Plutarch, in De facie in orbe lunae, wrote that the heliocentric system of Aristarchus was “proved” (apodeiknumi) by the Syrian astrologer Seleucus of Seleukia. According to Lucio Russo, Seleucus' arguments for heliocentric theory were probably related to the phenomenon of tides. He anticipated Galileo in this respect. Seleucus theorized that tides were caused (astrologically) by the moon, although he believed that the interaction was mediated by the pneuma (in Kepler's system it was mediated by demons) He noted that the tides varied in time and strength in different parts of the world. According to Strabo (1.1.9), Seleucus was the first to state that the tides are due to the attraction of the moon and that the height of the tides depends on the Moon's position relative to the sun. Seleucos prins opinion d’affermer la terre veritablement autour des poles se mouuoir non le ciel – Rabelais, Pantagruel, Book V, ch. 25 (1552).
The Greek verb ‘apodeiknumi’ used by Plutarch is derived from the same root as the word 'dogma.' Statements of speculative philosophy were called by Latin writers: decreta, scita, placita, axiomata, enunciata, effata. Cicero replaced all these terms by one: dogmata. Inquisition was not an invention of the Catholic Church; already Plato wanted to defend his dogmas with help of such institution. Plato’s dogma that God always geometrizes induced Kepler’s belief that man’s ability to understand the mathematical laws governing the universe enabled him to mirror God’s own thoughts and thus put him in special contact (mystical union) with the Creator of the Universe. He ignored Prophet Isaiah’s warning: “For my thought are not your thought, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Is. 55.8-9)
Was Aristarchus's Heliocentrism proved by Seleucus
The conflict between the Church and Galileo confirms that not only Seleucus did not prove Aristarchu's hypothese but Copernicus's system lacked the same quality of ultimate scientific truth and therefore his propositions were relegated by the Church to the rank of “working hypotheses”, with an implied “wait and see”; if you bring proof, then, but only then, we shall have to interpret Scripture in the light of necessity.” Galileo did not want to bear the burden of proof; for the crux of the matter is, that he had no proof. In his Letter to Grand Duchess Christina he argued:
“Now if truly demonstrated physical conclusions need not be subordinated to biblical passages, but the latter must rather be shown not to interfere with the former, then before a physical proposition is condemned it must be shown to be not rigorously demonstrated – and this is to be done not by those who hold the proposition to be true, but by those who judge it to be false. This seems very reasonable, for those who believe an argument to be false may much more easily find the fallacies in it than men who consider it to be trues and conclusive...”
The burden of proof has been shifted; it was no longer Galileo's task to prove the Copernican system, but the theologians' task to disprove it. If they don't, the Scripture must be reinterpreted. Pure sophistry! . Throughout the document Galileo completely evaded any astronomical or physical discussion of the Copernican system; he simply gave the impression that it was proven beyond doubt. (A. Koestler, The Sleepwalkers). He followed in the footsteps of Plutarch in his opinion about Seleucus. It was only John Paul II who, with his “infallible judgment” stated that Galileo was smarter than the seven cardinals who condemned him, because they couldn't disprove his claims! I did just that with the help of basic math
You want another proof that the earth doesn't move? Here it is:
56.000 new AIDS infections every year in USA alone
The prayer under Copernicus's portrait in the Museum of the Cracow University reads:
“I do not ask for the grace granted to Paul, neither do I demand the forgiveness of Peter, but I incessantly pray for the forgiveness which Thou on the wood of the Cross has granted to the murderer.”
Run and Hide, Helioleftists! « Blogs 4 Brownback
Whereas the gods of Olympus, including Apollo, tirelessly pursued beautiful boys, like Ganymede or women, the God of Sinai watched over widows and orphans. R. Ingersoll charged Moses with vulgarity (!) and thundered that the Bible “has made colleges and universities the teachers of error and the haters of science.” At the same time Rudolph Virchow known as the father of Modern Pathology insisted, “Moses was the greatest hygienist the world has seen; he taught in its essentials nearly every principle of hygiene now practiced.” He knew that fecal matter may be deadly and that explains his harsh laws against homosexual practices. It is not a question of freedom, but of social hygiene! Nobody lives separated from other members of a society.
