The Key Passage from Copernicus's Book (1,10)
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars* (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.”
“Von extatischen Erlebnissen erfüllt (extatici!), habe Copernicus geglaubt, dass er die Gottheit und ihre gleichsam physische Natur auf wissenschaftlichen Wege enthülle.”* It was a description of a planetary wedding by Martianus Capella which inspired Copernicus to write his book.
The Signs don't have Sex Life, especially Viral Sex Life to spread Syphilis
And God said: 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years...(Gen 1:14)
The first commandment the Jews were given as a people is the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon: “And God said to the land of Egypt ... This month is for you, the head of the months. First it is for you among the months of the year.” - Ex 12:1-2
This is a strange first commandment. You'd think the development of the calendar would only come after the establishment of the basic fundamentals like the Ten Commandments. And yet the Torah considers the process of establishing the new month as a major breakthrough in creating a nation. And what was wrong with the solar calendar that everyone else had been using? What is the significance of basing the Jewish calendar on the moon?
The Roman persecution was so intense that Rabbi Akiva had to go to Babylon to declare a leap-year (Mishna: Yevamos 122A), because this was at that time not possible to do in any land under Roman domination (this was before Trajan conquered Babylon in the year 115 CE). And for that “crime” Rabbi Akiva was also crucified; he offended the official Roman sun god Sol Invictus. Tyndale who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English was imprisoned near Brussels and interrogated by theologians from Louvain; he was garroted and his corpse burnt in October 1536.
The types adopted by the moneyer of this Roman imperial colony, beside the legionary eagle, the trophy and the victory, comprise Romulus and the Dioscuri, Astarte “the abominations of the Tyrians and Sidonians.; also Isis and Serapis “the abominations of the Egyptians.” A coin of Aelia Capitolina struck under Antoninus Pius, has on its reverse, a hog walking (“an abomination to the Jews'). Whilst Capitoline Jove figures predominantly with the eagle at his feet, and in one instance (Hostilianus) with a human head in his hand. In short, it would seem to have been the study of the Roman government in Judaea to insult and horrify, as well as oppress, the once-favored people of Jehovah. (Jupiter was the god of the Roman heliocentrism praised by Virgil as such in his Georgics). Dante praised him as “Jove for mankind crucified.” In Jerusalem rebuilt by emperor Hadrian the Temple of Jupiter, the god of Roman heliocentrism stood side by side with that of Aphrodite, the Mighty Aphrodite.
A few lines from M. Capella’s Ode to the Sun found in his general compilation of scientific knowledge entitled The Marriage of Mercury and Philology (De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuri) unveils the religion hidden behind the solar calendar:
“Latium invokes thee, Sol, because thou alone art in honor, after the Father*, the centre of light; and they affirm that thy sacred head bears a golden brightness in twelve rays, because thou formest that number of months and that number of hours.” *That explains the title of book Jesus, the Sun of God by David Fiedeler
At the beginning of the book of John in the New Testament, it states, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This is actually a verbatim translation of the Vedic Sanskrit mantra: “Prajapatirvai idamagraasit, tasya vag dvitiyaa asit, vag vai paramam Brahma.” It is about a Shivaling (Justin Martyr's Jesus as ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason” i.e. erect phallus-Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.21-22).), like that standing in the Kaaba, where Apostle Paul used to pray during his stay in Arabia.
Matter (Sol Invictus) vs. God
The Aryan Perennial Materialistic Evolutionism
"The first germ of life was developed by water and heat" (Manu, book I, sloka 8).
"These are the transformations declared, from the plant up to Brahma, which have to take place in his world" (Manu, Book I, sloka 20)
In the Assyrian inscriptions we find recorded the Chaldeo-Babylonian idea of an evolution of the universe out of the primeval flood or "great deep," and of the animal creation out of the earth and sea.
This general idea of evolution in Nature, transmitted from the Chaldeans through the Phoenicians, took strong hold upon Greek thought and was developed in many perverse ways; Aristotle sometimes developed it in a manner which reminds us of modern views.
