“The Wu Li Master does not teach; he 'dances' with his student as he knows the universe dances with itself.” (Gary Zukav, The Dancing Wu Li Masters. An Overview of the New Physics. A New Edjucation for a New Age.Bantham Books. 1979)
The exceptional masterpiece of Madhubani portrays the divine trinity of Indian Gods - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, along with Shiva's sons, the six headed Karttikeya and the elephant headed Ganesha. Besides Vishnu's primeval form he is also present in his incarnated form as Krishna. The robust and fully evolved form of Lord Shiva is engaged in dance whereas Vishnu is accompanying him on 'mradanga', the long drum, Brahma on cymbals and Krishna on his flute. Ganesha with his trunk afloat in air and Karttikeya with his waving hands are seen accompanying their father in his dance. Karttikeya's peacock and Ganesha's mouse are as much jubilant and engaged in dance. Thus, what apparently appears to be the portrayal of the three faceted divine trinity of Hindu gods is actually the depiction of Shiva's cosmic dance.
It is very important to be aware of the profound influence of the Hindu religious thought on the early Christianity to grasp the religious background of Newton's idea of gravity in particular and his concept of heliocentrism, different from that of Copernicus, the fact which is also reflected in the 'corrected' diagram of Copernicus by his English translator Th. Digges:
Please, note that Th. Digges did not bother to mention Copernicus and instead described his heliocentric diagram as A perfit description of the Coelestial orbes according to the ancient doctrine of the Paythagoreans. Digges removed from Copernicus's diagram two circles between Venus and Mars marking Moon's orbits around the sun and together with Galileo embraced Aristarchus' diagram with the Moon orbiting the earth. Aristarchus' diagram is identical with that of ancient Sumerians.
“The old beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find herself a place of rest” (Is 34:14 KJV). The Hebrew Bible doesn't mention a satyr because it was a mythological figure, a figment of evolutionistic imagination. Babylonians called the Sun “the Goat', and that the “goat-god” was the “Sun-god.” J.M. Robertson (Christianity and Mythology,, p.232)
Following in the footsteps of Th. Digges Newton began his work on a treatise which he called The Philosophical Origins of Gentile Theology. This argued that Noah had founded the primordial religion – a GentileTheology – which had been free of (Jewish) 'superstition' and had advocated a rational worship of one God. The only commandments were love of God and love of neighbor. Pythagoras had learned about this religion and brought it to the West. Jesus had been one of these prophets sent to call mankind back to the truth, but his pure religion had been corrupted. Trying to restore the pristine religion of Jesus, the Apostle of Pythagoras Newton identified gravity with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ, which means that he turned the personal god of Christianity into impersonal force compatible with the Stoic idea of 'God'. As he wrote in an early edition of his *Principia Mathematica: “It (heliocentrism) was the most ancient opinion of those who applied themselves to philosophy, that the fixed stars stood immovable in the highest parts of the world. The heliocentric idea of the immovable stars is also expressed by Vulgate's rendition of the Hebrew term raqi'a by firmementum.Both Vulgate and Newton intentionally dismissed Jesus' Biblical teaching documented in the Gospel of Matthew: “That ye may be children of your father which is in heaven; for He maheth his sun rise...” (5:45). Jesus did not say that 'He maketh the earth spin'... which would made him an apostle of Virgil, or Pythagoras. “Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas...” (Virgil, Georgics II)
Newton's train of thought was, possibly, influenced by Origen's belief that Logos “existed among the Brachmanes.” Indeed, the philosophical idea of Logos doesn't belong to the Hebrew Torah. According to Stephen Knapp (Christinity and the Vedic Teaching within It) Gospel of John's Prolog is a verbatim translation of the Vedic mantra: “Prajapatirvai idamagraasit, tasya vag dvitiyaa asit, vag vai paramam Brahma.” (http://www.stephen-knapp.com/christianity_and_the_vedic_teachings_within_it.htm) Once Logos was identified with the historical Jesus by the fourth evangelist other borrowings from the Hindu mythology seemed justified to the authors of the New Testament, like Mark's and Luke's story of the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus which is copied entirely from the Hari-Purana where it is recorded among the miracles attributed to Christna. Similarly the massacre of the “Innocents” by King Herod, is bodily taken from the Hindu Bhagavat Gita in which it refers, allegorically, to an historical fact about the tyrant of Madura, the maternal uncle of Christna to whom astrologers predicted that a son of his niece Devaki would deprive him of his throne. Therefore he gave orders to kill the male child that was born to her, but Christna escaped his fury through the protection of Mahadeva (the great god), who caused the child to be carried to another city, out of Kansa's reach. After that, in order to be sure , and kill the right boy, Kansa had all the male newborn infants within his kingdom killed. Christna was also worshiped by the gopas (the shepherds) of the land.
