First Amendment - Religion and Expression
Amendment Text | Annotations
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Religion of Copernicus (Heliocentrism)
“In the center of all rests the Sun. For who would place this lamp of a very beautiful temple in another or better place than this from which it can illuminate everything at the same time? As a matter of fact, not unhappily do some call it the lantern, others, the mind, and still others, the Leader of the World. Trismegistus calls it ‘visible God’; Sophocles’ Electra, ‘that which gazes upon all things.’ And so the sun, as if resting on a kingly throne, governs the family of stars (like Zeu pater) which wheel around.”
Zeus is a comletely unusual noun in "Greek", having both a stem Z n–(as in the philosopher Zeno's name) and a stem Di– (earlier Diw–). In the Iliad prayers to Zeus begin with the vocative form Zeu pater, “ Comparative philology has revealed that the “sky” word refers specifically to the bright daytime sky, as it is derived from the root meaning “to shine.” This root also shows up in ""Latin""(which in fact is ALBANIAN (dita) di s “day,” borrowed into English in words like diurnal. Closely related to these words is Indo-European *deiwos “god,”which shows up, among other places, in the name of the Old English god Tiw in Modern English Tuesday, “Tiw's day.” *Deiwos is also the source of Latin d vus “pertaining to the gods,” whence English divine and the Italian operatic diva, and deus, “god,” whence deity. The sun is considered a normal star but differently to the night stars it is seen as the DAY STAR.. Gen 1:14 calls the sun a sign for day. The Moon is called a lesser light to rule the night. In the myth the sun 'dies' in the evening and rises in the morning. Remember the eclipse accompanying Jesus' death on the cross?
Interestingly, the Greek word Soter may be used as as a title of God (Poseidon Soter), any heroized leaders of Hellenistic dynasties, (see hero cult)., as a title of liberators(Ptolemy I Soter), a title of Jesus, most particularly in the Pope Soter . The corresponding Albanian word zot means God, lord, gentleman, master. No wonder, that the publication of Copernicus’s “The Revolutions” had an immediate political consequence; it strengthened the claims of all monarchs of Europe to absolute power.
Copernicus's heliocentrism has nothing to do with Science; it epitomized the long evolution of the scholastic religious heliocentrism as confirmed by the following quote from The Revolutions. Darwin's evolutionism belongs to the same category.
“we conceive immobility to be nobler and more divine that mutability and instability, which latter is therefore more appropriate to the earth than to the universe. I add to this that it would seem quite absurd to attribute motion to that which contains and locates, rather than to that which is contained and located – namely, the earth.” (In Copernicus' book the center of the earth orbit is as divine as the sun; the Aryan puru is a god, remember?)
Arthur Koestler in his Sleepwalker observed:” The dials on the laboratory panels are turning into another version of the shadows in the cave. Our hypnotic enslavement to the numerical aspects of reality has dulled our perception of non-quantitative moral values; the resultant end-justified-the-means ethics may be a major factor in our undoing. Conversely, the example of Plato's obsession with perfect spheres, of Aristotle's arrow propelled by the surrounding air, the 48 epicycles of Canon Koppernigk, and his moral cowardice, Tycho's mania of grandeur, Kepler's sun-spokes, Galileo's confidence tricks, and Descartes' pituitary soul, may have some sobering effect on the worshipers of the new Baal, lording it over the moral vacuum with his electronic brain.”
According to evolutionists, the theory provides a solid foundation for atheism and assures the ultimate victory of secularization; every intelligent person now believes it; dissenters are “stupid, wicked, or insane.” We even hear that evolution will soon explain religion away.(Like in R. Dawkins's The God Delusion) Such affirmation assures blinkered secularists that someday religion will go extinct, eaten away by the acid of evolution. From the point of view of the Saudis the Palestine First policy is a cover-up for a new political crusade,which is also religious.
So, what is the teaching of the Palestinian Replacement Theology, which is supposed the supersede Allah and His Koranic teachings? Here it is, as expressed in the words of the bloody Palestinian terrorist, Dr. Rantisi:
Allah - many times wrongly translated as 'God' - is not the God of the Bible, nor the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Allah is another deity, one who drinks blood as water, who loves jihad and terror, and promises virgins in his so-called paradise to those who kill Jews - the more the better. Accordingly, we learn from a Palestinian post stamp that the true god of Palestine is Baal-Zephon who was a principal mighty one of Ugait or Ras Shamra, and of the Canaanite people who lived in that area of Syria. Israel was given a choice; they could follow Yahweh to their permanent freedom in the Promised land or they could return to enslavement in Egypt with its idol worship, wherein the idolatry of Baal-Zephon was popular.
