In 1980 I was invited to publish my article At the sources of the Copernican astronomy in a Polish magazine of the Friends of Astronomy (Urania 1/1981/LII), by a Polish astronomer who studied in Moscow. The man, in order to survive, is now teaching ecology i.e. the science of worshiping the Copernican goddess Gaia whom pope John Paul II hugged on his every pilgrimage.
Here is the key passage from Copernicus's book:
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.” (De revol. Bk. I, 10)
"There is more RELIGION in men's SCIENCE than there is SCIENCE in their RELIGION." - Henry David Thoreau ("A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers")
In Egypt, the sun was called pouro which signifies at once 'the fire' (Greek pyr) and 'the king'. And that explains why Copernicus's sun god is seated on the royal throne. The name of the sun god Baal means 'Lord' and 'King'. Now take a look at the Pope with the symbol of “Baal” at the forefront of his mitre, which also symbolizes the Dagon god that had a temple at Gaza (Judges 16:21-30) and Ashdod (1 Samuel 5:3-7; 1 Chronicles 10:10). Now you know who is behind all these flotillas trying to break the blockade of Gaza.
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:
(We became) the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain (p.525)
Postage stamp issued by the Palestinian Authority
It seems that some time back the Palestinian Authority had a Ba'al festival and a memorial stamp of the event was then issued. Now, this is a very curious and maladroit event (some may call it a Freudian slip). Ba'al (master,owner) was the god of the ancient Phoenicians and Canaanites. The Palestinians, trying to provide some "roots" material for their people, have unhappily chosen a divinity which they should have better left dormant, in the dustbin of fallen gods.
Now, even if the Palestinians, much to their regret, have NOTHING AT ALL to do with the Canaanites, the choice to honor such a god, reflects directly on their state of mind. When we see how Palestinian children are thought to immolate themselves for the "good of the Palestinian people", when we see proud fathers and mothers boasting of their youngsters who have just blown themselves to smithereens, we must conclude that the choice to honor Ba'al was no mere accident. It remains to be seen if the choice was conscious or indirectly casual. The Palestinians should know that today there remains no trace of either the Canaanites nor the Phoenicians, not mentioning of the Ba'al they worshipped. And in closing, doesn't Islam strictly forbid to mess with other gods? How come we have not heard the guardians of Moslem orthodoxy intervene and condemn such a blasphemous display? It could be that they are still busy with the Buddha statutes in Afghanistan. Well, let's give them some time.
YHWH and Allah are against Palestinians.
The famous medieval rabbi living in France wrote in his commentary to the Bible; answering the question, put in the name of Rabbi Isaac, as to why the Torah does not begin with the first mitzva, Rashi replies that the Torah begins with an account of the Creation so that if there ever comes a time when the nations of the world accuse the Jewish people of having stolen the Land of Israel, the Jews can respond: “The entire world was created by and belongs to God. He created it and He granted it to whomever He deemed fit.”
Hamas detained and fired hundreds of imams and banning the recitation of the Koran over loudspeakers on mosques. Why? There are verses in the Qur'an that confirm the right of the Jewish People to the Promised land and other in which Allah proclaims his identity with the God of the Bible. It was Islam that extinguished the Vedic, solar religion in Arabia. (6:79; 41:35; 81:15)
It is from one of the Sun temples in Palmyra, Syria, namely from the temple of Bel (Baal), that the great image of Bel was removed and taken to Rome, where it was erected. This was done by emperor Aurelian of Rome, who was known as “the sun-emperor”. Aurelian also took the image of Helios, another Sun-deity, from Palmyra, and erected it in Rome.. The same god under the name Dagon was worshiped in Gaza by Philistines as half-fish, half-man. So, the worship of Bel, the founder of Babylon, eventually became established in Rome. No wonder that the Church Father Augustine candidly wrote that “Rome was funded as the second Babylon and as the daughter of the former Babylon.” Both Baal and the Roman Jupiter have their common source in the solar religion of India.
Let me remind here that J.G.R Furlong in his book Rivers of Life (London 1883) coined the term “phalo-solar worshipers” denoting the inhabitants of the Anglo-Indian areas.The Shivaling inside the Kaaba was destroyed but it returned in the phallic architecture of the Al Aqsa Mosque which is modeled on this perennial symbol of the Aryan cosmogony.
Deva, God, is derived from the root div, to shine.
"To know fire, the sun, the moon, and lightning, is three-fourths of the science of God.”