From Gregorian Chant to Gregorian Calendar
The myth proclaimed, The world is music, and creation is dance; the lilylike voices of the goddesses spread abroad, and the peaks of the snowy Olympus resound. Because the Pythagoreas thought the heavenly bodies to be separatedf from each other by intervals corresponding to the harmonic lengths of strings (maybe like those of the Superstrings theory), they held that the movements of the spheres gave rise to a musical sound, which they called the Harmony of the Spheres. According to Pythagoras, Seneca, Saint Augustine, Cicero, Plato, Philo, Boethius, and many others, the world must be harmonious; because if the universe is the Temple of God and the Church of the Blessed, then it cannot lack for singers and organs.
In Athanasias Kircher's Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652-4) we find Illustration 10 : THE PIPES OF PAN and the caption reads as follows: “The seven pipe reeds held by the god Pan each inscribe a planetary orbit, symbolizing the ancient Pythagorean belief in a musical Harmony of the Spheres. The planets are arranged in the old Ptolemaic order, orbiting the earth. As a Jesuit, Kircher was forbidden by the Catholic hierarchy to represent the sun-centred system of Copernican astronomers; like many others in this situation, he privately favoured Tycho Brahe's modified scheme, in which the sun and moon still orbited the earth, but the planets were allowed to circle the sun. While Isaac Newton went even further than Copernicus, in reinventing the rules of the cosmos; he shared Kircher's taste for a musical metaphor:
"And to what Agent did the Ancients attribute the gravity of their atoms and what did they mean by calling God an harmony and comparing him & matter (the corporeal part of the Universe) to the God Pan and his Pipe." http://outlandish-knight.blogspot.com/2011/06/great-god-pan.html
The medieval quadrivium consisting of geometry, arithmetic, and music was inspired by the Pythagorean Musica Mundana and its definitive exposition was The Marriage of Philology and Mercury by Martianus Capella (4th C entury), which among others, inspired Copernicus's book. The critical opinions about Pythagoras were disregarded.
Grote in his History of Greece, assimilates the Pythagoreans to the Jesuits, and sees in their brotherhood but an ably-disguised object to acquire political ascendancy. On the testimony of Herakleitus and some other writers, who accused Pythagoras of craft, and described him as a man “of extensive research”...but artful for mischief and “destitute of sound judgment” some historical biographers hastened to present him to posterity in such a character. Pythagoras is painted by the satiricalTimon “a juggler of solemn speech engaged in fishing men,"
Mara bar Sarapion, a first-century Syrian Stoic imprisoned by the Romans wrote in a private letter, commenting on punishment of the Athen ians for killing Socrates and the Samians for burning Pythagoras that he was a hoaxer and deceiver, like his "apostle" Zamolxis who was lecturing his fellow Thracians (or Getes) on immortality. After disappearing for three years into a room he dug beneath his house (remeber, the underground hideout of Saddam Hussein?), he emerged and thus, in the minds of the Thracians, confirmed his doctrine of immortality (Herodotus, History, Bk. IV, Ch. 95,96). The credulous Getes killed every five-year a man whom they sent as a Messenger to Zamolxis. The Pythagorean belief iden tified the sun with Apollo Musagetes, the "conductor" of the Muses who sang the music o the Spheres. The Cracow University, where the young Copernicus studied was inaugurated by its rector as a Sanctuary of Apollo's Muses, and Copernicus's seal shows one such Muse naked (He was a canon, remember), playing a harp.