Baal was originally, it appears, associated with specific places and sanctuaries; in Ugarit temple he is equated with Dagon (half-fish, half-man, the first-born of philosophical evolution). Ball was also known as the sun idol, Baal-Hannan. He had received the name Hannan, or the “grace”(Hannibal=the grace of Baal). That is exactly what the Pauline Christians teach, that the manner of spiritual life is all grace. “The law has been done away with the Christ’s death; now, do anything you please” is the teaching of Pauline churchianity. (Hislop in his Two Babylons observed: “From the historian Castor (in Armenian translation of Eusebius, pars. I, p. 81) we learn that it was under Bel, or Belus, that is Baal, that the Cyclops lived; and the Scholiast on Æschylus [chapter II, section II, sub-section I, note 22] states that these Cyclops were the brethren of Kronos, who was also Bel or Bal, as we have elsewhere seen [chapter II, section II, sub-section I]. The eye in their forehead shows that originally this name was a name of the great god, for that eye in India and Greece is found the characteristic of the supreme divinity. The Cyclops, then, had been representatives of that God—in other words, priests, and priests of Bel or Bal. Now, we find that the Cyclops were well-known as cannibals, Referre ritus Cyclopum, "to bring back the rites of the Cyclops," meaning to revive the practice of eating human flesh. (Ovid, Metam., XV, 93, Vol. II, p. 132. “The term cannibal is derived from Cahna-Baal priest of Baal). In the Greek myth, before they buried Zeus's remains, they ate of his flesh. Was it an inspiration for the Last Supper? Same-gender sex was also part of Baal worship...
Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and offer unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye have not known? Jer 7:9
Why Heliocentrism is Considered Science?
Consider the following story about the Chinese Zen master Hogen. To the question “What is Buddha?” one of the disciples responded “Hei-tei-dji Rai-gu-ka” (“the deity of fire seeks fire” i.e. holocausts). This expression “the identity of god and fire” matches exactly the identity of Brahma and energy and the identity not of person but of substance of Jn. 10:30. Belief in personal god, in India, was regarded as inferior knowledge. The true enlightenment was achieved when personal god of Mythology was replaced with impersonal force and substance. Impersonal forces make explanation by cause-effect possible which is considered Science. Cleon, the demagogic rival of the philosopher Anaxagoras, brought a formal indictment of impiety against him on the charge that he had described the sun (still to the people a god) as a mass of stone on fire. The cloven tongues of fire on the Apostles’ heads are logically connected with Jesus words (Lk. 12:49): “I am come to send fire on the earth…” Here Christ confronts the Jewish belief in personal God with the atheistic impersonal Absolute of the Aryan religion . These cloven tongues of fire masked the new-born Christianity as Buddhist atheistic Science. The white space suits of former astronauts were changed into fiery orange ones. This is the color of Buddhist monks.
Similarly, the Greek Zeus was the god of thunder and lightning, a bull-like (like Baal) mass of pure primal energy (condensed in the Big bang theory to the size of a point, which is the same as the Aryan puru, which also means god). As all gods of fire Zeus, too, possessed a body which he could use to practice the evolutionary art of shifting from one shape to another, reincarnating himself in in various shapes of: the eagle, ram, snake, dragon, lion, panther, bull, flame (which sat on the Apostles' heads), shower of gold (due to his honeylike ichor that flowed in the veins if all gods), and, last but not least, swan which impregnated Leda. ((The Catholic dogma of transubstantiation is derived from these mythical metamorphoses). An example of shape-shifting we find in Amhairghin’s foundation lyric: he is first an estuary, then a wave, then the pounding of the sea, then an ox, then a hawk, and so on. No wonder that philosophical evolutionism was smuggled into KJV.
Zeus has been at all the times simbolizing the SUN and the Indo-European ancestor of Zeus was a God of the bright daytime sky *Dieuo and *deiuo ("the day time, a shining sky") or a sunny day. DIELLI in Albanian means sun, ZEUS and SUN. Great altar of Zeus pf Pergamon in Asia Minor, is described in Revelations as the site of “Satan's seat” (Rev. 2:12-13). Later used as a model for one of Hitler's rostrums. Emperor Hadrian who destroyed Jerusalem and its Temple finished great Temple of Zeus, the Olympian, called Olympieum, in Athens in 131, and initiated cult of his gay lover Antinuous centered on his villa in Tivoli (kind of an early Vatican).
Keats wrote that the gods and goddesses are all still there, poised to manifest themselves at any moment in unexpected ways, to remind us that behind the facades of high-rise resorts and happy billboards, there is still the mystery, the terror, and the magic. Let me remind here that Shakespeare immediately embraced the fashionable doctrine of Copernicus: The glorious planet Sol/ In noble eminence enthroned and spher’d /Amidst the other…An edition of Charles I’s reign in which Ps. 14:1 reads: “The fool hath said in his heart there is a God” (instead of ‘no God’) is known to this day as the Fool Bible.
