Rome was determined to exclude the Jews from the land of Judah, which by now was desolate of its sons. Even in the Galil the Gentiles had become very numerous. The old order, wherein Israel had been a people on its own land, was rapidly vanishing. In a few generations the entire Jewish community in the land of Israel would be destroyed, and the center of the Torah would shift to the far-off Bavel. This ancient Roman policy inspires the present political initiatives to prevent the Jews from settling in their God-given homeland. Keep in mind, emperor Hadrian burned a Torah Scroll on the ruins of the Jerusalem temple.
Fish Symbol was used as a derogatory slur against "Messiah" in conjunction with using the word "christos" as a mockery of "Messiah." Originally used as a symbol for the Babylonian fish-deity "Dagon" labeled with the phrase that made up the mystical name of "ICTHUS" which was one of the names of the Greek/Roman Sun-god called "Bacchus/Dionysus/Tammuz,"
The five Greek letters of "ICTHUS" mean "Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter" translated as "Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior" and reverenced by the Roman Catholic Church. "Iesous" is the name adapted from the name of the Greek goddess of healing "Iesos/Iaso," the daughter of Apollo, the Sun-deity linked to the Egyptian goddess "Isis" who had a son "Isu."
The first commandment the Jews were given as a people is the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon: “And God said to the land of Egypt ... This month is for you, the head of the months. First it is for you among the months of the year.” - Ex 12:1-2
This is a strange first commandment. You'd think the development of the calendar would only come after the establishment of the basic fundamentals like the Ten Commandments. And yet the Torah considers the process of establishing the new month as a major breakthrough in creating a nation. And what was wrong with the solar calendar that everyone else had been using? What is the significance of basing the Jewish calendar on the moon? Here is why.
Franz Cumont in his Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans wrote: “From astronomical speculations the Chaldeans had deduced a whole system of religious dogmas. The sun, set in the midst of the superimposed planets, regulates their harmonious movements. As its heat impels them forward, then draws them back, it is constantly influencing, according to its various aspects, the direction of their course and their action upon the earth. Fiery heart of the world, it vivifies the whole of this great organism, and as the stars obey its command, it reigns supreme over the universe. The radiance of its splendor illuminates the divine immensity of the heavens, but at the same time in its brilliance there is intelligence; it is the origin of all reason, and, as a tireless sower it scatters unceasingly on the world below the seeds of a harvest of souls. Our brief life is but a particular form of the universal life…This “theology”, gradually, imposed on mankind the cult of the “Invincible Sun” as the master of all nature, creator and preserver of men.” By the First Century, the mystery religions of the Babylonians were centered primarily in Rome! Early records mention this transference of pagan religion from Asia right to the city of Rome. The First Century book by Virgil, The Aenid, in Imperial times became a type of Roman "Bible." It gives the story of one Aeneas who wandered away from Asia right after the Trojan War and settled in Italy. Prudentius, an ancient Roman himself, says that there wasn’t a single pagan deity that did not in the end find its headquarters at Rome. Now, this Babylonian god, known in Greece as "the sin-bearer,"
Baal, Bel, Babylon are all interrelated words pertaining to chief Sun-deities of pagan Sun-worship. Baal, exactly like Jupiter, means to "shine," also used for "Lord/husband." Bel is another name for Satan. Babylon was the ancient Canaanite city where Sun-worship began and from there spread to all ancient cultures of the world and remains in the world today as the counterfeit religion of Satan under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church and its off-shoot religions (daughters) including Christianity. SIMON MAGUS, a Samaritan sorcerer was the one bringing "Christianity" to Rome in the guise of the old Babylonian mystery religions.
* Hosea 2:17 states, "I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her lips, no longer will their names be invoked," (NIV). In the Bible the "wise king Solomon" is portrayed as "whoring after" the Tyrian fire and sun god Moloch/Molech/Baal. In Jeremiah 19:5-6 we read, “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal which I commended not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: Therefore.... this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter.”
The Kaaba~Mecca~Muslim~Shiva~Satan~CONNECTED ... Feb 20, 2011 - 7 min - Uploaded by BannednFlagged
if u say palestinian baal is similar to shiva,i have been to baal beck which is in lebanon...baal was worshipped yes but he was a …
Watching this video keep in mind, that the word ‘ALLAH’ itself is Sanskrit. In Sanskrit
language Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess or mother. The term ‘ALLAH’
forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and
Mahishasurmardini. The Islamic word for God is., therefore, not an innovation but the ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. Allah means mother or goddess and mother goddess.