Many theories of the Harmony of the Spheres remain as attempts to specify what that sound could be, translated into the language of music. Hitherto, these theories had almost unanimously assigned a single, unvarying tone to each planet, as one would expect to result from a perfect circular orbit. However, with an inspired leap of the imagination Kepler saw that the planetary tones must now vary, their pitch rising and falling in proportion to their acceleration and retardation. He calculated the exact amount by comparing the daily motion of a planet at perihelion with its daily motion at aphelion, expressed as degrees of a circle. This gave a simple proportion, which like all proportions could be translated into musical intervals by regarding the two terms as different string-lengths. Kepler could now satisfy his need to find divine reason in the planetary motions: it was God’s desire that the cosmos should produce a variety of tones and harmonies. http://hermetic.com/godwin/kepler-and-kircher-on-the-harmony-of-the-spheres.html
The solar system of Kircher’s day had become much more complex than the seven traditional planets. Although Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto still lay undiscovered, the primitive telescope had revealed four moons around Jupiter, and twin bulges or adjacent satellites (actually, the rings) of Saturn. Wanting to find a rationale for these phenomena, Kircher hit on the idea that the heavenly bodies were grouped in “choirs.” The outermost one was the Choir of Saturn, in which the planet was given two “moons” to supplement the light of the distant sun. Next came the Choir of Jupiter, the only instance in which Kircher offers a harmony based on astronomically determined numbers. Posibly, the Gregorian choirs were inspired by Pythagoras's Harmony of the Spheres.
From Kepler to Newton and Darwin
Aimed at Kepler’s bold speculations about other inhabited spheres, Kircher writes:
Some say that in places where men are unable to dwell because of the excessive intensity of the light, or because of temperatures incompatible with human nautre, there are creatures endowed with a different nature. Since nothing of the kind is known to us, nor can be known, it seems to be fundamentally dangerous to the Faith. Who could regard it otherwise than as a blind and baseless imagination, a novelty and fiction of sectaries?
It was this ancient legacy that Newton addressed in the Pipes of Pan, a proposed Scholium to the celebrated Principia Mathematica of 1687. Drawing on later commentaries, he rewrote the myth of Pythagoras, to claim the inverse-square law of gravitation had been known to the earliest sages. The same law had been discovered, Newton said, between a string's length and its tension for a given musical pitch, before it was applied to the heavens. The search for truly ancient sources, via the allegorical interpretation of Greek myth, was common practice in the 17th century, and Francis Bacon, in "The Wisdom of the Ancients" of 1619, had the seven reeds of Pan's pipes symbolize the influence of the seven planets on earthly affairs. He believed the popular correspondence to originate in Persian magic while Newton, in System of the World, credited the ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans with getting it right.
His predecessor Isaac Barrow had paved the way, in his up-to-date lectures on light (notes which Newton transcribed) with their heavy Euclidean structure. Homer, Herodotus, and Archimedes shared shelf space in Newton's library with Plato's "Republic", and Iamblichus's "Life of Pythagoras"; the Orphic Hymns and Chaldean Oracles (which he translated) were there, alongside commentaries on the harmony of the spheres by Proclus and Macrobius.
Newton attributed to Pythagoras a statement of the law of universal gravitation; and consequently, when he split the light of the sun into a spectrum he counted seven colors because there were seven notes in the Pythagorean scale corresponding to seven known planets. Similarly, the Mohammedans recognized seven heavens inhabited by beautiful huris (The Qur'an 2,178) and the Japanese had seven gods responsible for happiness. All these beliefs corresponded with Pan's seven-piped flute, the emblem of the seven forces of nature, the seven planets, the seven musical notes of all the septenary harmony.
Dennis Sepper points up another cosmological significance, to the cube roots of squares - the formulation used in "Opticks" to scale down the octave, when measuring colors on plates. The same factor was known from Kepler's 3rd Law, deduced again in Principia, to show the average distance of a planet from the sun is proportional to a cube root of the square of the planet's period of revolution. By this metaphor, each rainbow ring on the surface of the lenses could exemplify the orbit of a heavenly body.
In Harmonics of the 2nd century AD, Ptolemy had insisted on the use of super-particular musical intervals (with a few exceptions), including the semitones, tones, and thirds later incorporated into just intonation, as "those which are easily accepted by the ear". An English edition of "Harmonics" appeared in 1682, advocating the revival of the ethical virtues of Greek music. Its Appendix, comparing ancient and modern philosophies, was written by John Wallis, England's second mathematician, and Isaac Newton, her first, owned a copy. In Opticks, super-particular ratios were applied to sine ratios too, so that the sines of refraction at either end of the spectrum were one apart. It is probable the author, as well as many of his readers, would have seen the connection between the overall sine values and just musical ratios: the beauty of this arrangement, as well as its mathematical convenience, compensated for any factual inaccuracy. Well, the God Pan was worshiped on the British Isles under the name Nodes in a temple complex at Lydney Park in Gloucestershire.
