In recent projects, R. Dawkins clarifies that his agenda is not simply the promotion of evolution, or even the “public understanding of science”, as his endowed professorship at Oxford is titled. His agenda is destruction of religion. He produces a documentary on religion for British television titled “The Root of All Evil.” In 2003 Tanner Lectures at Harvard were titled The Science of Religion and the Religion of Science. On these occasions he assaulted religion with venom not seen since since F. Engels praised Copernicus as a giant of humakind.. Dawkins and his followers, in their Oxbridge and Ivy League professorial robes, lament that the great engine of secularization has stalled and religion is coming back.
In 2006 R. Dawkins had his atheistic book The God Delusion published by Houghton Mifflin and Bentham Presss. The message of the Book is very blunt: the concept of god is one big, dangerous delusion that we must work to discard. Dawkins was given time to present his atheistic viewpoints to millions of listeners in his British Broadcasting Corporation documentary. His arguments were given serious consideration in the October 22, 2006, New York Times Book Review and Britain's September 23, 2006 Guardian Unlimited. The book is openly promoted and sold at large book dealers throughout the US and Great Britain. Western governments and mass media reaction were similar: Western governments were silent, and mass media sources promoted it. The publication of this book “coincided” with a new war in the middle East in which Israel fought on two fronts: against Hizbulla in Lebanon and against Hamas in Gaza.
According to Prof. R. Dawkins, The god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction; jealous and proud of it; petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak, a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a mysogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. Those of us schooled from infancy in his ways can become desensitized to their horror.
In contrast to the Hindu Aryans - “the most metaphysical and spiritual people on earth” – the ancient Hebrews, Blavatsky wrote in her The Secret Doctrine, held earth-bound, tribal views that “characterize many of the Jews to this day – gross realism, selfishness, and sensuality.”
A paradox remained at the heart of evolution. If life is a battle for survival then why are people nice to one another, why do they behave altruistically with no clear benefit to themselves. When Darwin put forward his theory of aggressive survival, he incorporated the competitive ethos of Victorian capitalism; in Dawkin's version, self-interest is encoded in our molecules. Dawkins maintained ruthlessness in the natural world by claiming in his The Selfish Gene that individual genes, not entire organisms, are ceaselessly trying to eliminate their molecular competitors. From the sociobiological perspective, although acts of human generosity may appear to be altruistic, they conceal fights being waged deep inside our cells, where the genes are selfishly influencing our behavior to ensure their own future. But in reality as his critics pointed out – genes can't think, and they can't have motives, selfish or otherwise.
Inspired by the Merchant of Venice
Iyar 13, 5770, 27 April 10 12:03, by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
( James Jones, U.S. President Barack Obama’s National Security Adviser, has apologized for an anti-Semitic joke he told while addressing a conservative think tank in Washington. “I wish that I had not made this off the cuff joke at the top of my remarks, and I apologize to anyone who was offended by it," Jones said in a written statement.
Jones, who served as former President George W. Bush’s Middle East military envoy and was considered by the IDF to be a “thorn in the ribs,” (Israeli idiom for 'pain in the neck'-ed.) updated an old joke about a greedy Jewish merchant and placed it the setting of Afghanistan. Unnoticed by media reports of the joke that emphasized its Jewish aspect, Jones also referred to a Taliban terrorist as a “fighter” and “warrior.”
The joke involves a Taliban "fighter” who asks a Jewish merchant for water, only to be told that he sells ties, not water, but that there is a restaurant two miles away. The Taliban "warrior,” after delivering an anti-Semitic tirade, returns an hour later saying, “Your brother tells me I need a tie to get into the restaurant.”
Andrew D. White in his book History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom wrote: “Seneca, had the scientific instinct and prophetic inspiration to declare that the time would come when comets would be found to move in accordance with natural law.” The “prophecy” of Seneca had not been forgotten. Obviously, Copernicus rejected the Biblical interpretation of comets as extraordinary signs sent by God. The thoughts of Newton in science and Bayle in philosophy were evidently tending to accomplish the “prophecy” of Seneca.
Pierre Bayle, in tearing down the pretended scriptural doctrine of comets, tore down much else: of all men in his time, no one has so thoroughly prepared the way for Voltaire. He declared: “Comets are bodies subject to the ordinary law of Nature, and not prodigies amenable to no law.”
Newton, in 1686, having taken the data furnished by the comet of 1680, demonstrated that comets are guided in their movements by the same principle that controls the planets in their orbits. Halley recognized the comet of 1682 a one which had already appeared at stated periods, and foretold its return in about 75 year; and the battle was fully won when Clairaut, seconded by Lalande and Mme. Lepaute, predicted distinctly the time when the comet would arrive at its perihelion, and the prediction was verified.
Seneca, Copernicus, Galileo, Cassini, Newton, Halley, and Clairaut had gained the victory. The natural law cometary concept means that we are part of a system (Copernicus's machina mundi) not requiring constant patching and arbitrary interference. Interestingly, Kepler disagreed; he insisted on a compromise formula that comets might be heavenly bodies moving in regular orbits, and even obedient to law, and yet be sent as “signs in the heavens.
