Yeshua vs. the Counterfeit Christianity
Ben Ish Hai Torah Coming to Israel
A 400 year Sefer Torah once possessed by the Ben Ish Hai is leaving Iraq for Israel - with covert US military help.
Early records mention the transference of pagan religion from Asia right to the city of Rome. The First Century book by Virgil, The Aeneid, in imperial times became a type of Roman "Bible." Prudentius, an ancient Roman himself, says that there wasn’t a single pagan deity that did not in the end find its headquarters at Rome. Now, this Babylonian god, known in Greece as "the sin-bearer...” "When Attalus III, the Priest-King of the Chaldean Hierarchy, fled before the conquering Persians to Pergamos, and settled there, Satan shifted his capital from Babylon to Pergamos.Furthermore, Dispensational Truth by Larkin says that this same Attalus, "the Pontiff and King of Pergamos, died in 133 B.C. [and] bequeathed the headship of the "Babylonian Priesthood" to Rome...In B.C. 63 Caesar was made "Supreme Pontiff" of the Babylonian Order, thus becoming heir to the rights and titles of Attalus, Pontiff of Pergamos, who had made Rome his heir by will (testamentum)...So in AD 378 the Head of the "Babylonian Order" became the Ruler of the "Roman Church. Friedrich Delitzsch's famous lecture Babel und Bibel (1902) launched an attack on the original an inspired character of the OT books. He was an originator of Panbabylonism i.e. a theory of interpretation of history that claimed to find traces of an essential Babylonian influence in all the cultures and religions of the world. In the Assyrian inscriptions we find recorded the Chaldeo-Babylonian idea of an evolution of the universe out of the primeval flood or "great deep," and of the animal creation out of the earth and sea. Tammuz in his original Sumerian pronounciation: Dumu-zi-abzu means faithful son of the Ocean Cp. Darwin's idea of “the little, warm pond”)
The author of the Book of Revelation calls Pergamos Satan's Seat and warns: “Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.” (2:16)
The Babylonian 'III Reich' was again crushing the peoples under her foot (Rev. 17:5)
Here is a picture of a picture of the platform where Hitler gave this speech. It was modeled after the Pergamon altar, a famous cultic altar from Satan's Seat.
Nuremberg 1945
Der Untergang der DDR (Teil 1) or Lo' yanum Shomer Israel
Baal, Bel, Babylon are all interrelated words pertaining to chief Sun-deities of pagan Sun-worship. Baal, exactly like Jupiter, means to "shine," also used for "Lord/husband." Bel is another name for Satan (Bel was the Father-God of the Phoenicians). He was represented on a Phoenician altar of about the fourth century B.C. as God of the Sun, having a rayed halo around his head). Babylon was the ancient Canaanite city where Sun-worship began and from there spread to all ancient cultures of the world and remains in the world today as the counterfeit religion of Satan under the guise of the Roman Catholic Church and its off-shoot religions (daughters) including Christianity. SIMON MAGUS, a Samaritan sorcerer was the one bringing "Christianity" to Rome in the guise of the old Babylonian mystery religions. A votive offering was found near Numidia in 1833. It represented a man surrounded with a wreath of beams, with both arms stretched out and holding a branch in each hand, thus representing a perfect cross. Below him was this surprising Latin inscription, which reads as translated by Gesenius, "To the Lord Baal, the Solar King eternal, who has heard prayers." In the ancient Latin version, is written: "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Hely, Hely lama zabacthani". Here is obvious that he was referring to Hely/Helios = Sun.
* Hosea 2:17 states, "I will remove the names of the Ba'als from her lips, no longer will their names be invoked," (NIV). In the Bible the "wise king Solomon" is portrayed as "whoring after" the Tyrian fire and sun god Moloch/Molech/Baal. In Jeremiah 19:5-6 we read, “They have built also the high places of Baal, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings unto Baal which I commended not, nor spake it, neither came it into my mind: Therefore.... this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter.”