Incidentally, The third edition of the Bishops’ Bible published in 1572, and called the Leda Bible from the decoration in the initial at the Epistle to the Hebrews which is a startling and incongruous woodcut of Jupiter visiting Leda in the guise of a swan. This and other decorations in the New Testament were taken from an edition of Ovid’s “Metamorphoses!” Accordingly, a gay activist observed: “Queer Christians must also re-envision themselves as God’s lovers and discover a love relation with other species and with the universe itself. They need to become partners in their world with other species and learn to relate to them as friends and lovers. Because, as Pytagoras an early heliocentrist proclaimed, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul “ Bestiality can be regarded as a scientifically justified sex in the same measure as pedophilia practiced by the sun gods Zeus and his son Apollo who gave his name to the Moon landing program and turned Kinsey's criminal researches on pedophilia into a respectable science funded with tax-payers money.
The woodcut in the Bishops' Bible was a logical follow-up of one of the most important Catholic symbols marking the high-ranking hierarchs, namely the so-called pallium being sent by pope to newly appointed archbishops. The word Pallium isderived from the Roman pallium or palla*, a woollen cloak.The pallium, in its present Western form, is a narrow band, "three fingers broad", woven of white lamb's wool from sheep raised by Trappist monks, with a loop in the centre resting on the shoulders over the chasuble and two dependent lappets, before and behind; so that when seen from front or back the ornament resembles the letter Y (Wiki) also known as the Pythagorean letter. The origin of this symbol is rooted in the Greek myth about Zeus and the goat Amalthia, which nursed the baby Zeus from her horns;they were said to flow with ambrosia and nectar, the food and drink of immortality. When these duties were done and Zeus was sending her off into the heavens as the constellation of Capricorn, it is said by others that Amalthia's final gift to her former nursling was, literally, the skin off her back, a woolly pelt which the god would forever wear as his magical aigis, symbol of his lordly power. The Albanian lind (sun) and pjell (p.t polla, *polli) are synonims to each-other. This last one is the root of the noun APOLLO.
Well, the rector of the newly founded University of Cracow, which would become alma mater of Copernicus, Stanislaw of Skalbmierz inaugurated it as a sanctuary of Apollo's muses, because five hundred years after the Christian baptism of Poland in 966 all Polish priests studied in Italy, where Latin was the vernacular of both theology and of other disciplines. So it was obvious that all deeper thoughts of those men were shaped by the Latin culture. Even in the 16th century Polish national literature was written in Latin or was only an adaptation of Latin patterns. So it comes as no surprise that these men proclaimed in their writings glory of Apollo, Bacchus and of other pagan deities.
One of Polish historians writing in the 19th century in German Poland wrote: “Admiration for ancient authors deluded even the most honorable men; throughout th Middle Ages and afterwards Greek and Latin authors were regarded as infallible and absolutely trustworthy; all their opinion and view were embraced without further reasoning even their superstitions were regarded favorably. Their solar system (i.e. heliocentrism), which was ever commented on in the scholastic treatises was treated as a reliable truth. They did not distinguish between their historical and scientific value. All were condemning murderers “committed by the God of the Bible” (Cp. John 8:44 and Goldstone's report) but murders of Spartans and Spartan thefts and sexual perversions were glorified. A lie printed with Greek characters was regarded as truth.” The Cracow University of Copernicus's time became a cesspool of pornography which is confirmed by his seal bearing a nude muse of the sun god Apollo. And that explains Cardinal Schoenberg's letter to Copernicus urging him to publish his scholastic treatise, which became the canon book of modern Science.
According to the “Gospel” of Kronos, who was also Bel or Baal
Richard Weikart's From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany was released in 2004 (paperback edition in 2005) with Palgrave Macmillan in New York, a major publisher of historical scholarship.
In this compelling and painstakingly researched work of intellectual history, Richard Weikart explains the revolutionary impact Darwinism had on ethics and morality. He demonstrates that many leading Darwinian biologists and social thinkers in Germany believed that Darwinism overturned traditional Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment ethics, especially those pertaining to the sacredness of human life. Many of these thinkers supported moral relativism, yet simultaneously exalted evolutionary "fitness" (especially in terms of intelligence and health) as the highest arbiter of morality. Weikart concludes that Darwinism played a key role not only in the rise of eugenics, but also in euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and racial extermination, all ultimately embraced by the Nazis
The Harvard linguist Steven Pinker invokes Darwinian principles to explain infanticide, suggesting that killing one's newborn should not be viewed with the same seriousness as killing one's child later in life. The authors of A Natural History of Rape invoke Darwin to explain that rape is a consequence of “men's evolved machinery for obtaining a high number of mates.” Connecting evolution to racism, rape, infanticide, philandering, and so on makes many people very nervous, rather than scientific.
President Obama cancels America's return to the moon Posted on April 15, 2010, at 7:05 PM
Roman Pytel, Ph.D.
Netanyahu Speaks at Jerusalem Site of 1967 War, Quotes Bible
Iyar 5, 5770, 19 April 10 06:24, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
( Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem on Remembrance Day and quoted the Biblical prophet Isaiah, “A staff will emerge from the stump of Yishai and a shoot will sprout from his roots.”
Monday, April 19, 2010
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