The now lost portion of the fifth book of Tacitus' Historiae, currently known as Fragment 2 was preserved by the Christian historian Sulpicius Severus in his Chronica 2.30.6-7 (ca. 400-403 CE). This fragment gives the details of the debate within a high-level military council of war called by the Roman army commander Titus just prior to the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in Jerusalem in 70, near the end of the first Jewish revolt against Rome. The debate was over whether or not the Roman army should destroy the Temple.
It is reported that Titus first deliberated, by summoning a council of war, as to whether to destroy a Temple of such workmanship. For it seemed proper to some that a consecrated Temple, distinguished above all that is human, should not be destroyed, as it would serve as a witness to Roman moderation; whereas its destruction would represent a perpetual brand of cruelty.
But others, on the contrary, disagreed - including Titus himself. They argued that the destruction of the Temple was a number one priority in order to destroy completely the religion. For although these religions of the Jews and the Christiani (or superstitiones, as the Romans called alien religious beliefs) are conflicting, they nevertheless developed from the same origins. The Christiani arose from the Jews: With the root removed, the branch [stirps] is easily killed.
In recent projects, R. Dawkins proclaims that his agenda is destruction of religion (similar agenda was expressed by the ultimate Marxist minstrel John Lennon in his song Imagine).
Reading his invectives addressed to the God of the Hebrew Bible, one has impression that the royal scientist sleeps with Tom Paine's The Age of Reason under his bed pillow. R. Dawkins's train of thought doesn't differ much from I. Kant's negative opinion about Judaism which was supposed to justify his radical demand of “the euthanasia of Judaism” which was almost realized in A. Hitler's death camps:
“While it might be possible to imagine individual Jews becoming brothers and sisters in a universal moral religion, it is hard to imagine Judaism itself being reformed in this direction without ceasing to be Judaism. Kant could see no alternative but the disappearance of this messianic faith, which he considered a throwback to a pre-moral age of humanity. He called this historical process, in a singularly unhappy phrase, 'the euthanasia of Judaism.” (Mark Lilla, The Stillborn God. 2007:157)
The distorted images and myths about Jews have been culturally handed down from generation to generation. We know how prevalent they are - the Jewish jokes so-called and the caricatures. In British Columbia during the Lebanese crisis, a newspaper in northern B.C. published a so-called cartoon that showed Begin nailing Lebanon to a cross. A North American production, the American Nazi Party, shows a caricature of a number of people with big noses lined up for a shower. It said, "The only good Jew is a clean Jew. We are back - The American Nazi Party." This is a reprint of a flyer distributed by Neo-Nazis in the mid-U.S. In Psalm 74:8 Israel's enemies make another statement: "They said in their heart, `Let us destroy them altogether. They have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land." Israel's enemies did not succeed: Hitler blew his brains out, and Mussolini was hung by the mob. "I will curse those who curse you Abraham."
Indeed, countless cults, states, empires withered like grass; books by the millions are in the graves; “But the Word of God shall stand for ever”. In moments of great crisis they all fail – priests, philosophers, scientists – the prophets alone prevail. “No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own spiritual capacity than his insensitiveness to the Bible. “A ship which looms large in the river seems tiny when on the ocean.” The Greatness of the bible becomes more manifest when studied within the framework of universal history, and its majesty increases with the reader's familiarity.” A.J. Heschel, A Philosophy of Judaism, 1976:243)
Heinrich Heine observed that, Pantheism is a hidden religion of Germany. He was wrong in limiting this pseudo-religion to Germany only. Heliocentrism belongs to the philosophical category called panentheism, i.e. pantheism pushed to an extreme, which sees the cosmos as contained within God, who remains greater than it. The gist of panentheism was expressed by Epimenides (6th century BCE) in a line of his Hymn to Zeus:
“For in thee we live and move and have our being.”