The ancient Vedic scripture Harihareswar Mahatmya mentions that Lord Vishnu's footprints are consecrated in Mecca. An important clue to this fact is that Muslims call this holy precint Haram which is a deviation of the Sanskrit term Hariyam, i.e. the precint of Lord Hari alias Lord Vishnu. Large phallic pillars in India represented the lingam of Shiva, in much the same way like Egyptian obelisk represented the penis of Geb. Around each large lingam for a radius of 100 cubits stretched the sacred Kingdom of Shiva where miracles and remissions of sins could occur. Temple Mount Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת, Har haBáyit), also known as Mount Moria and by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary (Arabic: الحرم القدسي الشريف, al-haram al-qudsī ash-sharīf), is a religious site in the Old City of Jerusalem.The phallic architecture of the Noble sanctuary expresses the basic teaching of the Indian cosmology.
The Roman heliocentrism which, in the imperial policy of the Roman emperors, was supposed to become one Global Religion of various peoples subjugated by their legions was expressed by poet Virgil in his Georgica, 1-2;1-4: “Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas, ulmisque vitis conveniat” and its god was described by the same poet in Georgics II: “Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribus Aether coniugis in gremium laetae descendit,” (Then Aether, sire omnipotent, leaps down With quickening showers to his glad wife's embrace”)
Some of Newton's early ideas derive the aether from the principles of continuity and mixture in a picture surprisingly close to the basic Stoic assumptions: “Perhaps the whole frame of nature may be nothing but various contextures of some certain aetherial spirits and vapours, condensed as it were by precipitation...and after condensation wrought into various forms...Thus perhaps may all things be originated from aether...” Well, Tycho Brahe, who viewed the Milky Way as an ethereal substance, thought the new star that appeared in Cassiopoeia, in 1572, had been formed out of that matter. ("Progymnasmata" p. 795.) Kepler believed the star of 1606 had been likewise formed out of the ethereal substance that fills the universe ("De stella nova in pede Serpentarii," p. 115).
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation is an organisation mainly devoted to recording channelled messages from “The Etherians”, as they call the ufonauts...Huris belong to the same category
( One of French dioceses worships Jesus as an alien, sort of Clark Kent of Smallville.
Trained in both physics and theology, Consolmagno, an astronomer for the Vatican, has praised Stephen Hawking as a “brilliant physicist” despite his recent book claiming that God is not required to create the universe, and yet states that he would be willing to baptize any alien if it asked him to.
To fix the volatile, in the Hermetic language, means to materialize the spirit; to volatilize the fixed is to spiritualize matter.
Hercules reanimated the bloodless spirits...
Well, Sir William Crookes, Physicist, chemist and a President of Royal Society, claimed to have seen materialized, by scientific precipitation spirit forms, or spiritual bodies walking and talking during séances He invited the two secretaries of the Royal Society, Professor Stokes and Sharpey, to visit his home to witness the phenomena for themselves – an invitation which neither of them accepted. Sir Crookes himself materialized a spirit whom he named Katie King and described her in his pamphlet The Last of Katie King, (p. 112)
De Chardin was the only Roman Catholic author whose works were on public display with those of Marx and Lenin in Moscow’s Hall of Atheism. De Chardin shared the English Jesuit George Tyrrel’s opinion, that “the Church might have to die in order that it may live again in a greater and greater form.” The Roman Church must therefore perish like every other abortive attempt to discover a universal religion as Catholic as Science matching the solar religion of Emperor Septimus Severus. In his writings, Jesus is diminished to pygmy size. “We cannot frame our minds to that of a first century Jewish carpenter,” he wrote.
In paper after paper, Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit paleontologist worked out his ideas, mourning his Church’s unwillingness to incorporate what Science had discovered into its understanding of the world, criticizing the “geocentricity” to which she clung psychologically for four hundred years after she had ceased to support it astronomically, and rebuking those religious thinkers who recognized nothing new under the sun since “instantaneous creation”. De Chardin wrote: “Christianity’s only chance to grow lay in her being born again among the Gentiles because only the Gentiles had retained their pagan taste for the earth.” “Christianity must break out of the closed world of Israel into the pagan world”
Cardinal K. Wojtyla restores the religion of Jupiter, Best and Greatest
In 1973, during the celebration commemorting 500th anniversary of birth of Copernicus, in Fromborg (Poland), an icon of Copernicus was displayed evoking features of Jesus Christ of the Shroud of Turin. The Polish caption is even more revealing of the intentions of the organizers of this celebration, which was also attended by the then Cardinal K. Wojtyla. It read: “Truly this divine masterpiece of the Best and Greatest Being is immense”. (Zaprawde, ogromne jest to arcydzielo Istoty Najlepszej i Najwiekszej” See, Jan Pawel II, papiez z Polski. Ed Interpress. Warszawa 1979, p. 116). You can also see a picture of Card. K. Wojtyla strolling with other priests beneath the banner with Copernicus).
