abandoning God entirely; he would neither hear nor speak of Him, nor suffer any sign of Him.”
From Jerome's Vuglate through Aquinas to KJV
The philosophical evolutionism smuggled into the Ciceronian Vulgate was, obviously, embraced by Thomas Aquinas together with its inherent atheism. This reception of the pagan teaching was made possible by St. Augustine who opined, "Whatever has been rightly said by the heathen, we must appropriate to our uses.” Even earlier St. Paul appropriated the evolutionary idea of Katha Upanishad, “Like corn decays the mortal, like corn is he born again (1,8) and and expressed it in his dogma of the “germination” of the spiritual body from the physical (1 Cor. 15:36-44). St. Paul's doctrine of 'natural selection' goes like that, When the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away (will be superseded) – 1 Cor 13:10
As defined by Paul Draper, naturalism is the hypothesis that the natural world is a closed system which means that nothing that is not part of a natural world affects it. Thus there is not supernatural entities, including God.
Th. Aquinas began his Summa Theologica with the question: “An Deus sit?” (Does God exist?). In his Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas mentions two arguments that might be used to prove that “God does not exist.” To quote Aquinas: “What can be accomplished by a few principles is not effected by many. But it seems that everything we see in the world can be accounted for by other principles, supposing God did not exist. For all natural things can be reduced to one principle, which is nature, and all voluntary things can be reduced to one principle, which is human reason, or will. Therefore there is no need to suppose God’s existence.” Following in the footsteps of Aquinas count Descartes strove to eliminate from science all explanations that could not be established by scientific methods, like observation, measurement and experimentation... Can you observe, or measure God, or conduct an experiment to find out His presence?”
Many of Aquinas's views were not accepted in his own time, but once the door of revelation had been opened to human reason, God became in people's minds removed further from the creation, and man was left to rely on his own intellect. Greek humanism has thus been introduced to Christian theology. Doctrines concerning theology only shift as fast as can be accepted by the cloistered ranks of clerics, and it would be another three centuries before the thought of Aquinas were officially adopted at the council of Trent and by the translators of the KJV.
The Hebrew text of Genesis 1: 20 reads:
“Let the waters swarm with swarms of
living creatures and let fowl fly above the earth…”
King James hoaxers translated this verse as follows:
“Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature,
and fowl that may fly above the earth…”
They read into this verse the evolutionist dogma of Anaximander who taught that men were first produced in fishes; when they were grown and able to help themselves, were thrown up and so lived upon the land.”
Thomas Aquinas in one of his texts described an ascending hierarchy of beings as follows :
"Prime matter is first of all in potency to the form of the element."But existing under the form of the element, it is in potency to the form of the mixed body (or of the compound), elements being the matter of the mixed body.
"And considered under the form of the mixed body, it is in potency to the vegetative soul: for it is a soul that is the act (or the substantial form) of the plant (since a plant is a living being, or a being endowed with immanent activity)."And likewise the vegetative soul is in potency to the sensitive soul, as the sensitive soul is to the intellective soul: as it appears in human generation, in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life.
In Book I (sloka 20) Manu expressed his idea of evolution as follows:
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."
St. Thomas describes human generation "in which the fetus lives first by plant life, then by animal life, and finally by human life." The French philosopher J. Maritain felt that Thomas in a stroke of genius saw that the "evolutive movement" of the human embryo "recapitulates in itself, in the intra-uterine development the evolution of life which after centuries has attained its final end in man.
Thomas’ views on the development of the human embryo in which the spiritual soul was only infused after conception when the embryo was fit to receive it were widespread during the Middle Ages. In more recent times it has been called delayed hominization, which perhaps is not an entirely felicitous phrase since in Thomas’ mind it wasn’t delayed, but simply came at the appropriate moment. This view was gradually displaced under the influence of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception and the discussions about the morality of abortion, and gave way to the theory of immediate hominization, that is, the infusion of the human soul at conception.
In the chapter, "The Evidence of the Descent of Man from Some Lower Form," Darwin writes:
Embryonic Development: Man is developed from an ovule, about the 125th of an inch in diameter, which differs in no respect from the ovules of other animals. The embryo itself at a very early period can hardly be distinguished from that of other members of the vertebrate kingdom. At this period . . . the slits on the sides of the neck [of human's embryo] still remain. . .After this, he states that his observations indicate that a human embryo closely resembles that of an ape, a dog or another vertebrate but that, in later stages of development in the womb, a differentiation occurs. In a letter to his friend, Asa Gray, Darwin considered the evidence from embryology to be "by far the strongest single class of facts in in favor of" his theory.
