“Darwinian natural selection is the only known solution to the otherwise unanswerable riddle of where the information comes from. It turns out to be the God Hypothesis that tries to get something for nothing. The argument from improbability states that complex things could not have come about by chance. But many people define 'come by chance' as a synonym for 'come about in the absence of deliberate design.' not surprisingly, therefore, they think improbability is evidence of design. Darwinian natural selection shows how wrong this is with respect to biological improbability. And although Darwinism may not be directly relevant to the inanimate world – cosmology, for example – it raises our consciousness in areas outside its original territory of biology.
“Darwinian evolution proceeds merrily(!)* once life has originated. Bot how does life get started? The origin of life was the chemical event, or series of events, whereby the vital conditions for natural selection came first about. The major ingredient was heredity, either DNA or (more probably) something that copies like DNA, but less accurately, perhaps the related molecule RNA. Once the vital ingredient – some kind of genetic molecule – is in place, true Darwinian natural selection can follow, and complex life emerges as the eventual consequence. But the spontaneous arising by chance of the first hereditary molecule strikes many as improbable. Maybe it is very improbable, and I shall dwell on this, for it is central to this section of the book.” (R. Dawkins, the God Delusion)
*Upon the pavement of the Roman City of Timgat an inscription was found which reads: “To hunt, to bathe, to gamble, to laugh, that is to live.” Life of the ancient Romans was inspired by the Aryan concept of creation as lila (play). Cp. playboy, playgirl and innumerable sculptures of laughing Buddha, who was a David Letterman of India
Many atheists have very little understanding of science, DNA, and biology. They only have very superficial knowledge of these scientific subjects. Their ignorance of how nature works allows them blissful freedom to believe all sorts of fairy tales. As mankind has discovered and understood more about nature, particularly DNA, the more ridiculous and childish does atheism appear.
Thanks to popular evolutionist writers like Richard Dawkins, many in society have come to believe that natural selection will solve all of evolution's problems. Natural selection cannot produce anything. It can only "select" from what is produced. Furthermore, natural selection operates only once there is life and not before.
Natural selection is not an active force. It is a passive process in Nature. Only those variations that have survival value will be "selected" or be preserved. Once a variation has survival value then, of course, it's not by chance that it is "selected". But, natural selection, itself, does not produce or design those biological variations. The term "natural selection" is simply a figure of speech. Nature does not do any active or conscious selecting. It is an entirely passive process. "Natural selection" is just another way of saying "natural survival". If a biological change occurs that helps a species to survive then that species, obviously, will survive (i.e. be "selected"). Natural selection can only "select" from biological variations that are possible and which have survival value.
The best little article ever written refuting the origin of life by chance is "A Few Reasons an Evolutionary Origin of Life Is Impossible" by scientist and biochemist Dr. Duane T. Gish. Dr. Gish presents "simple" but profound scientific barriers to evolution of life which aren't mentioned or covered in Johnny's high school biology textbook or in college textbooks for that matter. This article is truly great! Dr. Gish's article may be accessed here. (Babu G. Ranganathan, Many Atheists Thrive on Ignorance, Source: Pravda.Ru, 25.03.2009)
Dawkins maintained ruthlessness in the natural world by claiming in his The Selfish Gene that individual genes, not entire organisms, are ceaselessly trying to eliminate their molecular competitors. From the sociobiological perspective, although acts of human generosity may appear to be altruistic, they conceal fights being waged deep inside our cells, where the genes are selfishly influencing our behavior to ensure their own future. But in reality as his critics pointed out – genes can't think, and they can't have motives, selfish or otherwise.
The Thing is that Darwin, Dawkins and all other natural scientists understand the term 'nature' exactly like the ancient Romans did, as Almighty Goddess who in pre-Darwin England was called goddess Mutability: “I, who am Nature, the parent of things, mistress of all the elements, initial progeny of the ages, the highest of the divinities, queen of departed spirits*, the first of the celestials, of gods and goddesses the sole likeness of all: who rule by my nod the luminous heights of the heavens, the salubrious breezes of the sea, and the woeful silences of the infernal regions, and whose divinity, in itself but one, is venerated by all the earth, in many characters, various rites, and different appellations.”