The swastika, the Phoenician sun symbol, on the Phoenician Craig-Narget stone in Scotland and, on the robe of a Phoenician High Priestess. In Zoroastrian Persia, the swastika symbolized the revolving sun (Garduneh-e Khorshid), Mithra's Wheel (Garduneh-e Mehr), fire, infinity, or continuing recreation (Gr. anakuklesis). A Roman bas-relief shows the winged-god Summanus gazing into the heights of the sky, probably at the sun, with his left hand raised as for a salute or for a prayer.His right hand is bent downwards, making, together with his left hand, a Swastika-like sign, which was a symbol of the sun .
Yeshua vs The Babylonian Brotherhood
But Jesus answered to the Pharisees, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign; but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah” Mt 12: 38-39). The city of Nineveh, to which God sent Jonah, represented the quintessence of Babylonian solar paganism and the hostility to Judaism and the Jewish people...Yet in the Book of Jonah, we find God demanding that his servant Jonah go preach to the greatest of the persecuting enemies of the Hebrew people.
The same statement was included in Luke 11;29, followed in the next verse by an explanation (“For as Jonah became a sign to the men of Nineve, so will the son of man be to this generation”) Soon thousands of the pagans will be hearing the word of God and accepting it, even at Rome (the new Nineveh), the city that persecuted the Christians.. And the pagans had heard and accepted the word of god, just as it had been prophesied in the book of Jonah that they would. For any Jew, the preaching of the word of God to any non-Jew heralded nothing else but a (geocentric) revolution. It was more than a revolution, it was a new stage in the history of creation.
Rome was determined to exclude the Jews from the land of Judah, which by now was desolate of its sons. Even in the Galil the Gentiles had become very numerous. The old order, wherein Israel had been a people on its own land, was rapidly vanishing. In a few generations the entire Jewish community in the land of Israel would be destroyed, and the center of the Torah would shift to the far-off Bavel. This ancient Roman policy inspires the present political initiatives to prevent the Jews from settling in their God-given homeland. Keep in mind, emperor Hadrian ("may his bones be crushed") burned a Torah Scroll on the ruins of the Jerusalem temple .
The Greek sun god Zeus/Baal was the god Paul worshiped: "For by him we have life and move and exist, even as certain ones of the poets among YOU have said, ‘For we are also his progeny.’"(Acts 17:28). "There will be some men or other, superstitious and blind, who see life plain in even the lowest animals and the meanest plants, but do not see life in the heavens or the world [...] Now if those little men grant life to the smallest particles of the world, what folly! what envy! neither to know that the Whole, in which 'we live and move and have our being,' is itself alive, nor to wish this to be so."
See Europe impregnated by Zeus-bull (In Ramayana, the Hindu epic poem it is Hanuman the monkey-god who is progenitor of the Europeans):
Please note the Stoic Pantheists that Paul quotes from:
(Cleanthes' Hymn to Zeus) "For we are Thy offspring, taking the image only of Thy voice, as many mortal things as live and move upon the earth." (Aratus' Phænomena 'Natural Appearances') "For every street, every market-place is full of Zeus. Even the sea and the harbour are full of this deity. Everywhere everyone is indebted to Zeus. For we are indeed his offspring."
Who appeared on the Road to Damascus: Jesus or Dionysus?
“At midday, O king, I saw in the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining around me... And when we were all fallen to the earth I heard a voice speaking unto is hard to kick against the goads” (KJV Acts 26:13-14). In Euripides the persecuted god is Dionysus, and his persecutor is Pentheus, king of Thebes. Just like Jesus, Dionysus calls his persecutor to account: “You disregard my words of warning ... and kick against necessity (literally 'against the goads') a man defying god”.The only peculiar thing is that Jesus should quote a Greek proverb to Paul while speaking Aramaic (“in the Hebrew language”) (Uta Ranke-Heinemann, Putting away Childish Things. . HarperSanFrancisko 1994, p. 163)
From Solar Zeus to Solar Allah
Disappointed when the Jews did not acknowledge his leadership, Mohammed turned against them and invoked Hanifism, the supposedly uncorrupted religion of Abraham, against them According to one tradition, in this “uncorrupted religion” Abraham went through with the sacrifice of his son. In other words Hanifism turned Abraham's God into the blood-thirst sun god Baal, to whom the Canaanites sacrificed their children. Paul said very specifically that the heirs of Abraham were the Gentiles, and for them he turned Yeshua into a pharmakos of immortality.