The scholastic philosophy culminating in Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae was a bible of Constantine's universal religion formulated by the Council of Nicaea. This Christianity has nothing in common with the teaching of the Book of Revelation which was to prepare the reader that the people of Israel will overcome all hardships and finally be victorious. The trinity for the author of the Revelation is not only unknown, it is even impossible. Instead of the one Holy Ghost of later we have here the “seven spirits of God,” construed by the rabbis from Isaiah 11:2. Christ is the son of God, the first and the last, the alpha and omega, by no means God himself or equal to God, on the contrary, the beginning and the creation of God.”Babylon, the Great Whore, stands for Rome, the city of the seven hills...the beast on which she sits.
In his Oration to the Assembly of the Saints Emperor Constantine claimed that "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour, Cross" was the one pointed in a Prophetic Acrostic of the Erythrean Sibyl, because “he wanted to have nothing in common with this odious people (meaning Jews).”
The God of the Nicene Creed
In Chapter III of his Oration emperor Constantine spoke about the Father's substance which is not being diminished by generation of all things. Well, the substance was also known as the essence of the anima mundi, or soul of the world, supporting the general phenomenon of growth and the infinite potential for life.
Let me remind here that, like his famous predecessor Thomas Aquinas's, Voltaire's focus was on nature conceived of as God, exacltly like Spinoza's deus sive nature worshipped as Substance. It was believed also by Voltaire that the Roman sun god, Sol, was the visible manifestation of an invisible "Highest God" (Etre Supreme, summus deus), who was the principle behind the universe. This god was thought to be the companion (Socius) of the Roman emperors. Constantine's adherence to this faith is evident from his claim of having had a vision of the sun god in 310 while in a grove of Apollo in Gaul. Julian the Apostate praised by Voltaire as “the greatest man that ever was” and who was proclaimed Emperor in Paris at the Thermes de Cluny, standing on a shield in the Frankish manner in 360, wanted to replace the recently recognized Christianity with the religion of the solar “Highest God” also worshipped by Emperor Elagabalus (lit. “the Highest god”).
Magnus ab integro saeculorum nascitur ordo (Virgil, IV Eclogue)
The translation: „The great march of the centuries begins anew” misses the beef of the philosophical abiogenesis: ab integro...nascitur ordo” The Latin term integer denotes 'the whole thing' or 'number of whole things.'
"... all things are one, and the One is all things, seeing that all things were in the Creator before he created them all. And rightly has it been said of Him that He is all things, for all things are parts of Him. And this being so, all things are linked together, and connected one with another in a chain extending from the lowest to the highest ; so that we see that they are not many, or rather, that all are one." Asclepius I, 2a. The heliocentric pharaoh Akhenaten called the sun 'One'
Inspired by this philosophical dogma, “It came about on a certain day, while Diocletian was reigning, that the craftsmen sculpted a statue of the Sun with a quadriga from polished stone with every art; chariot, horses and all from a single stone.” It was a prefigurement of the Constantine dogma of Trinity proclaiming consubstantiality of three divine persons. All Roman emperors believed themselves to be consubstantial (homoousios) with the invisible Highest God (summus deus)
Spontaneous Generation also referred to as abiogenesis, the theory that living things arise de novo without living parents from lifeless matter. The attempt of the ancients and medievals to explain the origin of lower forms of life from natural causes, rather than attributing it directly to a supermundane or divine power, was scientifically respectable.(Aquinas). Pliny wrote: “We are so much at the mercy of Chance that Chance is our god”. Indeed, in ancient Greece, Tyche or Chance was not merely believed in but worshiped alongside the other gods and goddesses. The two greatest historians of antiquity, Thucidides and Polybius, took chance (with a small 'c') as a cardinal element for historical analysis; Plato and Aristotle, taking an ultimately theological view of the universe, equated chance with all that did not belong to the directly purposive act of god and man, that is, in effect, with physical law. St. Thomas Aquinas believed in abiogenesis.
The only difference between the "church" of England and the "church" of Rome is that it is popery without the pope!!
These “Sibyllists, like their Role model emperor Constantine were so deeply anti-Semitic that they rejected the Jewish Scriptures as the prefigurement of the Christian faith and embraced instead the “prophecy” of Erythrean Sibyl. R. Dawkins, like pope John Paul II, is a present-day sybillist. Anyway his fulminations against the God of the Bible qualify him as such:
The god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desentisized to their horror.
Evolution and Morality
Philip Johnson, leader of the Intelligent design movement, writes, “the philosophy that fueled German militarism and Hitlerism is taught as fact in every American Public school, with no disagreement allowed.”