R. Fludd, the mentor of I. Newton envisioned universe as a gigantic monochord with the sun in the middle of the instrument which is strongly reminiscent of the Buddhist heliocentrism showing the sun in the middle of the Three of Life. A. Kirscher's Diagram of the names of God echoes this Buddhist three of Life; it places the Jesuit emblem in the middle of a Tree of Life. One should keep in mind that by the early years of the seventeenth century the Society had become one of the Copernican system’s main promoters. Jesuit scientists shared in the excitement about the discoveries that Galileo was making through his telescope, such as the four satellites of Jupiter and the phases of Venus, and when in 1611 Cardinal Bellarmine (himself a Jesuit) asked them to evaluate the discoveries, they confirmed them, despite their deviation from Aristotelian orthodoxy. The Jesuit logo (IHS) reflects simply Copernicus's identification of the sun with the pagan sun god in his book (De revol. Book I, 10)
God from God, Light of Light (Nicene Creed)
The learned Christian advocate M. Turretin, in describing the state of Christianity in the 4th century, wrote “that it was not so much the Roman Empire that was brought over to the Faith, as the Faith was brought over to the Empire, not the pagans who were converted to Christianity, but Christianity that was converted to Paganism.” In John 17:11 Yehoshua prayed to his Father “...keep them through Your name which You have given me” John 17:12: “...in your name which you gave Me. And I guarded them (or it)” See also So we have Yahoshuia's clear words, in three tests, that his father's name was given to him
Tammuz, alias Bacchus, had a surname Ies or IHS. He was also known as the fish (Ichthus), and the tau, the cross, as his sign. These three things have survived, and are still with us! The abbreviated form of the name Iesous is: Ies (or in capitals IHS) in Greek the capital for “e” is “H”. This is to be found on many inscriptions made by the church during the Middle Ages. But this was a mystery surname of Bacchus, and was afterwards taken as initials for Iesous, capitals IHSOUS. Dr E.W. Bullinger wrote, “Whatever meaning of ...IHS may be given, the fact remains that it was part of the name of Bacchus...” Even if it is officially read as Jesus Hominum Salvator.
Where did Iesous and Jesus come from? In Woerterbuxch der Antike, under “Jesus” we read: “Jesus”: really named Jehoshua Iesous (Greek), Jesus (Latin) is adapted from the Greek, possibly from the name of Greek healing goddess Ieso (Iaso). Iaso is the usual Greek form, while Ieso is from the Ionic dialect of the Greeks, Hans Lamer postulates that “they changed Ieso into a masculine Iesous. The Father's name Yah- or Yahu-, cannot be seen in the Greek Iesous or in the Latin Iesus. According to ancient Greek religion, Apollo had a son by the name Asclepius, who had daughters, and one of them was Iaso (Ieso). Because of her father's and grandfather’s identities as sun-deities, she too is in the same family of Sun-deities. Therefore the name Iesous, can be traced back to Sun-worship.
The Logos of the fourth Gospel makes the identification of Yehoshua (Jesus) with Bacchus possible. Saturn or Belus was the first king of Babylon; he was also known as Lateinos and Lateinos was was identified by Virgil as the “child of the Sun.” This global solar religion of Nature is reflected in various languages. Salverte in his Des Sciences Occultes, observed: "Almost all the Tartar princes, trace their genealogy to a celestial virgin, impregnated by a sun-beam, or some equally miraculous means." In India, the mother of Surya, the sun-god, who was born to destroy the enemies of the gods, is said to have become pregnant in this way, a beam of the sun having entered her womb, in consequence of which she brought forth the sun-god.”
The name of Persian sun god Sure is cognate with Chaldean zuhr (“to shine”;Russian word zarya means aurora), zuhro (“the Shiner”) and, of course zuro (“the seed”) because a beam of light was also an impregnating seed. The name Pyrisoporus, as aplied to Bacchus, means Ignigena, or the “Seed of Fire”, and Ala-sporos, the “Seed of God”, is just a similar expression formed in the same way. John's Logos is the same as the Stoic Logos spermatikos the primary fire which is as it were a sperm which possesses the logoi of all things, and the causes of the past, present and future events.” Over the course of 1260 years, the Vatican saw fit to kill upwards of 150 million followers of Christ because they wouldn't give up the true Jesus of the Bible for the fabricated Jesus of Rome.