This line was was quoted approvingly by Paul of Tarsus at Acts 17:28 and Titus 1:12. Let me remind here that the Seleucid king Antiochus IV went to war with Alexander's heir in Egypt, Ptolemy VI, and captured Jerusalem. He then proceeded to force the Jews to Hellenize, rededicating the Temple to Zeus (not by chance, on December 25, which, since 354, became the birthday date of the Christian Savior) and insisting that the Jews accept Zeus as Yahweh. Paul's “Christianity” was inspired by this policy; he found a niche for Zeus in the New Testament.
Obviously, as a heliocentrist I. Newton was a pantheist too:In his Principia he based all his speculations upon the "soul of the world," the great universal, magnetic agent, which he called the divine sensorium: "Here the question is of a very subtile spirit which penetrates through all, even the hardest bodies, and which is concealed in their substance. Through the strength and activity of this spirit, bodies attract each other, and adhere together when brought into contact. Through it, electrical bodies operate at the remotest distance, as well as near at hand, attracting and repelling; through this spirit the light also flows, and is refracted and reflected, and warms bodies. All senses are excited by this spirit, and through it the animals move their limbs. But these things cannot be explained in few words, and we have not yet sufficient experience to determine fully the laws by which this universal spirit operates." In the final analysis all motion in the universe is dependent on the activity of a World Soul. In his article De Aere et Aethere Newton identified this spirit with the spiritual body of Jesus Christ.
Since the Nicene Council Jesus became consubstantial i.e. of the same substance as God the Father.
Philosophy is all about questioning the gods' powers over the world and trying to identify a single, natural substance: fire, water, earth, or air, as the primary material of the cosmos. The cosmos of philosophy is all matter in various stages of self-organization. Matter, aliens and huris belong together. Big Bang's expansions and contractions were anticipated by Heraclitus, the greatest pyromaniac of all ages in his Fragment 40.
From the linguistic coincidence that fleece in German (Vliess) is cognate with the verb fliessen, “to flow”, Fictuld draws the conclusion that the Golden Fleece symbolizes philosophical gold, a liquid fiery substance said to flow from the planetary spheres. The substance was also known as the essence of the anima mundi, or soul of the world, supporting the general phenomenon of growth and the infinite potential for life. The Greek name Hermes is taken from an ancient root, herm (cp. Harm al-Sharif), which means the active, or positive, radiant, principle of nature; sometimes translated as “vitality” or “generative force”; and known to ancient freemasonry – or the sons of light, the free “macon” – as “the cosmic fire”, Hiram, and later as Hiram Abif.
In Nicea the personal God of the Bible YHWH was transformed into impersonal energy (Brahma) of the Aryan solar system in which the fundamental Law proclaims that the central point from which all emerged, around and toward which all gravitates, and upon which is hung the philosophy of the rest, is the One homogeneous divine SUBSTANCE-PRINCIPLE, the one radical cause. What was started at the Church Council at Nicea in 325 CE was duly completed in the concentration camps and crematories of Christian Germany where six million Jews perished.” In scientific pantheism science and religion are one.
In a noted address delivered before the 38th Congress of German naturalists at Stettin in 1863, Haeckel offered what could be considered a semi-official manifesto of the Darwinian movement in Germany. In his remarks he proposed not only that evolutionary theory should become the foundation of the science of biology but that its meaning could be extended to a whole new cosmic philosophy that would solve the problems of science as well as reveal the true nature of human history and social institution.
Going much beyond Darwin himself, to define a universal Monist philosophy and a secular religion and aesthetics rooted in evolutionary science that would encompass the laws governing nature, history, and society, and that be replacing the values of the civilization that had been constructed on the foundations of the Judeo-Christian tradition; scientific monism would serve as a basis of the revolutionary transformation of all individual human as well as social existence. R. Dawkins is his apostle in the post-Nazi world.
