As a simple matter of fact, the ancients and medievals believed that the universe was larger that we can imagine, and that the Earth should be considered a mathematical point, infinitely small, within it. In the fourth century BC Aristotle, Eudoxus, and Calippus argued for a spherical Earth, and this was the consensus model thereafter. The significance of this is, as Van Helden argues, "One of the postulates of spherical astronomy is that the Earth can be considered a mere point in relation to the spheres of the heavenly bodies." This belief allowed them to assume "that the Sun's rays striking the Earth are parallel, even at locations far removed from each other" on the Earth's surface. Aristotle, for example, wrote in De Caelo 2:14 that "our observations of the stars make it evident, not only that the earth is circular, but also that it is a circle of no great size," pointing out that even a small change of location on Earth (from Greece to Cyprus to Egypt) results in different stars being seen. Others followed this belief, such as Eratosthenes (third century BC), Hipparchus (second century BC), and finally Ptolemy (second century AD) whose system became the accepted cosmological model in the Middle Ages. Ptolemy specifically wrote in Almagest 1:5 that, "The Earth, in relation to the distance of the fixed stars, has no appreciable size and must be treated as a mathematical point."
In 1876 a Bristol bookseller was arrested for selling obscene literature in the shape of The Fruits of Philosophy, a tract about the birth control. It claimed that working-class families could never be happy until they were able to decide how many children they wanted. A certain A. Besant who soon will become a dominant figure of the Theosophical Society became involved in the case when she drifted away from secularism to socialism. The book was reprinted several times in Britain and America since it first appearance in 1833. A. Besant's ties to theosophy which was considered a esoteric Buddhism explain her enthusiasm for the idea of birth control. Unlike Judaism which focuses on family life the Buddhist ideal is celibacy; the Buddhist glorifies the life of a monk. The Bible teaches. A. Besant was converted to Marxism b y W. Morris. In other words she became a Trojan horse to preach abortion to working class families.
And God blessed them (Adam and Eve),; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it...” As against that Buddha taught: “I've got children,” “I've got wealth.” This is the way a fool brings suffering on himself. Since time immemorial abortion was allowed by the Aryan religious tradition of India: In the Kausitaki Upanishad, the Tibetan sun god Indra, incarnating the Absolute, boasts of his apparently wicked deeds and then addresses his worshipers: “Understand me as I am…with one who knows me, his world is injured by no deed whatsoever, not by the murder of his father, not by the murder of his mother, not by theft, not by the slaughter of an embryo (i.e. Abortion).
Those who identify themselves with the religion of the New Age which is based on the teachings of the Russian foundress of Theosophy H.P. Blavatsky embrace the anti-family teachings of Buddhism and reject the moral teachings of the Bible as expressed in the Ten Commandment.
In April 1989, after the well-known American tycoon Ted Turner was given an award from the University of Texas as one of its most brilliant graduates, he gave a speech. These are some of the things that Ted Turner said: "Americans foolishly have been acting under a set of rules called the Ten Commandments. And America’s problem is that there is no amendment procedure for the Ten Commandments." So according to Turner we’re blocked in this old fashioned morality. We need another set of “moral” laws.
Ted Turner, of course, is a classic example of somebody who was raised in the evangelical Christian faith who has turned against it. Turner is convinced that the world’s population needs to be reduced by 90 percent, and he and his former wife Jane Fonda were making a major contribution to that. They had not produced one offspring. The Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of TM fame says, "There has not been and there will not be a place for the unfit. The fit will lead. If the unfit (In the New Agers' code it means the Jews) are not coming along, there is not place for them. Nonexistence of the unfit has been a law of nature."
Richard Weikart's in his book From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany. 2004 (paperback edition in 2005 with Palgrave Macmillan in New York, a major publisher of historical scholarship) explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. He demonstrates that many leading Darwinian biologists and social thinkers in Germany believed that Darwinism overturned traditional Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment ethics, especially those pertaining to the sacredness of human life. Many of these thinkers supported moral relativism, yet simultaneously exalted evolutionary "fitness" (especially in terms of intelligence and health) as the highest arbiter of morality. Weikart concludes that Darwinism played a key role not only in the rise of eugenics, but also in euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination, all ultimately embraced by the Nazis.