The Best and the Greatest Being mentioned on this banner is, of course the Roman god Jupiter to whom Constantine in his capacity as pontifex maximus sacrificed even after his conversion. Franz Boll (Sternglaube und Sterndeutung, p.31) recounts, as other sources do too, that Constantine also ordered a horoscope from an astrologer for himself, for this new city of his: Constantinople – many years after his “conversion” He also “sacrificed to Jupiter, Best and Greatest”, after his conversion. Even shortly before his death in 337 CE, he had a commemorative coin struck on which Constantine is represented as Jupiter, while one of his sons is represented in the guise of Bacchus.
Following in the Footsteps of Teilhard de Chardin
In a letter to a priest friend, de Charind confessed that he has apostatized but deliberately remained within the Church to more easily spread his errors. (See The Strange Faith of Teilhard de Chardin, by Henri Rambaud.)
VATICAN CITY, OCT 23, 1996 (VIS) - In a Message made public today to the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, meeting this week in the Vatican in plenary session, the Holy Father recalled that Pope Pius XI, who restored this academy in 1936, called this group of scholars "the Church's 'scientific senate'" and asked them "to serve the truth."
"'Humani Generis'," he stated, "considered the doctrine of 'evolutionism' as a serious hypothesis, worthy of a more deeply studied investigation and reflection on a par with the opposite hypothesis. ... Today, more than a half century after this encyclical, new knowledge leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis. ... The convergence, neither sought nor induced, of results of work done independently one from the other, constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory."
In conversation with V. I. Arnold, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (March 1998), Pope John Paul II recognized that science alone is able to determine the truth, whereas religion, in the words of the pontificate, sees itself as better suited to evaluate the possible uses of new discoveries.
(From a Letter of the Russian Academy of Sciences to V. Putin published in Kentavr, No. 3, pp. 1-2 (a popular-science supplement to Novaya Gazeta).[Russian version]
Finally, we might ask why Carl Sagan, of all people, was invited, at considerable expense, to address a conference of Catholic educators and librarians in St. Louis? Are these educators unaware of Sagan's openly professed beliefs? Could it actually be that some of these Catholic educators share these beliefs?
A Scientific Israeli delivers his country to the Polish Pope
In 1981 I found at the Yale University Library an abstract of a 1975, lecture by Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's who, in 1975, the year when the UN approved the resolution equating zionism with racism, and two years after the mentioned celebration in Frombork, introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11)
Hebrew University Prof wants Academic Freedom to be Denied to God and Moses
Tel Aviv University – Ran HaCohen's (Dept of Comparative Literature)
continues to serve as Hamas' (or Baal's) Mouthpiece
Dr. Rantisi, Hamas's dead leader used to argue that Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugarit or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. Israel was given a choice; they could follow Yahweh to their permanent freedom in the Promised land or they could return to enslavement in Egypt with its idol worship, wherein the idolatry of Baal-Zephon was popular.
Baal was originally, it appears, associated with specific places and sanctuaries; in Ugarit temple he is equated with Dagon. Baal was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace” (the Scottish Catholic hierarchs are addressed as “Your Grace”). That is exactly what the Pauline Christians teach, that the manner of spiritual life is all grace. “The law has been done away with the Christ’s death; now, do anything you please” is the teaching of Pauline churchianity. The word ‘Sion’ comes from Siona, the ancient Sanskrit (Aryan) name for... the Sun. (G. Higgins, Anacalypsis)
In 2006, a book Metahari Mengelilingi Bumi by Ahmad Sabiq bin Abdul Lathif Abu Yusuf was published which 'explains' that according to Islam, the right concept in astronomy is not the earth revolving about the sun (heliocentrism), but the sun revolving about the earth (geocentrism). This book was followed by many websites for support that geocentric concept. And so a movement against “the Scientific Miracles” in the Qur'an started and is growing day by day. Click on the link to see the title page of the book . In the same year Prof. R. Dawkins published his the God Delusion which is available in every public library in this country, thus becoming kind of an atheist catechism.
Why Heliocentrism is Considered Science?