“Pauline anti-Judaism does not arise as the left hand of his christology, but rather as a right-handed spear aimed straight at the heart of Judaism, viz. Torah. The common understanding of Paul's relation to Judaism in the most Christian circles is the complete elimination of an Israel faithful to the Torah...According to the most universal interpretation of Paul...wittingly or unwittingly, his theology has become a major source of Christian anti-Judaism. Paul’s lip service to brotherly love was translated by his spiritual followers into vicious assaults on Jews.” (Lillian Feldmann, Anti-Semitism in the New Testament.1994, 214)
Zeus is Michelangelo's God in the Sistine Chapel, or Rome – the new Nineveh
Science is the ground on which Jews and Aryans are going to stake their final battle
Now, let us stand and sing our new national hymn: Jerusalem was dismantled here/ in England's green and pleasant land.
Israel!....Apartheid Nation!
(Jimmy said it....We agree.)
(Racist monkey-pigs of Judah
Must be driven in the sea!)
"War on Terror"?
That's a no-no...
We don't want, sir, to offend!
Assad, sir, we are so sorry...
We just want to be your friend!
Join us, please, and let's mend fences.
We'll restore your foreign aid....
We'll equip your "freedom fighters"
Until all the Jews are flayed.
We'll negotiate agreements...
With Mahmoud...we'll compromise!
And when Tel Aviv is rubble,
We will share the Nobel Prize!
Yudhishthira said, "Thou art, O sun, the eye of the universe. Thou art the soul of all corporeal existences. Thou art the origin of all things. Thou art the embodiment of the acts of all religious men. Thou art the refuge of those versed in the Sankhya philosophy (the mysteries of the soul), and thou art the support of the Yogins. Thou art a door unfastened with bolts. Thou art the refuge of those wishing for emancipation. Thou sustainest and discoverest the world, and sanctifiest and supportest it from pure compassion. Brahmanas (like Copernicus) versed in the Vedas appearing before thee, adore thee in due time, reciting the hymns from the respective branches (of the Vedas) they refer. Thou art the adored of the Rishis. The Siddhas, and the Charanas and the Gandharvas and the Yakshas, and the Guhyakas, and the Nagas, desirous of obtaining boons follow thy car coursing through the skies. The thirty-three gods with Upendra (Vishnu) and Mahendra, and the order of Vaimanikas have attained success by worshiping thee. By offering thee garlands of the celestial Mandaras 3 the best of the Vidyadharas have obtained all their desires. The Guhyas and the seven orders of the Pitris--both divine and human--have attained superiority by adoring thee alone. The Vasus, the Manilas, and the Rudras, the Sadhyas, the Marichipas, the Valikhilyas, and the Siddhas, have attained pre-eminence by bowing down unto thee. There is nothing that I know in the entire seven worlds, including that of Brahma which is beyond thee. There are other beings both great and endued with energy; but none of them hath thy lustre and energy. All light is in thee, indeed, thou art the lord of all light.” (Mahabharata, Section III, Prayer to the Sun) In the same third section of Mahabharata we find a passage referring to king Yudhishthira, son of Pandu, who after worshiping the sun while standing into the Ganges river, performed a miracle which resembles with Jesus' miracle of feeding 5000 people with 5 breads and 2 fishes, the food increasing and becoming inexhaustible.
Copernicus wrote: De revolutioniobus. bk.1,10
The lamp which became visible God
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeus pater) which wheel around.” Pythagoras likened the universe to the family sired by the sun god. In Rig Veda HYMN XXXVII,1-5 we find the sun god Surya portrayed as of Universe's law (Cp. Logos!). In the words of Copernicus’ English translator, Th. Digges, “the Sun, like a king in the middest of al raigneth and geeveth lawes of motion to ye rest.” Well, Jesus taught that his Church should keep the commandments of God (not of a sun god, i.e. Natural Laws): “If you want to enter into life: keep the commandments” (Matthew 19:17). Disregard for God's law would finally become the foundation of a popular successful counterfeit Christianity.