Haeckelian Monism arrived at the startlingly original and ultimately highly devastating conclusion that virtually all of Western History, the proud edifice of Western Civilization itself, had been, over the course of time, nothing more than an unfortunate error, and that especially for the two millenia that had elapsed since the birth of Christianity, the evolution of Western society and culture had for the most part exemplified a woeful tale of accelerating decadence and decline instigated by the influence of dualistic religious and cultural values – the Haeckelian laying down the gauntlet, in other words, to the self-confidence of European civilization, directly challenging the almost universally held opinion that the history of the West epitomized an impressive legacy of intellectual and cultural achievements that symbolized the triumph of the human spirit. In other words, Haeckel, like Gibbon extolled the virtues of Rome's natural Religion over the moral commandments of the Jewish Torah. Exactly, like R. Dawkins does. (Daniel Gasman, Haeckel's Monism and the Birth of Fascist Ideology.1998, passim)
Gore Vidal, one of the Kennedy clan observed in the spirit of this monist philosophy: Unfortunately, the recent discovery that the sky-god, in his capacity as realtor, had given the Jews, in perpetuity some parcel of unattractive land called Judea and Samaria, has unhinged many of them. I hope this is temporary.
According to Israel Insider on October 29, 2008 at 11:00pm the presidential hopeful B. Obama said at the Rashid Khalidi farewell bash: "Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine" plus there's been "genocide against the Palestinian people by Israelis."
On Saturday, 15 May 2010, Al-Arabiya reported that former Saudi intelligence chief Prince Turki al-Faisal speaking in the name of the Arab world “has given President Obama until September to get things done. He told an audience of businessmen, journalists and diplomats:
"It is not enough to talk the talk. He has to walk the walk," he said. If he does not succeed ... then I ask President Obama to do the morally decent gesture and recognize the Palestinian state that he so ardently wishes to exist. He can then pack up and leave us in peace and let the Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese negotiate directly with the Israelis. No more platitudes and good wishes and visions, please. Five days earlier Al-Arabiya published an article titled Was Israel ever Legitimate?
This ultimatum is self-explanatory, especially in the light of what reported on August 3, 2009: “He (Barack Obama) sent his no. 2 woman at the White House, Valerie Jarrett, to speak at the racist hate-fest staged over the Fourth of July weekend by the Islamic Society of North America, an unindicted co-conspirator in a case involving the funding of the Hamas terror group. At the ISNA conference, pure hate speech and Islamic anti-Semitism were promoted, and the Obama administration was there.”
Two revealing facts should be reminded in this context: On 26 August 2006 Rice pledged speedy resumption of military aid to Hizballah and on July 25, 2008 avideditor reported: OBAMA will not try to prevent another Holocaust
On May 13, 2010 an author writing in the former organ of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party Pravda observed: “It is clear that the measures, which are now being taken to lock the broken pipe, will not bring any result in the nearest future. The pressure of crude and gas is too high, it goes about hundreds of atmospheres. They now hope to contain the leak with the help of steel and concrete domes, but the hopes for that are tiny. It will be extremely difficult to mount the dome: the depth of the gulf is about 1.5 kilometers, and the “orifice” is small. It is impossible to find out what it looks like after the explosion. Crude is supposed to be pumped from the dome to the tanker on the surface of the gulf along a special pipe. “
It is practically impossible to block the leaking well. There are neither specific technical possibilities for that, nor any methods to liquidate such oil-well flowing.
Seven dolphins and over 117 turtles have been washed up dead over the last two weeks on the shores of Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama. While there is no evidence as yet that they are linked to the BP Deepwater disaster, the coincidence is very great.
Should the oil spill prove to be the cause, this could be the tip of the iceberg, especially for the turtle because the five species of sea turtle that inhabit this area are all endangered species.
A Polish proverb says, Without God's help you won't reach even the threshold of your house. Well, keep in mind what the Daily News reported about one of the presidents of the Might Superpower USA: “The Great Communicator is silent now. Robbed of his mind by Alzheimer's disease, Ronald Reagan no longer dress himself, feed himself or speak. He rarely gets out of his bed except to be propped in a wheelchair.” (Daily News, December 4, 2003)
Upon thy walls, O Jerusalem,
I have set watchmen,
All the day and all the night
They shall never be silent.
Ye that are the Lord's remembrancers,
Take no rest,
And give Him no rest
Till He establishes Jerusalem,
And makes it a praise in the earth. -Is 62:6-7
Monday, May 17, 2010
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