IHS's 'Ten Commandments' -The Ten Commandments of the Bible total 295 words in length. However, the Roman Catholic ten commandments are a total of only 77 words. This is an open attempt to change the Law of God, regardless of the fact that Jesus Christ Himself declared in Matthew 5:18, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law..."The Catholic church has removed 218 jots and tittles from the Law of God just as Daniel stated they would in Daniel 7:25
One poem, written by a Mason, J.S.M. Ward, sums up some of the mythology prevalent in Jesuitism/Masonry: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgXmMgh0Ct4QfmwpQ6UlU-ILoGlr0DOfqL6lp0DuWgCIeSy5sY0JbhsI0Z8eqptOEYzcD5DIbM8ym5-3PtzzEDkeSDENc2qHlUzn9rKwni3n7VbGd_Dzo7AyuTKilLKdD7dBFMt6-P3dWE/s1600/carttongivingupfags1.jpg
Bacchus died and rose again,
On the Golden Syrian plain;
Osiris rose from his grave;
And thereby mankind did save;
Adonis likewise shed his blood,
By the yellow Syrian flood,
Zoroaster brought to birth,
Mithra from his cave of earth,
And we today in Christian land,
With them can join hands.
Official Cult of Roman Empire, Derived from Chaldea (Mystery Babylon)
Franz Cumont in his The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism wrote. Dover Publications. 1956): “Solar pantheism, which grew up among the Syrians of the Hellenistic period as a result of the influence of Chaldean astrolatry imposed itself upon the whole Roman world under the empire...In this matter Syria was Rome's teacher and predecessor. The last formula reached by the religion of the pagan Semites and in consequence by that of the Romans, was a divinity unique, almighty, eternal, universal and ineffable, that revealed itself throughout nature but whose most splendid and most energetic manifestation was the sun.
And the same author in Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans (Dover Publications. 1960) wrote: “From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. By a succession of emissions and absorptions he (the Sun) will alternately cause these fiery emanations to descend into the bodies which they animate, and after death will gather them up and make them reascend into his bosom....This theology gradually imposed on mankind the cult of the Invincible Sun as the master of all nature and preserver of men. The Babylonians inherited their solar religion from Sumerians.” Heliocentrism is a crumbling skeleton formed of the oldest Pagan myths. See for yourself
PAN was at one time absolute Nature, the one and GREAT-ALL.In the Natural Law theory, Man belongs to the order of animals, and before anything else, he is an animal. Cicero called the natural law simply “right reason, in agreement with nature.” Natural Man portrayed in Tharsymachean guise has two main characteristics. His psychological make-up is simple: he is out to get what he wants, and what he wants is narrowly circumscribed. Power and pleasure are his exclusive interests. But to get what he wants this wolf has to wear the sheep’s clothing of the conventional moral values. His masquerade can only be carried through by putting the conventional moral vocabulary to the service of his private purposes. He must say in the law courts and the assembly what people want to hear, so that they will put power into his hands. Thus the arête of such a man is to learn the craft (special skill), the techne, of molding people by rhetoric. He must take them by the ear before he takes them by the throat. “But these men, like irrational animals created by nature (Logos also means Nature) for capture and destruction, deride what they not understand, and will perish in their own corruption, receiving thereby the recompense of their wrongdoing.” (2 Peter 2:12)
Kepler/Newton/Darwin's god in love
The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible (1572), and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. The Bishops' Bible became the 'backbone' of the KJV. http://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium/leda-and-the-swan-james-legros.jpg
Unlike in the Torah, in the genealogies of the most powerful European dynasties and families there is no divide between man and animal and if we go further to the ancient Egypt and India we see gods in the shapes of all existing and mythic animals.
Alexis de Tocqueville in his Democracy in America writes “There is a twofold liberty, natural...and civil or federal. The first is common to man with beasts and other creatures. By this, man, as he stands in relation to man simply, hath liberty to do what he lists; it is a liberty to do evil as well as to do good...The exercise and and maintaining of this liberty makes men grow more evil, and in time to be worse than brute beasts...” This natural liberty is red in tooth and claw.