*Read more in The Message of Walt Whitman from Moscow in this blog. Darwin was a spiritualist.
According to Collier’s Encyclopedia, the spleen may be congenitally absent. Deviations in size, shape and structure, such as excessive lobulation, are also possible. Accessory spleens, sometimes in considerable numbers, are fairly common. Floating, or wandering spleens occur more frequently in women. Obviously, dissection of human body meant, as experimental source of knowledge, does not provide us with sure answers to all possible questions: “What is the proper shape of spleen?” What is the proper structure of the spleen?” “Is one spleen enough for human body?” “What is the proper state of the spleen: steady or floating?” John Locke spoke of human mind as a blank tablet upon which exercise writes and then it arrives at conclusions by using the inductive method, based on what he has observed. Darwin ignored all those who cautioned against the “testimony of the sense.” Looks like Natural Selection doesn't proceed merrily in the case of spleen. And we don't know which individuals are “fittest to survive.” In fact, the ancient Jewish surgeons were removing spleens of the royal messengers, which made them run faster. Did Darwin have a faintest idea about history of medicine. I sincerely doubt it. R Dawkins did not provide an answer why the “selfish genes” did not remove this apparently superfluous (?) organ.
The Political Background of Darwin's Natural Selection
"The first germ of life was developed by water and heat" (Manu, book I, sloka 8). In other words by water and Brahma because Brahma is a neuter word meaning energy. The lotus is the product of fire (heat) and water, hence the dual symbol of spirit and matter.
"Water ascends toward the sky in vapors; from the sun it descends in rain, from the rain are born the plants, and from the plants, animals" (Book III, sloka 76).
"Each being acquires the qualities of the one which immediately precedes it, in such a manner that the farther a being gets away from the primal atom of its series, the more he is possessed of qualities and perfections" (Book I, sloka 20).
"Man will traverse the universe, gradually ascending, and passing through the rocks, the plants, the worms, insects, fish, serpents, tortoises, wild animals, cattle, and higher animals. . . . Such is the inferior degree" (Ibid.).
"These are the transformations declared, from the plant up to Brahma, which have to take place in his world" (Ibid.).
Darwin’s natural selection was a child of British imperial policy. Let me explain. The Hindus, mild, patient, long-suffering, whose very apathy saved the British from being driven out of the country in 1857, would raise their hundred millions of devotees as one man, in reaction to a religious desecration; regardless of sects or castes, they would exterminate every Christian. The East India Company knew this well and built her stronghold on the friendship of the Brahmans, and by paying subsidy to the pagodas (similarly, the Vatican, Russia, Iran and European Union are paying now subsidies to Hamas), and the British Government was as prudent as its predecessors. It was the castes, (Darwin's favoured races) and non-inference with the prevailing religions, that secured its comparative authority in India. And the idea of castes was founded on the premise of karsati i.e. natural selection. Darwin was saving the “jewel in the crown” of the British Empress of India.
Interestingly enough, the coadjutor of Darwin, Mr. A. R. Wallace in his Contributions to Theory of Natural Selection, when discussing the inadequacy of Natural Selection alone to account for the physical form of man, admitted the guiding action of "higher intelligences" as a "necessary part of the great laws which govern the material Universe".
Theosophy vs. Darwin
Helena von Hahn-Blavatsky, the Russian-born czarina of the United Lodge of Theosophy wrote in her book The Secret Doctrine the following critique of Darwin's notion of natural selection: “As to Natural Selection itself, the utmost misconception prevails among many present-day thinkers who tacitly accept the conclusions of Darwinism. It is, for instance, a mere device of rhetoric to credit "Natural Selection" with the power of originating species. "Natural Selection" is no Entity; but a convenient phrase for describing the mode in which the survival of the fit and the elimination of the unfit among organisms is brought about in the struggle for existence. Every group of organisms tends to multiply beyond the means of subsistence, the constant battle for life -- the "struggle to obtain enough to eat and to escape being eaten" added to the environmental conditions -- necessitating a perpetual weeding out of the unfit. The elite of any stock thus sorted out, propagate the species and transmit their organic characteristics to their descendants. All useful variations are thus perpetuated, and a progressive improvement is effected.