Hand in hand with evolutionism goes the idea that the Universe is built of four basic elements. In Ancient Greece, at the very dawn of philosophy itself, a group who are now called atomists (Particularly Leucippus – active c. 450 BC) and Democritus (active c. 400 BCE) postulated that all matter was formed of “atoms”, which were small, hard and indestructible. They taught that the atoms moved in a void, and that it was in the eternal fallings and collisions of them that creates everything in the world. By postulating this void that all atoms “fell” with relation to, they were perhaps the first explicit absolutists in history.
The idea that all the constituents of nature consist of mixtures of a small number of "elements", and in particular the selection of the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire, is attributed to an earlier Greek philosopher Empedocles of Agrigentum (495-435 BC). Empedocles believed that although these elements (which he called "the roots of all things") could be mixed together in various proportions, the elements themselves were inviolable, and could never be changed.
Newton’s Natural Philosophy matches what Varro in his Antiquities referred to as Natural Theology and that explains the puzzle of his identifying gravity with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ. Varro divided forty-one books of his Antiquities into ‘human matters’ and ‘divine matters’ and his treatment of ‘human matters’ before ‘divine matters’ was inspired by disputes of philosophers who derived their gods from fire (Heraclitus) or from number (Pythagoras) or from atoms (Epicurus). Varro’s materialistic philosophy is behind Paul’s teaching: “Howbeit, that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.” (1 Cor. 15:46).
Muhammad's Buddhist Plurality of Worlds
A Mahayana text entitled the Flower Ornament Scripture contains a lengthy discussion of infinite world systems and the limits of human knowledge. A section called The incalculable, provides a string of calculations of extremely high numbers, culminating in terms such as “the incalculable”, “the measureless”, “the boundless”, and “the incomparable”. The highest number is the “square untold” which is said to be the function of the “unspeakable” multiplied by itself. A friend told me that this number can be written as 1059. the Flower Ornament goes on to apply these mind boggling numbers to the universe systems; it suggests that if “untold” worlds are reduced to atoms and each atom contains “untold” worlds, still the numbers of world systems will not be exhausted.( His Holiness Dalai Lama The Universe in a Single Atom. The Convergence of Science and Spirituality.Morgan Road Book. New York 2005)
In the name of god, the most beneficent, the most merciful
All appreciation, gratefulness and thankfulness are to Allah alone, lord of the worlds
Al-Fatiha | 7 verses | The Opening | سورة الفاتحة Sura #1 | Makkah
The early apologist of Galileo, the Dominican friar. Campanella in his book Apologia pro Galileo (Frankfurt 1623) pointed out that Galileo shared Muhammad’s belief in “many worlds with lands and seas, and with human inhabitants.” Muhammad, for political reasons, rejected the idea of the Biblical Eden planted by God on earth and embraced instead the idea of the Garden of Immortality that the Babylonian myth placed in Heaven. Unlike the Biblical Adam who was simply “sent forth from the Garden of Eden” (Remember J. Steinbeck's East of Edeen) (Gen. 3:23), the Koran’s Adam was “sent down from the garden” (Sura Ta-Ha 20:123). In the surah Fatiha Allah is called Lord of the Worlds and not “of the world”. In the Syrian Gospel of Marcion Jesus was send down:
In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar,
Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea,
Jesus descended [out of heaven] into Capernaum, a city in Galilee,
and was teaching [in the synagogue] on the Sabbath days;
And they were astonished at his doctrine. (3:1/4:31)
Muhammad, like the Babylonian godman Etana ascended to heaven on the horse called Buraq. And remember all those killers on the way to the Virgins. The Roman believed that their emperor Trajan ascended to Heaven on a cock. Such were space travels in those days.