The postulated extermination of 90% of world population is simply unimaginable. The pseudo-scientific dogma inspired by Malthusian mathematics which has nothing to do with the reality of the world we live in can easily be rejected with the help of God's inspired teaching revealed in the Bible. Malthusia nism is scientifically bankrupt – all predictions made upon it have been wrong, because human beings are not mere consumers of resources. Rather we create resources by the development of new technologies; the more people the faster the rate of innovation. This is why, contrary to Malthus as the world's population has increased, the standard of livig has increased, at an accelerating rate. Nevertheless, in a closed society, Malthusianism has the appearance of self-evident truth, and herein lies the danger. Unless the people can see the broad vistas of unused resources in front of them, the belief in limited resources preached by the Rome's Report tends to follow as a matter of course.. And if the idea is accepted that the world's resources are fixed, then each person, and each race or nation is the enemy of every other rcae ir nation.Only in a universe of which resources are renewed by its Creator can all men be brothers.
The Creation which Never Ended
An ancient Jewish word says: God creates; in order to continue to create (Gen. 2:3) was thus interpreted: which speaks of God’s work which “God in creating made” (Cf. J.H. Katz, The Pentateuch. London, Soncino, 1964) p.6: “In creating had made (asher bara’ Adonay l’asoth) lit. “which God created to make,”) i.e. to continue acting through time (Ibn Ezra, Abrabnel) by the unceasing operation of the Divine Laws (Will) …or, as the rabbis say, the work of creation continues, and the world is still in the process of creation, as long as the conflict between good and evil remains undecided.”
New Stars Are Created
In 1054 a brilliant new star appeared brightly in the constellation of Taurus. Four times brighter then Venus, it was visible in daylight for several weeks and at night for almost two years. Enthralled Chinese astronomers wrote extensively about it and what it meant for developments on earth. European and Arab astronomers, however, were strangely silent about the new star, as if they did not see it. Of course, for they were active observers, and the star was not to be missed. The only explanation for their oversight is that a new star was so thoroughly inconsistent with their expectations that they could not accept the testimony of their own eyes. Their astronomical paradigm included an ancient belief that heavens were unchanging. The appearance of a new star would entail the absurd proposition that God “restarted” the process of creation that had been completed on the sixth day. And that of course, was simply ridiculous. Brahe's new star made no sense within the reigning explanatory paradigm. But there it was, visible in daylight, clearly a new star.
In 1987 another new star – Supernova 1987a – appeared and, although it made the cover of Time magazine, it occasioned no distress in the scientific community. By 1987 such phenomena had become part of mainstream astronomy, and this time the new star was of interest largely because it confirmed some untested implications of theories of stellar evolution.
Thomas Jay Oord said: “The Bible tells us how to find abundant life, not the details of how life became abundant.” I disagree.
Belittling the Creative Power of YHWH
Rome was determined to exclude the Jews from the land of Judah, which by now was desolate of its sons. Even in the Galil the gentiles had become very numerous. The old order, wherein Israel had been a people on its own land, was rapidly vanishing. In a few generations the entire Jewish community in the land of Israel would be destroyed, and the center of the Torah would shift to the far-off Bavel. This ancient Roman policy inspires the present political initiatives to prevent the Jews from settling in their God-given homeland.
The Minim were intensifying their efforts to harass the Jews spiritually and physically, and they were busy inciting Rome against them. In Hullin 87A we read the following report: “A min said to Rabbi: He who formed mountains is not the one who created the wind, for it is written 'Behold He forms mountains and He creates the wind' – Amos 4:13. (According to the Gospel of John it was Logos and not YHWH who created the heaven and the earth). Rabbi replied: Foolish one, go to the end of the verse, which states: 'The L-rd of Hosts is His name'”.
That this was a matter of great gravity is evident from the fact that when the Min promised to reply after three days, Rabbi fasted during the ensuing three days until the report came that the Min had taken his life because he found no reply.
G-d blessed the seventh day, and He declared it to be holy, for it was on this day that he ceased from all the work which G-d created to make. (Bereshis 2:3) In other words, as rabbi Leo Baeck observed, G-d created the world in order to continue the work of creation. Let us see how G-d continues to create the earth. Because G-d did not stop to create after six days of creation. G-'s day of rest suggests His continued activity. The Guardian of Israel won't slumber, as the Psalmist asserts.