The Nazi Propaganda of Palestinian History Textbooks
Y. Arafat was one of those who belittled the Laws of God and taught Palestinian children to hate them:
“The Philistines, who came from Crete and Asia Minor, merged with the Canaanites, who originated from the Arabian peninsula, and gave the land is name, Falastin. The Jebusites, a Canaanite people, are the ancestors of the Palestinians. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but a “believer in one God.” The twelve sons of Jacob fled to Egypt, interbred with the Egyptians there and became numerous. Moses and his followers wandered in the desert; they were not endowed with any scientific or artistic talents and made no cultural achievements whatsoever…”
The authors of the Palestinian history books were inspired by these passages from A. Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”: “…What we see before us of human culture today, the results of art, science, and techniques, is almost exclusively the creative product of the Aryan.” (…) “The Jew forms the strongest contrast to the Aryan.’’(…) “The Jewish person, with all its apparent intellectual qualities, is nevertheless without any true culture, especially without a culture of its own. For the sham culture which the Jew possesses today is the property of other peoples, and is mostly spoiled in his hands. When judging Jewry in its attitude towards the question of human culture, one has to keep before one’s eyes as an essential characteristic that there never has been and consequently that today also there is no Jewish art; that above all the two queens of all arts, architecture and music, owe nothing original to Jewry. What he achieves in the field of art is either bowdlerization* or intellectual theft. With this, the Jew lacks those qualities which distinguish creatively and, with it, culturally blessed races.’’ Arafat was fond of what Nasser called “askariya” or the virtue of being a soldier. His everyday, military dress mimiced that of A. Hitler, even in color.
*Thomas Bowdler (1754-1825) published an expurgated edition of Shakespeare in 1818. Sahkespeare was a helio-believer.
Click to see the picture of Y.Arafat, shortly before his death of AIDS in Paris.
An American scholar, W. Z. Ripley in his “The Races of Europe” (1899) demolished the theory that there ever was any such thing as an Aryan race, and G. E. Smith stated simply: “An ethnologist who speaks of Aryan race, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who speaks of a dolichocephalic dictionary or a brachycephalic grammar.” The revival by Hitler of the term “Aryan” to describe the blond Nordics of Germany was a recent and flagrant example of the abuse of the science of biology.” Obviously, in Palestinians’ opinion Palestine is an Indo-European or Aryan country!
Revival of Copernican Paganism and AIDS
The sun god Zeus or, Copernicus's god was a mass of pure, primal energy, like the Hindu Brahma, condensed in the Big Bang theory to the size of a point, which is the same as the Aryan puru, I.e. god. As all gods of fire Zeus, too, possessed a body which he could use to practice the evolutionary art of shifting from one shape to another, reincarnating himself in various shapes of: eagle, ram, snake, dragon, lion, panther, bull, flame, shower of gold and last but not least a swan impregnating Leda. His sexual appetite was insatiable. This mythological dogma which was smuggled into the so-called Leda Bible, in the initial of the Letter to the Hebrews inspired R. Dawkins speculations about bestiality which would result in a missing link “able to change everything.”
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down hereto: it is confusion. Lev 18:22, 23. Dt. 23:17-18 refers to the Canaanite practice of ritual prostitution; the “price of dog” was the bounty paid to male prostitutes who allowed themselves to be sodmized, dog-fashion, by patrons of the temple. A gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “. Incidentally, Zeus had intercourse with his own daughter, who became pregnant by him. Does R. Dawkins sleep with a bitch, in order to be able to “change everything?”
The Revolution of the Zeus Inspired Pan-Sexuality
Viereck, a poet of German descent, who interviewed A. Hitler in 1920 sang the praises of “pan-sexuality,” He threw plenty of parties at his large, circular suite at the Belleclaire, high-spirited gatherings that attracted an unusual assortment of intellectuals, Nazi sympathizers, and offbeat lifestyle experimentalists. Mingling among the guests one could often find Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the famous sexologist (actually he was a veterinarian by education), and Dr. Harry Benjamin, the sex-change-operation pioneer. (See, Martin A. Lee, The Beast Reawaken. 1997)
The sexual revolution of the 1960s like that of Nazism was deeply rooted in a revival of paganism, which only later came out of the closet. There is a logical connection between the two movements. The common denominator of omni-sexuality (pan-sexuality) and paganism is monism, the belief that one principle defines and unites all of reality. If all is one, humanity is one with the divine and there are no boundaries except those which man imposes on himself and others. The secret doctrine is monistic pantheism – the belief that there are no boundaries in the universe, that boundaries are illusions from which man must be liberated through enlightenment or illumination.