See the Roman inspiration for Muhammad ascension on Buraq
Galileo, an Apostle of Rome's Arab Emperors
Shapur I Triumphing over the Roman Emperors Philip the Arab and Valerian
Diogenes Laertius (VII, 134) wrote: “They (the Stoics) hold that there are two principles in the universe, the active principle and the passive. The passive principle, then, is a substance without quality, i.e. Matter, whereas the active is the reason (logos) inherent in this substance, that is God. For he is everlasting and the artificer of each several things throughout the whole extent of matter.” ...”All things happen by fate...Fate is defined as an endless chain of causation whereby things are, or as the reason (logos) or formula by which the world goes on...”
“Galileo also says that water exists on the Moon and the planets which cannot be. These bodies are incorruptible, for do not all scholastics contend with Aristotle that they endure without change throughout all time? He describes land and mountains in the Moon and other celestial globes, and not only vilifies immeasurably the homes of the angels, but lessens our hope regarding Heaven.
“If the four elements which form our world exist in the stars, it follows from the doctrine of Galileo that, as Mohammed declared, there are many world with lands and seas and with human inhabitants. However, Scripture speaks of only one world and of one created man, so that this belief is opposed to Scripture.I pass without comment the opinion that Galileo has revived the heresy that Christ must make atonement for the men who inhabit the stars and die there again; just as formerly it was said that Christ must be crucified a second time in the antipodes, if the men living there were to be saved as we have been saved.” (Campanella, ib.)
“To believe that God created a plurality of worlds, at least as numerous as what we call stars, renders the Christian (and Jewish-rp)) system of faith at once little and ridiculous and scatters in the mind like feathers in the air.” (Tom Paine)
The secret NASA footage posted all over the Internet shows the alien moon base located on the Dark Side of the moon. (NASA Launches Effort for Closer Cooperation with Israel, Shevat 10, 5770, 25 January 10 10:47, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, Israel national News)
Tom Paine was right. According to an ancient theory mentioned by Pseudo-Plutarch, the universe arose of the five solids without being arranged by any god. From the cube, says Pythagorasa, the earth arose,; from the pyramid- fire; from the octahedron-air; from the icosahedron – water; from dodecahedron – the sphere of the universe. Spherical stones in the shape of five solids have been found in Britain dating from Neolithic times (they are exhibited in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The geometric designs ('principia matehmatica) underlies most pictures of the 16th century. The pentagonal geometry was sacred to the Pythagoreans; perhaps this was because the whole of this geometry is ruled by Φ - a symbol of perfection, it appears to have been honored with the status of God (like the Hindu AUM, the “oldest son of Brahma”=Logos).
In the Beginning Triangle created Cosmic Elements
The pagan sages like the modern scientists since Galileo, regarded mathematics and geometry as sacred sciences that reveal the workings of the mind of God. Pythagoras called numbers “immortal gods”. The sum of the powers of the perfect right-angled triangle has been appointed as the origin of the generation of the cosmic elements. That explains why in later Christian iconography a symbol of an equilateral triangle was utilized as the perfect representation of three-in-one, or the Trinity. Following the logic of the Pythagorean evolutionism Giordano Bruno attached tendrils to the triangle. In the Gospels the bunch of grapes may represent the body of Christ, and the perfect form of a bunch of grapes, according to Bruno, would be one where the individual grapes are contained within the envelope of an equilateral triangle. The modern version of this Pythagorean myth is called Big Bang; it substituted point (puru) for the triangle.
One of the intriguing aspects of Plato's theory was that he believed it was possible for the subatomic particles to split up and re-combine into other kinds of atoms. For example, he believed that a corpuscle of liquid, consisting of 120 "type 1" triangles, could be broken up into five corpuscles of plasma, or into two corpuscles of gas and one of plasma. Also, he believed that the "smaller" corpuscles could merge into larger corpuscles, so that (for example) two atoms of plasma could merge and form a single atom of gas. However, since the basic triangles making up "earth" (cubes) are dissimilar to those of the other forms of substance, he held that the triangles comprising cubes cannot be combined into any of the other shapes. If a particle of earth happened to be broken up into its constituent triangles, they will "drift about - whether the breaking up within fire itself, or within a mass of air or water - until its parts meet again somewhere, refit themselves together and become earth again".