But Natural Selection, in the writer's humble opinion, "Selection, as a Power," is in reality a pure myth; especially when resorted to as an explanation of the origin of species. It is merely a representative term expressive of the manner in which "useful variations" are stereotyped when produced. Of itself, "it" can produce nothing, and only operates on the rough material presented to "it." The real question at issue is: what CAUSE -- combined with other secondary causes -- produces the "variations" in the organisms themselves. Many of these secondary causes are purely physical, climatic, dietary, etc., etc. Very well. But beyond the secondary aspects of organic evolution, a deeper principle has to be sought for. The materialist's "spontaneous variations," and "accidental divergencies" are self-contradictory terms in a universe of "Matter, Force and NECESSITY." Mere variability of type, apart from the supervisory presence of a quasi-intelligent impulse, is powerless to account for the stupendous complexities and marvels of the human body for instance. The insufficiency of the Darwinists' mechanical theory has been exposed at length by Dr. Von Hartmann among other purely negative thinkers. It is an abuse of the reader's intelligence to write, as does Haeckel, of blind indifferent cells, "arranging themselves into organs." The esoteric solution of the origin of animal species is given elsewhere.
“Those purely secondary causes of differentiation, grouped under the head of sexual selection, natural selection, climate, isolation, etc., etc., mislead the Western Evolutionist and offer no real explanation whatever of the "whence" of the "ancestral types" which served as the starting point for physical development. The truth is that the differentiating "causes" known to modern science only come into operation after the physicalization of the primeval animal root-types out of the astral. Darwinism only meets Evolution at its midway point -- that is to say when astral evolution has given place to the play of the ordinary physical forces with which our present senses acquaint us. But even here the Darwinian Theory, even with the "expansions" recently attempted, is inadequate to meet the facts of the case. The underlying physiological variation in species -- one to which all other laws are subordinate and secondary -- is a sub-conscious intelligence pervading matter, ultimately traceable to a REFLECTION of the Divine and Dhyan-Chohanic wisdom.* A not altogether dissimilar conclusion has been arrived at by so well known a thinker as Ed. von Hartmann, who, despairing of the efficacy of unaided Natural Selection, regards evolution as intelligently guided by the UNCONSCIOUS (the Cosmic Logos of Occultism). But the latter acts only mediately through FOHAT, or Dhyan-Chohanic energy, and not quite in the direct manner which the great pessimist describes. (Vol. 2, Page 648)
Does R. Dawkins Play a Bassoon?
In the Pipes of Pan, a proposed Scholium to the Principia Mathematica of 1687 Newton rewrote the myth of Pythagoras claiming that the inverse-square law of gravitation had been known to the earliest sages. Pan’s seven-piped flute, the emblem of the seven forces of nature, of the seven planets, the seven musical notes, of all the septenary harmony, in short, shows well his primordial character. Kepler inspired by Pan’s vision in his Harmony of the World (1609) calculated from the greatest and the slowest speed of each planet the ‘divine’ musical scales of the planets.
Heliocentrism and evolutionism always went hand in hand, because in music the Greeks distinguished: rhythms, mutations, and melopoeia. According to Douland to a Musitian (1609) “Mutation is the putting of one concord for another in the same key. According to The New Age Dictionary. A Guide to Planetary Family Consciousness. Ed. By Alex Jack. (Japan Publications, Inc. 1990), Charles Darwin was “evolutionist who played a bassoon for his plants.”
