The Basic Contradiction
The Bible says: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
Science teaches: In the beginning a pellet of matter exploded: Big Bang!
Philosophy is all about questioning the gods' powers over the world and trying to identify a single, natural substance: fire, water, earth, or air, as the primary material of the cosmos. The cosmos of philosophy is all matter in various stages of self-organization. Matter, aliens and huris belong together. Big Bang's expansions and contractions were anticipated by Heraclitus, the greatest pyromaniac of all ages in his Fragment 40:
What was scattered
What was gathered
Blows apart.
Science and Torah are irreconcilable. It would be nice to pretend, as the so-called theistic evolutionists do, that the study of evolution can be carried out without having any effect on religion. The heart of the matter is that evolution is, by definition, a story of origins, like the myth of Tammuz, or Mithra and of many others. This means that it really does supersede another creation story – in particular, the creation story as the very core of Judeo-Christian narrative.
Big Bang hypothesis is the basic teaching of Theosophy as it was expressed by H. Blavatsky in her Secret Doctrine: The fundamental Law in that system, the central point from which all emerged, around and toward which all gravitates, and upon which is hung the philosophy of the rest, is the One homogeneous divine SUBSTANCE-PRINCIPLE, the one radical cause. ( vol.1, bk.1). In Indian solar philosophy this divine substance is called puru i.e. point.
In 1964, the biologist George Simpson wrote a skeptical paper entitled On the Nonprevalence of Humanoids, in which he emphasized the futility of the search for advanced extraterrestrial life. He termed it a gamble of the most adverse odds in history. Pointing out that human are byproduct of countless special accidents, he concluded: “The assumption, so freely made by astronomer, physicists and some biochemists, that once life gets started anywhere, humanoids will eventually and inevitably appear is plainly false” (science 143 (1964) p. 772. But his voice was ignored by NASA, which is led rather by political than scientific considerations.
Indian religious philosophy regards the universe as resulting from a non purposive manifestation of, or emanation from, an absolute unity (substance) that is not personal in any strict sense.
In the Assyrian inscriptions we find recorded the Chaldeo-Babylonian idea of an evolution of the universe out of the primeval flood or “great deep,” and of the animal evolution out of the earth and sea.
The general idea of evolution in Nature, transmitted from the Chaldeans through the Phoenicians, took strong hold upon Greek thought and was developed in many perverse ways; Aristotle sometimes developed it in a manner which reminds us of modern views.
Hand in hand with evolutionism goes the idea that the Universe is built of four basic elements. In ancient Greece, at the very dawn of philosophy itself, a group who are now called atomists (particularly Leucippus and Democritus) postulated that all matter was formed of “atoms”, which were small, hard and indestructible. They taught that the atoms moved in a void, and that it was in eternal fallings and collisions of them that creates everything in the world (similarly in modern Science these fallings and collisions were initiated by “Big Bang”). By postulating the void that all atoms “fell” with relation to, they were perhaps the first explicit absolutists in history. They inspired Newton's absolute Space. He speculated, If ever space had not existed, God at that time would have been nowhere.
Aristotle envisioned all of nature as continually striving toward “the better” or “the good” (Physics 19218; On Generation and Corruption 336b28; Eudemian Ethics 1218a30). By “better” Aristotle has in mind certain specific qualities; he comments that being is better than non-being, life better than non-life, and soul better than matter. Thus, there is a meaningful sense in which “the whole of cosmos is permeated by some kind of upward desire and aspiration” - upward in the sense of toward form, life, and soul (Anthropic Principle). This outlook is essential to Aristotle because he sought to explain the puzzling phenomenon of spontaneous generation or origin of life. Plant and animal life seem to materialize out of inanimate matter – such as the maggots and flies that quickly appear in decaying animal waste.
Before the end of the 16th century, Galileo has begun experimenting with inclined planes and pendula, and had come up with some remarkable results, including that all objects “fall” (or roll down the inclined plane) at the same rate, regardless of their mass or the steepness of the slope.
Let me remind here that Galileo, using his telescope, claimed that he saw the detail of the moon that is invisible to the naked eye. This claim was consistent with the fundamental heliocentric dogma that the earth is one of heavenly planets and in this sense the title of Copernicus's book is to be understood, The Revolutions of the heavenly bodies.