It was total war of Science on Jewish people and their Biblical Science. That's exactly the same what the Psalmist expressed in his words: “Come, let us cut them off from nationhood, that Israel's name not be remembered anymore!” (Psalms 83:5)
Seneca, Copernicus, Galileo, Cassini, Newton, Halley, and Clairaut “killed the God of the Bible with their science” and their disciples sacrificed million of Jews to Copernicus's sun god (Baal, Molech etc) in the ovens of Auschwitz and in other places.
The War on Jewish People Goes On
By striving to prevent, and then to roll back and destroy (through processes of ceaseless vilification, homicidal slander in the media, arming and inciting hostile neighbors, etc) Jewish sovereignty, the nations, led by the greatest powers in the world, have for a long time been engaged in a process of de facto de-legitimization, even banning, of Judaism: Religious bigotry, anyone? Under Western pressure, exerted through local stooges, Muslims control or ban Jewish worship at Judaism's holiest sites. "Ethnic cleansing" - remember that watchword of anathema? The nations intend that more and more of Israel be made Judenrein. How quaint, how supremely cynical, that this is concomitant with their crocodile (and very belated) tears about Auschwitz.
Let's be clear. In instituting and sustaining, by all means short of nuclear war, a process that prevents Jews from settling their land, the nations reject the bedrock of Judaism and deny the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and that means, too, the Scriptures in which His promises to them are recorded. True, intact Judaism is to be erased. As Hannah Newman so succinctly stated: "Some people are working for a world that is free -- free of Jews."
The Bible's status within Israeli society is declining, students are also losing interest, and their Bible grades aren't high. The general public, through indifference that turns into ignorance, is starting to lose its possession of this invaluable asset. It is becoming the property of the religious community only, which continues to invest it and teach it at all ages and in all frameworks. (Condi's Gift: Partition Plans Redux by Eugene Narrett, February 09, 2005,
At first in June and then in July of 2006 Israeli soldiers were kidnapped. Rockets came raining down on major population centers. 1 million Israelis had to live in bomb shelters. A war was being waged in the North and the South and terror activity was up in the West.
The media lost an opportunity to encourage and strengthen the populace during last summer's war, Drucker, the diplomatic commentator for Channel Ten, charged: "During the war, we sinned by fanning the public hysteria... What the public wanted was some kind of massage to the national ego; it wanted all's-clear sirens. But during the war, we did not succeed in calming down the hysteria or in reducing the element of tension - and sometimes we did the exact opposite." (Hillel Fendel, Israeli Media Self-Criticism: “We Fanned the Hysteria” Arutz Sheva, 2.7.07)
In those days when the Jewish people were attacked on two fronts I sent “a message to the national ego”, a paraphrase of the well known Biblical verse (Jdg 5:20), which was published on July 24, 2006 8:10 PM by Yediot Achronot (Ynetnews): Stars from their courses will be fighting against enemies of Israel.
Two weeks or so the comet became visible to the naked eye:
Fact File:
Discovery date: August 7, 2006
Discoverer: Australian astronomer Robert H. McNaught
Alternate designations: C/2006 P1, Comet McNaught, Great Comet of 2007
Core Size: 300metres - estimate
Coma Size: 100,000km - estimate
Tail Length: Up to 300,000,000km – estimate
Reuter, Thu Jan 25, 3:54 AM ET
The McNaught Comet is seen in the southern New Zealand sky from Dunedin in the country's South Island January 23, 2007. The comet, named after Australian astronomer Rob McNaught, has a tail about 30 million km.
Halley's was hugely disappointing, Hale-Bopp was striking in a limited kind of way, but Comet McNaught is breathtakingly beautiful.
“The nucleus (centre) of the comet is very impressive looking through a telescope. It's just a great big ball of fire, it's amazing" Northland Astronomical Society treasurer Deborah Hambly said this week.
McNaught is 100 times brighter than Halley's Comet was in 1986. “"We might get a comet this bright once every 30 years or so, but we can only predict them once they have been discovered," Ms Hambly said.
Let me remind here that in 1986 God redirected Halley's comet to the Southern hemisphere thus mocking Newton's inviolable laws. The American people still remember how one of their astronauts advertised “from space” that it was Newton who guided them in their “most fantastic journey to the moon.” The word God sounds so unscientifically these days…
Alexis Dolgorukii of the Russian princely pedigree wrote in his article What Is “THEOSOPHY”, a Process or a Religion: “We have learned so much since Einstein’s introduction of his General Theory of Relativity that the idea of something called a “Law” of nature is deemed as quaint, dated, and more than faintly ridiculous.” God rules His stars not the Roman Natural Law.