The Biblical Secretaries of G-d assigned meteorites to the vast category called “Hosts of the YHWH.” Indeed, if we take into consideration frequency of the meteorite falls, we can compare this phenomenon to rain or dew; that's why the scientific literature speaks about “meteorite showers.” Meteors occur in the earth's atmosphere every day. These and invisible meteorites are estimated to add more than 1,000 short tons (910 metric tons) daily to the earth's weight. But who counted them? Did anybody count bacteria or viruses? Yeast is always there when we need it. If meteorite showers fall on the moon the same as they fall on the earth the physical features (the face in the moon) should have disappeared long time ago. Not only it didn't, but it stays the same forever. In the Bible the earth is the sole place of creation for the children of Adam and Eve multiplying and replenishing it.
Approximately, 15 billion tons of continental material reaches the outlets of rivers and streams annually. Most of the detritus is trapped near the outlets and on continental shelves and only a few billion tons actually escapes into the deep sea. Together with the biological material in the sea it contributes about 3 billion tons of sediments in the ocean floor each year. Obviously, the Hosts of YHWH have to balance the yearly disappearance of the continental material into sea depths. And, in fact, they do.
Careful excavation revealed the remains of twenty-three earlier temples lying beneath the ziggurath of Eridu in successively deeper occupation levels, the earliest being a simple chapel built upon an ancient sand dune and dating back to at least 5000 BC. Eighteen levels were revealed from the so-called Ubaid period, which preceded the appearance of writing.”
The ancient people knew of the precious metal’s celestial origin for in many languages the name for it contains a reference to the sky (Gr. Meteoron, things in the air, lifted up, in air). Coming from gods, as it was believed, they were venerated in temples. One of the best known instances is that of the Ephesians; they were worshipers not of the goddess Diana and the “image which fell down from Jupiter,” as the unfortunate translation of Acts 19:35 runs in the authorized English version, but of Diana and of the “thing that fell from the sky.” Similarly, in Delphi besides Apollo a holy stone was the object of adoration. The “iron shield” which fell in Rome under the reign of Numa Pompilius was put in the perpetual custody of a college of 12 priests. The ‘Black stone’ of the Kaba is no doubt, a stone meteorite with its strange black crust. In the ruins of an ancient Mexican temple an iron meteorite was unearthed, carefully wrapped in mummy cloths. A shower of stones which fell from the sky in 1803 at l’Aigle, not far from Paris, finally convinced the Paris Academy and the rest of the scientific world of the reality of the fall of meteorites. Latin term sidus, star is derived from Gr. Sideros, iron.
DUST is composed of tiny particles of many kinds of solid materials. The particles have diameters of less than 0.0025 millimeters (0.0001 inches); a million typical dust particles would have a total volume equal to about one grain of sand. The particles consist of minerals, organic matter, soot, radioactive materials, and salt from evaporated sea spray. In relatively pure air there are fewer than 500 particles of dust per cubic centimeter, whereas dirty air may contain more than 50,000 particles per cubic centimeter. In Millikin site in the Fraser Canyon, British Columbia, excavation uncovered stratified geological deposits containing a series of archaeological components dating from the early postglacial period to the 19th century A.D.
Plateau basalts, or lava plains, occur where fissures leaked successive flows of basic lava that have blanketed huge areas in basalt. Basalt up to 7000ft (2100m) thick covers 250,000 sq mi (650,000 sq km) in India’s Deccan Plateau. Other outflows form the US Columbia River Plateau, South America’s Parana Plateau, the Abyssinian Plateau, and Northern Ireland’s Antrim Plateau.
Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.
The river Rhone in southern France flows through a plain of sands and gravels, but buried far beneath these deposits, lies a deep channel. It can be traced down the Rhone valley, sinking over deeper as it goes, until near the Mediterranean coast it is 3,000 feet below the present sea-level.
A similar buried channel underlies the valley of the Nile. In the Delta, it sinks so far beneath the thick layer of sediments deposited by the river that it seemed untraceable. Recently, oil geologists located it – 8,000 feet beneath the city of Cairo
The great Sphinx of Giza, as a 19th-century photograph shows has spent a large part of its known history covered up to its neck in desert sands. Whilst thus covered, its body has not been subject to wind-erosion, yet the body is heavily weathered. Could there have been some weathering agency at work?