The logo of the Polish church radio station named Maryja after the Virgin Mary shows Mary with Jesus in the middle of Copernicus's concentric circles, in perfect harmony with Allah-Durga-Bhavani-Chandi and, last but not the least, with Virgil's Virgin giving birth to the “boy” who was expected to introduce Saturnia Regna i.e. the era, or New Global Order of peace and communism. (See, The Manchurian President) The ancient name of Rome was Saturnia, the city of Saturn. Saturn was the “father of gods”, also called the Father of Zeus (Jupiter) Saturn was also known as Kronos and he was known as the first King of Babylon. Hislop in his The Two Babylons quotes Eusebius who stated that “Saturn or Belus was the first king of Baylon.
The Greek sun god Zeus was the god Paul worshiped: "For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, ‘For we are also his progeny.’"(Acts 17:28)
Please note the Stoic Pantheists that Paul quotes from:
(Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus) "For we are Thy offspring, taking the image only of Thy voice, as many mortal things as live and move upon the earth." (Aratus' Phænomena 'Natural Appearances') "For every street, every market-place is full of Zeus. Even the sea and the harbour are full of this deity. Everywhere everyone is indebted to Zeus. For we are indeed his offspring."
Who appeared on the Road to Damascus: Jesus or Dionysus?
“At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining around me... And when we were all fallen to the earth I heard a voice speaking unto is hard to kick against the goads” (KJV Acts 26:13-14). In Euripides the persecuted god is Dionysus, and his persecutor is Pentheus, king of Thebes. Just like Jesus, Dionysus calls his persecutor to account: “You disregard my words of warning ... and kick against necessity (literally 'against the goads') a man defying god”.The only peculiar thing is that Jesus should quote a Greek proverb to Paul while speaking Aramaic (“in the Hebrew language”) (Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Putting away Childish Things. . HarperSanFrancisko 1994, p. 163)
Zeus is Michelangelo's God in the Sistine Chapel:
CREATION OF MAN II STATUE FIGURINE ~ Museum Replicas - Greek Mythology collectibles
A few lines from M. Capella’s Ode to the Sun found in his general compilation of scientific knowledge entitled The Marriage of Mercury and Philology (De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuri) unveils the religion hidden behind the solar calendar:
“Latium invokes thee, Sol, because thou alone art in honor, after the Father*, the centre of light; and they affirm that thy sacred head bears a golden brightness in twelve rays, because thou formest that number of months and that number of hours.” *That explains the title of book Jesus, the Sun of God by David Fiedeler.
M. Capella's book De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercuri is highly praised in Copernicus' book because Copernicus, like M. Capella, believed that the sun is a god. Copernicus's sun god is Dante Aligheri's “Jove crucified for mankind”. And Jove/Jupiter was the god of Virgil's heliocentric system presented in his Georgica: Quid faciat laetas segetes, quo sidere terram vertere- Maecenas, ulmisque vitis conveniat (Virgil Georgica, 1-2;1-4)
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeus pater) which wheel around.” (De revol. bk.2, 10) Pythagoras likened the universe to the family sired by the sun god.
The AIDS Epidemic Confirms the Truth of the Revealed Torah
Encyclopedia Britannica calls Moses “This former stammering murderer”* because he dared to kill a sadistic slave master thus preventing a senseless murder of a helpless human being. But can a slave be considered a human being in the context of Malthus's Essay on Population? Prophet Isaiah disagrees with the editors of EB: “For with stammering lips and with a strange tongue shall it (knowledge) be spoken to this people.” (Is 28:11-12) Because as professor Jacob Needleman observed in his book What is God (p. 185): “One cannot think about God in the same way that one thinks about scientific problems, psychological theories, or logical proofs.” Because as the same prophet Isaiah teaches: “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Is 55:8-9) Prof. Christopher Hitchens describes the authors of the Bible as “crude, uncultured human mamals” (102). Please note the solar cross on the British flag.
56.000 new AIDS infections every year in USA alone
Whereas the gods of Olympus, including the sun god, Apollo, tirelessly pursued beautiful boys, like Ganymede or women, the God of Sinai watched over widows and orphans. R. Ingersoll charged Moses with vulgarity (!) and thundered that the Bible “has made colleges and universities the teachers of error and the haters of science.” At the same time Rudolph Virchow known as the father of Modern Pathology insisted, “Moses was the greatest hygienist the world has seen; he taught in its essentials nearly every principle of hygiene now practiced.” He knew that fecal matter may be deadly and that explains his harsh laws against homosexual practices. It is not a question of freedom, but of social hygiene! Nobody lives separated from other members of a society. How is AIDS, in social interactions, different from tuberculosis?
And consider the feeling of moral superiority of the editors of the EB in the context of well-known historical fact:
“London Foundling Hospital, which after open admissions in 1756 was to accept some 15,000 children over the next 4 years, was called by one of its governors a “slaughterhouse of infants” because the mortality there was nearly equal to its admissions. The physician W.B. Ryan wrote in 1862 that not only is infanticide not considered by the general public “in the same light” as other murders, but there is no other crime that “meets with so much sympathy.” The British Malthusians taught the world how to feel sympathy for “slaughterhouses of infants.”