The book, Lex Naturae. Zur theologie des Naturrechts. (Duesseldorf 1955) in which Joseph Fuchs presented a systematic exposition of the formulations of the Magisterium of the Church on the Natural Moral Law became Vatican Council II an obligatory work of reference (Natural moral law: Moral Knowledge and conscience , the cognitive Structure of the Natural Law and the Truth of Subjectivity. Pontificia Academia Pro Vita – Natural Moral law)
“The Natural Law in its original and deepest meaning is not a norm. It is, instead, the intrinsic principle itself of human practice, it ensures that man acts.” (Cardinal K. Wojtyla wrote book The Acting Person, not about the Moral Person) This law was 'revealed' by Aristotle's Prime Mover
Heliocentrism and evolutionism always went hand in hand, because in music the Greeks distinguished: rhythms, mutations, and melopoeia. According to Douland to a Musitian (1609) “Mutation is the putting of one concord for another in the same key. According to The New Age Dictionary. A Guide to Planetary Family Consciousness. Ed. By Alex Jack. (Japan Publications, Inc. 1990), Charles Darwin was “evolutionist who played a bassoon for his plan(e)ts.” Darwin ends his book: “Whilst this planet has gone cycling according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.” (244). Newton and Darwin joined hands. See Buer, the 10th spirit, who teaches "Moral and Natural Philosophy"
Mystery Babylon and the Rise of Modern Science
The Book of Revelation tells us that a woman riding a beast will appear (this pagan goddess riding a beast of burden is today displayed all over Europe as one of the symbols for the European Union). That woman on the beast in Revelation is Mystery Babylon. She is identified as a harlot because she retains the name of god but has been infiltrated by pagan Babylonian doctrines of demons. We think that we are too sophisticated to worship demons, practice witchcraft or be in the occult. However, if you examine the beliefs of Science and these of world religions you will see that the demonic deceptions have already infiltrated the whole world and even much of Christianity, which in Nietzsche's opinion is but “platonism for the people.” The blaming of daimones for evil in the world is a spin-off from Platonic thought. As a result of Plato's new image of God as being only THE GOOD, later Greek speculation sought to place blame for evil on the daimones. Accordingly, there is no part of the cosmos that is free of demons. In Homer the term 'daimon' meant impersonal power or the gods collectively and indefinitely (“the divine') as the dispenser of individual events ('happenings).
In the Hindu philosophy, it was the primordial prima materia, divine and intelligent, the direct emanation of the Universal Mind -- the Daiviprakriti (the divine light emanating from the Logos- Fohat)- which formed the nuclei of all the "self-moving" orbs in Kosmos. It is the informing, ever-present moving-power and life-principle, the vital soul of the suns, moons, planets, and even of our Earth. The former latent the last one active - the invisible Ruler and guide of the gross body attached to, and connected with, its Soul (Kepler wrote about anima telluris i.e. soul of the earth), which is the spiritual emanation, after all, of these respective planetary Spirits (Paul's archontes). From this Kantian mind and soul of the Suns and Stars to the MAHAT (mind) and Prakriti of the Puranas, there is but a step. After all, the admission of this by Science would be only the admission of a natural cause, whether it would or would not stretch its belief to such metaphysical heights. But then Mahat, the MIND, is a "God," and physiology admits "mind" only as a temporary function of the material brain, and no more. (H. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine)
Kepler in his Harmonics, Book IV, last chapter, discussed an additional reason for the ebb and flow of the tide: “But the one I treat here is sufficient for the present purpose. For if the daemons live nowhere else except in the cone of shadow, but are conceived as hurrying the body upward toward the apex of the cone, unless the moon is present at the same time in its passage through the cone, surely they will be alone, without any help from anything, toiling, sweating(!), and, naturally, exhausted. But if they undertake their work when the moon is favorable, its presence in the shadow will aid their efforts with the magnetic pull of a kindred body. This speculation inspiredd Newton's identification of gravity with spiritual 'sweating body' of Jesus Christ...
The origin of the Life Essence, Occultism locates in the same center as the nucleus of prima material (for they are one) in our solar system. “The Sun is the heart of the Solar System (So, Rheticus in his Narratio Prima) and its brain is hidden behind the (visible ) Sun. From thence, sensation (divine sensorium!) is radiated into every nerve center of the great body, and the waves of the life-essence flow into each artery and vein…The planets are its limbs and pulses…”
Einstein decreed: Matter/Logos and energy tell(!) space (and space-time) how to curve.