The philosophers speculated that all things were composed of atoms and who said that bodies were composed of surfaces, and surfaces of lines, and lines of points, like in Galileo's Book of Nature. But since there is no reality to a mathematical point or line, except when they are being conceptualized as such, the world of Euclid belongs to the same category as the world of Platonic ideas; though merely mental, they were the ultimate objects, of which the visible and tangible objects of the world were only pale shadows. And that’s exactly what the Indian yogis dismissed contemptuously as the illusory realm of maya. In the Eastern view, searching for some kind of reality, either in the physical world (prakriti) or in the rational mind (manas) is a sheer waste of time, since they are both ultimately unreal - phantom figures in Omar Khayyam's heliocentric rubayat. We are such stuff as dreams are made of (Shakespeare)
Four years after Kepler's death, Somnium (Dream), was published. In this work, he described a journey to the Moon and spoke of lunar inhabitants. So, besides his voluminous contributions to astronomy and mathematics, Johannes Kepler was also one of the first science fiction writers.
In Mysterium Cosmographicum, published in 1596, Kepler laid out a model of the solar system in which the five solids were set inside one another and separated by a series of inscribed and circumscribed spheres. The six spheres each corresponded to one of the planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The solids were ordered with the innermost being the octahedron, followed by the icosahedron, dodecahedron, tetrahedron, and finally the cube. In this way the structure of the solar system and the distance relationships between the planets was dictated by the Platonic solids. In the end, Kepler's original idea had to be abandoned, but out of his research came the recognition that the orbits of planets are ellipses rather than circles, as well as his purely physical laws of orbital dynamics, changing the courses of physics and astronomy.
One cannot help but wonder, is the moon a heavenly body (like a material girls, or huris) in the Copernican sense, or is it a light serving as a sign: “And God said,. 'Let there be lights in the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.” (Gen 1:14) The subjection of everything to a certain order is for man because this order enables man to exist as a living being.,
We learn from the Mishna Treatise Rosh Hashana 2:8 that “Rabban Gamliel had a chart of moon shapes on a wall, and he would show this to the people, and ask: Was it like this one? Like that one?” And that's exactly what the word sign means.
The Russian Professor of astronomy A.B. Arkhipov in his book Nyerazgadannye Tainy Vsyelennoy (The Unsolved Secrets of the Universe) published in Moscow (2004 ISBN 5-94538-446-1) among the lunar marvels mentions the following astronomical events described in ancient chronicles:
1048 The Armenian Chronicle of Etaum Patmich of the 13th century reads: “In that year, on May 14, in the early night during the New Moon a star was visible on the disc of the Moon. According to Armenian astronomers Barsegyan and Parsamyan an attempt to identify this star with the supernova of 1054 means stretching the truth.
1064 “In those days a star of unusual brightness appeared within the circle of the moon after a few days following her moving away from the sun. J. Malvesius Chronicon (Muratori L.A. Retum Italicarium scriptores. Lib. 14. Milan, 1729, p. 873)
W.S. Cameron's Lunar transient phenomena catalog (NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 78-03, Greenbelt: NASA, 1978, p. 109) mentions that on March 5, 1587 many people saw a star within the circle of the Moon “exactly between the edges of her horns,” and a similar event as depicted by the pre-Columbian astronomers of Peru.
Cultural blindspots prevent people from seeing things that are perfectly obvious in other cultures. Furthermore, even within a culture that is capable of perceiving something, individuals usually cannot see things until they are educated to them Exactly, like Moses was educating his people by giving them the ordinance to look out for the New Moons.
So try it for yourself and you'll see with your naked eyes. You'll see the blue sky through the “cutout” of the new moon, and sometimes the black part of it, which, obviously blocks the view of the blue sky, but not always, contrary to Galileo's claim. And then, you will be bound to ask yourself the question, is Venus a body too if I can see blue sky through the cutout of its crescent. And then, maybe, you will admit that the earth created by G-d as our homeland is totally unique in the Universe. Exactly, like the Torah claims. Everything up there is to remind us of times, and seasons, and years and of other events important for our lives. Because it is us who pass away not time; we will pass away even in rockets speeding as fast as light.