Emulating Don Juan of the Olympus - the Etiology of AIDS
For the emerging gay male culture sexual freedom became synonymous with adventure and conquest. “Promiscuity”, trumpeted one prominent gay newspaper, “knits together the social fabric of the gay male community,” and as such it was to be celebrated and defended. In the communal spirit of the Summer of Love in 1967, “orgy rooms” were installed in some bathhouses to facilitate group sex. Each of these men could easily have sex with several partners per visit, so that someone who patronized the baths several times a week could easily rack up as many as a thousand partners per year. It was among this core that AIDS first appeared. By the end of the seventies, gay men accounted for 80% of the 70,000 cases of syphilis treated in San Francisco’s public health clinics per year. Strains of gonorrhea began to mutate into even nastier variants that traveled quickly around the world. Overall cases of gonorrhea in the US grew from 259,000 in 1960 to 600,000 in 1970 and to 1 million in 1980, and most of that growth occurred within the core groups formed by gay men and the urban poor. STDs burst into epidemic, plunging whole societies into medical, cultural, economic, and religious crisis and altering the course of history. Historians now argue, for example, that the vast syphilis plague that swept Europe from the Renaissance onward may have contributed to the Reformation and the rise of Puritanism, a development that still has echoes in our own time. Martin Luther's reform inculcated the marriage of the clergy, with a view to stamping out the vices that characterized celibacy in Germany, and though the same injunction logically applies to soldiers.
Pederasty was an institution sanctioned by the Olympian gods and mythical heroes. Zeus, Apollo, Poseidon and Heracles all had pederastic experiences. So did many of the most illustrious real-life Greeks including Solon, Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato. The act was part of the foundation of an elitist, military culture that elevated the idea of the penis beyond biology and religion to the rarefied heights of philosophy and art, of which the phallic architerture of the Al Aqsa mosque is the best-known example. The pederastic act was the culmination of a one-on-one mentoring aimed at passing on arete a set of manly virtues including courage (Profiles in Courage!), strength, fairness and honesty. Believing Anaxagoras, in a bid to father only sons, men even had their left testicle removed. Frederick the Great, himself a gay, forced the majority of his officers to remain unmarried. In his armies he revived the vices of the Teutonic Knights and the Templars. Pondering why Pope John Paul II excommunicated the women ordained in Austria, one should keep in mind that for Aristotle females never reached “full rationality”, but rather they “vegetated” in slower fetal development. It was a typical philosophical misogyny proclaimed “infallibly” side by side with the dogma about heavenly superiority of the pedophile love. The female orgasm not a female spirituality is the focus of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
The moral values of various peoples are very important because the microbial world, the chemical world (food and drugs), the realm of toxins and pollutants, parasites and microbes, are intimately connected to our behavior, our physical condition, our diet, all of which are intimately connected to the cultural world, the social and religious world around us. Simply put, without partner change no sexually transmitted disease can spread. Partner A may infect partner B, but things will end there. In a thoroughly monogamous population there would be no sexually transmitted diseases at all; no matter how infectious certain microbes might theoretically be. Conversely, the higher the level of partner change, the more likely that even microbes that are relatively hard to transmit will have an opportunity to spread.
The vagina is the healthy, self-cleansing organ which it must be to fulfill its sexual function conceived by its DESIGNER. The risk of exposure to carcinogens and other organism associated with the penis must be increased by the absence of these natural defense mechanisms in the rectum.
In his latest book Light of the World: the Pope, the Church and Signs of the Times, The Pope explains that condoms may play a role in reducing HIV infection risk and spread, for example for male prostitutes.
In the time period of pedophile scandals rocking the Catholic Church it will be instructive to remind of a 1985 “New York Native” interview with Joseph Sonnabend (“leading AIDS doctor”). “The rectum”, Sonnabend said, “is a sexual organ, and it deserves the respect a penis gets and a vagina gets.” Anal intercourse has been the central activity for gay men and for some women for all of history. The “leading AIDS doctor” did not know that the people of Katmandu suffer from chronic intestinal parasites caused by drinking water contaminated with fecal matter. “Versatile” anal sex and new behaviors such as analingus, or rimming facilitated the spread of otherwise difficult-to-transmit microbes. Gay men created almost laboratory conditions both to amplify STDs and then to spread these diseases throughout the world. And all these facts prove that the Bible is, indeed the God-inspired Book of Books. Gay sex breaks every rule of decent hygiene; it is chemical and biological warfare on human societies. Hans Waldau’s anthology of gay authors is titled Aus der Freundschaft sonnigsten Tagen (1906) was a bridge between Copernicus's The Revolutions and emerging gay culture under the sun god Wotan worshiped by the Nazis. Read more,
Friday, December 3, 2010
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