Indeed, the meteorite showers may consist of no more than 5 meteors in an hour but may reach as many as 75. On occasions, the sky may be lit by thousands of meteors per hour. Some 35,000 or so meteors fell one hour during the Leonid meteor shower of November 1833. This spectacular display of the Hosts of YHWH terrified most everyone who witnessed it. On Feb. 8, 1969, a 30-ton meteor broke up over the town of Pueblito de Allende in northern Mexico. Some of the 5,000 objects larger than a baseball are currently being tracked around the earth – the natural satellites.
Without rain, snow, dew, the earth would not put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit-tree bearing fruit after its kind (Gen 1:11), which means that life would not be possible. We don't perceive the life-fostering function of the meteorite showers because it covers much longer periods of time. The language of the Bible does not sound like the jargon of the modern Science, nonetheless the thoughts of many Biblical verses match exactly conclusions of the present-day geologists.
For instance, the verse: “And G-d said: 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear'” (Gen. 1:9) express the same phenomenon which the modern geologists discovered when they saw that rocks formed below the seas are now high in the mountains and that mountain chains have been raised repeatedly at different places and then worn away.
Climbers in Switzerland, Austria, and Croatia, as they ascend more than a mile above sea level, pass decks of ice-crusted rock made from the skeletons of sea creatures that once lived in the Mediterranean. More than 3,000 years ago, the trodos ophiolite on Cyprus was mined extensively by the Greeks for its copper and tin. In essence, the Greeks were minding the ocean floor that had been conveniently brought up the the surface by YHWH.
The deposits were formed by the precipitation of metals from hot-water solutions that were rich in silica and metal and were discharged through the sea floor by hydro-thermal springs. The ophiolites have been identified in various parts of the world: on the Apennines of Norther Italy, the northern margins of the Himalayas in southern Tibet, the Ural Mountains, the eastern Mediterranean, the Afar Desert of northeastern Africa, the Andes of South America, and islands of the western Pacific such as the Philippines, uppermost Newfoundland, and Point Sol along the Big Sur coast of central California.
At the same time, as the Greeks were mining for ophiolites, Celtic miners burrowed through rock and clay of the Salzberg (lit. salt-mountain) and dropped shafts more than 1,000 feet long to extract the salt. An underground mine about 1,000 feet below the surface of Detroit produces more than 1 million tons of salt a year. A similar mine in Wieliczka, Poland was turned into Museum and may be visited by those who want to see the bed of an ancient sea in mid-Poland.
There are fossils in Cheops's limestone blocks. One can spend days and nights cataloging the different kinds of sea life in these blocks. The skeletons of microscopic animals accumulated to form beds of the clear, white lime the Egyptians found so attractive for building pyramids. And now, consider the fertile Delta; once, this delta was a bay; patiently the broad Nile filled it up so that peasants could grow enough cotton to export hundred million dollars' worth of it every year.
Most of what is now Louisiana was once part of an ancient bay of the Gulf of Mexico. Louisiana is a “gift” of the Mississippi River. The 350 million cubic yards of sediments carried down by the mighty river each year would cover the entire state of Connecticut, if spread in a layer one inch thick. The many tons of mud, sand, and gravel which the great river dumps into the Gulf of Mexico each day would fill a freight train 150 miles long.
Under the microscope, most of chalk resolves into a coarse powder. Embedded in it, however, are myriads of skeletons of one-celled animals called foraminifera. When the crushed foraminiferal skeletons are subjected to heat and pressure they turn into limestone. A huge chalk and limestone deposit make up much of the southeastern part of England. The Latin name of England Albion (White Island) is derived from the color of these deposits. They are, in turn, part of a much larger deposit, some of which has been worn away or overlain by other types of rock, that stretches from the Baltic through the Low Countries to northern France. At the 22,000-feet level on Mount Everest in the Himalayas there is a 200-feet stratum of foraminiferal limestone. It is used to make roads and in building. Michelangelo's David was once a collection of tiny foraminifera living on the sea bottom.
If it not were for the meteorite showers that the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth sends upon the surface of organic sediments, coal could not have been formed. Coal consists chiefly of carbon, derived directly from organic carbon compounds of vegetation. The carbon in the plants that later formed coal was not obtained from the soil by way of plant roots, but from the air by way of leaves. Being the only known natural agency known capable of abstracting large amounts of carbon from the air, plants employ it in the construction of their tissues and store up for future use. Coal is fossilized plant material, preserved by burial and altered by earth forces. In order that the organic sediments could have been transformed into coal they had to be covered by billions upon billions tons of earth sent as meteorite showers, which made possible compaction and condensation. The distribution and amount of meteorite dust falls are controlled by the air current and winds in the upper atmosphere and then are dispersed by the different systems of air streams, which could be compared to rivers in the ocean. Men did walk and work amid the primeval forests that we dig up as coal.