Galileo's renderings revealed the moon shadows as craters, hills and valleys. Identifying such Earthlike topography in a heavenly body was an important step toward the conclusion that later put him at odds with the Catholic Church: that Earth was not the center of the universe. In other words, Galileo proclaimed, in opposition to Scripture, that the earth was not under providential care of God.
Do they see rains on the Moon with their telescopes, like they saw “canals” on Mars?
T. Campanella in his Apologia pro Galileo (Frankfurt 1623) was well aware that Galileo's inspiration for seeing the detail of the moon that is invisible was derived from the same source as Muhammad's claim about billions upon billions of virgins inhabiting the “heavenly bodies” built of four philosophical elements. He wrote:
“Galileo also says that water exists on the moon and the planets which cannot be. These bodies are incorruptible, for do not all scholastics contend with Aristotle that they endure without change throughout all time? He describes land and mountains in the Moon and other celestial globes, and not only vilifies immeasurably the homes of angels, but lessens our hope regarding Heaven.
“If the four elements which form our world exist in the stars, it follows from the doctrine of Galileo that, as Muhammad declared, there are many worlds with lands and seas and with human inhabitants. However, Scripture speaks of only one world and of one created man, so that this belief is opposed to Scripture. I pass without comment the opinion that Galileo has revived the heresy that Christ must make atonement for the men who inhabit the stars and die there again; just as formerly it was said that Christ must be crucified a second time in the antipodes, if the men living there were to be saved as we have been saved. In other words, Galileo's Christ was a perpetual pilgrim, like John Paul II was.
Muhammad, for political reasons, rejected the idea of the Biblical Eden planted by God on earth and embraced instead the idea of the Garden of Immortality that the Babylonian myth placed in Heaven. Unlike the Biblical Adam who was simply “sent forth from the garden of Eden” (Gen. 3:23), the Koran's Adam was “sent down from the garden” (Sura Ta-Ha 20:123). Similarly, in the so-called Gospel of Marcion Jesus was sent down, maybe from a hanging, heavenly garden,” like a certain Clark Kent who can live in Smallville, like huris can live up there:
In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar,
Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea,
Jesus descended (out of heaven) into Capernaum, a city in Galilee,
and was teaching (in the synagogue) on the Sabbath days,
And they were astonished at his doctrine (3:1/4:31)
Muhammad, like the Babylonian godman Etana ascended to heaven on the horse called Buraq. And remember all those killers on their way to the Virgins.
Newton took both impenetrability, and the lawlike behavior of bodies, to be essential features of our conception of body. Inspired by Galileo's idea of “Fall” he imagined the planets are falling to their common center of gravity like apples are falling to the ground of earth.
The first telescopic observations of the moon on record were carried out by the Englishman Thomas Hariot (c. 1560-1621), on the evening of July 26, 1609. However, based on his extant correspondence as well as entries in his notebooks, as in the case of sunspots Harriot did not appear to have drawn any particular physical significance from what he saw.
We know that some people can see phases of Venus with naked eye and maybe Moses was one of them.
One cannot help but wonder, is the moon a heavenly body (like a material girls, or huris) in the Copernican sense, or is it a light serving as a sign: “And God said,. 'Let there be lights in the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years.” (Gen 1:14)
We learn from the Mishna Treatise Rosh Hashana 2:8 that “Rabban Gamliel had a chart of moon shapes on a wall, and he would show this to the people, and ask: Was it like this one? Like that one?” And that's exactly what the word 'sign' means.
The Russian Professor of astronomy A.B. Arkhipov in his book Nyerazgadannye Tainy Vsyelennoy(The Unsolved Secrets of the Universe) published in Moscow (2004 ISBN 5-94538-446-1) among the lunar marvels mentions the following astronomical events described in ancient chronicles:
1048 The Armenian Chronicle of Etaum Patmich of the 13th century reads: “In that year, on May 14, in the early night during the New Moon a star was visible on the disc of the Moon. According to Armenian astronomers Barsegyan and Parsamyan an attempt to identify this star with the supernova of 1054 means stretching the truth.
1064 “in those days a star of unusual brightness appeared within the circle of the moon after a few days following her moving away from the sun. J. Malvesius Chronicon (Muratori L.A. Retum Italicarium scriptores. Lib. 14. Milan, 1729, p. 873)
1540 W.S. Cameron's Lunar transient phenomena catalog (NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 78-03, Greenbelt: NASA, 1978, p. 109) describes a strange engraving depicting a star which appeared On November 26 on the black part of the New Moon
The same catalog mentions that on March 5, 1587 many people saw a star within the circle of the Moon “exactly between the edges of her horns.”