"All things are the progeny of one fire”or, E=mc²
Consider the following story about the Chinese master Hogen. To the question “What is Buddha?” one of the disciples responded: “Hei-tei-dji Rai-gu-ka” (“the deity of fire seeks fire” i.e. Holocausts). This expression “the identity of god and fire” matches exactly the identity of Brahma and energy and the identity not of person but of substance. Belief in personal god in India wsa regarded as inferior knowledge. Cleon, the demagogic rival of philosopher Anaxagoras brought a formal indictment of impiety against him on the charge that he described the sun (still to the people, a god) as a mass of stone on fire. The true enlightenment was achieved when personal god of mythology was replaced with impersonal force and substance. Impersonal forces make explanations by cause-effect possible which is considered Science. You don't pray, unless you are a Baruch Spinoza, to impersonal force, you submit to it as a robotic mechanism set in motion by turning the keay on its back.
Similarly, the Greek Zeus was the god of thunder and lightning, a bull-like (like Baal) mass of pure, primal energy condensed in the Big Bang theory to the size of a point, which is the same as the Aryan puru, which also means god. As all gods of fire Zeus, too, possessed a body which he could use to practice the evolutionary art of shifting from one shape to another, reincarnating himself in various shapes of: eagle, ram, snake, dragon, lion, panther, bull, flame, shower of gold and last but not least a swan impregnating Leda. This mythological dogma which was smuggled into the so-called Leda Bible, in the initial of the Letter to the Hebrews inspired R. Dawkins speculations about bestiality which would result in a missing link “able to change everything.”
Zeus has been at all the times symbolizing the SUN and the Indo-European ancestor of Zeus was a God of the bright daytime sky *Dieuo *deiuo (“the day time, a shining sky”) or Jupiter in Rome. Great altar of Zeus of Pergamon is described in Revelations as the site of Satan's seat (2:12-13) Later used as a model for one of Hitler's rostrums.
The Lenon-Dawkins Bus Company in Action:
Viva Palestina, Viva Baal (fire), Viva E=mc²
The youthful apostle of a one-world government, John Lenon’s song Imagine attacked religion (“Imagine there is no heaven. It’s easy, if you try, No hell below us. Above us only sky”), espoused a do you own thing philosophy (“Imagine all the people, Living for today”), attacked nationalism (“Imagine there’s no countries”), attacked religion (It is isn’t hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for and no religion too”), called for the abolition of private property (“Imagine no possessions”), supported a new international order (“I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of man, Imagine all the people, Sharing all the world”). Lenon called for abolition of private property but he did not believe his own imagination because he left his Japanese-born widow a $250 million estate. Former President B. Clinton had chosen to play this tune on saxophone during his visit to Israel.
The Atheist advertising blitz which featured the controversial £140,000 advertising campaign has been backed by evolutionary biologist Professor Richard Dawkins, who claims the existence of God is about as likely as that of the tooth fairy. The slogans say: 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life,' 'In the beginning man created God,' 'We are all atheists about all gods,' 'No God, no Master' In Germany it was really only one bus, unlike the campaigns in e.g. the UK, Canada or Spain. The main part of the slogan ("Es gibt keinen Gott") means "There is no God", of course; a literal translation for the part in brackets ("mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit") would be "with a probability bordering on certainty". No one would say this in English, but in German it's typical science slang for something that is not (yet) an established fact but that comes pretty close.
“Richard Dawkins wrote of evolution, “No reputable scientist” refuses to accept evolution. A similar statement has been declared by many silly, shallow scientists and the gullible continue to believe it. The quotes from world-famous scientists prove Dawkins is a Dummy. I am waiting for Dawkins, Harris, and Company to admit their lies in the advancement of atheism as they have declared that “evolution is a fact not disputed by any qualified scientists”. Obviously, the atheists are wrong and have proved themselves to be fools, frauds and fanatics. Maybe all evolutionists are a special classification – Homo Ignoramus! (Dr Don Boys, Almost a Thousand major Scientists Dissent from Darwinism, Canada Free Press, Sunday 2 May, 2010)
Copernicus Recanted his Pagan Religion
Under a portrait of Copernicus exhibited in the Museum of Cracow University this prayer reads: “I do not ask for the grace granted to Paul, neither I demand the forgiveness of Peter, but I do incessantly pray for the forgiveness which thou on the wood of cross hast granted to the muderer.” This portrait confirms the truth of the original, Hebrew wording of Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God”.
The Science Delusion: The Aryan Cosmogony and the Final Holocaust
By identifying gravity with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ, in his article De aere et aethere, I. Newton admitted that gravity may explain how the order found in the precise courses of trillions of stars is maintained, but at the same time that gravity cannot explain the origin of that order! “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist,” Hawking writes, as a coauthor with American physicist Leonard Mlodinow.