The Malthusian-Darwinian “Ten Commandments”
Inspired by the gloomy Report of Rome, a man who identified himself as Mr. R. C. Christian, a pseudonym with symbolic meaning,built in Georgia a huge monument known now as The Georgia Guidestones warning the world population that scarce resources of the earth can support no more than 500.000.000 people and thus suggesting unavoidable mass extermination of people. This seems to be the only logical conclusion if you reject the God of the Bible who creates and maintains the world and who promised to Abraham as many people as the stars in heaven. The apostle of the Gentiles Paul rejected the Law and proclaimed instead the Gentile Christianity advertised now by an official Vatican publication, Guide to the Vatican Museums (Gestione Vendita Publicazioni Musei Vaticani, Citta del Vaticano. 1979)
“On your journey to the grave did you walk, did you talk with the Lord”?
The Afghan Crucifix which Restores Yahshua to his People
The Roman persecution was so intense that Rabbi Akiva had to go to Babylon to declare a leap-year (Mishna: Yevamos 122A), Because this was at that time not possible to do in any land under Roman domination (this was before Trajan conquered Babylon in the year 115 CE). And for that “crime” Rabbi Akiva was also crucified; he offended the official Roman sun god Sol Invictus. Tyndale who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English was imprisoned near Brussels and interrogated by theologians from Louvain; he was garroted and his corpse burnt in October 1536. "The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space, an undesirable form which must some day disappear." - Alice Bailey. It's not quite comfortable to be a Torah Jew these days... It never was in the Holy Roman Empire.
Cross was used as a symbol of the Babylonian/Chaldean Sun-god, the mystical "Tau." The original form of the "T" became the emblem of the Greek/Roman Sun-god "Tammuz."
Surprised by the star behind Yahshua's head on the disc of the moon? Don't be. The Russian Professor of astronomy A.B. Arkhipov in his book Nyerazgadannye Tainy Vsyelennoy (The Unsolved Secrets of the Universe) published in Moscow (2004 ISBN 5-94538-446-1) among the lunar marvels mentions the following astronomical events described in ancient chronicles:
1048 The Armenian Chronicle of Etaum Patmich of the 13th century reads: “In that year, on May 14, in the early night during the New Moon a star was visible on the disc of the Moon. According to Armenian astronomers Barsegyan and Parsamyan an attempt to identify this star with the supernova of 1054 means stretching the truth.
1064 “In those days a star of unusual brightness appeared within the circle of the moon after a few days following her moving away from the sun. J. Malvesius Chronicon (Muratori L.A. Retum Italicarium scriptores. Lib. 14. Milan, 1729, p. 873)
W.S. Cameron's Lunar transient phenomena catalog (NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 78-03, Greenbelt: NASA, 1978, p. 109) mentions that on March 5, 1587 many people saw a star within the circle of the Moon “exactly between the edges of her horns,” and a similar event as depicted by the pre-Columbian astronomers of Peru.
Cultural blindspots prevent people from seeing things that are perfectly obvious in other cultures. Furthermore, even within a culture that is capable of perceiving something, individuals usually cannot see things until they are educated to them Exactly, like Moses was educating his people by giving them the ordinance to look out for the New Moons.
And God said: 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years...(Gen 1:14)
So try it for yourself and you'll see with your naked eyes. You'll see the blue sky through the “cutout” of the new moon, and sometimes the black part of it, which, obviously blocks the view of the blue sky, but not always, contrary to Galileo's claim. And then, you will be bound to ask yourself the question, is Venus a body too if I can see blue sky through the cutout of its crescent. And then, maybe, you will admit that the earth created by G-d as our homeland is totally unique in the Universe. Exactly, like the Torah claims. Everything up there is to remind us of times, and seasons, and years and of other events important for our lives. Because it is us who pass away not time; we will pass away even in rockets speeding as fast as light.
Copernicus Recanted his Pagan Solar Religion
A portrait of repenting Copernicus from E. Reinhold collection has Copernicus saying: My hope is in God Jesus and the caption reads: Dominus Nicolaus Copernicus, sacerdos (priest) and canonicus (canon)
Reinhold catalogued a large number of stars. His publications on astronomy include a commentary (1542, 1553) on Georg Purbach's Theoricae novae planetarum. Reinhold knew about Copernicus and his heliocentric ideas prior to the publication of De revolutionibis and made a favourable reference to him in his commentary on Purbach. However, Reinhold (like other astronomers before Kepler and Galileo) translated Copernicus' mathematical methods back into a geocentric system, rejecting heliocentric cosmology on physical and theological grounds.
Click to see such an extraordinary Torah Moon with three stars visible through its “body”
Thursday, October 27, 2011
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