On page 136 of Prof. Arkhipov's book you'll find two copies: one representing a Byzantine coin depicting a star inside the horns of the New Moon (see the flag of Turkey and of other Muslim states) and a similar event as depicted by the pre-Columbian astronomers of Peru.
Cultural blindspots prevent people from seeing things that are perfectly obvious in other cultures. Furthermore, even within a culture that is capable of perceiving something, individuals usually cannot see things until they are educated to them (like Gestalt Psychology does). Exactly, like Moses was educating his people by giving them the ordinance to look out for the New Moons.
So try it for yourself and you'll see with your naked eyes. You'll see the blue sky through the “cutout” of the new moon, and sometimes the black part of it, which, obviously blocks the view of the blue sky, but not always, contrary to Galileo's claim. And then, you will be compelled to ask yourself the question, is Venus a body too if I can see blue sky through the cutout of its crescent. And then, maybe, you will admit that the earth created by G-d as our homeland is totally unique in the Universe. Exactly, like the Torah claims. Everything up there is to remind us of times, and seasons, and years and of other events important for our lives. And then you'll find easily the answer to the question why God created the heaven first: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the myth it is the goddess of earth Gea who gives birth to both: gods and men.
The Nile Delta was the spot where life on earth was believed to have begun. The Sicilian-born Greek historian and mythographer Diodorus Siculus, writing in ca. 50 B.C. Cites as proof of its fecundity the fact that the soil was continuing to generate prodigious numbers of creatures, some only half formed, “the rest of the body still retaining the character of the earth from which it came,: while Herodotus tells us that the names of most of the gods came from that country. In this sense Egypt was called “the gift of the Nile” because as philosopher Thales taught the water was the father of all.
Another surprising thing about the Dialogue is that Galileo not only misrepresents the Copernican system as a beautifully simple affair, but seems to have been himself unaware of its complexities. He had never taken much interest in the tiresome details of planetary theory, and there was no real reason for him to plod through the technical chapters in the Revolutions from cover to cover. If he had done so, he could not have believed that all planets move with the same linear velocity, nor attributed the idea to Copernicus that the moon either shines in her own light or is transparent to the light of the sun. (Lettera del Maestro Paolo Antonio Foscraini, Carmelitano, sopra l'opinione de i Pittagorici e del Copernico della mobilita della Terra e stabilita del Sole, il nuove Sisteme del Mondo, Napoli, 1615). But transparency of the Moon would explain, otherwise incomprehensible fact mentioned above, that we can see through the moon during certain phases.
The prophet Muhammad taught that Muslim men martyred in a holy war will be rewarded with darked—eyed houris (huris) or perpetual virgins (Suras 44:51—56; 52:17—29; 55:46—78).
Dying to Kill, to enter the Heavenly Brothel
The Islamists, who hold a monopoly on Palestinian suicide bombings from 1993 to 2002, live in a world of paradox. Led by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), they establish schools, libraries and charities for the poor while, at the same time, disparaging this life (dunya) as a fleeting shadow to which fearful Israelis cling. They close bars and discos in Gaza, yet preach a sensual Paradise where the shahid, or martyr, enjoys rivers of wine and 72 dark-eyed virgins.
A grainy Hamas martyr video entitled The Giants of al-Qassem recorded in the summer of 1993, is the last will and testament of three young terrorists before they go to Jerusalem and hijack Bus No. 25, which they plan to blow up – with themselves inside – if Sheikh Yassin, then alive and incarcerated, is not released.
The only terrorist to survive the bungled mission is Salah Mustafa Uthman, who was crippled by a shot to the head. He tells the authors of the headiness felt by the three: “On the night before our operation, we had that feeling when you get married, on the night of the wedding, so excited.” The ‘Giants’ perform a weird wedding dance with their guns before the camera. Maybe this dance explains how Muhammad received convenient "revelations" that justified his insatiable lusts and numerous marriages -- including one to a 9-year-old girl! Details about Muhammad’s licentiousness, cruelty, and ruthless ambition make him a dangerous role model. Indeed, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, Islam, this absurd theology of an immoral Bedouin is a rotten cadaver which poisons our lives.