The French politician Giraudoux wanted a "Ministry of Race," whose task would be to make the right choices."what more beautiful mission coulthere be than to hape lovingly one's own race."
In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote, “A stronger race will supplant the weaker, since the drive for life in its final form will decimate every ridiculous fetter of the so-called humaneness of individuals, in order to make place for the humaneness of nature, which destroys the weak to make place for the strong.” This is what they call an evolutionary ethic.
Bestiality: “Evolution teaches that ‘we are animals’ so that ‘sex across the species barrier ceases to be an offence to our status and dignity as human beings’.” [‘sex across the species barrier’ is a euphemism for bestiality] ( Peter Singer (Princeton University), “Heavy Petting,” review of Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, by Midas Dekkers, at
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV.
How African Folklore became the inspiration for Darwin
Hurrah! For the son of the Sun!
Hurrah! For the brother of the Moon!
Throughout all the world there is none
Like Quashiboo, the only One.
Descended from the great Baboon! Baboon,
Descended from the great Baboon!
In 1838 Darwin wrote in a letter: “Origin of man now proved...He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.” Obviously, Darwin identified this baboon with Thoth, the baboon-shaped god of Egyptians.
The latest New Age propaganda claims that Jesus was supposed to communicate to the Jews the good news that the origin of their religion was Egypt.
“I am Thoth”
In Egyptian mythology, I spoke
the words that created the
heavens and the earth and I direct
the motion of the heavenly
Ancient Egyptians regarded me as
One, self-begotten, and self-
produced, Master of both the
physical and Divine law. My power
was almost unlimited and rivaled
that of Ra and Osiris
I am considered the heart and
tongue of Ra, and I translate his
will into speech.
Without my words, even the gods
themselves would not exist.
Like Darwin, the anthropologist and pioneer of racial studies, Lord Monboddo, famous for having included the orangutan with humankind had a great admiration for the Egyptians.
Pope Alexander VI traced back his family to the Egyptian bull-god Apis, aka Baal, recognized by the famous Hamas terrorist, dr Rantisi as the God of the Palestinians.
What would change everything?
“In the early 1920's “ape-man” Hesperopithecus (which consisted of a single tooth) was pictured in the London Illustrated News complete with the tooth's wife, children, domestic animals, and cave! This tooth, known as “Nebraska man” was still used by evolutionists as compelling evidence for human evolution during the time of the Scopes trial in 1925, but in 1927 parts of the skeleton were found and Nebraska man was downgraded to an extinct pig! ( David N. Menton, Ph.D. Http://
In the mid-1920s, the culture wars were dominated – as they are today with “intelligent design” – by the debate between creationism and evolutionary thinking. In 1925, John T. Scopes had been found guilty of teaching that mankind arose from something other than divine creation. But the US was not the only country about the issue. The young Soviet Union, in its effort to stamp out religion, was determined to prove that men were descended from apes. In 1926, a Soviet scientist named Ilya Ivanov decided the most compelling way to do this would be to breed a humanzee: a human-chimpanzee hybrid.
Ivanov set off for a French research station in West Africa. There he inseminated three female chimpanzee with human sperm. Not his own, for he shared the colonial-ear belief that the local people were more closely related to apes than he was. He stayed long enough to learn that his experiment had failed.
Next Ivanov wrote a Cuban heiress, Rosalia Abreu. Abreu was the first person to breed chimps in captivity and had a large menagerie outside Havana. Ivanov asked if any of her male chimpanzee might be available to inseminate a Russian volunteer known to posterity only as ‘G.’
At first Abreu was agreeable. But Ivanov made the mistake of approaching Charles Smith of the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism for fund-raising support. Smith was something of a showman – he liked to appear in public with a chimpanzee dressed in a business suit – and went to the newspaper with Ivanov’s proposal. The New York Times thundered, “Soviet Backs Plan to Test Evolution.”
The resulting publicity brought the case to the attention of the Ku Klux Klan, which threatened Abreu with retaliation if she took part in Ivanov’s experiment, calling it “abominable to the Creator.” Abreu withdrew her consent.
Before Ivanov could find another chimpanzee breeder, he fell out of favor in one of Stalin’s purges and was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1931. He died a year later, in March 1932, waiting for a train home to Moscow.
Twelve months later the first King Kong movie opened in New York. Though The New Yorker regretted “the need for a plot and love interest,” other moviegoers clearly did not agree and the film grossed $89,931 in its first weekend. (Clive D.L. Wynne, Kissing Cousins, NYT, Dec. 12, 2005)
In a response to's annual New Year challenge to the world's leading thinkers, Prof Richard Dawkins has submitted his entry. asked scientists, philosophers, artists and journalists “What will change everything?”