This is how an English paper describes the astounding trick of plant-growth, as performed by Indian jugglers:
"An empty flower-pot was now placed upon the floor by the juggler, who requested that his comrades might be allowed to bring up some garden mould from the little plot of ground below. Permission being accorded, the man went, and in two minutes returned with a small quantity of fresh earth tied up in a corner of his chudder, which was deposited in the flower-pot and lightly pressed down. Taking from his basket a dry mango-stone, and handing it round to the company that they might examine it, and satisfy themselves that it was really what it seemed to be, the juggler scooped out a little earth from the center of the flower-pot and placed the stone in the cavity. He then turned the earth lightly over it, and, having poured a little water over the surface, shut the flower-pot out of view by means of a sheet thrown over a small triangle. And now, amid a full chorus of voices and rat-tat-tat accompaniment of the tabor, the stone germinated; presently a section of the cloth was drawn aside, and gave to view the tender shoot, characterized by two long leaves of a blackish-brown color. The cloth was readjusted, and the incantation resumed. Not long was it, however, before the cloth was a second time drawn aside, and it was then seen that the two first leaves had given place to several green ones, and that the plant now stood nine or ten inches high. A third time, and the foliage was much thicker, the sapling being about thirteen to fourteen inches in height. A fourth time, and the little miniature tree, now about eighteen inches in height, had ten or twelve mangoes about the size of walnuts hanging about its branches. Finally, after the lapse of three or four minutes, the cloth was altogether removed, and the fruit, having the perfection of size, though not of maturity, was plucked and handed to the spectators, and, on being tasted, was found to be approaching ripeness, being sweetly acid." (H.P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, vol. I, chap. 5)
Music of a fakir’s flute drew up the akasa or intangible life-principle, the astral and celestial lights combined together, in a concentrated current through the plant, and by keeping up an unintermitted flow for the requisite space of time, the life-principle of the plant built up cell after cell, layer after layer, until the work was done. The will of the fakir-conjurer forms an invisible but yet, to it, perfectly objective matrix, in which the vegetable matter is caused to deposit itself and assume the fixed shape. So mutations don’t happen by chance, after all. They are created by the god Pan’s music even if Darwin himself plagiarized this music! The will creates, for the will in motion is force, and force produces matter. This philosophy is also behind the title of the biographical film about Hitler produced by Leni Riefenstahl Triumph des Willens (Triumph of the Will).
You see, the truly scientific, Darwinian agriculture doesn't need any fertilizers; Hindu jugglers with tabors will do the trick like in the Findhorn community. Let's install thousands of speakers in farms across the world and hunger will finally be eliminated.
Let me quote here a short passage from a Jewish source to give you a different view of the same problem: “ A man planted trees, trimmed their roots, cleared the soil of thorns and weeds, watered the trees when necessary, and applied fertilizers to them; then he prays to God that the trees should yield the fruit. But if he neglects tending them and looking after them, he does not deserve that the Creator, blessed be He, should give him fruit from them.” (Bahya vol. IV, pp.91-92). Now you better understand why the Darwinists postulate the extermination of 95% of world population because, allegedly, the earth cannot support them. The Jewish Science says, it can with proper care and tending to the objects of your work.
The exceptional masterpiece of Madhubani portrays the Divine-triad of Indian Gods - Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, along with Shiva's sons, the six headed Karttikeya and the elephant headed Ganesha. Besides Vishnu's primeval form he is also present in his incarnated form as Krishna. The robust and fully evolved form of Lord Shiva is engaged in dance whereas Vishnu is accompanying him on 'mradanga', the long drum. With drum and dance, he represents the world's perpetual unfolding or evolution. The drum in Hindu myth is an agency of cosmic creation. (In the Christmas carol The Little Drummer the Hebrew Jesus was transformed into an Aryan Vishnu).
So alike in Kosmos and in man is this power of Sound - Sound without which form cannot be, Sound which is the builder of form, which generates form, every Sound having its own form, and every Sound being of this triple character, that it generates form, that it upholds form, that it destroys form. Thus, once again, the Trimurti appears, the Creator, the Preserver, the Destroyer; they are all One in different aspects, for the Divine is One, whatever the form of Its manifestation. (...)