In August, 2001, the American television channel CBS aired an interview with a Hamas activist Muhammad Abu Wardeh, who recruited terrorists for terrorist bombings in Israel. Abu Wardeh was quoted as saying: “I described to him how God would compensate the martyr for sacrificing his life for his life for his land. If you become a martyr, God will give 70 virgins, 70 wives and everlasting happiness.” Muhammad Atta listened attentively. He waited impatiently for the promised virgins. Wardeh was in fact shortchanging his recruits since the rewards in Paradise for martyrs was 72 virgins.Islam is a religious ideology that validates actions in life with imaginary rewards in the afterlife.
Wardeh believed rather Al-Sayuti (d. 1505), Koranic commentator and polymath than the Holy Koran. Al Sayuti graphically elaborated the sensual pleasures. He wrote: “Each time we sleep with a houri we find her virgin. Besides, the penis of the Elected never softens (like after taking Cialis). The erection is eternal; the sensation that you feel each time you make love is utterly delicious and out of this world and were you to experience it in this world you would faint. Each chosen one (i.e. Muslim) will marry 70 houris, besides the women he married on earth, and all will have appetizing vaginas.”
Pashupati is the Horned God of the Indus Valley, of the great Harappan city culture that developed from a village culture approximately 6000 years ago, in northern India and what is now Pakistan. The Legend of Pashupati can be found in reference to the Indian God Shiva, of whom Pashupati is referred to as being the proto-type. If we examine the Pashupati seals we find a very similar scene. Again we find the horned God in a yogic posture surrounded by animals.. Also on some of these seals we find that the God's penis is visibly erect and the testicles prominent. His European counterpart was called Cernunnos.
Louis Rene Beres, Professor of International Law, Department of Political Science, Purdue University wrote: “To deter the Islamist 'suicide' terrorist plotting now underway in Iraq, Israel, Europe and also the United States itself, we must confront this formidable enemy with a tangible threat of real suicide...We should think, immediately, in terms of “desacralizing” this grotesque enemy's explicit and unashamed inversion of holiness. Without thinking about how exactly to accomplish this desacralization, our war on terrorists who “love death” will remain based on narrowly military grounds. In any such war we would surely fail. (The More Things Change...On Fighting A Terrorist Enemy Who Still 'Loves Death' in: The Jewish Press Magazine, Friday, January 18, 2008). Ideologically, President Kennedy's Moon Landing Program codenamed Apollo was a continuation of the aliens mania in the aftermath of WWII inspired by the Syrian, gnostic Christianity in conformity with the Middle East policy of President W. Wilson.
Prof. Beres's Dream Come True
Christoph Luxenberg's book The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran (Berlin 2007, revised and enlarged ed.) scrutinizes The Koran; its origin, transmission, collection, historical context and vocabulary were subjected to scientific methods.
The Koran is not an easy book to read, for at least one fifth of its content is “dark” or “obscure”. This was readily acknowledged by Muslim scholarship, as was the existence of non-Arabic vocabulary, including Aramaic, Persian, and Greek words. On the other hand, the Koran says of itself that is written in pure Arabic, easy to understand, and “clear”. These contradictions did not trouble anyone much: They constituted just another mysterious sign of the Koran's divine origin.
Luxenberg's book applies the toolkit of the historical linguist to the “dark” Koranic passages, working under the historically and linguistically entirely plausible assumption that there's more Aramaic in these passages than the “pure Arabic” doctrine cares to admit.
How “White, jewel-like Grapes” became “Huris”
The – in times of worldwide actions of an Islamic terrorism for obvious reason – most famous example of a new understanding of Koranic passages in Luxenberg's book concerns the “Huris”, these ever-virgin playmates who shall be given to the Islamic warriors in Paradise, With Luxenberg they became – again – the “white,jewel-like grapes”, we know as fruit of the Paradise from Ephrem Syrus' poem The Paradise (De Paradiso).”
The metaphor of refreshing the dead souls in the celestial realm by the old-testament fathers is well-known in the Christian-eastern and Byzantine literature. But the most important of all is a picture that appears in the oldest transmitted Christian prayer for the dead of the 3rd century, which was delivered by the Copts, the Syriacs, Armenians and Greeks. Here they prayed for the admission of the souls in the celestial realm and their refreshing, calming and renewal in the eternal life.