The radar pictures taken by Columbia belied all those who explained the covering of the Great Sphinx as a result of engulfing it by the shifting sands of Sahara. Now we know that the Sphinx disappeared from the face of the earth similarly as the stone age camp sites – covered by mountains of sand. For the first time the Sphinx was excavated during the reign of the pharaoh Thutmose IV about 1450 B.C. And then, it had been covered again and again. In the 19th century, when it was found by the archaeologists it was again largely engulfed in sand. Indeed, the Creator accurately distributed His host on the face of the earth.
The Purposeful Creation and not by Chance or Natural Selection
The design of human eye and also of ear and nose points to G-d who continues His creation by enlarging the earth for growing populations of diverse creatures. Tears which are produced by lacrimal glands help to clear eyeballs of foreign particles, such as dust, and keep them from drying out, which would result in blindness. Each time the eyelid blinks, it sucks a little fluid from the glands. After the tears pass across the eyeball, they flow out through two lacrimal ducts that open at inner corner of each eye. They lead to a lacrimal sac and then to the nasal duct. This duct runs the length of the nose and finally opens into it.
Newton could construct a comprehensive system of nature philosophy only by making some very general existence assumptions about the ultimate constituents of natural world. These concern the famous “solid, massy, hard, impenetrable, moveable Particles” argued for in his Optics. Can you imagine such particles bombarding our eyes day after day, year after year? Obviously, Unlike Newton, God is no atmist.
The external auditory canal is the opening you see if you look directly into the ear. The outer third of the canal is lined with fine hairs and with the tiny glands that produce wax. The hairs and wax trap dust and other small particles.
Both nasal passages have a lining of soft, moist mucuous membrane covered with microscopic, hairlike projections called cilia. The cilia wave back and forth constantly, moving dust, bacteria, and fluids from the nose to the throat for swallowing.
Consider in this context the design of camel's eye. Camels have long eyelashes, protecting their eyes from sand. The third eyelid is like a windshield wiper on a car, wiping the sand away. It is thin and translucent, allowing camels to see in sandstorms. Broad ridges of bone above each eye act as built-in sun visors, shielding the eyes. Small ears prevent sand from getting in them.
We perceive the same designing “Mind” behind the oil-producing process. Large reservoirs of oil and natural gas are dependent on the existence of certain geological conditions, such as a sedimentary source for the oil, a porous rock to serve as a reservoir, and some kind of confining sediments. The source material is generally organic carbon in fine-grained, carbon-rich sediments. Porous and permeable sedimentary rock such as sandstone provides the reservoir, and diverse geologic structures that result from folding or faulting of sedimentary layers (earthquakes!) can serve as dams to pool the oil. In order for organic material to be transformed into oil, at least one or two conditions must be met. Either the rat of accumulation must be so high or the oxygen in the bottom water must be so low that the material is not oxidized before it is buried. Oxidation causes decay, which destroys organic material; therefore, areas where there are high rates of accumulation of sediments rich in organic material are the most favorable sites for the formation of oil-bearing rock.
Referring to famine as a check on population, Bishop Malthus wrote in the following incredibly sincere passage from the revised sixth Edition of his Essay on the Principle of Population (1862):
“...We should facilitate, instead of impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the frequent visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits.” Now you understand better why certain people hate Moses and the Torah.
Encyclopedia Britannica calls Moses “This former stammering murderer”* because he dared to kill a sadistic slave master thus preventing a senseless murder of a helpless human being. But can a slave be considered a human being in the context of Malthus's Essay on Population?
The Elizabethan poor laws of the 1580s treated the able-bodied poor as prisoners in workhouses and gave the rest starvation-level aid (the royal welfare, or the royal euthanasia). The labor market meant that the costs and restraints that serfdom imposed on the lord could be rudely jettisoned. Now the landlord could just hire workers in exchange for cash. As the villagers grew older and less capable of hard labor, the lord would not renew their contracts and would turn them loose on the highways, and into the town and forests. The towns restricted immigration. In the forests, if the peasants were not too old they could join groups, such as the one headed by Robin.