It was reported that Pastor Terry Jones was planning to burn a gross of Richard Dawkins's The God Delusion. When asked about Pastor Jones's new plan to torch Dawkins's magnum opus, the President said: ''It's sweet with me. Let reason be fuel for the bonfires of the faithful. As long as atheists aren't going to whomp on us from the ridge tops with AK47s, let the Pastor light up a complete set of Hitchens and Sam Harris as well.''
In the midst of loud protests and thinner crowds than those that turned out for John Paul II's visit to the United Kingdom in 1982, Pope Benedict compared modern U.K. atheism with the rise of Nazi Germany — warning against "aggressive secularism," according to a report in the U.K.'s Mirror. R. Dawkins is a Nazi.
New Russia holiday marked as Kremlin boosts Church
TheAtheist Decalogue: Thou Shall Kill
In the Kausitaki Upanishad, the Tibetan sun god Indra, incarnating the Absolute, boasts of his apparently wicked deeds and then addresses his worshippers: “Understand me as I am…with one who knows me, his world is injured by no deed whatsoever, not by the murder of his father, not by the murder of his mother, not by theft, not by the slaughter of an embryo (i.e. Abortion). Whatever evil he does, he does not blanch. We also read in the Brhadarnyaka Upanishad: “He does not become greater by good action, nor inferior by bad action.” (The Eye of Shiva, 8) Buddha taught: “I've got children,” “I've got wealth.” This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself.
The Harvard linguist Steven Pinker invokes Darwinian principles to explain infanticide, suggesting that killing one's newborn should not be viewed with the same seriousness as killing one's later in life (exactly, like in the Baal cult). The authors of A natural History of Rape, invoke Darwin to explain that rape is a consequence of “men's evolved machinery for obtaining a high number of mates.” Connecting evolution to racism, rape, infanticide, philendering, and so on makes many people nervous, rather than scientific.
"He who created the night and the day, and the sun, and the moon, all the celestial bodies swim along, each in its orbit with its own motion.” (21:33) The Egyptian name for their gods, the Neteru, literally translates as Watchers and they said that their gods came in heavenly boats. Abdullah Yusuf Ali commented on the above Qur'anic verse as follows: “...the metaphor of swimming implied in the original words how beautiful is to contemplate the heavenly bodies swimming through space (or ether) in their rounded courses before our gaze. Plato represented the planets as moved by an intrinsic Rector, one with his dwelling, like “a boatman in his boat.” Cp. Galileo speculated about the earth as a barge and the tides caused by its movements.
T. Campanella in his Apologia pro Galileo was well aware that Galileo's inspiration for seeing the detail of the moon that is invisible was derived from the same source as Muhammad's claim about billions upon billions of virgins inhabiting the “heavenly bodies” built of four philosophical elements. He wrote:
“Galileo also says that water exists on the Moon and the planets which cannot be. These bodies are incorruptible, for do not all scholastics contend with Aristotle that they endure without change throughout all time? He describes land and mountains in the Moon and other celestial globes, and not only vilifies immeasurably the homes of the angels, but lessens our hope regarding Heaven.
“If the four elements which form our world exist in the stars, it follows from the doctrine of Galileo that, as Mohammed declared, there are many world with lands and seas and with human inhabitants. However, Scripture speaks of only one world and of one created man, so that this belief is opposed to Scripture.I pass without comment the opinion that Galileo has revived the heresy that Christ must make atonement for the men who inhabit the stars and die there again; just as formerly it was said that Christ must be crucified a second time in the antipodes, if the men living there were to be saved as we have been saved.”
Pampanga, Philippines – Dismayed and alarmed of the extent reached by the Atheist Bus Campaign in London, United Kingdom, Bro. Daniel Razon, MCGI Vice-Presiding Minister, reported that the atheist groups are now on U.S. shores waving a new slogan, "You can be good without God."
Glenn Beck Rally: America Turning Back to God
"Something beyond imagination is happening," he said. "America today begins to turn back to God."The crowd — organizers had a permit for 300,000 — was a sea of people standing shoulder to shoulder across large expanses of the Mall. It was not clear how many tea party activists were in the crowd, but the sheer size of the turnout helped demonstrate the size and potential national influence of the movement. Activists distributed fliers urging voters "dump Obama." The pamphlet included a picture of the president with a Hitler-style mustache. Click on the link to see the picture. The Restoring Honor Rally was not about Glenn Beck. It was about the role of Divine Providence in the past, present, and future of this country.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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