A fascinating transformation of this idea into the iconography is shown in a Syrian mural picture, in 1998 uncovered by Dr. Karel Innemee, Leiden, The Netherlands, in the Syrian monastery Deir al-Suryan in the Wadi Natrun in Egypt. Here the three Patriarchs Abraham, Isaak and Jacob are shown holding in their lap the souls of men, which they nourish with white grapes.
In the Gnostic document Revelation on Pistis Sophia Eros brings with him the first-fruits of sensual pleasure and of carnal union. At the same time, from the blood shed upon the earth, the vine is born and some other trees grow up. It is then that Justice – one of the powers of Sabaoth – creates a Paradise. There is found the Tree of Life, which is to render immortal the souls of the Just who are rising above matter. It grows up even to the sky; its beautiful branches are like those of the cypress and its fruits are like bunches of white grapes. (Jean Doresse, The Secret Booksa of the Egyptian Gnostics.1986, p.168)
Aldous Huxley in his book Ends and Means, 1946, p. 70 explains enthusiastic reception of evolutionism as follows: “I had motives for not wanting the world to have meaning...The liberation we desired was.;..from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom.” In other words Muhammad, to a certain degree, anticipated the sexual revolution inherent in Darwin's evolutionism. Let me mention in this context that Zeus metamorphosed in various shapes, including these of animals, in order to satisfy his insatiable sexual urge.
Only sexual desire seemed reasonable to the Cynics. They avoided marriage as an external bond, but patronized prostitutes. Diogenes advocated free love and a community of wives, and Anthisthenes, seeking independence in everything, complained that he could not satisfy his hunger as solitary as he could assuage his lust. Having accepted sexual desire as normal and natural, like hunger, the Cynics professed themselves unable to understand why men should be ashamed to satisfy the one appetite like the other, in public. Like the animals do. We are but apes as prof. R. Dawkins assures us, who believes. with Huxley, that God is a delusion and as such should not interfere with our sexual freedom.
Interestingly, the English term 'whore' (German 'Hure'), an adulteress, f. of horr, an adulterer; probably from same root as Latin carus; Sanskrit, kama, love. The w does not properly belong to the word, but has intruded, as in whole. (Webster's Universal Dictionary)
According to Hindu definition there are thirteen emotions called Rasas. They are Sringara, also called Adi or the original sex rasa which lies at the very root of creation Accordingly, to this day, Shiva is worshiped in the image of his organ of procreation, often alone, and frequently conjoined with the corresponding female organ, which is sculpted to receive Siva's seed. You can see an orgy of pornographic sculptures in front of every Hindu temple.
Most commonly, in the sanctuaries where it is worshiped, the lingam is represented surrounded by the female organ of generation, the yoni. The yoni grasps the lingam, and indeed it is only when the phallus, the giver of semen, is surrounded by the yoni that procreation can take place. From the relation of linga and yoni, the whole world arises. Everything therefore bears the signature of the linga and the yoni. Each individual linga that enters a womb and procreates is a harbinger of divinity, and engaging in a sacred act. Virgil: “Tum pater omnipotens fecundis imbribis aether Conjugis in gremium laetae descendit.”—Geor. ii.The Christian heretic Justin who envisaged Jesus as ever-existent “seed-sowing Reason” believed that the good God was an erect phallus (Hippolytus, Refutation 5.7.21-22)
The Sumerian goddess Inanna, Queen of Heaven, Earth and the Underworld sang;
“Plough my vulva
man of my heart,
plough my vulva.”
A large engraving of the sexual goddess in the shape of vulva was found in the dolmen of Luffang-on-Crach at Carnac, in France. The Vessica Piscis symbol of the goddess of Glastonbury represents both our birthplace into earthly existence from the Womb of the Goddess and the gateway to spiritual knowledge through her yoni, through sexual union with her.
Sheela-na-gig figures are found in many parts of Ireland and in a few churches in England, such as St Mary and St David's at Kilpeck, Herefordshire. The goddess displays her yoni, the place of power. They resemble statues of Kali in Hindu temples where visitors lick a finger and touch the yoni 'for luck'
For a long time, the pundits have wondered why it was necessary to decorate a place of worship with sexual material, but if one observes the materialistic (Loukika) thoughts of Hinduism, there is nothing unnatural about them. Let me remind here that J.G.R Furlong in his book Rivers of Life (London 1883) coined the term “phalo-solar worshippers” denoting the inhabitants of the Anglo-Indian areas.