Dawkins – author of The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion (2006) – muses on the effect of breaking down the barrier between humans and animals, perhaps by the creation of a chimera in a lab or a “successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee (i.e. Prof. Ivanov's 'humanzee).”
In his opinion, a successful hybridization between a human and a chimpanzee would send shock waves through society and be salutary (!). This is why a distinguished biologist described this possibility as the most immoral scientific experiment he could imagine: it would change everything! It cannot be ruled out as impossible, but it would be surprising. His choice of the religious term 'salutary' suggests a high rank in the order of Isis priesthood (see below). See also Evolution and Stalinism by by Steven LaTulippe Richard Dawkins wrote of
evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution. Isis's Inquisition in action!
Evolution and Genocide
According to Webster's Universal Dictionary (1936) vaccine (L. vaccinus, from vacca, cow.) 1. derived from cows; the virus of cowpox, used as a preventive of smallpox.
Edward Jenner S.J. (1749 —1823) a Slick Jesuit -- was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evolution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more.
In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox.
Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book (1798) and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book. Jenner cleverly used the scientific name for smallpox, VARIOLAE, and associated it with the cow disease.
Let me remind here Dr Fewster's 1765 paper in the London Medical Society, entitled "Cow pox and its ability to prevent smallpox". Dr. Fewster saw the fundamental difference between man and animals.
Vaccination means Christening into a New Religion
Since Jenner claimed that humans and animals shared the same diseases, the next step for Erasmus Darwin (another doctor) was to promulgate the idea that they had a common ancestor.
The famous author wrote to Jenner on the 24th of February, 1802: "In a little time it may occur that the christening and vaccination of children may always be performed on the same day." One of the most insidious features of Darwin's evolutionary speculation was that it sought to erase the fundamental differences between man and animals. And that matched the fundamental dogma of the Thoth religion! An early Christian icon shows a bunch of Christians before a statue of Thoth.
There is a potent political explanation for Dr. Jenner's 'scientific' victory over Dr. Fewster. In 1877 the Russian occultist Madame Blavatsky called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis priesthood and her wish was granted when they organized themselves into such a religion around her manuscript of Isis Unveiled.Isis or Hathor— the Egyptian holy cow goddess, and her temple at Dendera was in The House of Intoxication and Enjoyments. This goddess inspired Huxley with the idea of the Sex an d Drugs Revolution. Her son Horus was worshiped as a Christ of Egyptian religion. Vaccination became sort of a holy communion in the Isis religion.
The Illuminati ceremony in Egypt during the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 was purported to have invoked the Dark Mother, known as Isis in Egypt and various goddesses also called the Black Madonna or Black Virgin. The Templar Revelation identifies Isis as the Black Madonna, on no less authority than a former head of the Priory of Sion.
For inventing a new disease, the University of Oxford awarded Jenner an honorary M.D. Degree. When Jenner invented his Variolae Vaccinae or smallpox of the cow, he planted the insidious seed that men and beasts share the same disease . . . and therefore must be related. This opened the door to vaccination or the injecting of animal diseases into humans. This new bizarre rite spread like the plague all over England. It was not confined to England however, it soon spread to Continental Europe and even crossed the ocean to America.
It is believed that by 1977, smallpox, was eradicated by the World Health Organization. However, the variola virus that led to the death of 300 million in the 20th century alone was not completely exterminated with the disease it caused.
The congeniality between the Isis 'Dreckapotheke' and that of her priest Malthus as expressed in the 16th edition of his Essay on Population should be noted in this context:
W. Durant wrote in his Our Oriental Heritage: “Treatment by excrementitious drugs: Ancient Egyptian prescriptions hovered between medicine and magic, and relief for their effectiveness in great part on the repulsiveness of the concoction. Lizard’s blood, swine’s ears and teeth, putrid meat and fat, a tortoise’s brains, and old book boiled in oil, the milk of a lying-in woman, the water of a chaste woman, the excreta of men, donkeys, dogs, lions, cats, and lice – all these are found in the prescriptions.” (P. 183)
Referring to famine as a check on population, Bishop Malthus wrote in the following incredibly sincere passage from the revised Sixth Edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population (1862):
“…We should facilitate, instead to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into houses, and count on the return of the plague. In the country, we should build villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent but much mistaken men, who taught they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disease.”
Those researches who plan to transplant the baboon marrow cells, called stem cells, that manufacture the blood cells also seem to ignore Ivanov's failed experiment and follow in the footsteps of Edward Jenner, S.J.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
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