He basileia ton ouranon “the Kingdom of Heaven” signifies the effective sovereignty of YHWH over His creation
When pagans began to be admitted into the newly formed Christian communities, they had to renounce the religious homage paid to the sun, the stars and their, as it was believed, earthly incarnations, the emperors, or to the nation itself divinized as a goddess; they had to reject human sacrifices and other pagan customs. We have Sixty-Seven Scriptural References, Which Tell Us That It Is The Sun And Not The Earth That Moves, for instance: "The sun was risen upon the earth." (Gen. 19:23) and Yeshua himself did confirm the truth of the revealed, geocentric Lore: “: “For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until it is accomplished” (Mt 6:2, 6:5, and 6:16) But Jesus is no authority for the Polish Clergy; Copernicus, who “stopped the sun and moved the earth” is! They turned him into a real Brahmin who overruled the God of the Bible with his Aryan (German) magic. But here is the warning of the God of the Bible: “I am YHWH, that is my name; and my Glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who had sent me has eternal life. (John 5:25). There is no eternal life for heliocentrists, even though John Paul II rehabilitated Galileo.
The Vatican’s list of the 45 finest films ever made (1996) omitted The Ten Commandments but it did mention Ben-Hur (1959). Praising the Vatican’s choice the author of the script Gore Vidal said that “there was a homosexual subtext to the film of Ben-Hur.” According to Vidal, the Old Testament is “a barbaric Bronze Age text” i.e. ancient, not ‘modern!’
Prophet Isaiah warned: “I am the Lord that maketh all things, that stretched forth the heavens alone, that spreadeth the earth by myself. That frustrated the tokens of the liars (PM Berlusconi called Pope Benedict XVI 'a liar'), and maketh diviners mad, that turneth wise man backward and maketh their knowledge foolish.” (44:24-25). Here are the revealing words of Prophet Habakuk: “Look ye among the nations, and behold, and wonder marvellously; for, behold, a work shall be wrought in your days, which ye will not believe though it be told you.” (1:5)
"Imagination rules the world." - Napoleon
The Imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth (Gen 8:21)
He scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts (Lk 1:51)
Prof. S. Sambursky, a friend of Einstein's introduced Copernicus to the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities as “the man who initiated this era of modern the man who by the sheer force of imagination broke the chains of sense perception, the ingenious discoverer of a scientific truth involving one of the greatest revolutions in man's view of the world” (Proceedings of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, vol. V, No 11). YHWH will scatter the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
When a mathematician, like Copernicus, is tackling a physical problem, and comes across quantities which have no physical existence (like 'a point' for instance), he refers to them as imaginary. The word imaginary, meaning 'existing only in human imagination' has the same meaning as Copernicus' 'imaginary circles' ('circulos fingere') which he used to explain the movements of heavenly bodies. Similarly, Newton begins with a purely mathematical construct or imagined system – not merely a case of nature simplified but a wholly invented system of the sort that does not exist in the real world at all. Here by 'real' world is meant only the external world as revealed by experiment and observation. In this system or mental construct, a single mass-point moves about a center of force. In other words, a ghost orbiting another ghost. When a single mass-point explodes Father Lemaitre saw in his imagination Big Bang, i.e. the whole Universe emerging from a single point. The Hindu yogis call such a universe maya or delusion. It is the Helio-Science Delusion.
Like Theory, like People
Lethal Mix of AIDS and Alcoholism
See heliocentric logo of Komintern
Heliocententrism is an Atheist Doctrine
From Russia With Terror By: Jamie Glazov | Monday, March 01, 2004
Pacepa: The PLO was dreamt up by the KGB, which had a penchant for“liberation” organizations. There was the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, created by the KGB in 1964 with help from Ernesto “Che” Guevara. Then there was the National Liberation Army of Colombia, created by the KGB in 1965 with help from Fidel Castro, which was soon deeply involved in kidnappings, hijackings, bombings and guerrilla warfare. In later years the KGB also created the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which carried out numerous bombing attacks on the “Palestinian territories” occupied by Israel, and the “Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia,” created by the KGB in 1975, which organized numerous bombing attacks against US airline offices in Western Europe.
See, Arafat-Mona Lisa. Gen. Pacepa revealed in his Memoirs that Y. Arafat was a gay...
Speaking on the Jewish Channel, Newt Gingrich said, “Remember, there were—there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire” until the early twentieth century. “I think that we’ve had invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs, and who were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go many places, and for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel now since the nineteen-forties, and it’s tragic.”