The Muslims embraced three important components of Hindu religion: its mathematics, phallic architecture, and polygyny. The Moslem religion allows a man to have as many as four wives, and the Hindu religions sets no limit on the number of wives a man may have.
Disappointed when the Jews did not acknowledge his leadership, Muhammed turned against them and invoked Hanifism, the supposedly uncorrupted religion of Abraham, against them (According to one tradition, in this “uncorrupted religion” Abraham went through with the sacrifice of his son). He also ascribed to Abraham many of the elements of Arab paganism that he took over into Islam. From this time on, Muhammed no longer regarded Islam as a form of revelation ranking with Judaism and Christianity; he proclaimed it to be the one and only true religion.
And the phallic architecture of the Dome of the Rock which is modeled on the architecture of the innumerable Indian shrines of linga and yoni is the best symbol of the Hanifism or the de-judaized religion. Muhammad turned into an Aryan anti-Semite; he went back to the sacred prostitution of the ancient Babylonians and revived the idea of their Heavenly Brothel.
A few years ago, Father George Coyne, head of the Vatican Observatory Research Group who actually run the pontificate of John Paul II suggested that we might view stars as God's sperm. Every sperm has the potential to produce life, he said, but most of them never realize that goal. Like sperm, “each star is fired with a propensity for life, but there is no reason to think any of them have achieved this.” Well, the so-called sperm gnostics joined sperm with the Holy Logos, like Justin the Martyr.
The famous passages about the alleged Huris are based on the word hur (adjectiv in feminin plural), which in Arabic means simply “white”. The Arabic commentators postulated that this adjective is to be interpreted as “white-eyed” Virgins. But Luxenberg, with the help of Aramaic sources, solves the problem quite differently: the word hur means “white grapes”, typical Paradise fruits of the Syro-Christian literature.
Luxenberg expresses optimism and hope for more Christian-Muslim dialog in the face of newly discovered common ground. But new bright light on dogma or academic orthodoxy is obviously fit to make lot of people feel very uncomfortable, and starts to put Islam in a position the Christian churches went through long ago.
Keeping in mind the agony of Salman Rushdie, the author published his book under pseudonym: Christoph Luxenberg. Luxenberg himself claims to have chosen a pseudonym "...upon the counsel of Arab friends, after these became familiar with my work theses", to protect himself against possible violent repercussions, since Suliman Bashear, who voiced similar theories at the An-Najah National University in Nablus, was thrown out of the window by his scandalized Muslim students.
Ibn Warraq concluded his review of Luxenberg's book for the Guardian as follows: “As Luxenbreg's work has only recently been published we must await its scholarly assessment before we can pass any judgments. But if his analysis is correct then suicide bombers, or rather prospective martyrs, would do well to abandon their culture of death, and instead concentrate on getting laid 72 times in this world, unless of course they would really prefer chilled or white raisins, according to their taste, in the next.”
Gerd-Ruediger Puin, a professor at Saarland University in Germany and another Koran scholar on the philological level, maintains that this type of approach to Islam's holy book can help to defeat its fundamentalist and Manichean readings, and bring into a better light its ties with Judaism and Christianity.
Other reviewers expressed hope that this book will create “the sober revolution.” And it did, indeed!
The Palestinian Zionist Organization
wishes the Nation of Israel a happy Independence Day!
Shalom and welcome on the website of the Palestinian Zionist Organization. Conform the statement of the World Zionist Organization which was defined by the First Zionist Congress in Basel, the Palestinian Zionist Organization agrees, confirms and declares that "The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a home in Eretz Israel secured by public law". The PZO is an organization which supports the Nation of Israel and the Jewish people.
Elias Issa, The Palestinian Zionist
(Founder of the Palestinian Zionist Organization) the new website
"The Holocaust never ended but the victims have decided to defend themselves..."
"The occupation is in the minds of Children who are taught hatred."
"Israel was the solution for the worlds greatest refugee problem that went on for two thousand years."
"Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?"
"When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out!" An organization that cries out for the Justice of Israel and the Jewish people.
click on the link to see that Holy Spirit cannot land on the spinning earth
Monday, April 26, 2010
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