The logic of my message to Ynetnews was totally unscientific; I would says it was an interventionist logic based on prophecy of Amos:
“And I will turn the captivity of my people Israel, and they shall built the waste cities, and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof. And they shall no more be torn up of their land which I give them, says the Lord your God.” Did you catch that phrase, “and they shall no more be torn up out of their land which I give them, says the Lord your God.” When God orders, the “stars from their courses fight against enemies of Israel…” - Amos 9:14-15
How come, that NASA with its orbiting Hubble telescope or the Russian Star City’s astronomers, or the sojourners of the International Space Station did not predict its appearance? See official NASA website: “A Bright Comet is coming: That object is comet C/2006 P1 (Comet McNaught). It was discovered on August 7th, 2006 by the hugely successful comet discoverer Rob McNaught…)”. I would say that interventionist logic expressed in Biblical phrase: “He Never sleeps or slumbers the Guardian of Israel” is better than the logic of Seneca and his admirers. God's Starfighter circled the earth for over five months. Consider in this context the title of an article published by the German magazine SPIEGEL-ONLINE: “The Greek Inferno, The Left at the Mercy of God.” Like Soviet Union after Halley's Comet swerved in 1986.
Did Copernicus plagiarize?
N. Copernicus befriended two men when he was studying medicine at the Padua University: a certain Celio Calganini who, according to Erasmus of Rotterdam, anticipated Copernicus’s book with his That the Sky Stands and the Earth Moves,* and one Girolamo Fracastoro (1478-1553) who, like Copernicus himself, dabbled in astronomy. He also wrote dense philosophical treatises and long classical poems, and held high status as the most celebrated physician of his time (in his role as papal doctor). Fracastoro could not resolve the origin of syphilis, so he wrote a poem and devised a myth, naming syphilis to honor a fictional shepherd (don't mistake him with the astronaut Alan B. Shepard) of his own invention.
*Interestingly, the original title of Copernicus's book was De mundi revolutionibus i.e. About the Movements of the Earth. This was changed by the publisher into The revolutionibus orbium coelestium which makes mockery of Copernicus's hypothesis!
Did Copernicus plagiarize Calganini's Book, which suspiciously disappeared from history? Consider this strange fact; on Copernicus's tombstone was placed no record of his lifelong labors, no mention of his great discovery; but there was graven upon it simply a prayer: “I ask not the grace accorded to Paul; not that given to Peter; give me only the favor which Thou didst show to the thief on the cross.” In what other sense could Copernicus have identified himself with the crucified thief?
In his poem Syphilis sive morbus Gallicus Fracastoro tells us that we must not view syphilis as divine retribution for human malfeasance. Rather, syphilis originated by natural (i.e. materialistic) causes that can, in principle, be understood. In fact, Fracastoro continues to argue that the infecting semina of syphilis may arise from poisonous emanations sparked by planetary conjuctions. He even invokes a linguistic parallel between transmission of syphilis by sexual contact (coitus) and the production of bad seeds by planetary overlap in the sky, for he describes the astronomical phenomenon with the same word, as coitum et conventum syderum” (the coitus and conjunction of stars), particularly nostra trium superiorum, Saturni, Iovis et Martis (our three most distant bodies: Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars) (Stephen Jay Gould, Syphilis and the Shepherd of Atlantis, Natural History 8 (109) Oct. 2000).
You see, Newton himself never believed that bodies attract each other at a distance (for the same reason, Galileo rejected the lunar theory of the tides).It seems, he was most reluctant to adopt a theory which came from the same stable as, for example, the theory that “influenza” epidemics are due to an astral “influence” (influenza so called because formerly attributed by astrologers to the influence of the stars).
Now, my question is, do you believe that the AIDS epidemic is a result of “poisonous emanations sparked by planetary conjunction, (sexual act)” or, rather it is to be understood as a warning of God “annoyed” by the abominable excesses of the Sex and Drugs Revolution?
Fracastoro knew that syphilis infected only humans, but he regarded this observation as a puzzle under his theory of poisonous airborne particles that might, in principle, harm all life. He ignored, that unlike humans, the animals don't have prostitutes or brothels and don't do pilgrimages, and that explains why they are not infected with syphilis. A Polish chronicler of 16th century noted that morbus Gallicus was brought to Poland by a woman who went with a pilgrimage to Rome. Let me remind here that St. Thomas Aquinas considered it necessary for every town to set up a brothel. Copernicus's brother Andreas who was a high ranking curialist in Rome (he reported how his brother advanced in his work on the book) died of syphilis upon his return to Ermland (Warmia). Using Andreas' reports, Cardinal J.A. Widmanstaedt had explained to Pope Clemens VII (1478-1534) Copernicus's heliocentrism (Copernicanum de motu terrae sententiam explicavi), for what he was awarded a precious gift, a Greek manuscript preserved to this day in the Munich Library. Interestingly, in old chronicles syphilis was called “Canonical Flu”.
Suzanne M. Rino in her article Hitler and the Occult: Nazism, Reincarnation and Rock Culture ( observed: “The Swastika was originally a Sanskrit sun symbol, denoting a heliocentric cosmos ordered by an Aryan nature god who became the reinterpreted “God” of the Nazis.” The Nazis were as pornographic as their Renaissance predecessors. In the Indian cosmogony, this sun god was symbolized by a linga (phallus), and a yoni (vagina) stood for the earth.
Dr. Roman Pytel, Poles for Israel
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
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