In fact, even in 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here's what he said:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.”
Roma locuta: “Judaism is a corrupt and dying Religion”
The first commandment the Jews were given as a people is the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh, the New Moon: “And God said to the land of Egypt ... This month is for you, the head of the months. First it is for you among the months of the year.” - Ex 12:1-2 This is a strange first commandment. You'd think the development of the calendar would only come after the establishment of the basic fundamentals like the Ten Commandments. And yet the Torah considers the process of establishing the new month as a major breakthrough in creating a nation. And what was wrong with the solar calendar that everyone else had been using? What is the significance of basing the Jewish calendar on the moon?
Is It?
Paul Robeson – Let my people go
6-day war
The story of temptation of Christ on an “exeedingly High Mountian” (Mt 4:8) is a typical example of smuggling the perennial Roman heliocentrism into Christian lore. In Plutarch’s De Iside and Osiride we find a story that Akhenaten in his childhood had a dream: a god resembling the sun god Ra took him by his hand and from an exceeding high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and then said to him: All these things will I give to you, if you restore my rule. And Akhenaten, in a bloody revolution, did restore the rule of the sun god (heliocentrism). He built for his new god and for himself a new capital Akhetaton (presently known as El Amarna) and proclaimed the new divine rule Aton – a god of “social justice.” Jesus rejected the Devil/Zeus's offer: “Go away devil, Thou must worship YHWH your God.” Messengers are inferior to those who sent them and Jesus was the messenger of God: “What I {Jesus} speak, therefore, I speak just as the Father has told me.” (John 12:50 NRSV) “...the word that you hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me.” (John 14:24 NRSV) “Then Jesus answered them, ‘My teaching is not mine but his who sent me.’” (John 7:16 NRSV).Jesus is represented in Matthew as saying,' If any man therefore sets aside even the least of the Law's demands, and teaches others to do the same, he will have the lowest place in the kingdom of Heaven, whereas anyone who keeps the Law and teaches others so, will stand high in the kingdom of Heaven' (Mt 5:19)
In the Roman mythology we find also striking parallel to the story of temptation: Jupiter was led by Pan (the Devil) to the top of a mountain called the Pillar of Heaven whence he could see the countries of the world. Keep in mind that the Latin term orbis, actually means what Germans call Kreisscheibe i.e. a circle, a disk. (Urbi et Orbi). See Pan tempting Jupiter. Shiva is the Bacchus and Pan of the Greeks.
The Roman persecution was so intense that Rabbi Akiva had to go to Babylon to declare a leap-year (Mishna: Yevamos 122A), Because this was at that time not possible to do in any land under Roman domination (this was before Trajan conquered Babylon in the year 115 CE). And for that “crime” Rabbi Akiva was also crucified; he offended the official Roman sun god Sol Invictus. Tyndale who translated the Bible from Hebrew into English was imprisoned near Brussels and interrogated by theologians from Louvain; he was garroted and his corpse burnt in October 1536.
“Modern Science is only the capstone of a long philosophical maturation that includes evolutionists from Aristotle to Kant to Hegel, and their students from Pharaoh to Nero to Hitler.” (Stars and Idolatry)
The Moon is the former habitation of the stream of evolution now going on this earth. As a congeries of progressive beings, it is disintegrating; its higher beings and principles are now proceeding on this planet and constitute it as it now is. Yet the Moon as a decaying world still exists, as a corpse existrs after the departure of the living person who inhabited it. The corpse decays and the lives which compose it tend to separate and enter into their respective kingdoms...If we remember that the Moon represents the Kama Rupa, as well as the physical body of that planet, and apply what we know of the human corpses and Kama Rupas to it, we may obtain a better conception of the effects. (Robert Crosbie, The Ocean of Theosophy. 1974. 57)
"The moon, from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space, an undesirable form which must some day disappear." - (Alice Bailey or, a British Leni Riefenstahl). It's not quite comfortable to be a Torah Jew these days... It never was in the Holy Roman Empire.