Take, for instance, an ordinary drum, so that in the parchment head of this drum you have a vibrating surface. If you take the bow with which you throw the strings of a violin into vibration, and draw this bow across the edge of the parchment, then a note is given out - a note which depends of course on the tension in the parchment and various other matters which are not important to us. That is simple enough; but it was thought desirable to try to discover what happened when the note was given out; and in order that that which is invisible might be made visible, sand was lightly scattered over the surface of the drum; then the bow was drawn across the edge of the circle of the drum, and this experiment was done over and over again at every point in this circle which was the circumference of the drum. Let me say in passing that European Science is admirable in its patience, in the way in which it repeats over and over again until it gets the fact; in that it is worthy of our admiration, for in that fashion only can these phenomenal facts be discovered. In every portion of the circumference that was experimented upon, it was found that as the bow was drawn across, the sand was thrown up in the air, but it was also found that when it came back it did not fall evenly over the surface, but formed a geometrical figure. So that the sand spread over the parchment was by sound compelled to assume definite geometrical shapes, different as the notes were changed in character by bowing different points in the circumference. As different intervals in the circumference gave out different harmonics of the fundamental note, it was found different shapes were produced; that at first, touching it at a particular point, you will only get the drum divided into four, because that is the fundamental note given out by the parchment vibrating as a whole. When you make it vibrate in harmonics you have geometrical shapes of a far more elaborate character. And following out these investigations of harmonics - as they were called - we discover that in every note that is sounded, you have not got a single sound but a very complex sound that can be divided and subdivided. (Annie Besant, Building of the Cosmos. London: Theosophical Publishing Society. 1894)
No doubt, the Hindu Mythology was the inspiration for Ch. Darwin's evolutionism. Prof. Kenneth R. Miller, aware of Pope John Paul II's high praise of evolutionism, in his book FINDING DARWIN’S GOD. A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution (Cliff Street Books 1999) tried to reconcile Darwinism with his Catholic faith.
Well, a certain Mr. B.G. McKenzie observed during the Scopes Trial: “They are seeking to reconcile it, if your honor please, and come right along and prove by the mouth of their scientist that when he said God created man in His own image, in His own image created He him out of the ground and blew into him the breath of life, and he became as a living creature they want to put words into God’s mouth, and have Him to say that He issued some sort of protoplasm, or soft dish rag, and put it in the ocean and said, “Old boy, if you wait around about 6,000 years, I will make something out of you.”
The ancient Vedic seers described the original cosmic creative process as “the churning of the milky ocean” whereby fields of subtle substance become condensed into gross matter; a view that is now widely accepted today in energy-field physics research. The Brownian movement is also a miniature replica of “the churning of the milky ocean.” This “churning” is represented geometrically in Tantric ritual as a four armed cross within a circle and the cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards as in a churning motion. The forward movement marked by right-angled break of the arms of the cross is towards evolution while the left-angled break marks movement towards dissolution. The circle represents the universe in its potential un-manifested state prior to creation and is called in Hinduism “Brahmanda”.
The cross within a circle is also known as the sun wheel and swastika emerges by breaking the circumference of the circle. Because the universe is seen as evolving from the central Sun, the point (puru), the ever-congealed germ. The lotus flower, represented as growing out of Vishnu’s navel is the most graphic allegory of this process ever made. In chapter LXXXI of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, called “Transformation into the Lotus,” a head emerging from this flower, the god exclaims: “I am the pure lotus, emerging from the Luminous one…I carry the messages of Horus. I am the pure lotus which comes from the Solar Fields…”
The frontispiece of the book The Migration of Symbols by Count Goblet d’Alviella is a representation of Apollo, from a vase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna; on the middle of Apollo’s breast there is a large and prominent swastika. In other words, the Greeks, like the Brahmins, regarded their sun god Helios, or Apollo as a chakravartin, the sun god as supreme ruler who ruled the four quarters of the world. According to quite a few websites this god failed NASA miserably; he never landed on the moon. Rather he was faking the whole show in a secret military base in the Nevada desert, the so-called area 51. On the chest of a giant Buddha Statue in Hong Kong a left-angled swastika is displayed proclaiming that the world is in the process of dissolution…Swastika was believed by the Hindus to be the heart of Buddha.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
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