It was in 1963 when the Curved Cross Crucifix was first presented to the Catholic public by Giovanni Battista Montini as Pope Paul VI.
And since matter is nothing but condensed ether (Zeus/Jupiter) we can discern a link between Einstein's train of thought and the standard teaching of the Catholic Church as evidenced by the cooperation between Einstein and Father Lemaitre, the originator of the Big Bang theory. In the teaching of the Church the ASTRAL LIGHT or lower Ether is full of conscious and semi-conscious and unconscious entities.
The whole hierarchy of the "Fallen" angels is there; the Cosmocratores - or the "world bearers," (according to Bossuet); Mundi Tenentes -- the "world holders," as Tertullian calls them; and Mundi Domini "world dominations," or rather dominators, the Curbati, or "Curved," etc., who thus make of the stars and celestial orbs in their course -- Devils! Gnosticism holds that the world is controlled by evil archons, one of whom is the demiurge, the deity of the Old Testament who holds the human spirit captive.
For it is thus that the Church has interpreted verse 12 in the 6th Chapter to the Ephesians. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world." Further on St. Paul mentions the spiritual malices ("wickedness" in English texts) SPREAD IN THE AIR - "Spiritualia nequitiae coelestibus," the Latin texts giving various names to these "malices," the innocent "Elementals."
Einstein superimposed the Gnostic horror of matter on Descartes's space identified with matter (res extensa). Gravity identified by Newton with spiritual body of Jesus Christ (i.e. impersonal force, like a daimon) contradicts the bodily resurrection of Jesus which means that Newton, like Marcion, rejected any idea of bodily resurrection. Marcion maintained, with the other gnostics, the fallaciousness of the idea of an incarnate God, and therefore denied the corporeal reality of the living body of Christ. His entity was a mere illusion; it was not made of human flesh and blood, neither was it born of a human mother, for his divine nature could not be polluted with any contact with sinful flesh. He accepted Paul as the only apostle preaching the pure gospel of truth, and accused the other disciples of “depraving the pure form of the gospel doctrines delivered to them by Jesus, mixing up matters of the Law and the words of the Savior.
The Gaia/Science Delusion
Graphic Rendition of Copernicus's Pagan Religion published in Polish magazine Zycie in 1897
Generated from ten million rays,
his (Buddha's)body completely white
The astronaut Russel Schweikart's Gaia is “nearing some sort of threshold analogous to giving birth
(See, Gaia, Evolution and the Significance of Space Exploration, JS Journal, published by International Synergy (December 1987; 2:2, p. 29)
In conversation with V. I. Arnold, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (March 1998), Pope John Paul II recognized that science alone is able to determine the truth (by sheer force of imagination!). In 1975 the then Cardinal K. Wojtyla published in Rome book The Art of Living Word, in which the religious and scientific authority of H. Blavatsky was recognized. Blavatsky wanted to impose religion of Isis on British elites. The son of Isis was called Isu. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine became kind of a breviary for A. Hitler. In 1502 N. Copernicus was ordained a Catholic priest in Cracow. http://www.copernicus.net/bmp2AC.gif
Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's, in 1975, the year when the UN approved of the resolution equating Zionism with racism, introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern science...as the man who by the sheer force of imagination* broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11)
The Octagonal cosmos of Orpheus/Pan inspired the octagonal architecture of the temple Mount Mosque in Jerusalem.http://www.the-goldenrule.name/Orpheus-CHRISTIAN_CONNECTION/Orpheus-Christian_connection-ART.htm
Philosopher M. Polanyi observed, “Newtonian physics and Darwin’s notion of the survival of the fittest were key elements both in the Marxist concepts of class warfare and of racial philosophies which shaped Hitlerism and scientific world view.” See N. Copernicus on the Nazi post stamp
Roma locuta: “Judaism is a corrupt and dying Religion”
St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits wrote: "We should always be disposed to believe that which appears to us to be white is really black, if the hierarchy of the church so decides." Regardless of what the Church claimed, people had to take it aas "truth". Since geonecntrism belongs to "a corrupt and dying religion" heliocentrism proclaimed by a Catholic priest must be true!
See The Gaia Propaganda:http://groundswellcollective.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/poster-by-jesus-barraza.gif
Saturday, March 10, 2012
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