Czars' Jesus (Issa) vs Yeshua
In 1894, the Russian war correspondent Nicolas Notovich published a travel book in French titled Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (La vie inconnue de Jesus-Christ) which was based on scrolls translated for him by the Buddhist monks in Leh, capital of the district of Ladakh on the border between India and Tibet, which was still a center of Tibetan Buddhism. It was here that Notovich learned that Jesus (called in the scrolls Saint Issa) had wandered to India and to Tibet, as . a young man before he began his work in 'Palestine'. According to the story Jesus met Jains, Brahmins, and Buddhists; he learned Pali and had studied the sacred writings of the Buddhists until he return ed to the West. Incidentally, Notovich's book coincided with Madame Blavatsky's correspondence through the air with hidden masters in Himalaya which was being reported in the world press. Let me point out that “the god Jaine” mentioned in the French text is simply a nonsense. The Jains, or Jainas, do not believe in any god at all, but in certain jinas (“conquerors” - Fatah means in Arabic conquest), who are enlightened spiritual leaders, like the Buddha himself.
The Aryan Decalogue, or “fleshy ordinances”
The gods generated the Divine Word (Brahman), the cow, the horse, the plants, the trees, the Earth, the mountains and the waters. Rising the Sun in Heaven, the bountiful gods released the Aryan laws over the world.RV. X.65.11- translation, Rajaram & Frawley (1997:63)
In the Kausitaki Upanishad, the Tibetan sun god Indra, incarnating the Absolute, boasts of his apparently wicked deeds and then addresses his worshippers: “Understand me as I am…with one who knows me, his world is injured by no deed whatsoever, not by the murder of his father, not by the murder of his mother, not by theft, not by the slaughter of an embryo (i.e. abortion). Whatever evil he does, he does not blanch. We also read in the Brhadarnyaka Upanishad: “He does not become greater by good action, nor inferior by bad action.” (The Eye of Shiva, 8) Buddha taught: “I've got children,” “I've got wealth.” This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself.
Yeshua condemned the replacing of God's commandments with traditions and human reason. Speaking to Pharisees, he said, 'For laying aside the commandments of God you hold to tradition of men...All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.” (Mk 7:8-9). the Apostles never regarded God's spiritual laws, summarized by the Ten Commandments, as being in the same category with “fleshy ordinances”. They always supported obedience to God's commandments.
Contrary to the Paul’s idea of being liberated from the Law, James calls God's commandments “royal law” and the “law of liberty” (James 2:8-12). God designed His law to guarantee freedom from the consequences of such evils as adultery, murder, theft, fraud and covetousness. John 8:34: “Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to in.”
Afghanistan vs. Panbabylonism
Cross was used as a symbol of the Babylonian/Chaldean Sun-god, the mystical "Tau." The original form of the "T" became the emblem of the Greek/Roman Sun-god "Tammuz."
And God said: 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years...(Gen 1:14)
So try it for yourself and you'll see with your naked eyes. You'll see the blue sky through the “cutout” of the new moon, and sometimes the black part of it, which, obviously blocks the view of the blue sky, but not always, contrary to Galileo's claim. And then, you will be bound to ask yourself the question, is Venus a body too if I can see blue sky through the cutout of its crescent. And then, maybe, you will admit that the earth created by G-d as our homeland is totally unique in the Universe. Exactly, like the Torah claims. Everything up there is to remind us of times, and seasons, and years and of other events important for our lives. Because it is us who pass away not time; we will pass away even in rockets speeding as fast as light.
Planet on the sky and two suns
Copernicus Recanted his Pagan Solar Religion
Truly, truly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who had sent me has eternal life. (John 5:25). Before his death Copernicus came to realize that belief in heliocentrism meant the loss of eternal life promised by Yeshua. So he recanted his Heliochristianity.
Irish embassy to the Vatican to be closed
Read more Run and Hide, Helioleftists! « Blogs 4 Brownback
Jacob Zuma Blames Christianity for Orphanages and Old Age Homes
Thursday, December 29, 2011
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I'm doing research on heliocentrism, and I've come to many of the same conclusions you have. A question: how do you think Coperniculs and Galileo arrived at the same theories as India's Vedic astronomers? Through the Pythagoreans? But the Pythagoreans weren't as detailed as Vedic astronomers. It's interesting that modern astronomy seems stolen from Vedic astronomy, as if priests doing drugs and meditation would magically know everything about the universe. I'm thinking our views of the universe are just images from someone's drug trip.