Click to see such an extraordinary Torah Moon with three stars visible through its “body”
IDF Eulogy Text Moves Closer to G-d;
Another surprising thing about the Dialogue is that Galileo not only misrepresents the Copernican system as a beautifully simple affair, but seems to have been himself unaware of its complexities. He had never taken much interest in the tiresome details of planetary theory, and there was no real reason for him to plod through the technical chapters in the Revolutions from cover. If he had done so, he could not have believed that all planets move with the same linear velocity, nor attributed the idea to Copernicus that the moon sines in her own light or is transparent! To the light of the sun.(Lettera del Maestro Paolo Antonio Foscraini, Carmelitano, sopra l'opinione de i Pittagorici e del Copernico della mobilita della Terra e stabilita del Sole, il nuove Sisteme del Mondo, Napoli, 1615) A. Koestler, The Sleepwalkers)
We know that some people can see phases of Venus with naked eye and maybe Moses was one of them. But knowing that the Moon was a sign a not a body he did not rush to interpret the phases of Venus as confirmation of the teaching of the materialistic philosophers like Copernicus or Galileo. For Moses Venus was just another sign and not a dwelling place of huris or demons. Galileo following in the footsteps of Copernicus claimed that his observations of the phases of Venus could not be explained in the context of the geocentric model which had the Sun and planets orbiting Earth. But he did not explain how the phases of the Moon were possible in the heliocentric model with the Moon orbiting not the earth, but the sun. as Cardinal N. Schoenborn wrote in his letter to Copernicus.
A first draft of the above article titled The Marvels of the Moon was published in blogs4brownback. Since then another Governor joined the fight
Gov. Blagojevich Reads Copernicus:
‘Will Fight This Heliocentrism Thing’
CHICAGO—It was announced today that the recently disgraced governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich recently picked up a copy of On the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres, Nicolaus Copernicus’ watershed tome on the heliocentric nature of our solar system, and declared he “will fight this heliocentrism thing.”
Despite overwhelming evidence in support of Copernicus’ theory that the earth does in fact revolve around the sun, Blagojevich is insisting that it is the other way around.
“I’m not going to quit believing in an earth-centric universe because of modern science’s say-so.”
When asked by state Attorney General Lisa Madigan whether or not his conviction in the ancient view of the universe deemed him unfit to serve, the Illinois Supreme Court put aside the black tar heroin they were main-lining and said simply, “Nah.”
Among the allegations the governor is denying are the Earth’s tilt, the whole of celestial mechanics, and that stars are not angels doing the waltz in the night sky.
It remains to be seen whether he will step down in light of these accusations.
Unlike Galileo, Gov. Blagojevich had the courage to stand for his convictions.
Steven Brown to me
But like Giordano Bruno, Blagojevich will probably fry (metaphorically speaking)....
Roma Locuta:
“Judaism is a corrupt and dying Religion”Sunday morning, July 20, 1969
The Webster Presbyterian Church, of which Buzz Aldrin was an elder...There was tension in the face and in the manner of the Reverend Dean Woodruff; this was not a day for a long sermon:
“When self-fulfillment and fulfillment are put together perfectly we are what we are meant to be. This is what Nietzsche developed in his idea of the Superman. This is not a new biological species but a new kind of man who realizes his capacity for self-transcendence and self-fulfillment. This is what Nietzsche meant when he spoke through Zarathustra: 'Bless the cup which is about to overflow, so that the water, golden flowing out of it, may carry everywhere the reflection of thy rapture. Lo! This cup is about to empty itself again, and Zarathustra (Ahmadinejad) will once more become a man.” (First on the Moon.Little, Brown & Co. 1970)
"The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space, an undesirable form which must some day disappear." - Alice Bailey. It's not quite comfortable to be a Torah Jew these days... It never was in the Holy Roman Empire.
See this superman at; Cp.
Why is Yale U. Shutting Its Anti-Semitism Study Institute?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
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