As the 1972 Club of Rome's Project Report on The Predicament of Mankind made us all aware, there are “limits to growth”, and if the world's major industrial powers continue to pursue economic growth and to foster an ethic based on ever-increasing production and consumption of goods the planet's resources will rapidly be depleted and the environment irremediably polluted. To create “a steady state of economic and ecological equilibrium,” the Report concluded, will require a Copernican revolution of the mind” and if the human species is to survive “man must explore himself – his goals and values – as much as the world he seeks to change. So now, at last you know what the Copernican revolution really means.
The Malthusian-Darwinian “Ten Commandments”
On one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia stands a huge granite monument. Engraved in eight different languages on the four giant stones that support the common capstone are 10 Guides, or commandments. That monument is alternately referred to as The Georgia Guidestones, or the American Stonehenge. Though relatively unknown to most people, it is an important link to the Occult Hierarchy that dominates the world in which we live.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
What is the true significance of the American Stonehenge, and why is its covert message important? Because it confirms the fact that there was a covert group intent on
(1)Dramatically reducing the population of the world.
(2) Promoting environmentalism.
(3) Establishing a world government.
(4) Promoting a new spirituality.
What does it mean 'leave room for nature?' By committing suicide? Or rather by following Pharao's order to the Hebrew midwives: 'When you do office of a midwife to the Hebrew women you shall look upon the birthstool; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him...Is “Natural Born Killer” a new spirituality?
In the Biblical cosmology “G-d divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament” (Gen. 1:7). Accordingly, we learn from Ex 16:31 that “when the layer of dew was gone up, behold upon the the face of the wilderness a fine, scale-like thing., fine as the hoar-frost on the ground.” This was the “Bread” which YHWH had given them to eat. In the logic of the Bible, the thought that the G-d who created life on the earth have fed his people with “manna which they knew not, neither did their fathers know” (Dt. 8:3), can be regarded as a miracle only in the sense that this food of Heavenly Restaurant had been sent precisely when it was needed for their survival. The idea of the survival of the fittest, or the strongest does not fit into Biblical scheme of things.
Buddhism, like every atheistic system teaches that things happen by cause and effect and not by act of God. The Chinese poet Chyen Chi describing a monk returning to Japan writes: “Following cause and effect¹ you came to live in the High Nation.” Interestingly, the term 'ywan' denoting 'gibbon(s), small tree-dwelling apes that were found throughout southern China during the Tang dynasty sounds exactly like the term 'ywan' denoting 'cause(s)'. It will be interesting to remind in this context of the ape-shaped Egyptian god Thoth who occupied the most important position in the Egyptian zoo-pantheon. He was believed to be inventor of the science of numbers and mathematics and as such the first to found a system of zoo-theology. Measured cause and measured effect became the basis of the Egyptian celestial mathematics which made proper use of the laws ( – the term 'mathematics' is derived from this word). The Egyptians used the word in a physical and moral sense and this ambiguity is still present in the notion of Natural Law. The Egyptian expression 'shes' meaning “ceaselessly and regularly” precedes historically the basic notion of the modern celestial mechanics. The most important purpose of Copernicus's research was he restoration of regularity of the celestial movements.
¹The deterministic concept of the Aryan materialistic, heliocentric philosophy is reflected in the classical Sanskrit of ancient manuscripts. Sanskrit uses few descriptive verbs to denote action – 'John run the street', for example become 'John did running the down the street' in which 'running down the street' is regarded as a state in which John happened to be, rather than an action he choose to perform. Heraclitus 's “all things flow' is almost unrecognizable as sarvam anityam 'all existences are impermanent'. Man in this philosophy is like a toy with a key in its back which sets him in motion from without, unlike the Biblical man who is set in motion from within, by his free will.
“Where were thou when I founded the earth?
Tell if you have understanding.”
“Who determined its dimension if thou knowest?
Or who stretched the measuring line over it?”
If there be no mercy left in the world,
The doors of heaven will never be barred.
The Creator reigns supreme, and is higher
than the angels
All, in His spirit, will rise
By His nearness, His life-giving breath
flows through them.
And they glory in His name
From the moment of genesis,
His creations grow,
Captivating and more beautiful.
The wheel in his circle thunders
Acclaiming His Holy name
Clothed in the glory of His radiance,
The six-winged cherubs surround Him,
Whirling in His honor
And with their free wings sweetly sing,
Together, in unison
Saturday, April 10, 2010
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